Mars Train Station – Follow Up Investigation 2024 – Mars Spooktacular


Mars Train Station – Return Investigation 2024

2nd Annual Mars Spooktacular

October 12, 2024

Mars, PA




The second annual Mars Spooktacular was capped with not just one or two paranormal investigations, but three. All of these locations were spread about the town of Mars, PA but this third and final location was opened to the public for the very first time ever and only the second time to us for paranormal exploration! This final location was the Mars Train Station, which is owned and operated by the Mars Historical Society, and opened up to special guests of the event merely a week beforehand! The wait was well worth it and we were even given the option to extend the investigation by an hour which many of the guests opted to stay for alongside us. Since this final investigation of the night was the sole event running, all focus was on this singular property. To add to that fact, the caboose was opened up for research and exploration for the very first time!


Our previous, and only, paranormal investigation of this historic landmark occurred this past summer so it was still more or less fresh in our minds. While we did capture a stunning cat’s meow, one we believe is linked to the town’s cat Chessie, there was a much more profound experience we encountered. This phenomena was not in the least bit expected nor were we aware of the item in question nor the chiropractor or person’s remains who is linked to these. After an intense, and dare we say religious experience, long and effective ESTES method session in the back room we believe whole-heartedly that we communicated with an energy which goes by the name “David.” After we pieced some things together, David’s body seemed to be hung from a simple hook inside a skeletal box that was used for scientific purposes. It did seem that this was not David’s wishes and he wanted to know what happened to his body and was extremely grateful that we communicated with him. While we have not made a ton of headway, what we did discover is that the old skeleton was hung in here during the historical society’s early days of occupying the train station but was since returned to the former owner of Dr. Schmidt who in turn sold the skeleton and lost track of it.



With all of these items to pull from, and plenty of evidence to back it all up, we are certainly always eager to share both the history and the results of the initial paranormal investigation which can all be seen at the links below if you are so inclined to catch up prior to diving into this second investigation and first public investigation of the Mars Train Station.




Initial Investigation:


The train station itself seems to beckon to guests and onlookers. Many of whom had stopped to speak with us at the second annual Mars Spooktacular were intrigued to hear about our time spent here and anxious to get details about the public investigation. This was so much of a draw, in fact, that this sold out quickly and everyone was extremely excited to join in. This was the third and final investigation of the night and acted as the capstone of a wonderful event highlighting the small town of Mars, PA. The review of the captured evidence and documentation of personal experiences has been left open to those who joined as we once again split our corps team up to extend to all corners of the property including two of which we have no experience investigating; one of those we’ve never even stepped foot inside. We relied greatly on the guests who participated in both what they experienced and what they gathered on their tools.


Our sole investigation of this property was focused on the train station itself as we were pulled in two separate yet distinct directions: the doctor’s storage space and the large antique space which we deemed Chessie’s Room as the mummified cat is morbidly (in a good way) displayed on the wall as a tribute to it. The overall atmosphere to these spaces was very light and welcoming although at first they seemed to be more closed off to communication. We could physically feel this energy alter as we continued on throughout the night and seemingly be allowed in to both communicate and explore further. This sensation was once again felt during this public investigation but to add to this there was an intense, overarching feel of too many people gathering in a small space. With that, we opted to spread out to both cover more ground as well as respect their space.



The night provided us with many priceless pieces of evidence and experiences, some of which were intelligent and led to some answers while others seemed to be trying to stir up some emotions to possibly feed off and utilize. We were able to confirm that there were certainly multiple lingering energies in Chessie’s Room, ones which are not confined to the space but rather just drawn to it. Originally, we felt that the Caboose was just not a very welcoming location and that someone inside wanted control but as the night progressed this seemed to change as it felt as though someone was hiding up in the nook above the sitting space. The museum space which houses countless artifacts from the area gave us odd sensations during our first visit but we never spent much time here attempting to narrow this down or pinpoint who may be here. This investigation did seem to bring a few different energies to the surface, one of which lurks about the area while others may be tied more to the antiques.


The energies in Chessie’s Room appeared to like both the light up tools as well as the attention our group was providing to them. Clear and loud knocking sounds were heard as we recognized them and directed questions to them. There were further shuffling and creaking sounds as we continued spending time with them but as more people filed into the space we were told to “Stop” and “Leave” as if we were encroaching on their space. The Caboose’s energies were more prone to some of the light up tools like the flashlight but also seemed willing to speak to us through the Ovilus. There was communication via the Phasma Box including names and identities of some of these energies but none of which were completely confirmed. The larger, even lesser known artifact museum provided an unseen force almost pacing side to side in the break room area while there were knocking noises back in the ticket booth as if someone were trying to distract the group. 



Attached and notated below are our recordings, videos, and pictures from our second paranormal investigation, and the very first one which was open to the public as part of the Mars Spooktacular, of the Mars Train Station. Throughout each piece of evidence and every documented moment we commented our interpretations of each including our sensitives’ sensations and guest investigator personal experiences. Share your thoughts and opinions on each moment and each piece of evidence and email us or comment below your interpretation of each one seeing that this can help increase the validity of each claim.


As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Pre-Investigation: Mars Spooktacular 2024 and Investigation Preparation


Our walkthrough for this property was open to all. With the addition of the Caboose and the artifact museum, we did spend some time getting a feel for each one. The first instinct in the main station was that we were welcomed as we’ve been there before to communicate, but as more people filed into the space, this perception was quickly altered as they seemed to slink away to hide in the darkness. The Caboose certainly felt heavy and still gave off a very unsettled sensation to our sensitives during this quick pass through and official unlocking of the old train car. The artifact room supplied a swirl of emotions and energies as though we startled someone’s slumber. Whoever was here seemed to be hiding or perhaps just tied to an individual antique or two and withdrew back toward them until these unseen forces got a true feel for us.


Knowing that we would have a group on the move, we opted to not set out the trail cameras as it would be constantly triggered by investigators. We relied more on handheld cameras and body cameras throughout our time here. Even still, we did not take an enormous amount of time with the set up and planning phase as we jumped into the investigation pretty quickly.




  • There was nothing abnormal photographed during our walkthrough here.





  • This is a brief glimpse of the main room looking into the medical storage room prior to the investigation actually getting underway.



Main Investigation


Chessie’s Room


All the way to the right of the entrance, the open space with antiques from a bygone locomotive dominated era is also home to the remains of the mummified cat nicknamed Chessie. This cat is ultimately what led us to the unofficial namesake of this room. Toward the outer wall is an impressive miniature train display featuring the small town of Mars but in the center of the room is an outdated railroad car that draws plenty of interest.


Prior to our initial investigation there were minor reports of paranormal phenomena but shadows have been seen of both a taller man and a short, fast moving one, presumably of a cat! During the first time in this space, we could feel a clear change of energy which led to unexplainable train whistles and knocking sounds. Clear intelligence was captured and experienced during this time through the Phasma Box including names, a request to run the train, and a shushing of that very train. The most predominant name here was that of “Ben” or a more formal “Benjamin” but the most intriguing was that of the chiropractor’s name of “Schmidt” which was also deciphered here linking with the Medical Storage Room.



This time around we were initially greeted with some interest in the Rempod which activated sporadically throughout the night. While it took the energies here some time to get used to the big group (bigger than they’re used to at least) and we were caught off guard with some intense knocking sounds, enough to rattle the huge and heavy barn door, and shuffling noises which the group heard and reacted to in the moment. While there wasn’t much further clear communication at the time, later in the night as smaller groups entered here and utilized the Phasma Box, there were intelligent greetings heard with another name of “Emily” recorded multiple times. After this was confirmed, these energies seemed to get weary of our intrusion as we were told to “Go away” and “Leave” and eventually, as we did not follow these requests, “Get out of here.”




  • While none of our photography produced any images out of the ordinary, there are two screen captures of moments where the flashlight and Rempod went off as they sat on the locomotive equipment in the center of the room.



Recorder 1 – EVP 1:



  • After we settled in and began to attempt to gather their identity, there was a strong knocking noise captured at :10.
  • This was followed by a shuffling sound as if someone was moving away from the loud noise. This was recorded at :15.


Recorder 1a – EVP 1 – Amplified:



  • This knocking was amplified and heard even clearer here at :17.
  • The shuffling could again be heard at :23.


Recorder 2 – EVP 2:



  • There was some further Rempod activity but nothing that seemed consistent enough that led to any answers or conversation. What was captured at this point was another unsettling noise of creaking footsteps at :07. This occurred as the entire group was silent and still sitting at the perimeter of the room.


Recorder 2a – EVP 2 – Amplified:



  • The amplified version of these creaking footfalls was heard here at :11. 
  • What was odd here was that there was an additional knocking sound captured at :18 which was not heard in the initial audio nor did the group react to it at the time.


Recorder 3 – EVP 3:



  • As silence had captivated the group, yet another creaking sound was recorded at :02.


Recorder 4 – Phasma Box 1:



  • After we used the flashlights to minimal success, the Phasma Box seemed to act as the main communication device. As we asked if they could turn the previously lit flashlight back off, we heard a condescending question of “Give me a reason” at :08.
  • This was followed by an odd phrase of “Women want” at :22 then the Rempod being alerted at :28.
  • What sounded like a train horn was captured at :32 and, as we discussed this horn, a verbalization of this with a “Beep, beep” was heard through the tool at :40.


Recorder 5 – Phasma Box 2:



  • We attempted to refocus our attention on the flashlights which, to us, seem as though they would be the easier tool to use. The flashlight did flicker around :02 but as we discussed this as a group we heard “Now” at :22.
  • Thinking that this was a sign for us to continue, we asked if they could turn the flashlight on for us and heard a direct “No” at :32.
  • As we began to believe that there were too many people in this space, the word “Crowd” was heard at :47 followed by an almost exhausted voice talking about all the devices we had with “All of these things” at 1:00.
  • Once more, we asked if they could turn the flashlight on and received the same response of “No” at 1:21.


Recorder 6 – Phasma Box 3:



  • We began to hear opposing expressions with “Go away” immediately in this clip followed by “Hello?” at :03 and “Down here” at :04.


Recorder 7 – Phasma Box 4:



  • The Rempod was suddenly alerted, unprompted, at :05 when a surprised voice exclaimed that the tool was working with an aptly put “It’s working” at :16.


Recorder 8 – Phasma Box 5:



  • The communication felt like it was picking up as we heard “Important” at :01 and an odd phrase of “And to think” at :04.
  • This was broken off by the Rempod turning on at :11 just as the energy seemed to take a turn.
  • We seemed to be unwanted with “Go” at :08 then finished with “Away” at :09.
  • At :50, we were told to “Leave” just as the Rempod was again alerted at :54.


Recorder 9 – Phasma Box 6:



  • Early the Rempod was again alerted and heard at :02.
  • We attempted to gain some traction and asked if they could tell us how many people were here and at :12 another confident “No” was heard through the Phasma Box but more astounding was a very soft whisper of “Two” was also heard as an undertone during this same point in time.
  • The Rempod again went off at :32 as the number “Twelve” was heard through the Phasma Box as we repeated our question of how many people were in this room.


Recorder 10 – Phasma Box 7:



  • As our sensitives began to feel as though there were too many people in this space, we asked directly if the group was in their space. We heard a clear response of “Get out” at :06 then “Go” at :09. 
  • Both of those were quite unsettling but they were not done as we heard “Out” at :22.
  • Upon hearing this, we followed up with a question of our own asking if they wanted some of the guests to leave to which we heard a much more relaxed and even formal response of “Please” at :43.


Recorder 11 – Phasma Box 8:



  • Some of the investigators did leave the room but it apparently ws not enough for these energies as we heard an almost irritated voice command us with “Get out of here” at :04.
  • As more investigators stood up to leave, we heard a captivating response of “Behind you” at :35 as if to warn them not to go that direction as they were right behind the guest.


Recorder 12 – Phasma Box 9:



  • After the energies seemed to settle, the remaining investigators pursued a name and heard “My name’s Emil” at :04 but this didn’t seem to satisfy them as they clarified this name with a corrected form of “Emily” twice at :54 then again at 1:27.


Recorder 13 – Phasma Box 10:



  • As the group discussed heading out and attempting to investigate the caboose, a train whistle was heard at :01 followed by a greeting of “Hello” at :06 as if to confirm this to be the best route.
  • This was indeed confirmed as the Rempod was alerted at :07.


Recorder 14 – Phasma Box 11:



  • As the group began to pack up to head out, there was another clear voice stepping in with a full sentence of “Hi, my name’s Matt.” This was heard at :04 and seemed to occur as we stopped paying attention to them.
  • While confirming this sensation, they followed that greeting with an irritated “I’m leaving” at :19.


Recorder 15 – Phasma Box 12:



  • The group split and investigators moved around but as a newly joining investigator heard about the intense activity in this room, she jumped at the opportunity to attempt Phasma Box communication as the rest of the visitors left. Her gut instinct was correct and she did seem to pick up some further communication as she turned her full attention to these energies which remained in Chessie’s Room starting with the Rempod activating at :04.
  • Upon hearing the Rempod, she explained that she came to talk and heard “Tell me something” at :09.
  • As the investigator asked for their name, “Emily” was again heard at :16 then a new name of “Noah” at :19.


Recorder 16 – Phasma Box 13:



  • Following the Rempod activation constantly, the investigator was stunned, unsure where to go next but at :01 there was a question heard through the device of “Do you hear that?”
  • She responded to this by asking what that was and heard “Breath, just breath” at :04.
  • As she followed the request and took a deep breath, she asked if they could make a noise for us and, at :23, the Phasma Box made an odd noise to which the word “Technology” was heard.
  • To continue this, the investigator asked if they would speak with us but heard “Not you repeated at :58 and 1:02 as if they adamantly did not want to speak to her.


Recorder 17 – Phasma Box 14:



  • Unprompted, we believe these remnant energies began to express their purpose here and even their emotions beginning with “Sorrow” at :02.
  • “Building” was then heard at :07 followed by “watching” at :09 as if describing their purpose in watching the building in the afterlife as if they had a strong tie to this location.


Recorder 18 – Phasma Box 15:



  • We captured that they were “Grieving” at :04 and we followed up asking how many people were with us at that point to which we heard a confusing response, although accurate, of “It’s chilly” at :22.
  • Upon hearing their voice come through the Phasma Box, we heard a comment regarding the noise with “Hate this voice” at :26.
  • After asking if they’d like to share their story we heard another odd phrase which sounded to us like they said “Because of medicine” at :49. Our only thought here is that this energy has some relation to that medical storage room.


Recorder 19 – Phasma Box 16:



  • While we pushed for their identities we heard a full response of “My name’s Kevin” at :04.
  • To confirm this, we asked if Kevin was here to which we received a clear response of “Yes” at :26.


Recorder 20 – Phasma Box 17:



  • The Rempod once again activated, almost aggressively, starting at :02 followed by an unprompted word of “Companionship” at :04 as if to appreciate the visit to speak to them.
  • “Come in” was heard at :06 as if once again welcoming the guests.
  • This was followed by another Rempod energy fluctuation at :12.


Recorder 21 – Phasma Box 18:



  • We felt as though we were getting somewhere as we were welcomed here but there was no further intelligent conversation but as we asked if they could use a different piece of equipment like the K2 meter we heard “Demonstration” at :02 as if they needed a hand figuring out how it worked.
  • As we did not show them anything, nor asked them further questions after that, we seemed to gain an energy shift as we heard “Leave” at :11.
  • An indecipherable word was heard around :14 but one of the investigators believed it was the name of Dalia. Naturally, we asked if this was in fact their name but instead received a question of “Me?” at :20 as if this was definitely not their name.
  • To pursue this name further we simply replied with a greeting of ‘Hi Dalia’ to which we heard a confirmation that this was not their name at :29 with “I’m not.”
  • At the tail end of this segment, the Rempod once again was alerted at about :31.


Recorder 22 – Phasma Box 19:



  • We seemingly wore out our welcome and were told, quite commandingly, “Out” at :14.
  • Before we moved on, however, we once more captured the name “Emily” at :37.
  • At :43 and :55 we were given a description of this energy and told that they were “Injured” on both occasions.
  • We did ask how they were injured and we told by “Working” at 1:08 as if they were working in the station or on the train track and got hurt.


Recorder 23 – Phasma Box 20:



  • We tried to firmly gain their identity before we moved on and asked directly for their name and heard “Kevin” at :11.
  • As we did not hear this at the time, we revisited the name Emily and asked if she was here and did receive a confirmation of “Hi” at :21.
  • Finally, we were again told to “Leave” at :37 as if they had truly grew impatient with our encroachment.


Recorder 24 – Phasma Box 21:



  • Our last clip, as we were packing up to move along, we were told in that irritated tone “Time to go” at :03.


Video 1 – Body Camera 1:


  • At :03, the Rempod could be both heard and seen alerting.
  • This Rempod activity occurred once again at :30, unprompted.



Video 2 – Body Camera 2:


  • The Rempod was alerted and showed visually and audibly at :02 and :06.
  • This was followed by the K2 meter spiking at :11 after we asked if this was perhaps Chessie the Cat.
  • At :13, the Rempod turned on as if confirming this paired up with the K2 meter at :20.
  • We asked if they remembered our previous visit a few months ago, again as if acknowledging this as our return, the Rempod was activated in a trio at :29, :33, and :35.



Video 3 – Body Camera 3:


  • After we asked if there was someone in this room who wanted to speak with us, the K2 meter spiked at :05.
  • With that, we explained that there were many devices and tools scattered about the room which could help them speak with us. At :18, the K2 meter again spiked just as the GhostTube produced the word ‘Yes.”
  • The Rempod was activated two more times during this time span, the first unprompted at :21 and the second, at :28, as if a confirmation to our attempt to confirm that they previously said yes.



Video 4 – Body Camera 4:


  • At :03, the Rempod could be seen and heard turning on.



Video 5 – Body Camera 5:


  • We asked if they could give us their name to which the Rempod was alerted at :07.



Video 6 – Body Camera 6:


  • Another trio of Rempod activity occurred here at :11, :23, and :24.
  • Incredibly, as the camera was focused on the center of the room and the devices in front of the investigator, a predominant knocking noise could be heard coming from the large door at :42 as he jolted his entire body, including the camera, toward this direction.
  • As the group discussed this knocking the Rempod was alerted at :53.
  • The GhostTube produced a phrase of ‘Three children here’ and as the team opened up about this astonishing revelation the Rempod again activated at 1:14 and again at 1:17.
  • Hearing that pair, we asked if they could turn that device on again and, at 1:21, the Rempod did turn on, obliging to our request.



Video 7 – Body Camera 7:


  • While we spoke about attempting to use other devices, practically the Phasma Box, the lights shut off at :02.
  • Naturally, we tried to figure out what could have done this but as we openly talked about the possibilities, the Rempod activated at :09.



Video 8 – Body Camera 8:


  • The group continued to discuss the light turning off but the energies here seemed to try to regain our attention as the Rempod was alerted at :03, :07, and :09.
  • As our attention remained fixated on the lights, these energies seemed to get frustrated and continued to set off the Rempod in hopes of gaining our focus once more as the Rempod was alerted back to back at :14 and :15.
  • This increase in the Rempod activity grew here as it was set off repeatedly starting at :30 and lasting until about :47.
  • This apparently worked as we shifted our attention just as the Rempod provided us with another trio of activity at :56, 1:00, and 1:01.





Across the train tracks, the classic red-colored Chessie Caboose has been repurposed and renovated for tours and to give guests an idea of how passengers traveled in the heyday of train transportation. The train car is not always open to the public, as this is the season where the train car gets a nice facelift with a fresh coat of paint and some minor upkeep but visitors are always welcome to climb the wooden staircase to peer into this small space regardless if the doors are open or not.


There are not many tales of paranormal activity associated with this historical piece of equipment but that may just be due to the fact that it is not heavily trafficked. During our last visit and investigation, these doors were locked and the train car was unable to be entered. What was noted and easily sensed was an enormous amount of negativity and uneasiness set in just as we would walk up the stairs. There was not much time spent here aside from two separate stops just outside the train car, both times our sensitives notated the exact same sensation.



Thanks to the Mars Historical Society, the Caboose was unlocked for this investigation. The previous sensations were still circulating here; at least at first. As soon as we stepped foot inside this train car, the energies immediately altered and became much lighter. The majority of the communication in this area was through the Ovilus and flashlights until the atmosphere changed once again and we opted to utilize the Phasma Box. This ultimately provided us with intelligence and even opened up the possibility that this energy followed us here from the center of Mars, about a half mile away.




  • This first moment was photographed during a time where the K2 meters were activating. This captured the K2 meter on the left spiking only to move toward the right side turning on the K2 meter which was set on the bench.



  • The flashlights were not being turned on or utilized whatsoever until we moved it up into the nook up above us. This picture captured a moment where the flashlight was turning on as we asked yes/no questions.



Recorder 1 – Transcription 1:



  • This first time period lent itself much more towards a simple transcription as the most activity we had here was through the Ovilus and K2 meter, which we personally would not consider evidence albeit paranormal communication.
  • Just before beginning this recording, the K2 meter began to spike. This carried over early on here, at 1:15, as we made note that the energy felt welcoming.
  • We began to explain the devices we had with us, how they worked, and how they could communicate with us through them. The K2 meter again spiked at 1:46 as if acknowledging this.
  • As we discussed the flashlights as well, the K2 meter again jumped at 3:28.
  • After some silence and no communication, we asked if they were a little girl to which the K2 meter again spiked at 6:25.
  • We asked if the investigator was their friend and, once again, the K2 meter jumped at 6:58.
  • More silence followed until 9:07 after we asked if there were two little girls with us as if giving us a ‘yes’ response.
  • There was nothing more to come of this but once we asked if they lived here in Mars, PA we received a ‘yes’ via the K2 meter at 12:17 so we followed that by asking if they stayed here in the Caboose and the K2 meter jumped at 12:24.
  • We asked if this was the same energy from the building and, at 12:34, the K2 meter jumped so we asked if there was more of a connection and if they knew Rachel from the prior locations earlier in the night. Incredibly, the K2 meter jumped as if a ‘yes’ response at 13:32.
  • There was some silence again so we asked if they were still here with us. At 15:36, the K2 meter jumped two times in a row.
  • We then asked if they could use a different device and give us their name. At 19:06, the Ovilus produced the word ‘Huge.’
  • Our gut instinct told us there was someone else nearby, perhaps causing fear in this lighter energy. We decided to ask if that prior word tied into whoever they were afraid of and the Ovilus gave the word ‘Fog’ at 19:27.
  • Unprompted, as if this energy suddenly figured out how to use the Ovilus, this tool produced a few words: ‘Nod’ at 19:31, ‘Moan’ at 19:32, ‘Him’ at 19:38, and ‘Autumn’ at 19:41.
  • We asked, once again, who this controlling force may be and the Ovilus produced ‘Both’ at 19:43.
  • Without making much headway, we asked for their name and the Ovilus gave ‘Maze’ at 20:07.
  • A strange trio of words was then given by the Ovilus with ‘Won’t you hunt?’ at 20:36.
  • Feeling a family tie, we asked if their sister might be with them but at 20:57 the Ovilus gave an intelligent response of ‘Mama.’
  • Continuing down this path, we asked if this energy was with their mother and the Ovilus gave ‘Group’ and ‘Spirit’ at 21:03, both of which made sense.
  • We followed this asking if their sister was also with them. At 21:15, the Ovilus gave us ‘Low’ and ‘Age’ as if to tell us about their younger sister.
  • The Ovilus then produced some eerily similar words to those produced in the After Hours Tattoo Studios investigation earlier in the night. This included ‘September’ at 21:51, ‘Rhythm’ at 22:03, and ‘Edison’ at 22:11.
  • While there was a shadow that seemingly moved past the front of the train car, the Ovilus incredibly produced ‘Front’ at 22:14.
  • This was added onto with another trio of words produced at the same time (22:54) by the Ovilus with ‘Intent’ and ‘Triangle’ and ‘Skills.’
  • As the group discussed who was with us, the Ovilus gave us a confusing combination with ‘Am’ at 23:58, ‘Not’ at 23:59, and ‘With’ at 24:00. We could only conclude that they were no longer with us at this point, or perhaps that they were not the same energies as earlier.


Recorder 2 – Phasma Box 1:



  • While the energy did seem to be shifting, we opted to utilize the Phasma Box to hopefully continue communications and continue to gather knowledge. We began very open-ended, asking what they wanted to tell us with this tool. At :10, we heard “They’re with me” followed by a knocking at :25.
  • We asked directly for their name and we heard “Ben” at :35.


Recorder 3 – Phasma Box 2:



  • As this energy seemed to step forward, it became more and more evident that someone was traveling around this town beginning with the storefronts we investigated earlier in the evening. We asked what they wanted to tell us and if we could continue our conversation from earlier we heard “More and more” at :16.
  • At that moment, the investigators heard the word ‘Warn’ so we asked what they wanted to warn us about. Regardless, there was a strange phrase of “He climbed” heard at :27 followed by “Up” at :37.
  • “The west bank” was recorded at :45 and followed with “Run” at :47 and “Here” at :55.
  • Put all of this together and it seemed as though they were discussing some type of injury that may have occurred as some man was climbing a west bank and, after some type of incident occurred, that they were calling to a counterpart to run to them.


Recorder 4 – Phasma Box 3:



  • We asked if there was something we should do and we told “Down here” at :10 and, after asking for their name once again, we heard “Sally” at :46.


Recorder 5 – Phasma Box 4:



  • As we attempted to get confirmation of who we were speaking with, we were told “Don’t really” at :13 and finished with “Want to” at :15.
  • We did receive confirmation of how many energies were with us as we heard “There are two” at :26 as they showed signs of intelligence and why we were there with “Investigate” at :39.
  • Once more, we asked for their name. At :52, the name “Ben” was once again captured.
  • While we seemed to irk them for asking again, we were given a command and a result of what would happen if we didn’t listen. We heard “You” at 1:00 then “Go” at 1:01 followed by “Before” at 1:05 then “You get it” all together at 1:06.


Recorder 6 – Phasma Box 5:



  • Feeling quite uncomfortable, we attempted to ask who they were once more, and if this was the leader, we heard “This is” at :04 then again at :07.


Recorder 7 – Phasma Box 6:



  • Following a period of silence, and potentially an energy shift, we remained quiet just taking everything in until “Train stop” was heard at :05 followed by “I have a problem” at :06.
  • We continued to just listen and heard a continuation here with “They’re with you” at :09 and a command of “Take action” at :13.
  • As we discussed hearing this last phrase, we were seemingly corrected with a surprised “No, what?” at :21.
  • Another oddity of “Books” was heard at :35 just as the flashlight situated up above in the nook turned on at :40.
  • As we sat in awe with the flashlight activity up above us, we were told that they were seemingly “Here” at :51.


Recorder 8 – Phasma Box 7:



  • Here again, we felt an energy shift and suddenly a heavier sensation as if we were no longer welcome. While we did begin to pack up our gear, we were rushed along with “Go” at :02 then “Leave us” at 1:03.
  • Further pleas for our departure were heard beginning with “Please” at 1:20 and “Leave” at 1:27.
  • This was reiterated once more but more polished this time with “Please leave” at 1:35.
  • We were told that they were “Done” at 1:50; or perhaps they wanted us to be done.
  • Finally, before we packed up to move along, we were given one final “Go” at 1:55.


Recorder 9 – Phasma Box 8:



  • We returned here one last time later on in the evening and felt as though there was clearly a different energy at that point. After we had re-introduced ourselves we were given their name in return at :02 with “David.”
  • At first, we thought this was the David from the medical storage room but as we continued on, it seemed as though this energy was trying to get one of the male investigators to leave. We asked them directly if they wanted him out and heard a pleasant yet unsettling “Please” at :18.
  • As the investigator took this hint and left, he told him not to follow him and at :24 we heard a command of “Push him” as if they were really displeased by this investigator.


Recorder 10 – Phasma Box 9:



  • With one last attempt at communicating here, we asked if this was the same person we were speaking with earlier in the night but instead of a simple no response, we were actually told that this may not be a person at all with “No person” at :22.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • As the K2 meter on the left side of the train car flickered, we attempted to coerce them to move toward the other side of the car. Throughout this clip, the K2 meter jumped between the left and right sides.



Video 2 – Handheld Camera 2:


  • The flashlight could be seen already turned on and it stayed on for the duration of this clip.
  • At :03, the Phasma Box could be heard asking “What?” after we asked if they remembered the investigators from last year.



Video 3 – Handheld Camera 3:


  • Early on, the K2 meter spike and, at :44, the Phasma Box helped them claim this activity with “That was me.”
  • The K2 meter again spiked at 1:02 as we continued to try to speak with them.



Museum / Antique Storage


This humongous space across the parking lot is a simple warehouse with antiques and artifacts stored from floor to ceiling incorporating wall space, floor space, ceiling space, and any other space you can imagine. Every piece has been donated to the historical society and houses all of it here in hopes of one day finding a space to appropriately display each item for guests to appreciate the true value of each. There are simply too many pieces to even begin to categorize or describe but the larger, most predominant pieces in this open space are a full movie theater ticket booth complete with operating lights, an old mail truck, and an entire wall dedicated to old farming tools excavated throughout the town. Off to the side here is a nice meeting space with a large table and chair set up with a functional kitchen as well as even more antiques, this time displayed behind glass enclosures.


Our initial investigation allowed us to walk through this space but without the appropriate amount of time to dedicate towards this area we did not feel it appropriate to tackle this space as well as the train station. While there are no particulars in regards to this area, the sheer amount of relics lead to the possibility that something may have some type of energy attached to it or just simple residual energies encircling these items.



The time spent here was sporadic but worthwhile. The communication never equated to much as far as who may still be here or why but those that call this space an eternal home wanted themselves to be known and that this was their territory. The verbal communication was fleeting but was active through flashlights and even led to some minimal communication via the Phasma Box. The most powerful moments occurred when shadows were spotted in the meeting room all the while images of cold entities could be seen through the thermal camera. After some uneasiness, the investigative group was forced out before they were able to make any headway on any identities or even how many energies were still lingering here.




  • Our pictures did not provide anything worth while and, as the building was pitch black during the investigation, the thermal imaging tool gave us an idea of the grandfather clock and its location inside the break room here.



Recorder 1 – Transcription 1:



  • This first segment was mainly utilizing the flashlight to gather communication which was indeed helpful albeit not extensive. While this recording began with the flashlight already having been turned on, unprompted, we asked if they could turn the light off if there was someone with us. At 5:30, it shut off.
  • The group attempted to figure out if this was the same energy who was in the room earlier in the night and asked if they would turn the light on if they were a different person. At 5:54, it turned on.
  • Some silence ensued here so to test the flashlight’s validity as well as finding out if there were multiple energies here, we asked if they could turn the light off if they are the same person to which it shut off at 6:32.
  • After asking if they were in control and acting as a leader to the group, we asked if they could turn the flashlight on to which they obliged, turning it on  at 7:31.
  • While the light remained on and steady, we asked if they could turn it back off so we could ask another question. They shut it off at 8:30.
  • We followed this by attempting to see if we were welcomed here and we directly asked them if it’s okay that we’re here and they turned the light on at 8:48.


Recorder 2 – Phasma Box 1:



  • Following the flashlight activity, we gained the sense that these energies may be interested in speaking to us through a different device. With the luck we had previously, we opted to utilize the Phasma Box.
  •  As we sat in silence, just allowing the tool to boot up and allow the energies to get used to this noise and lights, we first gained the intelligent comment of “Investigation” at :10. This was clearly a nod to the group’s goal here.
  • Further intelligence was gathered as we were told that “You’re familiar” at :17.
  • We asked who was familiar and the investigator was told “You” at :26. It’s still undetermined how they were familiar as it’s possible that she was familiar from the Caboose earlier in the night or even other locations throughout Mars prior to this location.
  • As she shifted and stood, she was told to “Wait” at :46 as if they did not want her to leave just yet.


Recorder 3 – Phasma Box 2:



  • We were discussing the grandfather clock, which we found out activated every fifteen minutes. We heard “I like it” at :08, clearly giving their opinion.
  • After we asked for their name, the Ovilus gave us the name “Joe” at :24 followed by “Interesting” at :33 as if they were impressed with the equipment.


Recorder 4 – Phasma Box 3:



  • While one of the investigators felt that there was an energy which went by ‘Logan’ we asked if they were talking about this Logan. We heard “Puke” as a response at :01 then “Disgust” at :03 telling us they certainly did not like this name or this other energy here with them who possibly went by Logan.


Medical Storage Room


A small storage space at the far left of the main entrance is typically gated off with an ‘Employees Only’ tag claiming this territory off limits to the public. Luckily, thanks to Chris and the Mars Historical Society, we were given access to this area to explore and document our findings. The room itself has a purpose of storing former medical supplies mainly gathered from a former chiropractor tenant. In the far back corner of this small space is a simple wooden box with glass surrounds which was a former storage container for a human skeleton. While those skeletal remains are all but gone, that box seems to hold an awe-inspiring aura to it emanating from that room and drawing the stray passerby toward it.


Nothing was noteworthy about this room nor did anyone ever spend much time in here. Our initial investigation seemingly drew us in here by odd warming sensations. With the small space we opted to perform the ESTES method to which we will be eternally grateful for this experience all around. What we encountered in this room will have us coming back time and time again for this energy alone; not to discount any of the others of course. We were given the name “Dave” who, we believe, was the man associated with the skeleton formerly housed in that box and we were told many different intelligent communications regarding this including that he came “In many pieces” and that he was thankful for us speaking to him. He asked us to return after we (hopefully) find his body and that this communication was “Incredible” all the while offering our praises and openness in speaking with him.



Not much can live up to the expectation we laid out for ourselves from our first investigation but naturally we will always try. While we didn’t have much information to return to this entity known as “Dave” but even if we didn’t communicate we did want to pass this information along. That is, that the skeleton once housed in that container was sold and no longer in possession of the chiropractor. 




  • The photography did not produce anything out of the ordinary here.


Recorder 1 – ESTES Method 1:



  • There was a very long period of time when absolutely nothing was heard nor even felt by our sensitives. As some of the investigators opted to move on after about ten minutes of no activity, there was finally a phrase of “Need to do” heard at :06. We’re unsure what this refers to unless they meant that there was something to do or that was to be interpreted more as “Need to go.”


Recorder 2 – ESTES Method 2:



  • After some further silence, suddenly the word “Waiting” was heard at :02 followed by the word “Men” repeated three times at 1:05, 1:14, and 1:17.
  • At about 1:31, the group reacted to a tapping sound heard by the group itself.


Recorder 3 – ESTES Method 3:



  • While the group continued to discuss the tapping noise, the word “Rust” or perhaps name “Russel” was captured at :35 and repeated at :42.
  • At about :58, as more investigators were leaving, we were told to “Stay” followed by “Children” at 1:00.


Recorder 4 – ESTES Method 4:



  • As we attempted to open up communication after introducing ourselves and explained that we had come back, we captured some emotions through the Spirit Box but not heard in person. This begins with “Really like” at :05 and “Really happy” at :09 both of these tied in with our positive our last visit was and how thankful this energy seemed to be.


Recorder 5 – ESTES Method 5:



  • We heard the word “Standing” at :07 followed by a phrase of “Over there” at :09 as if to finish their statement explaining to us where they were at that moment in time. 
  • “Now” was heard at :11 through the Spirit Box but not by the investigator as was the name “Shawn” heard at :14.
  • After asking who was standing over there and if there was another person here aside from David, the word “No” was heard at :48 followed by “Body” at :52. Put this together and it could mean multiple things: Nobody was there, there was no body in the case, or perhaps that this energy just did not want to be acknowledged.
  • “Standing” was then once again heard at :58 as we began thinking that this was not David.


Recorder 6 – ESTES Method 6:



  • The group reiterated that they did not believe this was David, who we encountered here during our last visit. We heard a confident “I” at :18 but as we awaited a potential continuation of this phrase we heard a tapping noise at :37.
  • This seemingly was continued with “Was” at :39 and completed with “Here” at :41.
  • As we gathered ourselves with this answer, we heard another tapping at :50.
  • With this second tapping, we asked if he could do this again and heard a concise “No” at 1:16.


Recorder 7 – ESTES Method 7:



  • After getting much less activity than we had during our last investigation we got a gut feeling that there were too many people in the building for their liking. We asked them this directly and heard the response of “Just you” at :16 as if they only wanted us.
  • With that sentiment, we then heard an almost excited “It’s you!” at :51 then to continue with that excitement, and a nod to their intelligence, we captured “Back” at :52. We took this as this energy acknowledging our return.


Recorder 8 – ESTES Method 8:



  • Early on here we heard the name “David” at :01.
  • We acknowledged him directly and told him we promised we’d be back. To that we heard “Who else?” at :36 as if notating that there were others with us.
  • The word “Others” was heard twice at :41 and again at :47.
  • While we contemplated how to respond to this, whether it was good or bad that there were others with us, we heard a confirmation of “It’s me” at 1:42.


Recorder 9 – ESTES Method 9:



  • We began to receive broken communication where we heard one word at a time, separated by a space of time in between each. What we recorded here was seemingly David again asking us if we found anything out about his body as he asked “Did you find?” This occurred in pieces with “Did” at :03, “You” at :07, and “Find” at :11.
  • To that, we asked if he meant did we find his body and this energy responded with a confirmation of “Yes” at :32. 
  • We explained, in response, that we are still looking and heard “Harder” at :39 as we interpreted this as David wanting us to look harder.


Recorder 10 – ESTES Method 10:



  • After we reiterated our concern for him and his body, we told him that we would not stop looking. We heard a pleasant “Thank you” repeated at :05 and :08.
  • We explained that we found out Dr. Schmidt sold the bones and this was responded by, this energy who we believe to be David, with a stern “Keep looking” at 1:04.


Recorder 11 – ESTES Method 11:



  • Unprompted after some silence we heard “Tell me” at :04 as if this energy was waiting for us to tell him more.
  • We asked what he wanted us to tell him and, at :19, we were commanded “Go then.”


Recorder 12 – ESTES Method 12:



  • It seemed that a shift in energy was in the midst of occurring as we felt that David had moved on. As we discussed this amongst ourselves, we heard a command of “Go” at :08.
  • We attempted to communicate with David again but instead we were told that either he was “Afraid” at :26 or that we were “Afraid” at :31.
  • At the tail end of this time we heard another derogatory “Go away.”


Recorder 13 – ESTES Method 13:



  • We explained, once more, that we wanted to reconnect with David and surprisingly heard “Dan” at :04 as he was the one asking questions at the time.
  • With that, Dan confirmed that he in fact was Dan. At 1:08, we heard yet another confirmation here of “You?”
  • That did follow with a greeting of “Hello?” at 1:19 and “Welcome” at 1:30.


Recorder 14 – ESTES Method 14:



  • It’s possible that we touched base again with David as we heard another drawn out string of communication beginning with “Looking all over” at :03 as if to reference us looking for his body. 
  • This continued with “You” at :05 and “Me” at :09.
  • This string of communication ended with “Must have forgot” at :11.
  • Combined, this may have been David afraid that we forgot about him and our promise to him.


Recorder 15 – ESTES Method 15:



  • Along a similar line of communication we heard “Haven’t heard from” at :05 followed up with “You” at :13 and “Body” at :23.
  • As we apologized, we heard a calming response of “It’s okay” at :57.


Recorder 16 – ESTES Method 16:



  • We felt as though we heard a conversation by two unseen entities at this point as they were discussing us beginning with “Three of them” at :05.
  • “Just made” was heard at :14 followed by “Thank” at :48 and “You” at :56.


Recorder 17 – ESTES Method 17:



  • This same chain of communication continued with the word “Trust” at :08. If we tie all of these thoughts together, we believe they were talking about trusting each other or trusting us after making a decision about the three of us in this space.


The third and final public paranormal investigation from the night of the Mars Spooktacular, took place down the street from the prior two investigations at the Mars Train Station. This was our second night investigating this location and, for the second time, it did not disappoint. Our first public paranormal investigation allowed us to experience some very strange occurrences paired up with capturing some exceptional paranormal evidence. Everything we encountered, helped confirm our initial impressions during our first investigation and have helped us continue forward with more identities and intelligent energies.


We managed to confirm that David is still in the building, and remembered our promise to him about helping him find his body. This led us to further understand the importance of this as well as find out that there may be an additional entity in the medical storage room which communicates with guests and David alike. This was all mainly thanks to the ESTES method and the Spirit Box.


Chessie’s Room was ripe with activity once more while we confirmed that there is surely someone remaining here past their expiration through flashlights, Rempods, and even through unexplained knocking and banging noises. The intense unexplainable phenomena led to our usage of the Phasma Box which helped give us further insight into their names, specifically Emily. As we pursued further communication we were eventually summoned out of this space with a slew of seemingly negative sentiment of  “Go away” and “Leave” and “Get out of here” to which we certainly obliged.



Even though the Caboose gave us an extremely uneasy feeling during our first visit and even the start of this second investigation, this energy changed and showed us a more shy, perhaps fearful younger person confined here with that unnerving energy which seems to hide and just watch from afar. The lighter energy gave us partial answers as to their identity and motives as we found out they made their way to this spot from the center of the town as we encountered them earlier in the evening in both the After Hours Tattoo Studios as well as the Social Club Barbershop.


While we didn’t spend nearly enough time in the museum and antique building, there were clear cut energies here which seemed to come and go as they pleased. They even managed to show themselves through our thermal camera as they paced across the meeting room and seemed to be drawn to the grandfather clock. Shadows appeared back in the rear of the room near the ticket booth but as we tried to pry and gain a name, the energy shifted as we were sent out on our way.


As with the initial investigation, the Mars Train Station and its grounds hold an aura and unexplained activity which seem to be attributed to a few different energies which change based on the room and the artifacts which are associated with each. The majority of these energies came across as more positive and welcoming although there were certainly some darker, more negative type sensations felt sporadically. These negative entities did not necessarily interact with us until they grew annoyed with us and stepped forward to tell us to leave but more so they shut down the other energies from speaking to us as if they had some phantom control over the other welcoming energies.



With this second paranormal investigation incorporating more and new investigators inside the Mars Train, we seemed to gain different perspectives and energy levels all across the property. Those energies certainly brought out unexplained phenomena allowing us to confirm our previous claims of David looking for his body, which he still is, but seems only to like smaller crowds. With that, there were other energies who were more confident in stepping forward even to the extent of pounding on walls and doors to let us know that they were absolutely there without a shadow of a doubt. That led us to the identities of Emily and Ben. We did get minor responses to Ben during our first investigation as well which tells us there may be a Ben tied to this place just awaiting for the opportunity to step forward.


Our hope is to open this complex of buildings up to further examination and continue to build on our previous interactions. We certainly feel as though we’re opening these energies up further and allowing them the confidence and comfort to step forward and tell their stories. This second opportunity to investigate here has been nothing short of spectacular and having the Mars Area Historical Society open to the potential of us returning to keep digging for the undiscovered truths is priceless to us both as a team and individually. There is only one way to continue our spectral research and, with the continued support and blessing of the historical society and the township of Mars, we have every intention of returning to dig deeper, asking the hard questions, and hopefully find the hidden truths that the Mars Train Station continues to hold to this day.


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