Madison Seminary – Investigation

Madison Seminary

March 7, 2020

Madison, OH



 Peering over the small town of Madison, Ohio, the Madison Seminary rests mid-restoration as a reminder of the history of the area, the former architectural features, and the past which lies deep within the brick walls. The building is currently unoccupied and is opened to tours, both historical and paranormal due to the massive amount of activity recorded here (and the sheer size of the building). However, back when it was in operation and mainly following the Civil War, many widows committed suicide here and children would go missing. As time went on, many of these families who lived here moved on or simply died here, mostly peaceful. After the building moved on from this designated home, the local authorities re-opened the building to house overflow inmates and inmates on good behavior from the nearby Marysville Women’s Reformatory and the Ohio Women’s Reformatory. To add to the growing demands for psychological homes for patients, the Madison Seminary opened its’ doors to the Cleveland State Hospital to help house psychologically disabled inmates. Following about ten years of this building housing those in need, the patients were all moved out due to limited funding and the need to renovate the location. The local police force took over the building as a temporary police station, unfortunately destroying much of the old work and furniture in the transition process. This lasted less than ten years and was finally abandoned until the purchase by the current owner, Adam Kimmel.


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Before the renovations took place, dating back to the time of operation, the building has always held odd stories of the paranormal. Employees during the transition period while holding inmates and psychological patients would see their catatonic patients walking and disappearing around corners only to find them still strapped to their chairs or beds. This was noted in some of the logbooks left over. While police were holding their inmates in the basement, they would get complaints of terrifying sounds and strangers walking around unattended. When renovations began, the activity increased and there were direct reports and recordings of names being repeated, whispers echoing down empty hallways, and the stereotypical phantom footsteps were heard, and windows and doors would slam on their own. The unnerving noise of chains rattling and dragging have been recorded throughout the building as well.

Thanks to our guide Shelley (later guides including Denise), we were able to get in about a half hour earlier than expected. This was lucky on our part as Madison Seminary is deceivingly large and much bigger than originally imagined. Shelley gave us a very intriguing and well-done tour without giving away too much paranormal information. She also shared her own experiences later in the evening as we needed breaks from the biting cold of the building.


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We managed to set up our monitors, stationary video cameras, and get under way right around 8:00 PM. We were allowed to stay until 4:00 AM but with the time change and the cold factor, we only stayed until about 3:00 AM post time change. We were joined by two new-comers, Raya and her son, our junior investigator for the night, Kayden. Being on the move as much as we were, we did not manage to use our laser grid pen, EMF pump, SLS camera, or the light up balloons / variety of toys. However, we did have four hardwired cameras set up to our monitor system, one additional stationary camera, one handheld camera, one K2 meter, one SB7 spirit box, one Ovilus, one Rempod, two recorders, one FLIR thermal camera, two IR lights, and one temperature gauge.

Even before reviewing any of our data, we could tell we experienced paranormal activity throughout the Madison Seminary. We experienced odd occurrences, feelings, and noises in nearly every location we investigated. The majority of the experiences occurred in the Basement of both the Asylum and the Civil War sides, the attic of the Asylum side, and the 3rd floor of the Civil War side. Both basements made our medium uneasy and nearly pass out in the Asylum side. We captured a few names and even what sounded like a scream during our time here. We recorded two separate and intriguing thermal images here. The attic, in the Rec Room, we recorded a name and what sounded like someone trying to repeat what we said or what the Ovilus recorded. The Surgeon’s Room in the attic seemingly had someone watching over it and wanted us out of that tight spot. We captured a thermal image of what appeared to be a full body here. Two of the rooms in the 3rd floor Civil War wing were both inviting and gave us different sensations in each. The first, we aptly named it the Armoire Room where a shadow has been seen standing in front of the armoire felt more inviting and welcoming. The second room, being at a lack for creative terms was the room across from the Armoire Room, almost felt like someone was sharing their pain as our medium and one of our investigators experienced what felt like pain behind their right ears, almost simultaneously. Very interesting to say the least, and a first for us!


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Below are the recordings, videos, pictures, and thermal images from our investigation at Madison Seminary. The locations are marked where we think we received communication or paranormal evidence.  After you listen and watch the videos, let us know your thoughts.

As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Civil War Wing 3rd Floor Hallway

 There have been voices and EVP’s captured in this area in the past. It has been said that shadows can be seen peering out of doorways down this hallway. Footsteps have been heard walking up and down the hall at all times of day.

In hopes of not making things too confusing, this was our first attempt here. Later in the night we returned but focused more on individual rooms rather than just the hallway itself.

We split up as Cindy and Kayden felt out the rest of the building. Dan, Derrick, and Raya began with a simple EVP session, but it didn’t reveal much out of the ordinary.



  • We didn’t capture anything paranormal in the photographs or the infrared camera.


Civil War Wing Hallway 2.jpg


Civil War Wing Hallway 7.jpg


Recording 1 – EVP:

  • We didn’t capture anything paranormal in the photographs or the infrared camera.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Stationary Video 1:

  • We simply recorded on this camera during the first segment of our investigation, we didn’t interact very much in this area aside from the start of our hallway EVP session.
  • Unfortunately, we didn’t capture anything out of the ordinary here.




Stationary Video 2:

  • We did not capture anything here.




 Asylum Basement – Hole Room

In this room, there is an urban legend of a woman who was murdered and buried in the center of the room before the concrete was poured. Cadaver dogs actually searched the area and pinpointed a location where they felt as though there was something. The owner agreed to allow the area to be dug up after a seismic photo was taken and an anomaly was spotted. Unfortunately, nothing was found but the owner does seem open to more exploration.

In this room, there have been whispers heard and an odd feeling as if more people are in the room than actually are at a given time. During Cindy and Kayden’s first exploration of the area, they felt as though the air was heavy and that it was difficult to breath. Whatever was in the area gave the impression that it was attempting to feed off the energy. They also experienced a sensation that made them feel as though they should keep their backs to the wall and not allow anything behind them.

During this session, we ran a quiet EVP session. The quiet session didn’t capture much as far as audible voices but there was plenty of Ovilus activity. During this time, we spotted movement in the hallway which entered the room in the form of a light anomaly. A thermal image captured an outline of an entity behind Cindy.



  • The normal flash photographs did not produce any paranormal evidence; however, the thermal camera produced a photo that we believe is a figure behind Cindy.
  • There was also movement on the video camera, and we managed to take a screen capture of the white light anomaly.


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Hole Room 1 FLIR.JPG




Recording 1 – EVP:

  • As we asked the spirits to use the devices we had, the Ovilus captured “Explain” at 3:22, “Dizzy” at 3:30, and “Hair” at 3:37.
  • Following the quick words, at 4:50 Cindy became dizzy.
  • After a light was captured on camera, at 6:02, “Afraid” was seen on the Ovilus and Cindy got a headache right around 6:50.
  • The Ovilus produced “Cheat” at 7:00 and “Brad” at 7:18 after we asked if they could give us a name.
  • The name “McKenna” appeared on the Ovilus at 9:06 and “Three” at 9:33.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Video 1 – Handheld Camera:

  • The camera captured the same conversation as the recorder but there is a clear view of the room and the light anomaly.
  • At 4:39, “Blue” appears on the Ovilus, followed by “Explain” at 5:25, “Dizzy” at 5:33, and “Hair” at 5:40.
  • Cindy can visibly be seen getting disoriented around 6:53.
  • At 6:58, there was a light anomaly captured moving into the room on right side of the screen.
  • “Afraid” appears on the Ovilus at 8:05 and Cindy gets a headache around 8:53.
  • At 9:03 “Cheat” shows on the Ovilus followed by “Brad” at 9:21.
  • “McKenna” appeared on the Ovilus at 11:09 and “Three” at 11:36.




Asylum Basement – Hallway

 Employees claim to feel that they are not alone here. Footsteps have been heard and shadows have been seen. Being that the area was so busy when the building was in operation, for employees coming and going, it is said that residual hauntings can be experienced here as if these spirits are reliving these situations over and over.

As we investigated this area, our medium felt as though someone was murdered in the hallway. She experienced the sensation of a past altercation and blood on the floor. Perhaps this is linked to the urban legend of the woman buried in the Hole Room?



  • Our regularly flash photography didn’t capture anything out of the ordinary, but the thermal imaging captured a figure standing in front of Dan.
  • We captured a screen shot of an anomaly moving down the hall around the corner into the Laundry Room.


Asylum Basement 3.jpg


Asylum Basement Hallway 6.JPG




Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • After we asked if anyone was with us, at :23, “General” appeared on the Ovilus followed by “Hope.”
  • At this point, right around :55, our medium felt the altercation occurred with blood on the floor.
  • As we continued to ask what happened here, at 1:33, “Real” was captured on the Ovilus.
  • Close to the 3:00 mark, our medium felt a loss of balance and disoriented.
  • After we asked what their name is, at 3:20 “William” was seen on the Ovilus followed by a feeling of something surrounding Cindy at 3:48.
  • At 4:38, Dan felt a strong cold feeling behind him followed by the word “Odor” at 4:45 on the Ovilus.
  • We captured a thermal image of a figure in front of Dan and this can be heard at about 5:45.
  • The word “Yard” appeared on the Ovilus at 6:53.
  • After we asked what the yard meant and who was with us, at 7:14, “John” appeared on the Ovilus followed by “Burning” at 7:28 and “Arrived” at 8:00.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Video 1:

  • At :14, “General” appeared on the Ovilus followed by “Hope” at :21.
  • Our medium can be seen getting shaken around :46 as she felt an altercation occurred here.
  • “Real” appeared on the Ovilus at 1:24.
  • At 1:35, a light anomaly can be seen moving in front of Kayden.
  • Our medium can be seen getting disoriented and losing her balance at 2:51.
  • After we asked who was causing her to get dizzy, “William” appeared on the Ovilus at 3:11 followed by Cindy feeling something surrounding her at 3:39.
  • At 4:29, Dan feels a cold spot behind him.
  • The word “Odor” showed on the Ovilus at 4:36.
  • At 5:36, a figure was captured on the thermal camera in front of Dan.
  • Something moved off camera around 6:12.
  • At 6:44, “Yard” appeared on the Ovilus, followed by “John” at 7:05, “Burning” at 7:19, and “Arrived” at 7:51.




Asylum Basement – Laundry Room

 Much like the Basement Hallway, the Laundry Room was a hub for activity when the building was in operation. There has been a plethora of paranormal activity recorded here, mainly residual but there has also been some intelligent activity recorded in the form of Rempod and K2 activity.

While investigating this location, our medium was clearly affected by something in the Laundry Room. She got severely dizzy and disoriented. It’s uncertain what caused this unnerving and disturbing occurrence, but we needed to leave the area right after even though it was difficult for her to regain her composure.



  • We didn’t capture anything out of the ordinary here, but we did get a screen capture of a video of something odd moving on screen.


Laundry Room 1.jpg




Recorder 1 – Spirit Box:

  • Following the name “Ethan” appearing on the Ovilus and Cindy getting dizzy, we asked if Ethan is with us.
  • At :06, “Me” came through on the spirit box as if a response.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:

  • We told the spirit that they can use the devices to speak, and at :04, “No” was heard through the spirit box as if the spirit did not want to speak.
  • At :11, “Kayden” can be heard through the spirit box almost if the spirit wanted to speak to Kayden.
  • Following the spirit acknowledging Kayden, we captured “Kayden, hi” at :50.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:

  • After Cindy got disoriented and dizzy, we recorded “Wait a second” at :06.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 4 – Spirit Box:

  • After the word “Guns” appeared on the Ovilus, we asked if they had a gun or carried a gun, as if they were a soldier.
  • At :07, “Yeah” came across the spirit box as if the spirit was replying.
  • We captured “Thank you” at :23 on the spirit box almost if the spirit was glad that we acknowledged them.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 5 – Spirit Box:

  • At :07, we captured “Shovel” on the spirit box after we asked if this spirit is associated with the Hole Room.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 6 – Spirit Box:

  • After we began packing up due to the entity severely affected Cindy, we captured what sounded like laughter at :06.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Video 1 – Spirit Box:

  • At 13:16, there was light movement toward the back wall.
  • “Quiet” appeared on the Ovilus at 13:28 after we asked if anyone was with us.
  • Right around 14:08, Cindy and Dan both get cold simultaneously.
  • At 14:33, “Numb” appeared on the Ovilus followed by “Buried” at 15:10.
  • “Ethan” appeared on the Ovilus at 17:08 after we asked their name followed by Cindy getting disoriented.
  • At 17:14, “Me” was heard on the spirit box as if claiming to be Ethan or making Cindy dizzy.
  • Following us explaining that the spirit could use the devices to speak, at 18:17, we heard “No” on the spirit box followed by “Kayden” at 18:24 and “Kayden, hi” at 19:03.
  • At 19:20, Cindy can be seen losing her balance and “Wait a second” can be heard on the spirit box at 19:49.
  • The Ovilus produced “Guns” at 20:18.
  • After we asked if they had a gun or carried a gun, at 20:20, “Yeah” was heard on the spirit box followed by “Thank you” at 20:36.
  • The Ovilus produced “Patient” at 21:20.
  • As if responding to the Ovilus word, “Me” was heard on the spirit box at 21:23 followed by “Shovel” at 22:40.
  • The word “Proud” was seen at 23:33 on the Ovilus.
  • As we began to pack up to move on, at 24:29 a laugh was heard on the spirit box.




Asylum Attic – Recreation Room

 This large open space was, at one time, filled with mentally challenged and physically incapacitated inmates. This space was their free roam and social time. Many of these patients would simply sit in corners, staring out windows, others would be running in circles around their comrades. It is rumored that people dressed in white robes can be seen looking out windows and seen from the street. One of the spirits has been named Rudy. This is mainly based on the speech impediment he had during his time in the asylum. He has been heard speaking through spirit boxes including his speech impediment. He is also very timid and tends to stay in areas where visitors are not, such as the opposite side of the large open space.

During our session here, we captured a few names and seemingly recorded a spirit trying to repeat what we were saying. This would be typical for an area like this where psychologically damaged patients are simply trying to learn and use repetition to do so. The Rempod, which was set up in the corner close to us, went off on a few different occasions but not to its full extent. Rather, it seemed as though someone shy just wanted to play with it but not alert anyone’s attention.



  • We didn’t capture anything paranormal in the photographs but the infrared camera picked up some shape behind Kayden.


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Recorder 1 – Spirit Box:

  • After we told the spirit that they can use the device to speak, we captured “No” on the spirit box at :06.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:

  • We asked if the spirit could give us their name. At :05, we heard “Steve” on the spirit box.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:

  • After we captured “Brother” on the Ovilus, we heard “Point” on the spirit box at :07.
  • We told them that we just want to talk and don’t want to hurt them. We heard “Go” at :54 on the spirit box.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 4 – Spirit Box:

  • Like earlier, we explained that they can use the device to speak. At :04, we heard “No” on the spirit box.
  • After recommending that we play their favorite song, we captured “Song” at 1:07 on the spirit box.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 5 – Spirit Box:

  • At :07, we heard “Cindy” on the spirit box after she read off the word “Error” on the Ovilus.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 6 – Spirit Box:

  • The word “Cycle” appeared on the Ovilus, so we asked if it was their bicycle that they were referring to. After a long pause, we heard “Sorry” at :04 on the spirit box.
  • As if responding to the original question, “Mine” was heard on the spirit box at :19.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 7 – Spirit Box:

  • We explained that the spirit box can help give the spirit energy to speak and, at :07, the spirit box recorded “How?”
  • At :08, the Rempod very slightly was alerted.
  • After Cindy felt and stated that the spirit is touching her hair, there was what sounded like a chuckle at :23.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 8 – Spirit Box:

  • We asked if Elijah was the doctor’s name and, at :03, we heard “No” on the spirit box.
  • After that answer, we asked what the surgeon’s name was. At :19, we captured “What?” on the spirit box.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Video 1 – Spirit Box:

  • The word “Live” appeared on the Ovilus at 2:33 followed by “Work” at 3:05.
  • After we explained that they can use the device to speak, we heard “No” at 5:13 on the spirit box.
  • At 5:20, “Scratch” appeared on the Ovilus followed by “Scared” at 6:19 and “Wow” at 6:35.
  • After we asked if they could give us their name, at 6:47 “Steve” was heard on the spirit box.
  • “Brother” appeared on the Ovilus at 7:48 and “Point” was heard on the spirit box at 7:49.
  • At 8:36, “Go” was heard on the spirit box after we said we aren’t going to hurt them followed by “No” at 9:06 after we told them they could use the device to speak.
  • The word “Song” was heard at 10:09 on the spirit box after we asked to play that song.
  • “Stair” appeared on the Ovilus at 11:27 followed by “Error” at 12:25.
  • “Cindy” was heard on the spirit box at 12:29 just when the Rempod lightly was alerted at 13:08.
  • The Ovilus read “Cycle” at 13:10 and “Sorry” was heard on the spirit box at 13:46 followed by “Mine” at 14:01.
  • “Elijah” was read on the Ovilus at 14:50.
  • At 15:19, “How?” was heard on the spirit box after we said it will give them energy followed by the Rempod being alerted at 15:20.
  • A laugh was captured on the spirit box at 15:35 after Cindy said it was touching her hair.
  • At 15:50, “Scan” was seen on the Ovilus followed by “Bacteria” at 17:42.
  • After we asked if the doctor’s name is Elijah, we captured “No” at 18:25.
  • “What?” was heard at 18:41 on the spirit box after we asked what the surgeon’s name was.




Asylum Attic – Surgeon’s Room

 The small room with a single medical chair in the center has quite the foreboding feeling. The Surgeon’s Room was typically a medical evaluation room, but when they had to shut the door for privacy, something was more than likely very wrong. There were a handful of patients who died on the table, but the total number and names of the deaths are not accounted for. The room was decorated with items that would have been in the room during its’ operation (no pun intended) like a doctor’s bag, medical tools, and even family photos; none of which are original.

Majority of the paranormal activity in this room revolves around the surgeon. This entity is said to pace back and forth in the room and rearrange the tools. The door is said to open and close on its’ own and this has been attributed to the surgeon as well. If someone refers to the surgeon as a doctor rather than his actual title, the air is said to get very heavy as if the visitor is not wanted or allowed in the room any longer.

Upon entering the room, our medium smelled a strong scent of ether and blood. We didn’t spent very long in the room but we did manage to capture some voices on the spirit box, captured a full body on the thermal camera, and felt unwanted by the time we were finished with the investigation in the room.



  • The photographs did not produce anything out of the ordinary but the infrared camera showed a full body behind Dan.


Attic Surgeon Room 1.jpg


Surgeon Room 1.JPG


Recorder 1 – Spirit Box:

  • Just as we walked into the room, “Rivet” was captured on the spirit box at :06.
  • We heard “Yeah” at :16 on the spirit box after we asked if they said rivet.
  • At :52, “People” was heard on the spirit box after all five of us made it into the room.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:

  • As we asked if the doctor was in the room, at :04, we heard “Stop” on the spirit box.
  • At :14, “Stop” was again repeated on the spirit box.
  • After we asked if anyone is with us, at :20, we captured “I am” on the spirit box.
  • At :50, there was laughter captured on the spirit box.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:

  • At :07, we heard “We’ll break them” after we asked if the doctor’s name is Adam after we saw “Adam” on the Ovilus.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 4 – Spirit Box:

  • We kept asking for a name and the surgeon apparently didn’t like that as we heard a growl at :06.
  • After we asked what the surgeon’s name was, at :19, we recorded “What now?” on the spirit box.
  • At :28, we captured “No you didn’t” after we moved the doctor’s bag in the room.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Video 1 – Spirit Box:

  • After we entered the room, at 1:45. We captured “Rivet” on the spirit box.
  • We asked if that was the spirit talking to us, at 1:55, we captured “Yeah” on the spirit box followed by “People” at 2:31 after we all made it into the room.
  • At 2:52, “Hollow” appeared on the Ovilus.
  • As we pried and asked who was in the room, at 3:18, “Stop” was heard on the spirit box and repeated at 3:28.
  • We asked who was with us and, at 3:34, “I am” was heard on the spirit box.
  • There was laughter heard on the spirit box at 4:04 following our confusion.
  • At 4:20, “Adam” appeared on the Ovilus after we asked the doctor’s name.
  • We heard “We’ll break them” at 4:51 on the spirit box.
  • After asking who said that, at 5:22, “Monica” appeared on the Ovilus followed by “Marissa” at 6:22.
  • Once again, we asked for a name and, at 7:45, we captured a growl almost as in disapproval.
  • The spirit box captured “What now?” at 7:58 followed by “No you didn’t” at 8:07.
  • As we were about to leave, at 8:15, “Happiness” showed up on the Ovilus.




Civil War Wing 3rd Floor – Armoire Room

 Not much has been documented historically speaking in this room. It was a classroom during the seminary period and living quarters when the building was used as a home for widows and children following the Civil War. There is no official record of who stayed in the room but there have been reports of a shadow figure standing in front of the armoire located in the corner of the room. This shadow has been said to be nearly 7 feet tall and just lingering in the corner.

During our time here, we didn’t receive a lot of activity, but we did receive some courtesy in the form of welcoming words. However, toward the end, it seemed as though whoever was in the room got tired of us and asked us to go and if it was “over yet.”



  • The photographs did not produce anything paranormal.


Armoire Room 1.jpg


Recorder 1 – Spirit Box:

  • As we got into the room and finished our set up, we heard “Go get ‘em” at “02.
  • Almost as if welcoming us into the room, the spirit box captured “Hi” at :17.
  • Following us asking what their name is, we heard “Conner” at :53 on the spirit box.
  • “Strength was captured on the spirit box at 1:04 after we asked what we could do to help.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:

  • Feeling as though our welcome had worn thin, we heard “Go” at :04 on the spirit box.
  • At :25, the word “Over” was captured on the spirit box followed by “Yet” on the Ovilus as if the spirit was asking us if this was over yet.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:

  • We asked what else we could do and, at :02, we heard “Patience” on the spirit box.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Video 1 – Spirit Box:

  • As we all entered the room to begin the session, at :13, we recorded “Go get ’em” on the spirit box.
  • We heard “Hi” on the spirit box on the recorder but oddly enough this did not come through on the video.
  • After we asked the spirit’s name, at 1:04, “Conner” was heard on the spirit box followed by “Strength” at 1:15.
  • The Ovilus produced “Stain” at 1:16.
  • “Go” was captured on the spirit box at 1:40 and “Over” was heard at 2:01.
  • At 3:29, “Yet” was seen on the Ovilus.
  • As we were about to leave, we heard “Patience” on the spirit box at 4:18.




Video 2 – Stationary – Spirit Box:

  • We captured “Sir” on the Ovilus at 1:27.
  • As we entered the room, at 2:07, we heard “Go get ’em” on the spirit box and “Hi” on the recorder but not the video.
  • We asked the spirit’s name and, at 2:58, “Conner” was heard on the spirit box and “Strength” at 3:09.
  • The Ovilus showed “Stain” at 3:10.
  • “Go” was heard on the spirit box at 3:34 and “Over” at 3:55.
  • At 5:23, “Yet” shown on the Ovilus.
  • We heard “Patience” on the spirit box at 6:12.




Civil War Wing 3rd Floor – Room Across from Armoire Room

 Much like the Armoire Room, there has not been much documentation regarding this room. Unlike the Armoire Room, there hasn’t been any specific paranormal activity reported here. We were simply drawn into the room after the Armoire Room session. We’re not sure why exactly, but during our time here, two of our investigators felt the same pain behind their ear. It’s possible that whatever spirit was here wanted to share what happened to them in the past.



  • We didn’t capture anything paranormal in the photographs.


Room Across from Armoire Room 1.jpg


Recorder 1 – Spirit Box:

  • As we began our investigation, at :03, we heard “Ear” on the spirit box.
  • No more than 10 seconds after this, Dan and Cindy both felt a pain behind their right ear at the same time.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:

  • We asked how old the spirit is and, at :05, either “60” or “16” was heard on the spirit box. It was difficult to differentiate between the two numbers unfortunately.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:

  • Around :05, Cindy’s pain behind her ear increased.
  • We captured “Sorry” at :06 as if the spirit was apologizing for the pain she felt.
  • At :08, “Somebody” was heard on the spirit box.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 4 – Spirit Box:

  • Following a few specific words on the Ovilus including “She is guilty,” “Pencil,” and “Book,” we captured “Forgiven” at :06 on the spirit box.
  • About 30 seconds after the word forgiven was heard, both Dan and Cindy’s ear pain stopped hurting.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Video 1 – Spirit Box:

  • Even though we captured the word “Ear” on the recorder, we did not hear this on the video.
  • At :26, both Dan and Cindy felt a sharp pain behind their right ears.
  • “Mary” appeared on the Ovilus at :55 after we asked who’s causing the pain.
  • We asked how old Mary is and, at 1:05, we heard either “60” or 16” on the spirit box.
  • The Ovilus produced “List” at 1:40 followed by Cindy feeling a stronger pain behind her ear at 2:35.
  • As if apologizing for the pain, at 2:36, “Sorry” was heard on the spirit box followed directly by “Somebody” at 2:38.
  • The Ovilus produced a full phrase of “She is guilty” at 3:05 followed by “Pencil” at 4:00, “Catch” at 4:59, and “Book” at 5:29.
  • “Forgiven” is heard at 6:31 on the spirit box, and right around 6:52, Dan and Cindy’s ears stopped hurting.




Video 2 – Stationary – Spirit Box:

  • We captured “Ear” on the recorder but on the video.
  • At :48, Dan and Cindy felt a pain behind their right ears.
  • “Mary” showed on the Ovilus at 1:17 after we asked who’s causing pain.
  • We asked how old Mary is and, at 1:27, we heard “60” or 16” on the spirit box.
  • The Ovilus showed “List” at 2:02 and Cindy felt the pain at her ear at 2:57.
  • At 2:58, “Sorry” was heard on the spirit box followed by “Somebody” at 3:00.
  • The Ovilus showed a phrase of “She is guilty” at 3:37 then “Pencil” at 4:22, “Catch” at 5:21, and “Book” at 5:51.
  • “Forgiven” was heard at 6:53 on the spirit box, and at 7:14, Dan and Cindy’s ears both stopped hurting.




Civil War Wing Basement

 In this basement area, there are a few rooms tucked inside on both sides of the hallway. However, the entire area felt heavy and was somewhat difficult to breath. Not much is documented regarding this area historically, but paranormally there have been numerous reports regarding spirits who like to touch women. It will play with their hair, grab them inappropriately, and even slap them on occasion. This same spirit is said to dislike larger men and try to scare them off so it can have the women all to itself.

During our time here, the reports of the air being heavy and just uneasy was true. All five of us felt that unnerving essence and had the odd sensation of being watched and followed. Here, Kayden became very protective of his mother, and our medium felt as though there were actually multiple presences in the area. She also felt that in their lifetime, whatever spirit is in the basement, would torture and rape women, hiding their bodies somewhere in the building. Toward the end of our time here, we captured what sounded like a dreadful scream as we all felt it was time to get out of that area.



  • There was nothing caught on either the photographs nor the thermal camera.


Asylum 1st Floor Hallway 2.jpg


Asylum Basement 4.jpg


Recorder 1 – Spirit Box:

  • Beginning our spirit box session here, the Ovilus produced “Lady” just as Cindy began to feel disoriented.
  • She then felt as though someone wanted to harm women physically. Her intuition was that they would pull hair, hit them, and slap them.
  • Eventually, she had the disturbing sense that they ultimately raped and murdered them.
  • Just as she finished explaining her sense, at :11, a sound came through the spirit box that sounded like “Mhm” as if the spirit was confirming her feeling.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:

  • Cindy explained that one of the spirits was more aggressive and wanted to pull one of their hair.
  • At :09, “You’re right” was heard on the spirit box as if confirming this sense.
  • Cindy continued and stated that they do not like larger men. At :55, “Like you” came through the spirit box as if directing towards Derrick or Dan.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:

  • As we all felt uneasy and we prepared to wrap up and leave the area, at :02, what sounds like a scream could be heard through the spirit box.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Video 1 – Spirit Box:

  • At about 4:00, “Lady” was seen on the Ovilus followed by Cindy getting disoriented and visibly dizzy at 4:13.
  • Cindy felt that the spirits want to harm women, pull their hair, hit them, slap them at approximately 5:46.
  • At 7:01, Cindy felt as though the spirit was not happy.
  • Cindy felt that the entity in the basement raped women right around 7:22.
  • An agreeing noise of “Mhm” sounded through the spirit box at 7:32.
  • At 8:18, after Cindy explained that there is one spirit that is more aggressive than the other, “You’re right” could be heard through the spirit box.
  • After Cindy explained that the spirits do not like larger men, at 9:04, “Like you” was heard on the spirit box as if they were referring to Dan and Derrick.




Video 2 – Stationary – Spirit Box:

  • At 1:51, “Lady” showed on the Ovilus and Cindy got dizzy at 2:12.
  • Cindy felt the spirits want to harm women, pull hair, hit, slap them at 3:45.
  • At 5:00, Cindy felt that the spirit was not happy.
  • Cindy sensed the entity in the basement raped women right at 5:21.
  • A noise of “Mhm” was heard on the spirit box at 5:29.
  • At 6:17, Cindy explained there is one spirit that is more aggressive and “You’re right” was heard through the spirit box.
  • Cindy explained that the spirits do not like larger men, at 7:03, “Like you” was heard on the spirit box referring to Dan and Derrick.
  • At 7:33, “Metal” was read on the Ovilus.
  • A shrill scream was heard through the spirit box at 7:50.




After a thorough review of our data from our overnight paranormal investigation, we can conclude that Madison Seminary in Madison, Ohio holds numerous spirits all through the building. There were residual hauntings and intelligent hauntings captured in different areas of the historical building. This activity was captured via spirit box and Ovilus. There were some oddities captured on the thermal images which match up with the sensations we were feeling at the time, whether it be cold spots or just a notion of someone standing behind or in front of us. The majority of the entities encountered in the old seminary were either welcoming and talkative, or confused as if they did not realize they had passed on. There were a few occasions where we felt unwanted and even threatened. Some of these spaces felt as though we overstayed our welcome where others were actually threatening as if they wanted to cause discomfort or even harm.


Civil War Wing Old Woman Room 1.jpg


The areas that we received the most activity were the Asylum Side Basement (Hole Room, Hallway, Laundry Room), the Asylum Side Attic (Recreation Area, Surgeon’s Room), the Civil War Wing 3rd Floor (Armoire Room, Room Across from Armoire Room), and the Civil War Wing Basement. The Ovilus allowed us to gather information in the Hole Room and Hallway in the Asylum’s Basement. We also captured some FLIR thermal images as our team began to feel cold and as if a presence was nearby. The Laundry Room we captured some voices and names via the spirit box but more importantly, our medium felt overwhelmed and disoriented to an extreme level where she nearly passed out. In the Attic Recreation Room, we feel like we captured some residual experiences but also some intelligent ones which attempted to repeat what we said through the spirit box. In the Attic’s Surgeon Room, we felt unwanted as we were told to stop and heard a growl. We also captured what appeared to be a full body standing over Dan’s shoulder on the thermal camera. On the 3rd floor in the Civil War Wing, we seemingly were welcomed into the Armoire Room and received the name Conner. However, in the Room Across from the Armoire Room, two of us felt the same pain almost as if someone was trying to share their pain and tell their story. We also recorded voices in both rooms via the spirit box. In the Basement in the Civil War Wing, we all felt uneasy and threatened. The women were particularly focused on as we encountered what has been aptly known as the “Bad Man.” Here, we all felt the heaviness and discomfort and simply wanted to leave. Before we left, there was a shriek or scream through the spirit box but it’s unknown whether this was the Bad Man threatening us or one of his victims crying out in pain.


Attic Stairwell 3.jpg


During our stay overnight at the Madison Seminary, there was clear and concise evidence of multiple spirits throughout the brick structure. The building was once a hub for school aged boys, a sanctuary for Civil War women and children, and a safe haven for psychologically impaired criminals. Each era left behind its’ own unique energy and experienced its’ own tragedies. It is difficult to tell which era many of these spirits were part of but in any case, they have remained in the Madison Seminary ever since their demise. Whether they are intelligent spirits or residual footprints, their time has passed them by but they have somehow been pulled back to this location and seemingly will remain there for eternity.


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Asylum Wing Nixon _ Map Room 1.jpg


Asylum 1st Floor Dining 5.jpg

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