Wildwood Sanitarium – Investigation

Wildwood Sanitarium

February 20, 2021

Salamanca, NY




Passing through the gorgeous skylines and serene streams of the Allegany State Park. Surrounding southwest New York, the small town of Salamanca, NY pops up at a “blink and you’ll miss it” type of exit. The town displays breathtaking views of the mountains in the distance and a close-knit community feel. The former holistic healing center turned tuberculosis hospital rests in all its former glory on the outskirts of town.

The majority of the Wildwood Sanitarium is still original including many of the interior décor and furniture. This includes items that were found in the basement; leftover by the previous owner of the property. Three years ago, in 2018, the current owner purchased the property on a whim and has been slowly reconstructing it ever since. Throughout its history, much has been lost to the sands of time. The current owners still search for the identity of the original owners of the building and even the year it was built! What is known is that a pair of local doctors, Dr. Perry and Dr. Henderson, purchased the old stone mansion in 1900 and ran a holistic medical clinic beginning in 1906. This facility was ahead of its time and was very successful until the tuberculosis epidemic took such a toll on the area that it forced local authorities to overtake the building to transition it into a tuberculosis infirmary.

Death ran rampant through the infirmary, much like across the country at the time. The old stone structure certainly remains full of remnant energies from those who passed unexpectedly and tragically. Even though the holistic treatments returned after the tuberculosis scare died off, the business never returned to its full capacity or glory and the building fell into new ownership and livelihood in the form of apartments. Overtime, this venture too fell through, and the stone building fell into disrepair, taking much of its history and tales with it.



Under the current ownership, the house has entered a new revival! The owners now share the history of not only the building but the area itself with locals and travelers alike. During this restoration period is when the haunted stories began to take form and become somewhat of local myth and legend. There have been numerous investigations and mediums brought through the old ward, leaving a plethora of stories including some repetitive names and common strings of hauntings.

We were once again lucky enough to stay completely overnight in this location, including being allowed to spend the night. Laurie and her husband were very generous and kind and accounted their own experiences as well as stories they have been told in the past during our walk through of the property. We had arrived right around 6:45 PM and unloaded our equipment and took our tour of the building. Our investigation itself began a little later than expected, a little after 8:00 PM due to us getting interrupted by something seeming otherworldly. We saw multiple lights in our hardwired cameras and heard footsteps upstairs before we were even able to record or tape anything. Right after this, the lid to our equipment box slammed shut, nearly shooting Julz through the ceiling. We could not debunk these events. Unfortunately, they did not make it on any recordings or tapes. We investigated until about 1:30 AM when we called it a night, opting to tape ourselves while we slept.

During our night at the Wildwood Sanitarium, we utilized a multitude of equipment throughout the building. We carried with us a handheld camera and Facebook Live which we streamed via our cell phone. We also had two recorders, one K2 meter, one MEL meter, one SB7 Spirit Box, one Phasma Box, one Rempod, one FLIR thermal image camera, one SLS camera, one EMF pump, multiple IR lights, and our blow up balloons. We also recorded four stationary cameras spread out throughout the building which were hardwired into our computer.

While our night started off with a bang (literally), our activity at the Wildwood Sanitarium seemed to wear out as we stayed. We do believe that we experienced quite a few odd moments and paranormal occurrences throughout our night at the old stone mansion. Early on, between our tour and set up, we felt different sensations and heavier air in certain areas of the house like the cold Tarp Room and the Record Room on the third floor. We also experienced some odd things like light anomalies during our set up and our lid slamming shut on us in the entry area where we stored our equipment.



We managed to capture a few images, mainly through screen captures via our video recordings and the FLIR thermal imaging camera. The bulk of our activity was captured via a recorder and the handheld cameras. Most of these included the use of the Spirit Box or Phasma Box and were not clear cut EVP’s.

Along with our experiences throughout the mansion that evening, our recorded activity and evidence makes us believe that there are multiple locations in the Wildwood Sanitarium which host a few different entities. The most active locations, for us that night, include the Blue Room, the Séance Room, and the Basement. In the Blue Room, we witnessed anomalies here utilizing our K2 meter and handheld cameras. The Séance Room shocked us with a moving pendulum followed by voices captured via the Spirit Box. Down in the Basement, we captured a stretched human figure on the SLS camera, odd lights on the videos, voices, and communication through both the Spirit Box and the Phasma Box.

We completed a thorough analysis of our evidence captured in the form of recordings, videos, and photography during our overnight paranormal investigation of the Wildwood Sanitarium. Below, we attached these moments that we feel that we recorded some form of paranormal evidence and labeled them as to what we felt, heard, or saw. After you listen, watch, and read through our evidence, please feel welcome to reach out and let us know your thoughts.

As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Setup / Pre-Investigation

As we began setting up our equipment in the entry area and dining room, we heard footsteps upstairs and at the top of the second floor stairwell. We attempted to follow these odd noises but were unable to find anything causing it. Continuing the bad timing, before we were able to start any recording devices, or even our live feed, the lid to our equipment container slammed shut.




  • There was nothing captured out of the ordinary here.



Facebook Live Video 1:


  • This was a simple introduction and walk through of the old mansion.



Facebook Live Video 2:


  • We started this video right after the lid to our equipment box slammed shut.
  • We then heard footsteps coming from upstairs on the second floor and followed the noise up the stairwell.
  • As the noises persisted, there were some lights moving in the stairwell from the second to third floors.



Blue Room 

On the second floor, the first room on the right, the aptly named Blue Room gained its name from the dark blue color of the walls. This room’s history isn’t completely known but it was utilized during both the holistic treatments timeframe as well as the tuberculosis hospital. While there have not been any definitive records referencing this room, the name “Tommy” has been recorded here numerous times. This has become so common of an occurrence that guests have brought toys and dolls to leave in remembrance of “Tommy” or whatever child spirit may still linger here. Stories have also referenced the toys going off randomly or moving on their own.

As all the activity seemed to push us to begin our investigation, we began our night “officially” with the closest room to our equipment, which ultimately was the Blue Room. During our time here, we recorded quite a decent amount of K2 activity as the lights would go off when we asked the spirits to move close to it. While we do believe we held our live feed camera too close to the device, it seemed as though there was still something nearby as the meter was alerted on the other side of the room. As we experienced this other worldly activity through the K2 meter, we heard footsteps across the hallway in the Tarp Room and Séance Room. Naturally, we followed these noises into the next area.




  • There wasn’t anything captured through the regular flash photography but there was an intriguing FLIT thermal image of what first appeared to be a figure sitting on the bed, but we later debunked this theory.



Recording 1 – EVP:


  • There was nothing out of the ordinary here.



Recording 2 – EVP:


  • After we debunked some K2 meter activity by our Facebook Live video and cell phone being too close together, we moved the meter further away.
  • Upon moving it away, the K2 meter lit at :41 and :45.
  • We asked if there was anyone with us, and at 1:10, the K2 meter lit again.
  • After we heard the name “Tommy” was reported in this area, we asked if they were named Tommy to which we had no response. In turn, we asked if they were not Tommy, and the K2 meter lit up at 1:50.
  • Around the 2:03 mark, we heard footsteps coming from the hallway.
  • We continued trying to communicate with the spirit asking if they were human, and at 2:43, the K2 meter lit up then jumped to red at 3:20.
  • After we asked the spirit to light up the K2 meter to red for a yes response, it jumped to red at 3:50.
  • As we proceeded to follow this up, we asked if they could light it up if they’re a boy, and at 4:10, the light jumped.
  • At 5:02, the light flickered after we asked them to move closer.
  • Upon us asking if they are older, we saw the K2 meter light up at 5:40.
  • With some silence and darkness, we asked if they were still with us, and at 7:40, we saw the light jump again.



Recording 3 – EVP:


  • As we started a new EVP session, we asked them to step forward and touch the light. At :30, and again at :56, the K2 meter lit up.



Handheld Video 1:


  • There was nothing out of the ordinary here.



Handheld Video 2:


  • After debunking a little K2 meter activity by our cell phone being too close to it, we moved the meter further away.
  • The K2 meter lit at :37 and :44 after we moved it away.
  • It lit again after we asked if there was anyone with us at 1:06.
  • After we heard that a “Tommy” was reported here, we asked if that was their name and we had no response. We then asked if they were not Tommy, and the meter lit up at 1:46.
  • At 1:59, we heard footsteps coming from the hallway.
  • As we tried to communicate with the spirit, asking if they were human, at 2:39, the K2 meter lit up then again at 3:16.
  • We asked them to light up the K2 meter to red for a yes, at 3:46, it jumped to red.
  • We followed up here asking if they could light the meter up if they’re a boy, and at 4:06, the light turned on.
  • At 4:58, the light turned on after we asked them to move closer.
  • After we asked if they are older, the K2 meter lit up at 5:36.
  • We asked if they were still with us, and at 7:36, the light jumped again.



Facebook Live Video 1:


  • The K2 meter could be seen jumping at 6:00, 6:08, and 7:25. All these moments were debunked as the meter was proven to be too close to our cell phone, we moved the meter further away.
  • The K2 meter again lit at 8:18 and 8:22 after we moved it away.
  • It lit after we asked if there was anyone with us at 8:50.
  • We heard a “Tommy” was reported here, so we asked if that was their name and we had no response. We followed and asked if they were not Tommy, and the K2 meter lit at 9:30.
  • We heard footsteps coming from the hallway at 9:43.
  • As we again tried to communicate with the spirit, and asked if they were human, at 10:23, the K2 meter lit up and again at 11:00.
  • We asked them to light up the K2 meter to red for a yes, at 11:30, it jumped to red.
  • We asked if they could light the meter if they’re a boy, and at 11:50, it turned on.
  • At 12:42, the light turned on after we asked them to move closer.
  • We asked if they are older, the K2 meter lit at 13:20.
  • We asked if they were still with us, and at 15:20, the light jumped again.
  • A light was seen moving three different times at 17:21, 18:50, and 19:50.
  • The K2 meter lit up at 20:18 and 20:44 after we asked them to touch the light.
  • There were two more lights spotted moving at 21:10 and 21:25.



Tarp Room

 The namesake of this room is visible as soon as you enter. It’s very possible it will change soon but as it stood during our time here, there was a large tarp sprawled across the ceiling covering the opening in the ceiling and roof to help prevent further water damage. To top this off, this opening left the room freezing cold, so much so that the owners asked us to keep the doors closed on both sides to ensure that the furnaces didn’t overheat due to the frigid cold of this area. 

This room, including the hallway which leads to the neighboring Séance Room, have been a peak for strange and paranormal activity. The cliché activity of footsteps and doors opening and closing have been reported here. The most common other worldly activity that has been reported in this, however, is that of a shadow figure moving from the hallway, through this room, into the Séance room.

Right from the get go, during our walk through, this room just didn’t feel right. It was cold, yes, but there was also a heavier air and just a disturbing feeling when peering down the hallway. During our initial setup and walkthrough, the air in the room felt heavy to Dan and Julz. They both agreed that they felt like someone was watching them while in the room and they also felt like someone was following closely behind them when alone in the room. We followed the noises we heard from the Blue Room and continued our investigation here. Unfortunately, by this time, the ambiance in the room had changed. It was naturally still cold, but the air was not as thick at this point and we didn’t end up recording anything paranormal. At the end of our first session here, our attention was pulled into the Séance Room as Derrick spotted the pendulum swinging during a walk into that area.

We even returned here later in the night – well at least Dan did. By himself, he still did not experience anything abnormal. He did not like the feeling in the room but ultimately did not have any paranormal experience here. The presence in the Tarp Room, whatever it was, was more prominent only when Julz and Dan were alone in the room. The shift was noticeable and marked as odd.




  • We did not capture anything abnormal in the regular pictures but we did see what appeared to be a figure in the hallway of the Tarp Room moving toward the Séance Room in the FLIR thermal image.



Recording 1 – EVP:


  • At 4:00, there was a noise sounding like a knocking coming from the Séance Room.
  • Around 4:10, Derrick called the rest of the group out of this room as he spotted the pendulum swinging in the Séance Room.



Recording 2 – EVP:


  • As Dan returned here on his own, he didn’t record anything paranormal.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:


  • At 4:01 there was a knocking coming from the Séance Room.
  • At 4:10, Derrick called the rest of the group out of this room as he spotted the pendulum swinging in the Séance Room.
  • The pendulum can be seen swinging around 4:27.
  • The door can be seen open at 6:20 when it was previously closed.
  • Around the 7:00, the opposite pendulum can be seen moving.



Facebook Live Camera 1:


  • At 4:20 there was a knocking coming from the Séance Room.
  • At 4:30, Derrick called the rest of the group out of this room as he spotted the pendulum swinging in the Séance Room.
  • Continued in the Séance Room Facebook Live Camera 1.
  • The pendulum can be seen swinging around 4:47.
  • At 6:38, the door was found open after previously being closed.



Séance Room

 This open area is sandwiched between the Tarp Room and the creepy Doll Room. Its name comes from the circular table surrounded by chairs all centered around a pendulum and candles obviously set up to allow for seances. On the opposite side of the room was another pendulum. Both pendulums were swinging slightly all night and not at all the next morning.

This is one of the areas that has been noted for the shadow man cutting through from the Tarp Room up the stairs on the opposite end of the room. Some seances, that have been noted to take place here, have led to sounds like knocks and footsteps coming from all ends of the room. The door to the stairs has been heard creaking open and the pendulums have been reported to swing heavily on occasion.

The main reason we were drawn to this room was due to the pendulum on the circular table swinging vigorously. As we began our investigation here, the door to the stairs was spotted to be open even though we closed it on our way through the first time. We did utilize the spirit box here which allowed us to communicate with some entities. We managed to record intelligent responses as we asked ‘Who moved the pendulum?’ and we heard “Me” and “Maybe” as answers. We also discussed the doctors’ names who were associated with the holistic healing facility. We did hear “Carol” or “Carrie” here, possibly referencing a patient or Dr. Perry’s first name. Dan’s name was also repeated to us after we asked if they could say one of our names. After some silence, we opted to move up to the third floor as the spirits seemed to move on us.




  • There was nothing seen in these photos, however, we do have a screen shot of the moving pendulum as well as one that captured moving lights as we sat around the Séance table.



Recorder 1 – EVP:


  • At about 1:18, the door to the stairwell leading to the third floor was found open.



Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:


  • We began our Spirit Box session by asking if someone was moving the pendulum which drew us into the room in the first place. At :20, we heard what sounded like “Me.”



Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:


  • After we asked something was conjured at that very table we recorded “Maybe” at :21.



Recorder 4 – Spirit Box:


  • We mentioned the new owner, Laurie, and if they know her. At :18, we heard a response of “I do.”



Recorder 5 – Spirit Box:


  • While we discussed the doctors’ names, we recorded “Carroll” at :09 as if someone was trying to tell us the doctors’ name while in fact Carroll Perry was one of those doctors.
  • At about :25, we felt the floor shake followed by the Rempod being alerted at :30.



Recorder 6 – Spirit Box:


  • We continued to try to get intelligent communication here and asked if they could give one of our names. At :09, we heard “Daniel” followed by the command to “Leave” at :24.



Recorder 7 – Spirit Box:


  • “Leave” was repeated at :02 then again at :50 after we asked where they wanted us to go.
  • At about 1:00, there was a strange knocking noise.



Handheld Camera 1 – Spirit Box:


  • We asked if someone was moving the pendulum, and at :48, we heard what sounded like “Me.”
  • After we asked if something was conjured at that table, we heard “Maybe” at 1:35.
  • We mentioned the new owner and if they know her. At 2:22, we recorded “I do.”
  • We discussed the doctors’ names and captured “Carroll” at 3:08 as if someone was trying to tell us the doctors’ name: Carroll Perry.
  • At about 3:24, we felt the floor shake and the Rempod go off at 3:29.
  • We continued to communicate and asked if they could say one of our names and at 5:08, we heard “Daniel” then “Leave” at 5:23, 6:56, and 7:44.
  • At 7:54, there was a strange knocking noise.



Facebook Live Camera 1:


  • Continued from the Tarp Room Facebook Live Camera 1.
  • The pendulum can be seen swinging around 4:47.
  • At 6:38, the door was found open after previously being closed.
  • We asked if someone was moving the pendulum, and at 11:00, we heard what sounded like “Me.”
  • Lights were spotted at 10:50 and 11:13.
  • After we asked if something was conjured at that table, we heard “Maybe” at 11:46.
  • We mentioned the new owner and if they know her. At 12:33, we heard “I do.”
  • We discussed the doctors’ names and captured “Carroll” at 13:19 as if someone was trying to tell us the doctors’ name of Carroll Perry.
  • At 13:35, we felt the floor shake and the Rempod go off at 13:40.
  • We asked if they could say one of our names and at 15:19, we heard “Daniel” then “Leave” three times at 15:34, 17:07, and 17:55.
  • At 18:05, a knock was recorded.


Record Room

 This room was another original to the holistic clinic and the tuberculosis hospital. It was also much closer to the examination room which allows us to wonder if it was either a waiting area or an area for the patient with more serious conditions and in critical conditions, leaving them closer to the doctors. However, this is merely an educated guess as there have not been any written records of the room. We were told that the owner attempted to sleep here during early renovations and her covers were ripped off the bed. She has not been able to sleep here since. There have been shadows and footsteps reportedly echoing from this area as well. The working record player (obviously the reasoning for the room name), sitting off in the corner, has been said to bring about paranormal activity, almost as if provoking someone to dance about in the room.

Again, during our walk through of the building, this room gave us an off-putting feeling and heavy air quality inside this Record Room. During our simple EVP session here, we recorded a few times where the K2 meter lit up, particularly once when Laurie was mentioned. However, as the atmosphere and general feel of the room adjusted, we didn’t get too much more activity here. We did split up at this point since we did get more activity in smaller groups. Dan and Julz stayed on the third floor, moving toward the Medical Room, and Derrick and Gabe ventured down into the Basement.




  • There was nothing out of the ordinary captured here, however, we attached two screen captures of light anomalies during our video.



Recorder 1 – EVP:


  • After we turned the record player on in hopes of getting some kind of response, the K2 meter lit at 4:06.
  • Julz mentioned Laurie here and the K2 meter lit at 5:40 and again at 5:55.



Handheld Camera 1:


  • There was nothing paranormal captured here.



Facebook Live Video 1:


  • We spotted lights at :02 and :38.
  • After we turned the record player on, the K2 meter lit at 4:29.
  • Julz mentioned Laurie and the K2 meter lit at 6:03 and 6:18.
  • Continued in Medical Room Facebook Live Video 1.



Medical Room

 This room was considered the room where doctors congregated and accepted patients for check ups and analysis. It’s currently set up as a doctor office with an examination table, skeleton, cabinetry with medical supplies, and even an X-Ray viewer. None of these things are original to the building but they were used in doctor’s offices that were downsizing and upgrading. There is not much specifically reported about this area, but the same rumors of footsteps and shadows from the other third floor rooms have also been shared here. To add to this though, there have been voices heard, so quiet that they sound like voices coming from another floor or even in the walls. Originally, it was thought that the voices were echoing from a vent, but the vents back then were not connected and this was simply listed as an unexplained event.

As Dan and Julz spent a little time here, they did record some K2 meter readings, beginning as Julz sat on the table then following with stronger readings as Dan asked if they could move the light to red, which they obliged. Hearing those strange, quiet voices (so quiet they were unable to be heard on the recording devices), the pair thought they were overhearing a conversation, almost as if Derrick and Gabe were a floor below them, only to find out that they were all the way in the Basement. With a hunch, they attempted to follow these sounds and headed for the Stairwell.




  • We have a screenshot of two moments where lights appeared during our EVP session.



Recorder 1 – EVP:


  • As Dan and Julz performed an EVP session in this room, the K2 meter was alerted at about 7:06 after some silence.
  • Julz sat on the table and the K2 meter again lit up at 8:47.
  • Following this moment, Dan asked if they can confirm their presence by lighting the K2 meter up to red. At 8:52, the K2 spiked to red.
  • At approximately 11:47, Dan and Julz can be heard discussing a very faint talking even though it was not picked up on the recorder.



Facebook Live Camera 1:


  • Continued from Record Room Facebook Live Video 1.
  • We began an EVP session in this room and spotted a light at 11:28 and 14:51.
  • The K2 meter was alerted at about 15:59 followed by a light at 16:09.
  • Julz sat on the table and the K2 meter again lit at 17:40.
  • Dan asked if they can confirm their presence and light the K2 meter up to red. At 17:45, it spiked to red.
  • There were a few moments of lights flashing at 18:10, 18:24, 18:26, and 18:40.
  • At 20:40, Dan and Julz can be heard discussing a very faint talking event, even though it was not picked up on the video.
  • Continued in 2nd-3rd Floor Stairwell Facebook Live Video 1.



2nd-3rd Floor Stairwell

In this wrapping stairwell, complete with a creepy doll sitting on a chair on the landing, there have been rumors of shadows walking up and down the steps, even peering out around the banister. A moment like this actually turned a skeptic into a believer during a public investigation here some time ago.

Earlier in the night, during our set up, we spotted a light anomaly moving up the stairs and pausing on the landing. It peaked around the corner and disappeared again. After we heard footsteps on the second floor, we found the door wide open leading to the staircase as if someone headed towards it and ascended the staircase after walking across the second floor.

As Dan and Julz made their way into this area, they paused and sat on the staircase. There wasn’t much to note analyzing the recordings but they did experience these odd, muted noises once again here. First, it sounded like music which led to some creaking noises. Then, they heard footsteps as if descending the stairs in front of them, urging them to follow.




  • There was no evidence in photographs, but once again, there was a screenshot of the lights seen in the Facebook Live videos.



 Recorder 1 – EVP:


  • As Dan and Julz sat on the stairs, they heard music, again faint, at 2:00.
  • There was a strange noise heard at 3:18 and footsteps at 3:55.



Facebook Live Camera 1:


  • Continued from Medical Room Facebook Live Video 1.
  • Dan and Julz sat on the stairs and heard music, again faint, at 23:23.
  • A light was seen at 23:27 followed by a strange noise at 24:41 and footsteps at 25:18.
  • More light was spotted at 28:49.




 Much like most lower floors of the era, the crudely paved cement floors were surrounded and supported by poured concrete foundations mixed with brick and stone pillars. Unlike other basements, this one had its’ origins cemented in time with its’ holistic medical clinic beginnings. The original tub, mask, and photographs taken from the early life of the business still reside in one area of the basement. In another section, a replica embalming table (not original to the building) rests beside an aged chess board and a group of old chairs.

At first, nothing out of the ordinary was felt here. However, as our time here drew on in the basement, we began to feel cold spots and just a general uneasy sensation. We captured two separate SLS figures while investigating here; one sitting in a chair by the tub, another seemingly taking a bow or attempting to sit down next to the embalming table. Derrick and Gabe appeared to wear out their welcome as they were told to “Leave” and “Go” after recording some other intelligent communication beforehand via the Spirit Box.

The group of four returned later on and activated the Phasma Box and heard Julz’s name repeated followed by Dan’s name after they had introduced themselves. We were all asked to “Go back” at one point, and as we asked where they wanted us to go back to, we heard “Home.” We also feel we captured some residual conversation, as if  doctors were discussing, or speaking with, a patient. Words such as “Relax,” “Clear,” and “In a trance” were heard here in a consecutive fashion. Much like Derrick and Gabe’s closing earlier, the group was eventually told to “Get out” and “Leave” which ultimately brought their time here to a close.




  • There were a few moments where we captured a figure in the SLS camera, a light, and an odd specter all via screen shots.



 Recorder 1 – EVP:


  • While Derrick and Gabe attempted this first EVP session, they could be heard discussing seeing a figure in the SLS camera in a chair at 1:06.
  • The figure was again seen at about 2:17.
  • As they looked through the night vision camera, the pair spotted lights hovering by the chair at 2:26.
  • Standing next to that same chair, Gabe mentioned he got chills at 3:05.



Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:


  • At :05 we heard a greeting of “Hello.”
  • We then asked if they are the ones sitting in the chair, and at 1:02, we recorded “No.”



Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:


  • We attempted to gain their name and asked if they could tell us who they were and heard “I’d like that” at :17.
  • After we thought we heard the name Adam, we asked if that in fact was their name. At :32, we recorded “I’m not.”



Recorder 4 – Spirit Box:


  • Derrick and Gabe smelled a sulfur-like scent and asked if they were the ones creating that putrid smell. At :07, we captured “No” followed by a call for “Help” at :13.



Recorder 5 – Spirit Box:


  • After some time spent here, we heard a command of “Go” repeated at :02 and again at :06.
  • As we heard Dan and Julz upstairs, we changed up the conversation and asked if they could tell us the names of anyone upstairs. At :41, we heard “Dan.”



Recorder 6 – Spirit Box:


  • Before moving back upstairs to regroup, Derrick and Gabe asked if they could help them and if they would like that. At :09, seemingly not through the Spirit Box and very faint, we captured “Yes.”
  • Finally, we were told to “Get out” at :15.



Recorder 7 – Phasma Box:


  • As the group re-entered the Basement, they introduced themselves, especially Dan and Julz. At :03, “Julia” was recorded.
  • The question of “Why are you scared?” was heard at :23.
  • “Julia” was repeated at :49.



Recorder 8 – Phasma Box:


  • After we asked if they don’t want to talk to us, we heard “We don’t” at :03.
  • A dragged out phrase of “Get out” was heard, broken up between “Get” at :26 and “Out” at :30.
  • We asked if there was anyone down here with us, we recorded a phrase of “I don’t like them” at :36 followed by “Dan” at :56.



Recorder 9 – Phasma Box:


  • We mentioned that we should maybe go to the third floor next, and possibly assuming our impatience, we heard a crude phrase of “Holy fuck” at :24.
  • As we messed around, trying to lighten up the mood, we told one of the group that they’re an ass. As if a response, we captured “Yes” at 1:10.
  • We were asked “Can you go back?” at 1:11.
  • After we followed that asking where they’d like us to go, we heard “Home” at 1:19.



Recorder 10 – Phasma Box:


  • During this point, we believe we captured a residual conversation, possibly between doctors, nurses, and patients.
  • At :01, we recorded “Relax,” a phrase of “Clear a space” at :05, the question of “In a trance?” at :15, and possibly a response of “Yeah” at :16.



Recorder 11 – Phasma Box:


  • After some silence and lack of activity, we asked, exasperated, if someone could do something. At :07, we heard an odd word of “Exorcise” then a strange screaming noise at :17.



Recorder 12 – Phasma Box:


  • We began to record what we thought were some condescending remarks directed toward us starting with “Losing your mind” at :03.
  • A yelling sound was heard at :08 then a phrase of “You look like hell” at :34.
  • After we mentioned the time and how long we had left, we recorded “Can it go faster?” at :43.



Recorder 13 – Phasma Box:


  • We asked if they wanted us to go back to the second floor, we heard “Just visit” at :07.



Recorder 14 – Phasma Box:


  • After Julz mentioned that she thought she saw something, we heard “Bullshit” at :10 then we were commanded to “Get out” at :17.
  • Finally, at :22, we were told to “Leave.”



Handheld Camera 1:


  • While Derrick and Gabe attempted this first EVP session, they saw a figure in the SLS camera in a chair at :33 then again at 1:44.
  • Some odd lights were seen hovering by the chair at 1:53.
  • As he stood next to that chair, Gabe got chills at 2:32.



Handheld Camera 2:


  • As the pair began a Spirit Box session, at 1:10 we heard “Hello.”
  • There was an odd shape seen on the left side of the camera at 2:00.
  • We asked if they were sitting in the chair, and at 2:07, we recorded “No.”
  • Gabe got chills at 3:01 then we heard a knock at 3:05.
  • There was then a light spotted at 4:55.
  • We asked if they could tell us who they were and heard “I’d like that” at 5:57.
  • After we thought we heard the name Adam, we asked if that was their name. At 6:12, we recorded “I’m not.”
  • We smelled a sulfuric scent at 6:30 and asked if they were creating that smell. At 6:37, we captured “No” followed by “Help” at 6:43.
  • After some time here, we heard “Go” repeated at 8:17 and 8:21.
  • As we heard Dan and Julz upstairs, we asked if they could tell us the names of anyone upstairs and at 8:56, we heard “Dan.”
  • We spotted a person almost bowing toward us on the SLS camera at 9:31.



Handheld Camera 3:


  • That figure was spotted again bending down at :45.
  • Derrick and Gabe asked if they could help and if they would like that. At 2:59, not through the Spirit Box and very faint, we captured “Yes.”
  • We were told to “Get out” at 3:06.
  • “Hello?” was heard at 5:14 as if we weren’t paying attention to them to leave.
  • We asked once more if we could help them, and if they were sure that we couldn’t be of service. At 6:01 we heard “I am.”



Handheld Camera 4:


  • As the group introduced themselves, at :48, “Julia” was recorded.
  • “Why are you scared?” was heard at 1:08 and “Julia” was repeated at 1:34.
  • We asked if they don’t want to talk to us, and heard “We don’t” at 2:43.
  • A dragged out phrase of “Get out” was heard, broken up between “Get” at 3:06 and “Out” at 3:10.
  • We asked if anyone was here with us, and recorded “I don’t like them” at 3:16 followed by “Dan” at 3:36.
  • We mentioned we should go to third floor next, and we heard “Holy fuck” at 4:49.
  • As we messed around, we told one of the group that they’re an ass. We then captured “Yes” at 5:35 and “Can you go back?” at 5:36.
  • We asked where they’d like us to go, and heard “Home” at 5:44.
  • We believe we captured a residual conversation, possibly between doctors, nurses, and patients starting at 5:51 as we recorded “Relax,” “Clear a space” at 5:55, “In a trance?” at 6:05, and “Yeah” at 6:06.
  • After some silence we asked if someone could do something. At 6:22, we heard “Exorcise” then a scream at 6:32.
  • We heard “Losing your mind” at 8:13.
  • A yelling was heard at 8:18 then “You look like hell” at 8:36.
  • We mentioned the time and recorded “Can it go faster?” at 8:53.
  • We asked if they wanted us to go to the second floor, we heard “Just visit” at 9:12.



Handheld Camera 5:


  • Julz mentioned that she thought she saw something, we heard “Bullshit” at 2:19. 



Outside and Inside Doll Room

This room in the back corner of the second floor, right next to the 2nd-3rd floor stairwell, was not known to be enclosed during the house’s original conception but was enclosed over time. This area seemed to act more as a staging area and break area for the doctors during the holistic care clinic and was possibly enclosed during the tuberculosis scare to help house more patients. Currently, the room is filled with dolls and right outside the room is a pair of beds alongside a heater.

The Doll Room itself had an overall creepy vibe to it during our original walkthrough but didn’t come with much paranormal stories nor activity during our time here. Outside the room is where we slept, but before that we attempted some EVP sessions to no avail. However, as we slept we videotaped ourselves. After analyzing this video, we did capture some phantom footsteps, what sounded like a door opening, crying, some strange whispers, and even a couple moments of knocking noises. These things could not be debunked as we were all asleep and in front of the camera.




  • There was nothing out of the ordinary in these photographs but a few cold spots recorded via the FLIR thermal imaging camera.



 Recorder 1 – EVP:


  • Nothing much was captured during our time here.



Handheld Camera 1, 2, & 3:


  • There was nothing out of the ordinary captured in any of these videos.



FLIR Thermal Imaging Video 1, 2, & 3:


  • There was an odd cold spot moving throughout the first two videos and what appears to be something peering around the corner in the third video.



Stationary Sleeping Camera 1:


  • As we slept, there were footsteps heard at about 9:39.



Stationary Sleeping Camera 2:


  • There was what sounded like a creaking step at 3:57.



Stationary Sleeping Camera 3:


  • A door slowly opening followed by footsteps was heard at 2:23.
  • There was what sounded like a sob at 7:30.



Stationary Sleeping Camera 4:


  • Strange, soft whispers were captured at 4:33.
  • The door opening, or closing sound was recorded at 5:09.
  • A clapping was then heard at 9:40.



Stationary Sleeping Camera 5:


  • There was nothing out of the ordinary captured here.



Stationary Sleeping Camera 6:


  • A knocking noise followed by a creaking footstep was heard at 8:54.



Stationary Sleeping Camera 7, 8:


  • The final two videos of us sleeping did not produce anything paranormal.



Upon a thorough review of our evidence recorded during our overnight paranormal investigation of the Wildwood Sanitarium, we can confidently conclude that the holistic clinic and tuberculosis hospital hold a few different spirits and entities inside the old stone mansion. Even though we didn’t get the sheer amount of activity that we thought we’d get, especially with all the activity at the get go before we were even set up, we do believe we encountered paranormal activity and communication. Being that the land resides on an old reservation, on top of the tragic past the building itself saw, it seems that these spirits are lingering between planes in confusion and fear. Some of these spirits we encountered simply wanted us out of their home while others asked for help on a few occasions. The more common occurrences seemed to us to be more residual in nature like the quiet speaking heard with a naked ear but not captured on recorders, the phantom footsteps and knocks, and even a conversation heard via the Spirit Box. 

During our time in the mansion, we encountered a few areas which exuded activity more predominantly and consistently including the Blue Room, the Séance Room, and the Basement. These rooms yielded us with a variety of activity from the K2 meter being alerted to intelligent and residual voice communication, including some odd noises throughout the night even when we were all asleep. 

The overall energy and feel of the building felt more like the spirits were interested in our visit at first but as the night drew on it seemed like their willingness to communicate with us, verbally or physically, decreased a little at a time. The few moments in the Basement when we were told to “Leave” and “Go,” combined with the lack of other communication, ultimately led to us packing it in for the night. Capturing the name “Carroll” or “Carrie” makes us believe that there was some clear-cut evidence of spirits trapped reliving their days in the Wildwood Sanitarium, while others have just refused to move on – refusing to leave the death and despair that the old sanitarium brought to both the doctors and patients alike.

This location was an interesting investigation for us. With the recent addition of Julz to the team, and with Gabe joining us again, we were able to approach this from multiple angles. We threw everything we had at it, leaving none of our tools in the box. Sometimes the spirit world just isn’t in the mood to chat. We all certainly know this feeling. Although the spirits didn’t have much to say, we all felt a significant presence of energy early in the night. Although the energy in the location noticeably shifted and deteriorated throughout the night, we feel that Wildwood still has a lot to say.

The efforts that Laurie and her husband are putting into the Wildwood Sanitarium are certainly making the place better than it has been in many years. Although there is much work to be done, we believe they won’t be doing it alone. With paranormal teams coming in to help gather names and information on the location’s past, we are sure this location’s mysteries will eventually be uncovered. We thank Laurie and her husband for bringing the life and energy back to this almost-forgotten history. We would certainly like to pay them a visit again to aid in their search for answers.

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