Irish-Townsend House – Return Investigation


Irish-Townsend House – Return Investigation


August 17, 2024

New Brighton, PA



Just north of Pittsburgh, PA, situated along the Beaver River, the small town of New Brighton holds a vast amount of history hidden in plain sight. The town itself dates to 1838 as its origination, but the township and its residents were a tight-knit community long before that official date. At that point, droves of settlers and immigrants moved into the area, buying property and beginning businesses throughout the valley. History itself shows a reflection of the morals and livelihoods of its citizens. This is most prominent during the Civil War as the entire town acted as a focal point along the western Pennsylvania Underground Railroad. Combined with other prominent families in the area, the Irish family settled here and showed their passion for their country as three of their sons fought for the Union and while one served as statesman. Even though they moved on following the Civil War, the Townsend family purchased the property and, formerly the Irish house, adding to its historic value. As time went on, as it tends to do, the house fell under different ownerships but there is something that is said to remain here to this day. It’s unsure if this is remnant energies from the former families or just the town itself living up to a moniker of “Living History.”


Our initial investigation of the Irish-Townsend House provided us with intriguing paranormal experiences and additional captured evidence. The majority of these hauntings would be considered residual while a separate, limited amount, would be intelligent. Regardless of the type, there is an overwhelming sensation of being welcomed with a warm and positive feeling.


There were a few moments with the motion activated devices that were captured from Spirit Light and Rempod activity to flashlights but the most captivating paranormal activity came from simply listening to the noises and sounds residual activity left over inside the mansion. This helped backup many of the documented claims as well as led us to our conclusion of this persistent residual activity. The intelligence we encountered occurred through the ESTES Method, the Spirit Box, and the Phasma Box. One EVP occurred simply from thin air with no devices heard through a recorder with a still undeciphered voice.


All these experiences and evidence gave us a foundation to build off and pursue further during our follow up investigation. Our team of four arrived at 6:00 PM to meet with Mike of the historical society. While we took a quick walkthrough we learned that they recently dated the tin ceilings constructed in the 1800’s. The house was remarkably changed since our last visit with the completion of the mahogany porch and its beautiful columns and cornice work. 



The investigation itself began roughly around 8:00 PM and lasted until around 1:30 AM and during the first hour or so we had an additional guest of Keith from the New Brighton Paranormal Society who brought along his brand new full spectrum camera. Nearly our entire equipment collection was utilized during our investigation including five motion activated trail cameras, three motion activated lights, one separate stationary camera, one handheld camera, four K2 meters, one SB7 Spirit Box, one Phasma Box, one Ovilus, one Rempod, one Spirit Light, three recorders, one FLIR thermal imaging camera, one additional IR light, one EM Pump, three light up cat balls, and one laser grid. Our SLS camera was not used as we never really had the opportunity to build or utilize this tool.


Similar to the initial investigation, beginning with our preliminary walk through, the atmosphere inside the former mansion was ever changing and momentary. This occurred all throughout the building but was particularly felt in the narrow Servants Staircase, the Attic, the Basement, and the Ballroom. The group felt a swirl of different sensations at first. The Basement gave off a more eerie, uneasy feeling as if we weren’t initially welcomed there. The Attic exuded a sensation of a mother/daughter or sister/sister combination as if a duo like this was hiding in the dark corners of the crawl spaces up above them. The Servants Staircase and Ballroom both gave off similar atmospheric shifts. Each room began as more inviting and open to communication but either we overwhelmed them with questions or people and these energies shut down and moved away from us.



Our approach from the previous investigation stayed consistent as we left recorders running and vacated the premises. During the first investigation, we heard footsteps in the Servants Staircase and some various knocking sounds. This time around, there were some extremely loud noises as if doors or windows were being slammed shut. This is still shocking to us and more importantly unexplainable. The electric energy emanating from these moments can be felt when listening back as our jaws completely dropped during this analysis. 


Following this period of time, and unknown to us at that moment, the atmospheric levels inside the mansion seemed to shift. The Attic activity decreased ten fold. Previously, this area was thought to be calling to us. It was practically begging for us to enter the crawl space. It felt like we were asked to hold off from spending time in that area. This similar sensation change was experienced in the Basement, particularly in front of the entry door. While we initially felt uneasy and uncomfortable spending any time in this spot, this did not resurface any more the remainder of the night. Regardless, we allowed these swirling emotional levels to guide us and fuel our motivation through the night which ultimately proved to be extremely fruitful. Before we got to that point, however, we knew we’d be on the move for the majority of the night so we filled our mobile bag with our gear and pushed forward with our second paranormal investigation of the Irish-Townsend House.


After a dedicated period of time, we’ve thoroughly reviewed our evidence and documented our personal experiences from our second night spent inside the Irish-Townsend House. It is our combined conclusion that the former mansion which overlooks the small town of New Brighton, PA, is a host to supernatural energies. These energies have seemingly been built up over time and still remain there today. They hide in every dark corner both known and others to be discovered.



Our initial investigation resulted in a combination of both residual energies, replaying endlessly inside these walls and permeating from the restored floorboards, and minimal intelligent energies surfacing throughout the mansion but ultimately not leading to much communication but did seem to want to make themselves known. This follow up paranormal investigation resulted in a very similar result but rather than any residual activity, the intelligent activity occurred in a far more regular and apparent capacity. These experiences all culminated in a similar fashion, however, with these energies wanting their existence to be known and guests to be aware of them but that they were still in hiding and showed very minimal interest in communicating with us more than that. With this, though, we were able to re-confirm our first visit in this historical mansion of the intelligences here which still calls this property an eternal home. These unseen forces surfaced all throughout the home but most predominantly and strongly in the Servants Staircase, the Basement, the Attic, the Pin-striped Bedroom, and minimally but more so fleeting in the Ballroom (fka the Townsend Room).


Here, we have attached our captured recordings, videos, and pictures from our second paranormal investigation of the Irish-Townsend House. With each moment, we notated what we were experiencing during that time frame and our interpretation of what each was trying to communicate. These incorporate our personal sensations as well as our sensitives’ internal, unexplainable impressions during each moment. Do not hesitate to share your own sentiments on each capture. Additional, unbiased thoughts can help add to our findings or help us to debunk some of these moments.


As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Pre-Investigation: Walkthrough and Vacant Property


Being that we had previously had our personal tours hosted by Mike, our group instead opted to visit the most recent and up to date features of the mansion. These improvements include the newly discovered tin ceiling which dates back to a local Pittsburgh-based creator of Northrop Construction as well as the newly completed front porch incorporating historically accurate columns and freshly installed mahogany floorboards. A large painting has also been hung in the Ballroom which showcases a newly constructed town of New Brighton back in the mid-1800’s with a well-known family of McConnells overlooking their factory and island. This gives visitors a wonderful idea of how the original town looked in its early form.



While we did take a walkthrough and historical briefing with Mike during our initial investigation, felt a little off near the Basement door as well as unsettled sensation when walking the Servants Staircase but the only interaction we had during this point of our investigation we did hear an odd noise as we walked through the Ballroom. With that, we the we let our recorders run as we left the property and captured some very strange footsteps, knocks, and even a heavy breath. 


We wanted to attempt this experiment once again so we left two separate recorders running, one in the Servants Staircase and one at the Main Staircase. The banging sounds and knocks returned once again but this time, there were a few moments which were more intense which sounded like someone was slamming doors and/or windows. While we did not know these occurred at the time, what we did experience in real time was a strong scent of cigar smoke but there was no rational explanation for this as no one was outside and no smoke could be visually spotted. This smell is reminiscent of the smell Mike shared with us during our first investigation. What’s more is that the smell dissipated as we followed it to the front porch, which is the exact location where Mike caught a whiff of this strong, thick smell in the past. 




  • There was nothing abnormal photographed during our walkthrough but there were a few video stills we managed to pull out which showed motion lights turning on without anyone inside as well as some light anomalies moving about. To note, these were not dust particles as we documented plenty of these moments which we set aside for comparison purposes.




Recording 1 – Static 1:



  • There was a pair of knocking noises at :04 and:12.


Recording 2 – Static 2:



  • Another knock was captured here at :03.


Recording 3 – Static 3:



  • A very similar sound of knocking was captured here at :06.


Recording 4 – Static 4:



  • A much more intense, and very unsettling, bang was heard here at :03 then increased in ferocity at :45. This was reminiscent of a door or perhaps slamming open or closed.


Recording 5 – Static 5:



  • A final pair of knocks was then recorded at this point at :05 and :24. This was the last unexplained moment before we returned to the property.


Guest Bedroom / Servants Staircase 


Just off the Servants Staircase is the large Guest Bedroom which features an ornate fireplace and plenty of open space allowing any guests ample space for their personal effects. Eventually this was converted into an apartment space so the original layout was distorted and only realized to its complete potential as the New Brighton Historic Society renovated and re-constructed this space. This area is just another space where phantom footsteps are said to emanate from and strange lights have been spotted in the past. 


During our initial night spent here, this entire space was strewn with old, dilapidated furniture and reclaimed wood trim and other lumber. While we did not spend much time in this space due to the limited space, we did capture our flashlight jumping on and off as if to draw attention to this room. We never opened any communication in here but the light drew us more toward the stairwell just beyond the entryway into this bedroom. 



This was an area which altered from the initial walkthrough to the actual investigation. At first, this space seemed welcoming and almost calling for us to enter and spend time here – that is until we gathered our gear and made our way up here. The first sign that something unusual was happening here is that our flashlights were drained of freshly changed batteries. Aside from these flashlights, our laser grid also dimmed on occasion just before something strange occurred. The only communication we received was a whispering voice through no device and simply through thin air. After we asked if whoever was in this space could step forward and speak with us, we heard this whisper of a response of “No.” This was not entirely understood or even heard clearly at the time so we proceeded onward and captured some further intelligence through the Ovilus which seemed to describe how someone died or was severely injured with ‘River’ and ‘Fall’ just as our sensitives felt a tightness around their necks and a heaviness on their chests. 


This drew us closer to the Servants Staircase where we continued conversation as we received further information about this lost soul with ‘Funeral’ and ‘Gag’ and ‘Chest.’ With these, our sensitives felt as though there was a little boy standing up on the landing of the staircase and he was pictured as if he was seven or eight and was wearing an old white cloth shirt. The flashlights flickered answering our yes/no questions but as the tightness in the sensitives’ chests returned and increased, we turned our attention to the room next door.



While the group split in half, two of the investigators were drawn back here to end the night while the other half ventured down to the Ballroom. At this second visit for the night the team utilized the Spirit Box but rather than opening up any further communication this seemed to be just another way for these energies to tell us that we were not welcomed. This started on a positive note as they explained that this communication was “Not easy” and that “We tried” but quickly took a turn as the atmosphere shifted as the group was told “Bye now” and to “Please leave” twice in a row. While we tried to plead our case to communicate and stay, we were repeatedly told to vacate the premises with “Go home” and “Go away” and even two different forms of “Leave” and “Leave now.” This did end the evening with this second attempt.




  • This screen capture of our clip on camera shows a moment when the green laser light began to dim just as the flashlight on the staircase landing (off screen) turned on.



  • This screen capture came from the same clip on camera footage and shows one particular moment where the red flashlight, just outside the area, began to lose power and dim even though the batteries were just changed.



Recorder 1 – EVP 1:



  • After we asked if they could speak with us, we heard a “No” whispered as if in direct response at :08.


Recorder 1(A) – EVP 1 Amplified:



  • This voice was amplified and cleaned up further and could be heard even clearer here at :01.


Recorder 2 – EVP 2:



  • While we don’t typically pull out and separate Ovilus communication, the timing of these responses was immaculate and truly made us believe we were hearing from someone on the other side answering questions and trying to describe who they were and what happened to them. Right after we brought up the EM Pump, which forces more energy into a space with crystals and a rare Earth magnet, the Ovilus produced ‘Mason’ and ‘Rip’ and (most importantly as if they could truly tell the difference) ‘Enjoy’ at :18.
  • The Ovilus then gave us two more relevant communications of ‘River’ and ‘Fall’ at 1:04.


Recorder 3 – Transcription 1:



  • This entire section is more for documentation purposes as there isn’t paranormal evidence per se but more so dedicated to the sensations our sensitives received and the Ovilus and flashlight activity we encountered.
  • Almost immediately, after a short break and moving completely inside the Servants Staircase area, the Ovilus produced an unsettling word of ‘Funeral’ at :28.
  • The Ovilus surprised us once more starting with the word ‘Console’ but repeated one of the investigators’ names of ‘Dan’ at 1:10. Additional note: his name has never been seen through this device in our five plus years of owning and operating it.
  • We explained that we’ve simply come to speak with them as the Ovilus produced the word ‘Wrench’ and a name of ‘Johnny’ at 2:14.
  • There was  some silence to follow as the sensitives began to feel the energy shift but as we discussed the staircase itself the flashlight on the landing above turned on at 6:35 then back off at 7:02.
  • More silence followed until the Ovilus gave the word ‘Gag’ as the group began to feel a heaviness on their chests.
  • As one of the investigators stood, another asked if they said the word “Tag” to which the Ovilus seemingly either answered the question or wanted the investigator to sit down (perhaps both) with a ‘No’ at 9:45.
  • In the room next door (we nicknamed this the Striped Room), there was another flashlight set up in the doorway leading out to the main hallway. We discussed how the energy seemed to be moving or guiding us away and, at 10:10, this secondary flashlight in the Striped Room flickered on and back off.
  • Harkening back to the heaviness on our sensistives chests, the Ovilus showed ‘Chest’ and ‘Congruism’ at 10:36. We later found out that Congruism is a form of spiritual theory where divine grace is given by God in favorable times and necessary moments due to His foreknowledge.
  • The flashlight in the Striped Room again jumped on then off at 10:28.
  • We re-directed our attention to this light and asked directly if they were the little boy who was pictured standing on the steps and, as if in a yes response, the light turned on then back off at 12:32.
  • As the light was dim but seemed to show some unseen presence, we asked if they could turn the flashlight on but instead, the Ovilus produced ‘Power’ at 14:25. We took this as they did not have enough energy to do so and, in our opinion, they needed more.
  • For nearly a minute, our sensitives both felt a heaviness in their chests around 15:00 even though they were situated on opposite sides of the stairwell.


Recorder 4 – Spirit Box 1:



  • Early on, one of the sensitives felt goosebumps all over.
  • As the group discussed this, we heard a question of “What does it mean?” at :19.
  • We asked if they were willing to speak with us but were bluntly told “No” at 1:21.


Recorder 5 – Spirit Box 2:



  • As we explained the Spirit Box we told them we wanted to give them another way to speak with us. We were informed that this was “Not easy” at :15.
  • While we contemplated that no one wanted to speak to us we were told that “We tried” at 1:45 as if they had already given up.


Recorder 6 – Spirit Box 3:



  • We took a different approach and asked if they could tell us why they didn’t want to speak with us and were simply told “Yeah” at :17 as they reiterated “Yes” at :19.
  • After a brief pause we were told “Wait” at :36 then we were told “Bye now” at :47 as if they truly had given up.


Recorder 7 – Spirit Box 4:



  • As we attempted a similar approach we asked if they could tell us why they didn’t want to speak with us. We were cut off with “Please leave” at :14.
  • After we explained that they had to tell us why we were spoken down to with “I just did” at 1:12.
  • We asked once again if they could tell us if they wanted us to leave and we heard the same phrase of “Please leave” repeated at 1:16.


Recorder 8 – Spirit Box 5:



  • As we feared that we scared them, we asked them directly and we were told to “Go home” at :09 then “Go away” at :12.
  • “Leave” was repeatedly commanded to us at :16 and :37.
  • Without much emotion, we were simply told to “Go” at :40.
  • To confirm this, we asked them if they just wanted to be left alone, a whisper of “Yes” was heard out of thin air and not the Spirit Box at :57.


Recorder 9 – Spirit Box 6:



  • As we discussed leaving, there was an exasperated phrase of “Oh my goodness” captured immediately as if they were getting annoyed with us for not following through and leaving.
  • We finally asked if there were just too many people in their house tonight and were cut off with “Leave now” repeated at :51 and :53 followed by silence.


Video 1 – Body Camera 1:


  • As we could be heard discussing the Attic, the flashlight situated on the Servants Staircase landing could be seen turning on at :19 then back off at 1:00.



Striped Room


Adjacent to the Guest Bedroom, and accessible through the Servants Staircase, this smaller room is nearly centered in the mansion and makes for easy access from the first floor and for the servants. Even though this room is not entirely documented, there is a thought that this was a sitting room of sorts which really just acted as a separation form the family and the help. Regardless of the room’s true purpose, the most important remaining historic value to this room is on the ceiling. A small square hole is situated nearly ten feet from the floor and really only accessible with the use of a rope or ladder. With this, it is a perfect hideaway for runaway slaves along the Underground Railroad. Thanks to Dallas Irish, this was well documented stating that his family would help these slaves by allowing them to hide in the crawl space which gave way to a large open space in the Attic. This Attic is now accessible at the top of the Servants Staircase but at the time of the Civil War and Underground Railroad, this was the only way this area was accessible to anyway and acted (clearly) as a wonderful hiding place.



This area was riddled with holes and scrap wood during our initial investigation but we did note that the room just felt off and not natural. We did manage to capture some creaking footsteps in this area which led us to believe that there was still some residual energy lingering here as slaves may have been scurrying up above to hide from bounty hunters.


Our natural progression pulled us into this room as the flashlight on the far side of the room was very active as we were situated in the stairwell just outside this space. We did manage to capture some of this flashlight activity on a handheld camera but more miraculously we heard the similar shuffling of footsteps that we heard during  the first investigation but this time they seemed to be just outside this room and either hiding in the adjoining room or running away form the group of five people. After they managed to provide us with further yes/no answers through the flashlight activity, we felt there was a conflict between two different energies; one who wanted to speak with us whereas another just wanted to hide and for us to move along. The sensations of heaviness in the sensitives chests continued here and even morphed into tingling sensations felt from their feet to their shoulders to their backs. We ultimately took this as a sign to move along but before we did, we heard the sound of a bell repeatedly in person but this was strangely never captured on recording or video. We later learned that there is a chain in the basement which could have echoed upstairs creating this bell-type sound.




  • The flashlight could be seen through two stills of a handheld video here.




Recorder 1 – Transcription 1:



  • The majority of the interactions in this room incorporated the flashlights which we opted to document in another transcription type analysis in order to understand the yes/no responses.
  • Almost immediately, one of the sensitives felt a strong chill as he turned his back away from the staircase as he attempted to settle into this adjoining room.
  • The team discussed this and, as if to gain our attention, the flashlight in the doorway flickered on and off at 1:08.
  • Our female sensitive got similar chills at the flashlights activation around 2:04 just as the flashlight once again flickered, never turning on fully,  at 2:20.
  • Footsteps could be heard shuffling beyond the doorway at 3:27. To note, we separated this out and amplified it further below.
  • We seemed to be given unsure reactions to our presence so we directly asked them if they were willing to step forward and speak to us. The flashlight jumped on then back off three times at this point farthing our confusion: 4:11, 4:54, and 5:10.
  • Unsure if he saw it in his mind or if it was actually there, our male sensitive noted that he saw a taller figure, about six foot tall, peering through the door. This occurred at about 5:39 as our female sensitive chimed in and believed she felt that he was a bit younger, perhaps in his young twenties.
  • As the energy seemed to shift, that same female sensitive believed she saw this figure (or maybe a different one) peer their head in through the doorway to look at us then disappeared outside the room.
  • To further the alternating energies, the room began to feel warmer at 7:00 just as our sensitive felt an extremely cold spot on the left side of his body at about 8:52.
  • Once more, we asked if they could step forward and speak to us and at 10:07 the flashlight flickered on then back off.
  • To attempt to gain a baseline, we asked if they could turn the light on to which it did so at 10:32. 
  • Naturally, we followed this by asking if they could turn it back off to it once again complied at 10:44 as they turned the flashlight back off.
  • We asked if they were a young boy but the flashlight stayed off.
  • We switched gears and asked if they were a little girl to which the flashlight flicked on then back off at 12:29.
  • With some silence ensuing, the flashlight jumped on and off two more times here as if attempting to get our attention at 12:55 and 13:35.
  • Our sensitive explained that she felt that there was a little girl and a little boy as she felt that his name was either Harold or Hank. This occurred at about 13:51 just as the flashlight flickered on and off as if to confirm this.
  • A similar sensation of a mother and daughter was discussed as it was felt earlier in the night but the flashlight never turned on to this.
  • The pressure on the sensitives chests returned at 14:58 and after discussing this and potentially leaving the area to alleviate this pain the flashlight flickered at 16:30.
  • The initial flashlight, still stationed on the staircase, flickered on and off at 18:13 just as the bell was heard in person but not on recorders. A similar sound of water dripping was heard at this point but also not recorded on any device.
  • This same flashlight flickered on the stairs once more at 20:30 as if we were being drawn out of this room as well.
  • At 20:35, the flashlight inside the Striped Room flickered on and off to continue throwing us off their intention.
  • Following that moment, the bell was once again heard in person at about 20:46 but not captured in the recording.
  • We toyed with the idea of taking a break and leaving the room and they seemed to agree with this as the flashlight turned on, and strong, at 21:28.
  • As we suddenly felt the return of these tingling sensations, the flashlight turned back off at 21:48.
  • After asking if we should leave the area, the flashlight turned on again at 25:54 to which we took this as a final answer and moved along.


Recorder 2 – EVP 1:



  • We decided to separate and amplify the shuffling of footsteps in this  clip as they can be heard at about :07 lasting for about three seconds as if taking a step or two forward then falling back. We’re unsure if they were hiding or if they were simply curious of us and our tools.


Video 1 – Trail Camera 1:


  • This camera was set just around the corner from this room, peering down the main staircase. Early on here, at about :01, an odd light anomaly could be seen moving on the stairs.



Video 2 – Trail Camera 2:


  • Toward the top right of the staircase, a similar unexplained light could be seen moving sporadically at :03.



Video 3 – Body Camera 1:


  • Clipped onto an investigator, the flashlight could be seen flickering as the battery (which had just been changed out) was being drained yet again. This could be seen at :03.



Video 4 – Body Camera 2:


  • Even though there was nothing in particular to visually see in this clip, there were shuffling footsteps that could be heard moving just past the doorway near the flashlight at about :05.



Video 5 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • We discussed the presence in the room just as the flashlight turned on, placed in the far side doorway, at :24 as it turned back off at :30.



Video 6 – Handheld Camera 2:


  • The group talked about utilizing different ways to communicate as the flashlight turned on at :06 then back off at :09.
  • We asked if they could make the light even brighter and it turned on at :17.
  • To further this, we asked if they could make it even brighter and it did flicker even brighter at :24 but ultimately shut back off.



Video 7 – Handheld Camera 3:


  • We talked about the other room briefly and the flashlight turned on at :11 as if to pull our attention back to them.
  • It shut back off at :26.



Video 8 – Handheld Camera 4:


  • A portion of the group heard a sound reminiscent of water dripping yet this was not captured on recording. Instead, we discussed this and, at :14, the flashlight turned on and stayed on until it shut off at :39.



Video 9 – Handheld Camera 5:


  • Every time one of the investigators came into the room, everything seemed to stop. At that, the team talked about them not liking him to which the flashlight activity seemed to agree as it turned on right away and stayed on until :12.



Video 10 – Handheld Camera 6:


  • There was nothing substantial gathered during this timeframe so we talked about feeling that there were too many people in a small space. As if they were agreeing with this sentiment, the flashlight turned on at :22 then shut back off at :36.
  • We continued to discuss this sensation and the flashlight jumped on and off at 1:03 and again at 1:25.



Front Parlor


On the first floor, across from the large Ballroom, this smaller area acted as a Parlor for the males of the mansion and any guests they may board. The tall windows stretch high up toward the ceiling giving onlookers a great view of the valley below and the fireplace gave the room an awe inspiring finish showcasing the wealth of the family.



This was another area that was covered in random lumber and other arrays of building materials during our first investigation. We did spend a little bit of time here, but truly only in passing. We felt energy shifting in this area but we were never truly drawn toward it.


This time around, we were drawn to this area but any semblance of paranormal activity ceased quickly as our attention was drawn toward the room on the opposite side of the house. The Ballroom produced some odd light activity which drew our attention but even before we could attempt any communication, we were pulled up the Servants Staircase toward the Attic above.




  • There was nothing abnormal captured in this room.


Recorder 1 – Transcription 1:



  • We didn’t seem to capture much supernatural activity in this area but we wanted to document the minimal Ovilus activity and the moment we noticed a light drawing our attention from the opposing room.
  • Unprompted, at :09, the Ovilus produced the number ‘Nine’ followed by ‘Catch’ at :36.
  • Right around 1:49 we discuss seeing a light flash from the Ballroom which ultimately led to us moving on from this particular location.




Just to the right of the upper landing of the Servants Staircase is a dark crawl space which appears to be a simple storage area. Toward the end of this space, an opening beckons visitors toward a large room with sloped ceilings but gives them the ability to stand. This all makes sense when comparing historical documentation and discovering that the small town was a haven for the runaway slaves along the Underground Railroad. In this Attic area, the Irish family would provide runaways safe passage and even give them money and food before preparing a carriage ride north onward to their journey toward Canada. This area is synonymous with phantom footsteps heard by visitors directly below this large open space.



Our initial investigation provided us with some minimal interactions when spending time in this area. We do believe we captured intelligent communication through the Phasma Box as we felt they wanted to be left alone. As the Spirit Light turned on, the Ovilus provided us with seemingly intelligent comments with ‘Light’ and that ‘It’s bright.’ During this timeframe, we did experience some residual communication in the form of past communications. Toward the tail end of our time spent in this area we heard further communication through the Phasma Box with “You could just leave.”


This second investigation gave us further proof that there was someone present in this space but was still in hiding. They seemingly wanted us to know that they were there but that they were not interested in communicating. This communication would all be considered intelligent and the majority of this was thanks to flashlight activity. The K2 meter also gave us a little activity but the two most intriguing moments occurred when the trail camera, which was situated perfectly still for over thirteen minutes, went sprawling to the floor as if pushed as well as a pair of eyes peering out of the darkness toward the investigative group and noticed upon reviewing of the trail camera footage post investigation.




  • There were moments when the flashlights were captured lighting up on video so we were able to take a screen capture of these moments.



  • A flashlight could be seen turning on just inside of the dark crawl space where we felt there was someone hiding. This moment was pulled from a video into a still image.



  • This still of a video shows what appears as shining white eyes peering out of the dark crawl space attached to the large room.



Recorder 1 – Transcription 1:



  • As with other transcriptions, this timeframe was also most valuable to notate the flashlight activity which comes best through a transcription of this investigative period rather than showcasing any particular evidence.
  • Around 2:26, without much activity occurring, one of the investigators began to feel a touch on his shoulder as if someone were reaching out from the darkness behind him.
  • While the team discussed this sensation, the flashlight situated in the corner of the room turned on at 2:39 then back off at 2:56 after we asked them to turn it off.
  • We introduced ourselves and the flashlight in the corner flickered on and off at 4:58 as if acknowledging this.
  • As we attempted to establish a baseline, we asked them to turn the flashlight back on. At 7:24, the flashlight placed next to the dark crawl space turned on. To note, this was the spot where we felt there was in fact someone hiding.
  • At 7:53, after we asked them to shut the light back off, it did in fact shut off.
  • After the sensitives felt the presence of a little boy, we discussed this feeling and asked if they were indeed a young boy. The flashlight in the corner turned on at 8:24 and stayed lit.
  • We asked if they could turn the other light on and, at 9:49, the flashlight next to the crawl space turned on at 9:49.
  • After we asked them to turn the lights off, both flashlights shut off at 10:21.
  • Following this, we asked if this was the act of a child who was with us but no light ever turned on. We assumed this was a ‘No’ response.
  • We asked if they were an adult, and at 11:31, the trail camera which had been stationary for thirteen minutes was seemingly pushed over. We pulled this out separately for an individual listen below.
  • As the team discussed the camera falling over, and caught their breath, both flashlights turned on then back off at 11:56.
  • After some silence, the flashlight next to the crawl space jumped to life at 13:54 then back off at 14:05.
  • We joked a bit as we attempted different equipment in the pitch black and the flashlight in the corner turned on at 14:55 as if to recognize this and wanted to let us know that they were still there.
  • After we directly asked them to turn the light back off, it did so at 15:38.
  • While we tried to re-establish our baseline, we asked them if they could still turn the light on. At 17:04, the flashlight next to the crawl space flickered on and off.
  • Interestingly enough, we once again asked if this presence was a child and the light stayed off.
  • While we weren’t sure where to go from there, we asked if they simply did not know their age to which the flashlight next to the crawl space turned on at 19:54.
  • As the light remained on, we asked if they could turn it off to which it shut off almost immediately at 20:19.
  • We explained that if they would like a different way to speak to us that we could provide one if they gave us a sign by lighting the flashlight but the light never turned on.
  • Taking this as a not-so-subtle hint, we asked if they wanted us to leave them alone. At 22:23, the K2 meter spiked for the first time in this area.
  • Jokingly, we asked if they were guiding us toward the door but to our astonishment the flashlight turned on at 22:52 proving to us that they were not joking about this.
  • To confirm this notion once and for all, we asked if they could turn the flashlight off if they wanted us to leave. Once again, as if an immediate reaction, the flashlight shut off at 23:44. 
  • We made our way out at that point.


Recorder 2 – EVP 1:



  • After we asked them if they were an adult, the trail camera fell over at :06 with a loud bang startling the group. This was standing stationary for over thirteen minutes.


Video 1  – Stationary Camera 1:


  • As we joked amongst the group, the flashlight could be seen turning on at about :15 then turning off immediately.



Video 2  – Stationary Camera 2:


  • This clip shows the flashlight previously turned on, off camera, so we re-angled this camera to capture the activity. At :01, after we asked if they could turn the light off, it did shut off.
  • We asked if this was the little boy the one sensitive saw earlier in the night and at :32, an odd flashing of light appeared in the crawl space behind him almost appearing as a pair of eyes.



Video 3  – Stationary Camera 3:


  • We attempted to reset ourselves and level out the questioning. After asking if they could turn the light on next to the crawl space, it did so at :09 then shut back off at :39 after we asked if they could shut it off.
  • Following this moment, we asked if they were a little child but the flashlight stayed off as if responding with a ‘No.’  



Video 4  – Stationary Camera 4:


  • As we asked if they were an adult, the trail camera placed on the far side of the room could be heard being shoved over at about :12 just as the flashlight turned on.
  • Off camera, at about :38, the other flashlight turned on in the corner of the room.  



Video 5  – Stationary Camera 5:


  • As we discussed the light in the corner, the flashlight nearest the crawl space jumped on at :05 then was shut back off at :17.  



Video 6  – Stationary Camera 6:


  • Off screen, the opposing flashlight turned on at :03 just as an odd light anomaly was seen moving in front of this camera simultaneously.  



Video 7  – Stationary Camera 7:


  • We began to believe that they did not want to answer our questions. In turn, we asked them this directly but off screen, the flashlight turned on at :01.
  • At :48, that flashlight turned back off after we asked if they could do so.  



Video 8  – Stationary Camera 8:


  • After asking them, partially joking, if they were guiding us out the door, the flashlight jumped to life at :05.
  • To continue this train of thought, we asked if they wanted us to leave and, if so, if they could turn the flashlight back off to signify this. At :58, the flashlight shut off.



Video 9  – Trail Camera 1:


  • This clip shows the timestamp when this camera was moved to its current location.



Video 10  – Trail Camera 2:


  • The focus of this clip shows the timestamp after the camera was knocked over by an unseen force.





Underneath the entire span of the addition and original mansion, this underground area is huge yet is sectioned out into multiple different areas. Each room is separated by stone foundation blocks and the different time periods of construction can be seen here below the Earth. There are two separate internal entrances as well as one external hatched entrance. In addition to these, there is an original hatch entrance right next to the main staircase but long since covered and sealed by a simple wood plank. Originally, the stone foundation and dirt floored location would have been utilized for food storage and cold stored supplies. The existing cistern, which is currently undergoing excavations, would have been used as a fresh water inlet. This is one of the few areas in the entire mansion where guests have felt uneasy and even feel a negative emotional state. It’s also a common description as a sixth sense that someone is watching them from a distance. While there is no documentation as to why this negativity would exist here, those who look for and open themselves up to the paranormal have recorded flashlight activity.



One of the more astounding moments from our initial investigation was a moment when the main Basement door creaked open with absolutely no breeze or air flow possible to push this heavy door. During our multiple investigative attempts, we gathered Spirit Light and Rempod activity which occurred both under the main staircase as well as in the main entryway between the two large rooms. While spending time here, we mainly deduced that the odd actions we captured were all more residual rather than anything intelligent.


Our initial findings guided us to spend even more time both trying to debunk the door moving as well as more time trying to pinpoint who may be hiding in the darkness of the Basement. During our set up period, we managed to determine that there was no way the door could move on its own aside from hurricane-esque winds pushing it. The door itself is very heavy and the casing around the door is completely plumb, not allowing it to sway on its own. In addition to this, we trained a separate trail camera on the door to repeat this experiment as well as placed motion lights down the hallway in an attempt to trace any movement leading up to it. We did not get this door to move again leading us to believe that this was in fact a paranormal event during the first time around. What we did have occur around this door during this second investigation were motion lights turning on and off all around it as well as some odd light anomalies moving in front of it. 


As we made our way down into the Basement, our goal was to attempt to find out who may still be down here but during our set up period as we tried to get settled in, the closet in the rear of the room gave us extremely unsettling sensations. This was so intense that neither of the sensitives wanted to approach the area nor have their backs to it. We decided not to pursue this as it was seemingly negative so we made our focus on the opposite side of the Basement wall but before we were able to do so there was a strange and starling scuffling sound which actually sent our investigators jumping backward out of the area. Unfortunately, this was not captured on any device but all four investigators heard and reacted to this. Our initial thought was this was an animal, perhaps a skunk that we smelled earlier or a cat which we noticed a few roaming the property earlier in the night. We never found any scientific reasoning for this but persisted and attempted some type of communication. Amazingly, we recorded the name ‘Ameline’ and the month of ‘January’ on the Ovilus. This Ameline name occurred elsewhere in the building and was actually heard verbally later on in the night. Aside from this, there was some minimal K2 meter activity but nothing that was concrete nor anyone who wanted to communicate so we opted to move along.




  • There was a video still pulled aside here of the K2 meter activating on multiple occasions.



  • More video stills that we attached occurred through a trail camera stationed at the Basement door. Each shows peculiar light anomalies moving just past the door frame toward the heavy Basement entry door.




Recorder 1 – EVP 1:



  • Prior to this timeframe, our flashlight was completely drained of power.
  • The name ‘Ameline’ was produced on the Ovilus at :03.
  • At :50, the Ovilus then produced the words ‘Got’ and ‘Often.’
  • Finally, at 1:10, the month, or perhaps name, of ‘January’ was shown on the Ovilus.


Recorder 2 – EVP 2:



  • We asked if they were willing to speak and, if so, could they step forward, the K2 meter spiked at 3:12.
  • Right after this moment, at 3:14, one of the sensitives backs began to tingle as if someone were approaching him.
  • Without much open communication at this point, we asked once again if they could step forward and, at 4:04, the K2 meter again lit.


Video 1  – Trail Camera 1:


  • We placed this camera in the same spot from our initial investigation looking toward the entry door. While we never captured the door moving during this visit, we did notice a few of the motion activated lights activating as if someone was moving past them.
  • The first notable time this occurred was at :01 here.



Video 2  – Trail Camera 2:


  • Just above the door frame, an odd light could be seen moving at :04.



Video 3  – Trail Camera 3:


  • In the room across the hallway, inside the Ballroom, this clip shows the Spirit Light turning on through the doorway at about :04.



Video 4  – Trail Camera 4:


  • At :02, an unexplainable light was spotted at the top left.
  • The motion activated light could then be seen turning off at :05 as if it was previously activated.



Video 5  – Stationary Camera 1:


  • The K2 meter could be seen flashing on at about :05 as if they were testing out the equipment or trying to get our attention.
  • Once again, at :10, the K2 meter spiked.
  • We finally asked if they could step forward and touch that light once again so that we could begin to ask them questions. At :20, this K2 meter again jumped to life.



Video 6  – Stationary Camera 2:


  • The K2 meter turned on at :12 after we once again asked them to light it up.
  • This occurred once more at :30.



Ballroom (FKA Townsend Room)


This large living space stretches from the front to the back of the house and includes its own entrance to the front porch. No longer a construction area, this room now exudes the beauty and grandeur once known for its decoration and gorgeous finishes. The Ballroom was a main focal point of the mansion and is quickly becoming its former glory with the restoration efforts of the New Brighton Historical Society. Right outside of this room, through the glass door leading to the porch is where our host has actually smelled cigar smoke perhaps attributing this to Mr. Townsend himself. During the construction process, both contractors and guests alike have recognized an overwhelming sense of control as if someone is watching off in the distance to ensure the mansion is treated with courtesy and the respect it deserves.



The first interactions we had with this room during our initial investigation occurred early on in our walkthrough with banging noises emanating from just beyond the room in the hallway. At first, we did not encounter anything out of the ordinary but after we listened back to a simple quiet session we heard an indecipherable whisper paired up with Spirit Light activity. This was seemingly all tied to the original chair which was found in the Attic during restoration. During this time frame we heard a bell but were never able to track down this odd sound. We operated both a Spirit Box and ESTES session here and heard direct connections to that old chair with “The chair” and “Her chair.” Eventually we were told to “Stop” and “Out” just as we noticed a white mist moving out of the doorway.



During this second investigation, we were never completely drawn to this area but we did move the old chair back to this spot from its current location in the Parlor to see if there was any connection to it in this room. We never received any communication telling us that but at one point the Spirit Light did shine bright after being placed on the chair and strong enough to draw our attention toward it from across the building. With our previous interactions we did want to spend some time here regardless of any feeling of energy or a shift in atmosphere but we do believe we caught up with someone here. They did not seem to be tied to the room in any way but they seemed to be hiding in here as half of the group was upstairs in the Servants Stairwell. During this time period, we utilized the Phasma Box and did in fact have some communication with this fleeting energy. Early on, we were greeted with an almost surprised “Hello” and “Hi” all while questioning our motives with “My story?” after we explained that we wanted to help tell their story. The name “Ameline” resurfaced here two additional times, both times though were verbally spoken rather than via the Ovilus. Although we felt like we were getting somewhere we were ultimately stone-walled and told in three different ways that we had worn out our welcome: “Out” and “Go” and “Now.” We listened to their pleas and ultimately called it a night.




  • There was a moment when we spotted a light anomaly moving out of the room and toward the front door. While we didn’t capture this inside the room itself, the trail camera placed on the main staircase did record this white light moving out of the Ballroom in front of the camera. This was a screen capture of that moment.



Recorder 1 – Phasma Box 1:



  • After we introduced ourselves, the motion light on the opposite side of the room turned on as if it noticed movement. This occurred at about :01.
  • We asked if they could let us know they were with us and make a noise and, at :39, a shuffling sound was heard.


Recorder 2 – Phasma Box 2:



  • At :02, we heard a welcomed “Hello” followed by “Hi” at :09.
  • We explained that we just wanted to speak with them and heard a surprised “Oh?” at :16.
  • After we explained that we simply wanted to help tell their story, this surprised excitement was furthered with a question of “My story?” at :28.


Recorder 3 – Phasma Box 3:



  • After one of the investigators left the room temporarily, there was another greeting of “Hi” at :02.
  • Following the remaining investigator complimenting their house explaining it as stunning there was a simple agreement of “I know” at :22.
  • The Ovilus produced the word ‘Apartment’ at :39 which the mansion was in fact a former apartment building.
  • The investigator continued the compliments calling the mansion beautiful and the Ovilus showed the word ‘Home’ at :40.


Recorder 4 – Phasma Box 4:



  • At :04, the Ovilus produced an odd combination of words with ‘Three,’ ‘Month,’ and ‘Triangle.’
  • The name “Ameline” was heard here, unprompted, at :14.
  • After we asked who Ameline was, we heard a response of “Please visit” at :27.
  • We questioned this and heard an almost snarky response of “Mhm” at :28


Recorder 5 – Phasma Box 5:



  • After some silence, we asked directly if they could tell us their name but instead heard “There are two of us” at :09 as if there were two energies in the room.
  • We tried to get this re-affirmed and heard “They’re not listening” at :17 then “Recording us” at :35 as if knowing that our tools were in fact recording their voices.


Recorder 6 – Phasma Box 6:



  • Once more we pursued the Ameline name and asked if they could tell us who this was and instead heard a compliment of “I appreciate you” at :10 as if truly enjoying the time spent speaking with them.
  • The atmosphere began to shift here though as we heard a question of “Where’s Jack?” at :19 then an unsettling command of “Release me” at :29.
  • While the remaining half of the investigative team made their way down the steps we heard them referenced as “Them” at :40 then again with “There’s someone’s there” at 1:10.
  • As the conversation changed we asked them if they wanted us to go away, we heard “Not really” at 1:37. 


Recorder 7 – Phasma Box 7:




  • We discussed the previous comments and the intelligence they seemed to be showing. We asked each other what was being said and we heard an almost condescending response of “It was me” at :31.
  • We responded with a question of ‘What was you?’ we heard an odd phrase of “In search of” at :42.
  • Trying to connect the dots, we asked if they were searching for someone to which we were abruptly commanded “Out” at :58.
  • After we had asked if they wanted us out we heard another opposing phrase of “Not ready” at 1:19.


Recorder 8 – Phasma Box 8:



  • With a last ditch effort, we asked if they could tell us their name to which we heard “Ameline” verbally at :09.


Recorder 9 – Phasma Box 9:



  • Unprompted, we were told to “Go” at :01.
  • Before we listened to their command, we politely asked if there was anything else they’d like to tell us but were told “Now” at :09.


Video 1  – Trail Camera 1:


  • An odd light was seen in the doorway leading to the hall throughout this clip.



Video 2  – Trail Camera 2:


  • This camera was moved out inside the doorway and another light could be seen here on the left hand side at :08. This light was seen by the team while spending time inside the Ballroom but luckily it was captured on this camera view.



Following an extensive amount of time reviewing our experiences and analyzing the captured evidence gathered during our second paranormal investigation of the Irish-Townsend House overlooking the small town of New Brighton, PA, we can confidently conclude that the former mansion, in all its glory, is a host to otherworldly phenomena and holds unexplainable energies which are drawn back to this beautiful home. While we managed to add to the history and story of the paranormal activities during this second paranormal investigation, we were additionally able to confirm the experiences and evidence we gathered during our initial investigation.


With this second night spent in this mansion, we thoroughly believe that we communicated with a few different intelligent energies which seemed to be able to move freely throughout the building. While these energies seemed to hold certain areas on a much more personal level and even consider them their eternal homes, they were never constrained to these but rather used multiple areas inside the building to hide and seemingly avoid our group of investigators. We did manage to capture a name of “Ameline” and that there was a young boy, as well as another adult almost watching over this boy from the other side. We were never able to get any identities to this pair nor their association with one another but we did manage to figure out that they hid in the Attic and simply wanted us to leave. Multiple energies appeared to be very interested in our tools, particularly the flashlights and K2 meters, just as intrigued as they were with visitors in the form of a group of four engaging individuals coming to speak directly with them. They seemed to be able to speak and intelligently communicate with us but they opted not to do so aside from strong and ultimately convincing conversation to get us to leave them alone in this area and even to leave the entire building. What we did manage to discover is that they did want to be known by more physical altercations like moments when a camera was shoved to the ground, motion lights were activated as they stepped forward, and even phantom footsteps startling us when we were least expecting it.



The night began the same way it ultimately ended. At first, our hosts were unsure of us and their communication from the get go gave us an overarching sensation of not being welcomed and that lines of communication would be difficult if not impossible. Even after we properly introduced ourselves and made our intent clear, we were still told that they would not be willing to speak with us with a whispered “No” while we spent time in the Servants Staircase. There was additional flashlight communication during the first time frame but not during the second. The same sensation would return on and off throughout the night but as we returned to this same spot toward the tail end of the evening with a different means of communication we were told yet again to leave in many different forms and ways of doing so from “Bye now” to “Please leave.” Even though we unwaveringly continued, we were greeted with protective emotions and phrases which showed us that they clearly did not want to spend any more time with us or share any of their knowledge as we were clearly told to “Go home” and “Go away” not to mention straightforward commands of “Leave” and “Leave now.”


With the fleeting sensations, and our fear that we were chasing these energies about the building (which we do not ever want to intrude on anyone in this manner), we didn’t excessively pursue or “chase” any of these. There were three particular locations, though, where we felt we just crossed paths with the remnant energies remaining in the building. 


The first moment of this evanescence sensation occurred upstairs in the Attic where there appeared to be two energies still unfortunately hiding here. Whether they were fleeing slaves or members of the family helping those in need is still to be determined but the sensations we gathered were that there was one child, likely male, and one adult watching over and protecting him here. Neither wanted to communicate identities or any reasoning for being here but they did want their existence to be known but, similar to those and perhaps the same communicated with in the Servants Stairwell, they wanted us to leave them alone. We did experience a camera being shoved over as well as flashlight communication to lead us to these conclusions but the most visually explicit moment captured what looked like a pair of eyes peering out from a darkened crawl space.



The next particular moment of this ephemeral feeling was in the Basement. This was much more unnerving, potentially negative, energy but was found hiding in the closet and moving out across the sprawling Basement as we encroached on their space. Once more, this energy was curious about our devices but ultimately just wanted to be left alone. The K2 meter was the prime focus for this energy to be acknowledged in this space.


Perhaps the most convoluted communication we had the entire night occurred in the Ballroom as we once again seemed to cross paths with someone who was apparently fleeing from the group that was upstairs. This energy was by no means contained or even drawn to this area but they seemed to be settled in here due to the quiet – a quiet which we disturbed. Here, we once again captured the name “Ameline” and further intelligent conversation starting with greetings of “Hello” and “Hi.” This continued on with an emotionally charged surprise response to us explaining that we only wanted to speak with them and tell their story. We clearly heard responses of “Oh?” and “My story?” Even though we felt like we were getting somewhere, we were once again told that we were no longer welcome with separate words explaining their same desired outcome as we were told “Out” and “Go” and “Now.” At this point, we noted a white mist slumber across the room toward the door on the far side of the room. While we didn’t capture this on any imagery inside the room, the camera placed in the hallway caught what appeared to be this white light turning the corner out of the Ballroom.


The most activity we received, not to mention the majority of our personal feelings and experiences, was through motion activated devices where these energies seemed to come forward, tinkered with the devices, then backed off. Regardless of their hiding spot, the sensation and sixth sense was the same; they were not interested in speaking with us and kept avoiding  us. This was evident all throughout the building and the entirety of the night.



Our initial investigation paired up with our sensitives helped guide our second paranormal investigation but there was such a strong pull (or push) at times that these were not even needed at particular moments. This just shows the strength of the energy still residing here who continue to call this former mansion home. While we don’t have confidence in their identities, we are confident that this second investigation has led us to believe that there are at least four different energies drawn to this space and who are still hiding in the dark corners to this day. There was one name of “Ameline” which reoccurred four times during the night but we never received a finite answer whether she was still here, associated with one of the energies, or had some tie to the house. We do believe this is tied to a sensation of a young girl who seemed to be present on the Servants Staircase but also had free roam of the entire building like the Ballroom. Above and beyond this, we received communication which told us there was a young boy and older man who seemed to be tied together although there is no direct connection to one another, the property, or their identity. They did, however, want their existence to be recognized but did not want anyone prying in their business or past. The final energy we believe we encountered was a darkness in the underground which seemed to be interested in us and our equipment yet very territorial and did not want anyone in their space.


Just as it was during our first investigation of the Irish-Townsend House, we are very humbled to be welcomed into this historic mansion with so much undiscovered and undocumented hidden history that is ultimately vital to the existence of the home and even the town of New Brighton, PA. We cannot put our gratitude and thanks into words as it means so much to us for the New Brighton Historical Society to open the mansion’s doors to us and trust us with the mansion’s history and unseen occupants. Much like the organization’s goal, our true purpose for investigating properties, like the Irish-Townsend House, is to help keep history alive and build upon what we already know. No matter how much of the past is documented, we’ve learned that there is still so much more for us to discover or rediscover. Our intent is to share our evidence and experiences with the community as a whole so future generations can continue to uncover the past and build upon our findings, the historical society’s documentation and restoration process, and keep the names and actions of the Irish and Townsend families alive and well and available to all.



With the new addition of the Irish-Townsend Home being listed on the National Register of Historical Places, hopefully grant money and funds will find their way to this property as the historical society expands their restoration efforts. Even still the group and community can use as much support as possible and with that being said, if you enjoyed this investigation or just the preservation of lesser known historical locations, please consider making a donation (no matter how small, every penny counts!) to the New Brighton Historical Society and, in particular, the Irish-Townsend House. We have attached the direct link below if you feel so inclined:


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