Harmony Inn – Investigation

March 1, 2019

Harmony, PA


The Harmony Inn has changed ownership numerous times and transformed from a residential mansion to an inn to its’ final and current form of a bar/restaurant.  Tragedy ran its’ course while the Harmony Inn was occupied by Austin Pierce and his family in the 1850’s.  Tuberculosis ruined the lives of multiple people including the Pierce children who had to be quarantined and ultimately met their demise in the upstairs attic.  After the mansion was purchased and turned into a hotel, the paranormal activity began.  The activity only picked up from that time and the current employees each have their own story as the activity occurs on a semi-regular schedule. 

The Harmony Inn is still designed and fashioned to reflect the Pierce mansion from the Civil War era and the atmosphere is always cheerful and upbeat with the locals drinking and eating on the regular here.  

Upon our arrival, the bar was still in operation and packed.  We were greeted by the locals while enjoying their Friday evening with some fresh brewed beer and home cooked German-based cuisine.  Everyone was friendly and were happy to make our acquaintance and see what we were up to that night.  Some of the visitors even followed us around while we set up our equipment and asked us questions about what we would be doing.  Some of them even shared their own experiences with us.

Before the bar cleared out, the manager on duty that night, Eric, shared with us one of the most eerie photos we’d recently witnessed.  This was an old picture that he said he found behind their printer and computer.  It shows what appears to be a head and a body at the top of the attic stairs clear as day.  We would try to debunk this with our own pictures of the area later on in our investigation.

Once the building was emptied and we were locked in, our investigation began around 1:00 AM and lasted until approximately 6:00 AM the next morning.

The equipment list for that evening included two recorders, an EMF reader, a K2 meter, two night vision video cameras (one of which we used as a stationary camera), SB7 spirit box, plasma ball, laser grid pen, light up balloons, a Rempod, and an Ovilus.  We utilized everything at our disposal except for the balloons and the laser grid pen was used minimally throughout the night.

The communication throughout the night appeared on and off in various locations.  Some of the more notorious hot spots were dead (no pun intended) but we did seem to experience moving spirits as well as residual conversations.  The most communication occurred in the dining area on the second floor (where we also experienced some heaviness in the air and some unexplained sounds) and we experienced our best Rempod communication in the bar which lasted over ten minutes.  Some of the residual activity occurred in the second floor dining area close to Grandma’s room where we also heard a dog’s yelp which we have never experienced in the past. 

Harmony Inn’s atmosphere was definitely light and inviting, much like a bar is on a normal basis.  The only location that was truly different, but we couldn’t really qualify it as being dark or heavy just different, is the front dining room on the second floor where the chair moved when we stepped out.  We did manage to capture some photographs but the majority of the activity was communication through the spirit box recorded via the recorders and video cameras.

Below are our recordings and videos, which we captured throughout the evening.  We marked the locations where we feel we received some kind of communication from the other side – voices, noises, anything and everything we captured.  Let us know your thoughts if you get the chance to listen and watch some of the footage.

As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


The spirits of two small children (one boy and one girl) have been said to be seen and felt in this area where they were quarantined and ultimately passed away.  They are reported to laugh and run around up in the attic area.  There are two black smudged handprints on the wall and ceiling that have been rumored to have been left by the children.

  • We snapped a few photos around the room but did not capture too much.  In the doorway where the children were quarantined there appeared to be a white light that appeared outside the door and disappeared as it entered the doorway.  After speaking with the staff, they had found an old photo of the top of the attic stairs which appears to be a head and body peering out from behind the top post.  We tried to recreate this and possibly debunk this photo but we were unable to.


Recording 1 – EVP Session:

  • Unfortunately our EVP session with just the recorder playing did not record any evidence or communication.
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/727370706″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Recording 2 – Spirit Box Session:

  • Our spirit box session produced a little more communication with the children, or someone else in the attic.
  • There was an audible noise we recorded at :42 and :44 but we were unable to translate this to anything significant.
  • We did record a little communication when we asked if the spirits can speak to us to which we caught a response of “Yes” at 4:12.
  • As we packed up our equipment, we told whoever that was present with us that we would come back later.  At 6:11 we heard a response of “Not much.”
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/588589482″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Video 1:

  • We didn’t record much throughout our videos but we did capture the same hallway for you to see in the video.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7W8nsHmQGc]

2nd Floor Front Right Dining Room

Local residents have claimed to see a woman standing in the windows peering out and pacing from room to room.  These claims seem to be backed up by the story of the nanny whose body was buried in the walls of the Harmony Inn after she passed away from tuberculosis.  We placed the stationary camera facing this room toward the second half of the investigation.


  • We snapped plenty of photos as both Dan and Gabe felt an odd sensation in the room.  However, we did not capture anything paranormal in the photos.

Recording 1 – Spirit Box Session:

  • As we introduced ourselves, we received an almost immediate response of “Hello” at 1:29.
  • We captured “Hello” once again at 2:25 as we stopped speaking momentarily.
  • We followed that by asking if someone is trying to say something to which we heard “Me” at 2:55.
  • As Gabe stood up, we captured “Please sit down” at 4:40.
  • Dan said that he saw something in that room earlier in the night.  At 5:01 we captured “Daniel.”
  • We told the spirit that we are just trying to talk and at 7:06 we heard “Not interested.”
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/588589476″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Video 1:

  • As we began filming, we captured “Daniel” at :01.
  • We told the spirit that we are just trying to talk and at 2:07 we heard “Not interested.”
  • We asked if they could tell us their name and we heard “Anna” at 2:45 followed by “Woman” at 3:09.
  • “Just me” came through the spirit box at 3:52 after we asked how many are with us.
  • At 4:51, after we told them we could hear them, we captured “Just go.”
  • At 5:53 we heard “Gabe” followed by dead air. Finally we heard “Me” at 8:01 after we asked if anyone is still with us.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ITWdHpxZHs]

Video 2 – Stationary Camera:

  • While all three of us were downstairs in the bar area, there is a loud bang heard at 9:50.
  • Another thud noise can be heard at 13:10 with no apparent explanation.
  • A final banging can be heard at 16:12 while we were all still in the bar area downstairs.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwxZIwYETlg]

Video 3 – Stationary Camera:

  • The lights flicker throughout the video playback with no apparent reasoning but there is no specific time nor any other occurrence.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxyOhv4b3Ew]

Video 4 – Stationary Camera:

  • There was nothing out of the ordinary on this video capture.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOBQkUr9I5M]

2nd Floor Hallway

In the hallway between the two dining areas on the second floor, the same woman has been said to walk the corridor and peer out the window.  Footsteps, moans, and shadows have all been reported in this area.


  • Even though we snapped a few pictures and appeared to catch some movement in the pictures, we debunked this as dust that was kicked up as we were walking through.

Recording 1:

  • Before we began the recorder, all three of us heard a sliding of a chair from the dining area we were just in.  Unfortunately we did not capture this noise on any device but collectively we all heard this and began to question any spirits who were with us who moved the chair and why.  We do believe that we captured a name in this conversation.
  • At 1:56 we heard “What was that?” as we said that we just want to talk.
  • As we asked who made the chair move, we captured “It was me” at 2:19 followed by the name “Anna” at 2:23.
  • At the 2:27 mark we recorded “Come here” as we were still digesting the name Anna.
  • We believed that we captured the phrase “On the table” and at 3:10 we recorded “Shut up” as a response.
  • Once more we asked who made that noise and we heard “It was Anna” at 3:13.
  • We discussed what we just heard and captured “go away” at 3:25 so we asked if the spirit said go away.  At 3:38 we heard a response of “Right now.”
  • We again asked who moved the chair to which we received a response of “On the table” at 3:40.
  • At 4:23 we captured “I did it” after we asked who moved the chair followed by “My house” at the 4:29 mark.
  • We responded to the entity explaining that its’ not their house anymore and we heard “It’s mine” at 4:50.
  • After some silence we heard “Go home” at 6:10 and “The attic” at 6:19.
  • In response, we opened the attic door and at 7:09 we heard “Watch it.”  Following this we captured “There goes” at 8:23.
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/588353838″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Video 1:

  • Just like the recorder, we did not capture the chair moving noise on the camera.
  • At :45 we noticed an orb moving out of the dining room.
  • At 3:59 we heard “What was that?” as we said that we just want to talk.
  • We heard “It was me” at 4:22 and the name “Anna” at 4:26.
  • At 4:30 we heard “Come here.”
  • We captured the phrase “On the table” at 5:07 and “Shut up” as a response at 5:50.
  • We heard “It was Anna” at 5:53 and “go away” at 6:05, in turn we asked if the spirit said go away and at 6:18 we heard a response of “Right now.”
  • “On the table” was recorded at 6:20 followed by “I did it” at 7:03.
  • At 7:09 we heard “My house” so we told the entity that its’ not their house anymore and we heard “It’s mine” at 7:30.
  • After some silence we heard “Go home” at 8:50 and “The attic” at 8:59.
  • In response, we opened the attic door and at 9:49 we heard “Watch it” followed by “There goes” at 11:03.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj5RGCNocyo]

2nd Floor Front Left Dining Room

This is the area that is directly connected to Grandma’s room where the old nanny was said to be buried in the wall a long time ago.  Again, the woman has been seen staring out windows and pacing the dining room.


  • We did capture a light mist rising from the floor and moving across the floor.  The mist moved right past us, disappearing as soon as it approached the window.  The photo shows the mist on the lower right hand corner as it moved toward us.

Recording 1 – Spirit Box Session:

  • As we approached Grandma’s room, we heard a dog’s yelp.  This can be heard at :36 and sounded as though it came from the dead air and not through the active spirit box.
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/588353829″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Video 1:

  • We captured that same yelp at the 2:08 mark on the video.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5roOLYHTi4]

2nd Floor Grandma’s Room

There have been reports of disembodied voices echoing out of this rear room.  Grandma has been seen standing in the doorway and walk from her room to the dining areas peering out the windows.


  • While Dan and Gabe both saw movement as they looked outside of the room toward the Dining Room, we took a few photos inside Grandma’s room looking out but did not capture anything.

Recording 1 – Spirit Box Session:

  • As we all sat down at the table inside the room, we captured “Hello” at 1:00.  Right as we sat down, Dan stated that he saw something in the dining area to which we heard “They see me?” at 1:19.
  • From that point we attempted to make contact with Grandma or anyone else in the room but seemed to be striking out.  As Gabe looked in the same direction as Dan did earlier, he said he thought he saw something.  At 4:39 we caught “Gabe.”
  • After snapping a few pictures, Derrick walked back into the room and 4:52 we captured “Derrick.”
  • We asked if the spirit wanted us to follow it and chase it again and we heard a response of “Not now” at 7:18.
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/588353820″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Video 1:

  • We heard “They see me?” at :47 after Dan said that he saw something.
  • Gabe looked in the same direction as Dan did earlier, he said he thought he saw something and at 4:07 we caught “Gabe.”
  • As Derrick walked into the room and 4:20 we captured “Derrick.”
    We asked if the spirit wanted us to follow it and chase it again and we heard a response of “Not now” at 7:18.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQOor9nCW1U]

1st Floor Bar

In the bar, chairs and glasses are said to move on their own.  Even recently there has been footage of a glass moving behind the bar and a chair being moved while employees stood nearby in awe.  Footsteps and residual conversation has been said to carry on whether the bar is open or not.


  • We did not manage to capture anything out of the ordinary in photographs in this area.

Recording 1 – Spirit Box Session:

  • Before we managed to start recording, Gabe had asked for something, anything to happen.  The Rempod was sitting on the bar next to us and, as if on command, it began to buzz and light up.  We started the recording immediately.
  • We attempted to communicate utilizing the Rempod in particular as the entity seemed to gravitate to it.  We asked for their name and at 1:14 the Rempod went off.
  • As if waiting for the next question, at 1:27 the Rempod sounded again so we replied with a hello.  Again, as if responding, the Rempod was alerted at 1:40.
  • We continued to use the Rempod to communicate and asked if they would not respond if they are a male but at 2:07 the Rempod went off.
  • At 2:20 the Rempod buzzed after we asked if they are a female.
  • After some silence, we asked if the spirit is still with us.  At 5:18 the Rempod went off again.  Another dead air space occurred so we once again asked if they are with us and at 6:07 the Rempod was alerted once more.
  • We proceeded to try to get the entity to interact with the Rempod and we asked if they could touch it and make it light up.  At 6:47 the Rempod lit up.
  • We asked the spirit to make the Rempod light up if the female spirit is still with us and at 8:20, the Rempod was alerted.  As the spirit box began to make some mild buzzes, we asked if someone is trying to speak with us.  At 8:33, the Rempod lit up once more.
  • At 8:45 the Rempod went off after we asked if they don’t have enough energy.
  • We moved the Rempod away from the bar and asked if the spirit could still activate the Rempod on the nearby table.  At 9:04, the Rempod lit up and buzzed while further away from us.
  • The last Rempod activity occurred at 9:54 as we asked if the female spirit was still with us.
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/588353805″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Video 1:

  • Just like the recorder, before we started taping, Gabe had asked for anything to happen.  The Rempod was sitting on the bar next to us and, as if on command, it began to buzz and light up.  We started taping immediately.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdHK_2TB7-s&w=560&h=315]

Video 2:

  • At :10 the Rempod sounded after we said hello.
  • We continued to use the Rempod to communicate and asked if they would not respond if they are a male but at :36 the Rempod went off.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmYHQsoyrec&w=560&h=315]

Video 3:

  • Throughout the video, orbs can be spotted entering the screen right before the Rempod is alerted.
  • We asked if they are with us and at 2:11 the Rempod was alerted once more.
  • We proceeded to try to get the entity to interact with the Rempod and we asked if they could touch it and make it light up.  At 2:51 the Rempod lit up.
  • We asked the spirit to make the Rempod light up if the female spirit is still with us and at 4:23, the Rempod was alerted.  As the spirit box began to make some mild buzzes, we asked if someone is trying to speak with us.  At 4:37, the Rempod lit up once more.
  • At 4:47 the Rempod went off after we asked if they don’t have enough energy.
  • We moved the Rempod away from the bar and asked if the spirit could still activate the Rempod on the nearby table.  At 5:07, the Rempod lit up and buzzed while further away from us.
  • The last Rempod activity occurred at 5:57 as we asked if the female spirit was still with us.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avcTdu32jL8&w=560&h=315]

1st Floor Dining Room

Footsteps and soft voices have been reported to come from this dining area. 


  • We only snapped a few pictures of the area but we did not record anything abnormal.

Recording 1:

  • We attempted to make contact with any spirit in this area using the Rempod once again and also attempted to use the Plasma ball.  For one reason or another, we did not capture any activity here.
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/588353799″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

2nd Floor Top of Staircase

In the past, there have been shadows and moving silhouettes ascending the stairs and wondering the hallway.  We set up a stationary camera and recorded this spot for about half of our investigation.


  • We did not take many still photos of this location, however, we did capture two screenshots below. One is an oddity that threw off the camera’s coloring even though it was in night vision, black and white mode. The second is a screenshot of the moment where the door opens on its’ own, you can see it open with no one in the area in the bottom left hand corner.

Video 1:

  • At 19:50 we captured an odd buzzing noise that we could not debunk.
  • As the three of us were all downstairs speaking with the manager, right before he left, we captured the creak of footsteps down the hall at 22:00 followed by some odd camera clicks at 22:20.
  • Much like the recording from the dining room, at 24:39 we captured the dog yelp.
  • While Gabe said he saw something in the dining room area, he thought that it was Derrick’s flashlight while he walked across the hall to retrieve the Rempod.  However, right around 36:30 all of this activity was recorded and Derrick’s flashlight was not on at that time. 

Video 2:

  • There was a loud thud at 6:43 that could not be explained.
  • A very odd occurrence occurred at 27:20 that shows the door from the foyer to the bar open and close on its’ own while none of us were near the area.

Following our investigation of the Harmony Inn, we felt as though there was conclusive intelligent spiritual communication in a few locations, specifically  the second floor dining area and the bar.  There were slight residual conversations overheard in the second floor dining area, closest to Grandma’s room and the bar area.  The Harmony Inn has a light and welcoming presence to it, and aside from the odd feeling in the front dining room on the second floor, we never felt any negative energy.  Even when we were asked to leave or move on, we managed to speak with the spirit and then agree to move on in the building.

After spending a long night here, interacting with employees and even some of the speaking with some guests, we analyzed the evidence and information gathered throughout the evening of March1-2.  We can confidently state that the Harmony Inn hosts a few different spirits, and we even managed to get the name Anna from one of the active entities.  Aside from a few photos of the dining room and attic, there was a clear video of a door physically opening and closing in the foyer area which we would consider physical evidence where a spirit interacts with the environment.  The dining room on the second floor where a chair moved can be considered physical evidence but we is deem inconclusive as we did not find any chair to be moved or have any video evidence of this physically occurring.  The majority of our evidence is communication via the spirit box and Rempod captured on the video and recorders.  Based on our experiences and the evidence gathered, we can conclude that the Harmony Inn is in fact home to other worldly and paranormal entities.

What did you think?

Drop a comment below.