Welcome to our new blog! We are the Iron City Paranormal Investigators. We are based out of Pittsburgh, PA but are willing to travel all over! This blog will be dedicated to our travels and exploration of some haunted places around the country. Up until this past year, our group of novice ghost hunters have just been interested in life in the beyond. None of us have had much experience with many haunted locations until our first overnight visit at Hillview Manor last May, 2017. Up to that point we’ve all done the typical haunted tours of cities or battlefields. But now, we’ve ventured out and have begun exploring asylums and plan to visit many, many more locations in the future. We have video, photographs, and voice recordings of all of our adventures. We plan to share as much as possible, but beware, some content may not be for the faint of heart, or easily offended. Our small band of adventurers don’t exactly have the best of filters and tend to say whatever comes to mind, no matter what that may be.
The corps of our group includes myself (Derrick), Scott, Dan, Andrew, and Ayla. We have guests on the occasion and we can’t all make every excursion, but the five of are the main exploration group.
We will be documenting our findings, lack-thereof, and maybe even some short stories along the way. If you have any questions or additional proof or interesting stories to share yourself, please feel free to comment or email us directly!
Happy hunting for hauntings!
P.S. consider yourselves warned.
– DS
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