Eagle Hotel – Investigation


Eagle Hotel – Investigation


July 8, 2023

Waterford, PA




This small, blue collar town just south of Erie, PA was once a main hub for travelers and the town’s economy boomed with the influx of jobs with the increase of small inns. In time, the Eagle Hotel would act as a spearhead for the higher class and was in a prime location: center of town. As with any town, the economy rollercoaster hits the town of Waterford time and time again but thanks to a business savvy ownership, the hotel’s first floor was leased out as storefronts and small businesses. As the town saw a decline, the hotel still held a reputation for business travelers, particularly traveling salesmen. A building like this, capturing so much energy highlights tragedy, joy, despair, and even horrible disasters has been changed by the sands of time and its own history, both of the living and the dead.



Constructed in 1826, the hotel was a pure vision of its reputed high standards. Prior to this time, the entire town of Waterford was a trifecta of forts. The initial first was built and utilized by the French with the name Fort LeBeouf. Eventually, in 1753, the fort was abandoned and left in ruins by the French but was claimed for a repurpose into a British fort  by the infamous British  commander; George Washington. This second iteration of this fortification was burnt to the ground in 1763 by the British as they retreated from this land.


For many years, likely appearing as a ghost town back then, the property and deteriorating fort fell into disrepair until the town of Waterford’s own original descendent, Thomas King related to original settler Robert King, purchased the property in 1826. The idea of a hotel was ahead of its time as the town already began to address the need for more inns and track tracks have just been constructed cutting directly through the town, As the highest profile hotel in the area, the Eagle Hotel gained a reputation as a prime stop off for settlers as they prepared to move further west and even gained a name in entertainment as the building hosted a large, open, spring set floor ballroom on its top level. The perfect combination of high end as well as utility, there was never any down turns for the hotel and it flourished during the high times and survived unscathed during economic downswings.


The beautiful façade of locally quarried stone was one of the very first commercial properties constructed in the town along High Street. To showcase its class, the hotel also boasted a private stagecoach station and a livery stable behind it. This all culminated in this unique location and niche market where the town itself of Waterford was more so a blue collar, hard working town but with the surge in the commercial district the town also saw an influx of the higher class and wealthy. The hotel captivated onlookers back during its heyday, as well as  continued into modern ages, with the glitz and glamor and its famous spring loaded floor in the Attic Ballroom. This entire hotel became a major recipient of the business escalation to the township social gatherings, and even held political events within its walls.



This all lasted until 1845 when the fire ripped through the grandiose building severely damaging it, shocking the town. While a wild story arose of Matilda the disgruntled maid, the true culprit was never documented nor held responsible for any crime. Some locals do believe in the fateful tale of Matilda who worked day and night inside the hotel only to be unceremoniously fired. She returned home to the worst news of her young daughter dying of cholera which placed her in a rage. She then was said to set the hotel ablaze so they could feel her pain. Legend says that she was burnt alive, falling to ash, as that fire engulfed her body. Regardless of the true arson, the hotel pulled through this tragedy and even modernized itself during the rebuild to stay on top of the business class.


Unfortunately, another fire tore through the hotel in 1868 and permanently damaged some of the stone foundation and façade. This not only destroyed a major part of the building and hurt its income, but this also hit during an economic decline. Once more, no suspect was ever apprehended but this was the true high mark of the hotel’s lifespan as it fell along with the town and its lost reputation. This did not completely end its life by any means as it stayed on top of the business areas and remained an important, safe location for salesmen. The nickname “Hotel for Commercial Men” was given and passed along throughout the year 1900 as many who stayed the night also rented these guests a horse, and the high life with continued social events.


By 1933, the Eagle Hotel was documented and gifted with a plaque as it was then listed as a historic building as seen by the state of Pennsylvania. Not until 1977 was this structure listed nationally as a historic location in the National Registrar of Historic Places. It was around that time that the property was acquired by the LeBouf Historical Society which had plans to restore the building. By late 1998, the kitchen to the Eagle Hotel was updated which allowed the local restaurant of Sugar N’ Spice to lease the main level, and it still operates out of the first floor to this day.



With all of the historically documented activities which occurred here and some of the more tragic moments, many believe that some type of energy has been left over and still remains in this hotel to this day. The paranormally based claims are not simply tied to the building but some date far before the existence of the hotel. On this very property, Fort LeBoeuf was a bustling fort in full operation. To add to this, there was a cemetery placed directly on the property within the confines of the fort but without much written documentation of these markers, many former soldiers and, more recently, construction crews have warned some associated with the town that the bodies laid to rest are no longer housed peacefully at rest here as the cemetery was simply covered up rather than re-interred. This has led many locals, throughout many generations, to believe that this area was labeled as bad and cursed land and has only increased in strange activity following the lack of respect here for the long dead.


The rumored arson maid, Matilda, has returned to the hotel as a sort of punishment, or simply that she had such a strong tie to this location, and that she has been recognized by the slamming of cabinetry and doors when no one else is even in the building. A soft whisper of a woman’s voice has been reported here as if greeting some and pushing others along their way. If guests happen to leave some of their luggage and personal belongings out of place, it’s said that this maid will work extra to put everything where it belongs.


Aside from these recorded supernatural tales, guests have witnessed a soldier dressed in Revolutionary War attire and this has even been documented by an employee who was cleaning up in the kitchen when she turned back to see a soldier standing against a post but when she glanced away and did a double take, that man was no longer there. Others claim to see possibly this same soldier or one like him with his gun against his shoulder and even marching the grounds, spouting commands. 



Strangely enough, on top of these, the second floor has been said to be a location where a baby is heard crying and pianos have been heard echoing out of some of the rooms. With no true reason as to why either would be happening, there’s really no way to pursue this directly to gather further information.


This paranormal investigation would mark our second time in as many months that we’ve spent time in the town of Waterford. Even though the team would be different, we came into the property with an open mind and no preconceived notions of any type. As with the majority of our investigations, we made a pit stop prior to at a great barbeque bar/restaurant on our route in Grove City, Fat Eddy’s Bar-BQ. 


While we had a relatively new crew to the investigation team, they had been around the block a time or two early on in our ventures but joining us for the first time was Emily, a Waterford local descendent who was hoping to tag along for some experience with hopes of something a little more paranormal. Our goal was to spend as much time in each area as we could. There was a lot of ground to cover but not a lot of time to spend in each. We utilized our numbers as well as our motion activated tools like K2 meters, Rempods, Shadow Box, and cat balls all the while pairing them up with our trail cameras. We knew full well that we would ultimately be on the move a lot here as we tried to cover a lot of ground so we packed our back pack to be more mobile. This travel-designed backpack included three recorders, two K2 meters, one FLIR thermal imaging device, two Rempods, one ParaLight, a Laser Grid, five LED flashlights, one Spirit Box, one Phasma Box, an EVP notifier, and one SLS camera.



After a thorough analysis and numerous reviews, we can confidently conclude that the most energy and activity we felt inside the Eagle Hotel occurred inside the Basement, the Attic Ballroom, and the 2nd Floor Dark Wing but no particular room in this area. As we’re always on the lookout for more reviewers, especially unbiased ones, we’re happy to hear and apply your feedback after you look through some of our evidence and experiences.


As always, you have been warned that some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Pre Investigation / Walkthrough


Even though there is not a lot documented or known outside the previously researched and shared, Heidi showed us all around and gave us as much information as she possibly could. Similar to the Judson House, this tour was phenomenal and showcased all of the improvements the donations helped pay for and the hard work the historical society has undertaken.


The walkthrough and tour did not provide us with much evidence or much to go off of, at least in addition to some of the previously shared stories, we did take note that the energies and atmospheres seemed to alter as we ventured throughout the building. This occurred particularly on our walk down to the Basement and our walk through the Ballroom.



  •  There was nothing apparent or out of the ordinary captured here.




This underground, sprawling area stretches the entirety of the hotel and is mainly utilized for storage and seasonal decorations. Darkness seems to grow from its corners and blanket everything and everyone who enters here. Nothing significant has ever been documented or recorded here but knowing that this level is the same depth as those disturbed and, worse yet, forgotten about cemeteries and bodies gives guests an eerie and offering sensation. Beyond these corridors and stone block foundation walls, another opening has been created to allow plumbing and electrical to be installed underneath the first floor. Once again, nothing is documented regarding this area but many feel strongly to avoid this spot at all costs, some even avoid it so much by walking the opposite side of the basement to stay far from it. Strange noises have echoed from this lower level and investigators of the past have felt physically tugged and pulled down here.



During our walk through, this was the one location that seemed to draw everyone in one way or another, so naturally we began our investigation here. Our time here was split up as we were also drawn back down here later in the night as well. We set up cameras, trail cameras and stationary, to encapsulate the area in hopes of capturing anything and everything that may happen, and it did not disappoint. The majority of our communication was thanks in no small part to a combination of LED flashlights and the Ovilus. We were given enough yes/no responses, paired up with the Ovilus productions and eventually the Phasma Box, to help debunk any misinterpretations or false readings. We were given answers to questions and names which helped guide us towards the ideal that there was an intelligence here that actually incorporates two separate identities; one of a male and one of a female. The name “Samuel” was heard here but we do not think this was one of their names but rather someone they were scared and hiding from. He was someone who is explained as mean and rude. We also captured the name “PJ” which may refer to an old French officer during the Fort Labuef era. During our ESTES session we were told to head back to the Ballroom as someone seemed to want to speak to us there.





  • This screen capture was a moment when the flashlight turned on as we attempted communication here using yes and no questions.



  • Another moment when a flashlight lit up next to us even though we were trying to push them to light up the Paralight instead.



  • The cat ball could be seen lighting up at the base of our feet in this screen capture.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • During this initial investigation session, we did not necessarily capture any verbal evidence but rather the Ovilus was quite active and a few of the investigators felt a change of atmosphere. Rather than breaking these down, we figured the better way to explain these oddities would be in the entirety.
  • Our first activity was recorded with the Ovilus as it stated “Swim” at 2:50 then “Joke” at 3:14.
  • A coupling of words was then produced on the Ovilus with “Finger” and “Son” at 3:40.
  • During this momentary silence, Scott and Andrew both felt cold suddenly and showed their combined goosebumps right around 4:16.
  • Once more with a lack of activity, Scott felt cold at 5:17 then the duo felt cold simultaneously at about 5:46.
  • As we attempted even more communication, asking if they got hurt, the Ovilus produced “Monster” at 6:38.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • As the group was about to split up here with Derrick and Andrew attempting to venture upstairs, the flashlight turned on as if they were trying to get our attention prior to this recording. Once again, the best way to break down this continued Ovilus communication as well as the newly established flashlight communication would be to express this in its full state as well.
  • Starting with more Ovilus communication, we recorded “Famous” at :58.
  • Once more, Derrick and Andrew tried to exit the room and head upstairs but, once again, the flashlight turned on stopping us in our tracks. This occurred at about 1:40.
  • After we asked if they could turn the light back off, it did in fact shut off at 2:21 followed by an awe inspiring combination produced by the Ovilus of “I” at 2:45 and “Slave” at 3:10.
  • We attempted to confirm this and asked if they could turn the light on if they were in fact a slave and, as if a yes response, the flashlight turned on at 3:42.
  • After we explained that we wanted to continue to speak with them but they had to turn the light off in order to do so and, at 4:10, the light shut off.
  • The Ovilus then produced “Upon” and “Castle” paired up at 4:28.
  • Another couple of words were shown by the Ovilus at 4:40 with “Poor” and “Poverty.”
  • We asked if they were American to which we received an answer in the form of the light blinking on then back off at 5:18.
  • Proceeding down this path, we asked if they could turn the light on if they were an American slave and at 5:32, the flashlight jumped to life.
  • Following this, we asked simply if they could shut the light back off and they did so 6:10 just as an odd word of “Crayon” on the Ovilus at 6:40.
  • Continuing to attempt an identification, we asked if they were an adult and to turn the flashlight on if so. At 7:19, the light turned on.


Recording 3 – Phasma Box 1:



  • During the first time we tried to utilize the Phasma Box we captured an odd and seemingly out of place question of “What’s on the cake?” at :01 here. However, after we listened closely throughout the night we realized that we (okay, Ayla) had called the Rempod a cake! It is very possible they were questioning this device at this moment.


Recording 4 – Phasma Box 2:



  • After introducing ourselves we heard “You” at :07 then a repeated word of “Wait, wait, wait” at :20.
  • The word “Light” was heard here at :27 then the light did turn on at :30 as if re-confirming this.


Recording 5 – Phasma Box 3:



  • We were told to “Wait for it” at :03 so we asked if they would turn the light off to continue speaking. As we were ‘waiting for it’ to happen (the light turned off we assumed), we then heard a question of “Talk?” at :27.


Recording 6 – Phasma Box 4:



  • After we tried to decipher what we were hearing we then heard a disgruntled sounding phrase of “It’s not okay” at :05 followed by the light turning off at :10.
  • Referencing this action, at :11, we heard a sarcastic question of “So what?”


Recording 7 – Phasma Box 5:



  • As we began to set up another camera across the room, Ayla explained our actions and heard a “No” response at :15 as if they didn’t want another device in the vicinity.
  • Continuing this thought process we again were questioned with “Another what?” at :20.


Recording 8 – Phasma Box 6:



  • Prior to this clip, the cat ball lit up so naturally we asked if they could turn it on again to prove it was them and right away the cat ball moved and lit up.
  • There was a pause but then the cat ball lit up once more at :07.
  • We asked if they could touch it once more and at :32 we recorded “Not yet” as if they did not yet have the energy to do this once more.


Recording 9 – Phasma Box 7:



  • What sounded like the name “Lucille” was heard at :02 with a quick blip. This name was never heard any more the remainder of the night.


Recording 10 – EVP 3:



  • As we seemed to have more thorough and consistent communication with the flashlights, we decided to revert back to our EVP and flashlight attempts. Once more with this type of communication the best way to relay this information and paranormal communication is through another transcript rather than any breakdowns or clips.
  • We tried to use a different device here and attempted to guide them toward the Paralight by asking if they’d move close to it but instead the flashlight again lit at :40.
  • The Ovilus then produced “Strength” and “Soon” at 1:25 as if referring to that light.
  • As we tried to figure out their age, we began low in the 20’s and asked them to turn the light on when we mentioned their age range. We worked our way up and as we asked if they were in their 60’s the light turned on at 3:03 then back off at 3:25 after we asked if they could turn it back off to continue speaking with us.
  • We began to feel as though there were more than one of these energies with us and after we directly asked this question aloud, the light did turn on for a yes response at 4:48 but was made even brighter at 5:09 after we asked if they could turn the light off.
  • After asking once more if they could instead shut the light off it did go dark at 5:52.
  • With some quiet and lack of activity, we explained that we’d have to move on if they are done communicating with us and the flashlight blinked one then back off at 7:10.
  • We began to make our way out of the basement area and made mention that they could follow us unless, of course, if they were trapped down here to which the light turned on in a yes response at 7:34.


Recording 11 – EVP 4:



  • We returned here after we were told to go down and captured some further flashlight communication and anomalies. This was another recording that was best transcribed for posterity and to give a full picture of our time here.
  • After explaining that they can change colors on the Paraight, the flashlight turned on at 1:36 as if they still wanted to use that rather than any other tools.
  • We then asked if they could turn the light back off, and at 1:54 the light shut off.
  • As we tried to pinpoint their identity, we asked if they were the same energies as who we had previously spoken with earlier in the night and at 3:22 the flashlight turned on for a yes response.
  • We joked and said we liked them the most anyway just as the flashlight shut off then back on at 3:22 as if acknowledging this. It then shut off totally at 3:42.
  • With some silence here, we then asked if there were two of them with us and, if so, to turn on the flashlight. At 5:18, the light flickered on then back off.
  • Based on some of our communication from the other areas, we asked if they didn’t like Derrick, and the flashlight flickered on and off at 6:25. Astounded at this, we asked if they were joking and, once more, the light turned on then back off at 6:38.
  • We wanted to confirm this and again asked if they were joking and at 6:52, the flashlight flickered once more.
  • After commenting that perhaps they liked jokes, we asked if they were a jokester and at 7:16, the light turned on then back off.
  • As we transitioned back to questioning their identities, we asked if there was one man and one woman and at 8:40 the light turned on.
  • We followed this, asking them to turn the light back off and at 8:48 it did so but just as Derrick spoke, the flashlight turned back on only a second later at 8:49.
  • Once more, we asked them to turn the light off and at 9:03, it did.
  • We had asked if this pair was a mother and child and at 9:23, the K2 meter jumped.
  • At this point, our focus shifted to the open hole in the rear of the room and at 10:24, the flashlight flickered on and off then again at 10:37 after we asked them about the hole.
  • We asked if they like it down in this area and at 13:00, the light turned on and then back off so we proceeded to change our wording and asked if they just tolerate it down here instead and, once more, the light flashed on and off at 13:09.
  • Following this, we asked if they liked it upstairs more and the light jumped on at 13:14.


Recording 12 – ESTES 1:



  • As we transitioned into a different type of communication, we began utilizing this ESTES method which we’ve had some good luck with in the past. We overlaid the Spirit Box with the room recorder in order to piece some of this together.
  • In this first clip, the Ovilus produced “Radio” at :11 just as we explained that Ayla was listening.


Recording 13 – ESTES 2:



  • We swapped listeners here as Derrick began listening to the Spirit Box. At about :12, we heard on the SPirit Box and Derrick heard the name of “Everly.”
  • After we asked if this was the name we heard the flashlight turned on as if confirming this at :17.


Recording 14 – ESTES 3:



  • As we attempted to follow this lead, we asked if they were protecting Everly and we heard “I” at :08 then “A person” at :15 after we asked what they were.


Recording 15 – ESTES 4:



  • We asked if they worked on this property and in this house, we heard “Yeah” at :06.
  • After following this, we asked if they liked working here. We heard “No” at 1:13.


Recording 16 – ESTES 5:



  • As the energy seemed to shift, we heard “Leave” at :09.
  • Naturally, we asked why they wanted us to leave and heard simply “Just him” at :18.
  • We asked who specifically they wanted to leave and we captured “Him” at 1:12.
  • Hearing this, we asked who is him and heard “That one” at 1:22.
  • Continuing down this path we asked if they wanted Derrick to leave but at 1:57 we heard “Him” followed by “Are you ready?” at 2:26.
  • Still a little confused, we asked where they wanted this ‘Him’ to go and we heard “There” at 2:35.
  • Finally, ending this string of communication we asked where ‘he’ should go and, to our astonishment, we heard “Home” at 3:01.


Recording 17 – ESTES 6:



  • At this point, we switched tactics and began digging for a name and we heard the name of “Samuel” at :01 followed by “Traitor” at :08.
  • We followed this and asked if someone betrayed them to which we heard “Hello?” at 1:04.
  • After asking if they could once again use the light and turn it on if they were afraid of ‘Samuel’ we recorded “Mean” at 2:07.
  • Along these loans we asked if ‘Sam’ was mean to them at which we heard “Looks like” at 2:14.


Recording 18 – ESTES 7:



  • At :08, to begin this clip we were told “Go” followed by “Get out” at :12.
  • With these, we asked if they wanted us all to leave and, at 1:04 we recorded “No” The word “Guys” was then recorded at 1:22 as if to tell the guys to leave.


Recording 19 – ESTES 8:



  • Once again, the energy seemed to shift but music could also be heard playing at :02.
  • Hearing this, we asked if they were playing music up there (in reference to the Ballroom) then heard “Go” at :17 as if to confirm that but then we were seemingly pushed out with “Now” at :21.
  • At about :05 we heard even more music playing urging us to move up to the Ballroom.


Video 1 – Cell Camera 1:



  • We asked if they were a slave and at :57, the flashlight turned on signifying a yes response and once we asked them to turn the light off, the flashlight turned off at 1:26.


Video 2 – Cell Camera 2:



  • We discussed the prior responses and them maybe being a slave all the while ignoring them so the flashlight turned on at :32 as if trying to once again get our attention.


Video 3 – Handheld Camera 1:



  • Starting this camera late, we asked midway in the conversation if they could turn the light on and at 3:16 we heard “Not yet” then the light did in fact turn on at 3:22.
  • What sounded like the name “Lucille” was heard at 3:33.
  • We used a different device and attempted to guide them toward the Paralight by asking if they’d move close to it but instead the flashlight lit at 4:59.
  • The Ovilus produced “Strength” and “Soon” at 5:44 as if referring to that light.
  • Trying to figure out their age, we began in the 20’s and asked them to turn the light on when we said their age range. We worked our way up and as we asked if they were in their 60’s the light turned on at 7:23 then back off at 7:44 after we asked if they could turn it back off to continue speaking with us.
  • We felt as though there were more than one of these energies with us and after we asked this question aloud, the light turned on for a yes response at 9:07 but got even brighter at 9:28 after we asked if they could turn the light off.
  • We asked this again if they could shut the light off and it did go dark at 10:11.
  • We explained that we’d move on if they are done communicating and the flashlight blinked once then back off at 11:29.
  • We began to make our way out of the basement area and said they could follow us unless they were trapped here to which the light turned on in a yes response at 11:53.




All the way on the top floor, spanning the entirety of the hotel and showcasing some of the intriguing designs with spring laden floors, this wide open area has a way of captivating visitors and taking them back in time. One can imagine walking into this packed area filled with some of the more influential guests of the time back in its heyday. The rooms attached to this area have unknown purposes, whether they were bedrooms or simply meeting locations is still to be determined. There is a bench stretching out of a corner of the room and looks like a staircase to nowhere but was recently proven that this was a decorative, and well used, bench for guests waiting to get onto the dance floor. This room seems to hold a more residual type of energy with phantom footsteps and even a piano being heard echoing from here with no culprit; at least none that are alive.



During our initial walkthrough and even into our equipment distribution, aside from feeling extremely hot and sweaty (summer weather related), we never really felt anything odd or out of place up here. However, just before we began our investigation, the Rempod was alerted turning on full blast. We attempted to debunk this and trace electrical and any other interference but were unable to do so. As we returned to this area on two more occasions we were able to decipher a few names such as Arthur and Jesus as well as managed to discover there was clearly an intelligence here as the flashlights were very active after asking if they were with us in the room on multiple occasions. Following an ESTES session from the Basement and being told to head back up to this area, we gathered some more information regarding their identity, reconfirming the name Samuel from earlier, but on top of that we recorded some intriguing evidence that we had experienced residual energy as well, seemingly listening in on conversations had in the past. Playing into this idea, our static recorder captured a combination of footsteps and knocking sounds as we simply left it recording in this empty room as we investigated the remainder of the building.




  • There was nothing to note here which was captured through still pictures.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • During this first attempt at communication in this area there was not much heard, experienced, or even felt.
  • However, at 3:26, the Ovilus produced some odd words of “Triangle” and “Grey.”
  • Later on during this time, the room began to appear to have a more hazy or smoky appearance as if mimicking the old fire which ripped through the building. This occurred around the 5:17 mark.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • During this second attempt, we noticed a phantom breath into the recorder at :11 after we discussed their Rempod responses which we later determined there was an issue with the device.


Recording 3 – Spirit Box 1:



  • We opted for more verbal communication attempts so we chose to utilize the Spirit Box at this point.
  • Based on our previous feelings throughout the evening, we asked if there were more than one spirit with us and heard the name “Arthur” at :04.
  • After we asked if they had any friends in this area, the name “Jesus” was recorded.


Recording 4 – Spirit Box 2:



  • There were very light footsteps heard here at :02 so we asked if that was them making that noise and we captured another sarcastic remark of “Maybe” at :54.
  • Thinking that this was possibly a child, we asked how old they were and heard “Don’t know” at :58.


Recording 5 – Spirit Box 3:



  • Before this clip, the Ovilus produced the word “Poetry” to which we asked if they listened to poetry in this area. At :03, we heard a simple “Yes.”
  • After some silence and unprompted, we heard “Dead” at :41.
  • We asked if they lived at the hotel, we heard “Maybe” at :55.


Recording 6 – Spirit Box 4:



  • There was a sound here which echoed from the hallway in the form of knocks at :05 then after we asked where they’re from this noise occurred again at :14.


Recording 7 – EVP 3:



  • Once more, we resorted to our flashlights for communication so we removed the Spirit Box. As we attempted to open up communication and inside the weapons room the flashlight turned on at 3:48.
  • We asked directly if they could turn the lights off and at 4:20, it shut off.
  • As we tried to get a baseline we asked them to turn it back on and at 5:18, the light turned on. Continuing this baseline we asked them to turn it back off and at 5:39 it did.
  • After some silence and lack of communication, Scott felt strong goosebumps up his back and neck around 8:00.
  • We threatened to move on if they weren’t going to speak with us, and at 11:38, the light turned on as if they were okay that we moved on.


Recording 8 – ESTES 1:



  • We returned to this area after being told to do so from those we were speaking with in the Basement. We continued utilizing the ESTES method here with its previous positive communication in the Basement.
  • Simply asking if they’d like to speak with us, we opened the floor for anyone who was interested. At :03 we heard “Talk” as if they were willing to speak or if they were surprised by this.
  • A more condescending word of “Doubtful” was heard at :06 then a questioning “Really?” at :10.


Recording 9 – ESTES 2:



  • Since we were initially drawn up here for the music heard previously, we asked if they could play music. We heard the word “Backwards” at :05 then “Make” at :10.
  • We then asked if they were at a party then heard “Me” at :58. When we asked them who this ‘me’ is we heard the same response but this time in song form with “Me” at 1:07.


Recording 10 – ESTES 3:



  • After some silence, we recorded the word “Vow” at :03.
  • We asked if their name is Samuel and heard a response of “Whoa” at :50 as if taken back by this name.


Recording 11 – ESTES 4:



  • As we asked if they lived at the fort we heard a demanding, almost offended “No” at :07.
  • At :16 we heard what sounded more like an EVP of “You gotta clip there.” This was completely unprompted and we’re still unsure what it means.
  • We then asked if they liked the people who lived in the fort and heard two confirmation that they in fact did like those people here: “I did” at :21 then “Yeah” at :27.
  • There may have been someone else in the background also answering as we heard another response of “Kind of” at :33.


Recording 12 – ESTES 5:



  • We asked what type of people we’re speaking to, and heard a response at :12 of “Beautiful women.”
  • When we asked for their name all we heard was a whistle at :32.
  • As if continuing to describe these women we heard “Powerful” at :40.


Recording 13 – ESTES 6:



  • After asking if they were possibly a native we heard a clear “No” at :17.
  • Referring to a word the Ovilus produced earlier, we asked if they were a poet to which we heard a response of “He is” at :33.
  • We asked who ‘he’ was and heard an odd phrase of “He’s an opportunity” at :41.


Recording 14 – ESTES 7:



  • The name “Maxwell” was recorded at :20 after we asked what the poets’ name was.


Recording 15 – ESTES 8:



  • At about :10 in, we recorded the word “Music” followed by “Excuse me?” at :19.
  • Another odd, possibly residual, phrase of “Don’t worry” was then heard at :37.


Recording 16 – ESTES 9:



  • Unprompted, the word “After” was heard at :04 then this continued with “You” at :08.
  • “Going” was recorded at :13 then “Leave” at :22.
  • These all seemed to be of some sort of residual combination.


Recording 17 – ESTES 10:



  • After we tried to reset a little, we simply said ‘hello’ but were greeted with an annoyed voice exclaiming “For God’s sake” at :01 as if they’ve already heard this.
  • We asked if we were bothering them to which we heard “Keep up” at :09 as if they wanted us to continue but at :17 we heard “He has it” but we’re unsure what this referenced.
  • Following this, we asked who has ‘it’ and recorded “Mean” at :29 as if referring to Samuel who was previously deemed as ‘mean.’


Recording 18 – ESTES 11:



  • At this point, we feel as though we captured some type of off residual conversation regarding a criminal and the law. This began with “Noose” at :08 then “Hide” at :13.
  • This seemingly continued with “Sheriff” at :24 then “Two of them” at :34 just as the flashlight turned on.
  •  As if continuing this string of communication, we heard “Shooting” at :40.
  • Finally, ending this strange occurrence, we heard “Go” at 1:08 then “Run” at 1:13.


Recording 19 – ESTES 12:



  • With some silence, this previous string seemed to pick back up starting here with “Rob” at :04 then “We” at :08 after we mentioned we should leave.
  • After that, “You there” was heard at :48 also referring to leaving.


Recording 20 – ESTES 13:



  • We took a breather but then asked if there’s a party up here and heard “Up” at :03.
  • After we asked what happened in this area we recorded “Down” at :37 so we switched gears and asked what happened down there and recorded a simple question of “What?” at 1:10.
  • Trying to pinpoint who this was, we directly asked if this was Maxwell and again heard a clear “Nope” response at 1:40.


Recording 21 – ESTES 14:



  • At this point, we seemed to be just as confused as they were so we asked if they wanted us to stay in this area and recorded “No” at :06 so we asked where we should go. At :41 we heard the response of “My room.”
  • “Get him” was then captured at :59.
  • We tried to pinpoint which room and asked if there was a trunk in their room and at 2:10 we heard, instead, “Bed.”


Recording 22 – ESTES 15:



  • With this bit of further information we asked them if they wanted us to go to their room and heard “Please” at :05 so we invited them along with us then heard “Go” at :27.
  • “I’m gonna go” was recorded at :38 as if confirming this invitation.


Recording 23 – ESTES 16:



  • Before we moved on, we asked if they could tell us their name and we heard “Scott” at :12 so we asked what ‘Scott’ wanted from us to which we captured “Now” at :58 as if they wanted us to go now.  


Recording 24 – Static 1:



  • As we ventured off to other parts of the building, we left a recorder sitting here as we explored the remaining second floor rooms.
  • To our sheer amazement, we did capture a few oddities that drew our attention to a few of these clips beginning with a whistling at :05 which gave way to footsteps at :33.
  • An odd pair of banging noises and clicking noises (almost like doors) was heard at :53 and 2:19.


Recording 25 – Static 2:



  • There were a continuation of footsteps here at about :05.


Recording 26 – Static 3:



  • A similar banging sound was recorded here at :04.


Recording 27 – Static 4:



  • This bang was also heard later on at :05.


Recording 28 – Static 5:



  • Another bang sound was recorded at :05.


Recording 29 – Static 6:



  • While there were no clear explanations for the prior banging noises, a similarly different unsettling knocking was captured here at :04 almost like someone is gently knocking at the door.


Recording 30 – Static 7:



  • At :03, a knocking was once again heard.
  • Footsteps seemed to echo from this area once more at 1:45.


Recording 30 – Static 8:



  • Either a much lighter knocking sound or a pebble or debris was strewn across the room at :09.


Recording 31 – Static 9:



  • More and even clearer knocks were then recorded at :06.


Recording 32 – Static 10:



  • Another knocking was heard during this clip at :02.


Recording 33 – Static 11:



  • These knocks returned and could again be heard at :02. 


Recording 34 – Static 12:



  • Knocks were once again captured here at :03.


Recording 35 – Static 13:



  • At :03, it sounded as if something was physically kicked over but nothing seemed out of place.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:



  • The Ovilus was the first thing active here and at :09, it showed “Triangle” and “Grey.”
  • Eventually, around the 2:00 mark, the room began to appear to have a more hazy or smoky appearance as if mimicking the old fire which ripped through the building.


Video 2 – Handheld Camera 2:



  • Based on our previous feelings throughout the evening, we asked if there were more than one spirit with us and heard the name “Arthur” at 8:18.
  • After we asked if they had any friends here, the name “Jesus” was recorded at 9:07.
  • There were very light footsteps heard here at 9:31 so we asked if that was them making that noise and we captured another sarcastic remark of “Maybe” at 10:23.
  • Thinking this was a child, we asked how old they were and heard “Don’t know” at 10:27.
  • The Ovilus then produced the word “Poetry” at 10:45.
  • We asked if they listened to poetry in this area. At 11:25, we heard “Yes.”
  • After some silence, we heard “Dead” at 12:03.
  • We asked if they lived at the hotel, and we heard “Maybe” at 12:17.
  • A sound which echoed from the hallway in the form of knocks occurred at 13:04 then we asked where they’re from and, unbelievably, this noise was heard again at 13:13.


Video 3 – Handheld Camera 3:



  • We returned to this area after being told to do so from those we were speaking with in the Basement. 
  • Simply asking if they’d like to speak with us, we opened the floor for anyone who was interested. At 4:38 we heard “Talk” as if they were willing to speak or if they were surprised by this.
  • “Doubtful” was heard at 4:41 then a question of “Really?” at 4:45.
  • Since we were initially drawn up here for the music heard previously, we asked if they could play music. We heard the word “Backwards” at 5:40 then “Make” at 5:44.
  • We asked if they were at a party then heard “Me” at 6:33. When we asked them who this ‘me’ is we heard the same response but this time in song form with “Me” at 6:42. 
  • After some silence, we recorded the word “Vow” at 7:38.
  • We asked if their name was Samuel and heard a response of “Whoa” at 8:25.
  • We asked if they lived at the fort and heard a demanding, offended “No” at 9:27.
  • At 9:36 we heard what sounded more like an EVP of “You gotta clip there.” This was completely unprompted and we’re still unsure what it means.
  • We asked if they liked the people who lived in the fort and heard confirmation that they did like those people here with “I did” at 9:41 then “Yeah” at 9:47.
  • We heard another response of “Kind of” at 9:55.
  • We asked what type of people we’re speaking to, and heard a response at 10:27 of “Beautiful women.”
  • We asked for their name but all we heard was a whistle at 10:47.
  • We heard “Powerful” at 10:55.
  • We asked if they were a native and heard “No” at 11:32.
  • After asking if they were a poet we heard a response of “He is” at 11:48.
  • We asked who ‘he’ was and heard an odd phrase of “He’s an opportunity” at 11:56.
  • The name “Maxwell” was recorded at 13:55 after we asked what the poets’ name was.
  • At 14:45, we recorded the word “Music” followed by “Excuse me?” at 14:46.
  • Another odd, possibly residual, phrase of “Don’t worry” was heard at 15:12.
  • The word “After” was heard at 15:59 then this continued with “You” at 16:03.
  • “Going” was recorded at 16:08 then “Leave” at 16:41.
  • We simply said ‘hello’ but were greeted with an annoyed voice exclaiming “For God’s sake” at 18:57 as if they’ve already heard this.
  • After asking if we were bothering them we heard “Keep up” at 18:59 as if they wanted us to continue but at 19:07 we heard “He has it” but we’re unsure what this referenced.
  • We asked who has ‘it’ and recorded “Mean” at 19:19 as if referring to Samuel who was previously described as ‘mean.’
  • We felt that we captured some residual conversation regarding a criminal and the law starting with “Noose” at 20:53 then “Hide” at 20:58.
  • “Sheriff” was heard at 21:09 then “Two of them” at 21:19 as the flashlight turned on.
  •  As if continuing this communication, we heard “Shooting” at 21:25.
  • We heard “Go” at 21:53 then “Run” at 21:58.
  • This line of communication continued with “Rob” at 23:14 then “We” at 23:18 after we mentioned we should leave.
  • “You there” was heard at 23:58 also referring to leaving.
  • We asked if there’s a party here and heard “Up” at 24:28.
  • After we asked what happened in this area we recorded “Down” at 24:39 so we asked what happened down there and recorded a simple question of “What?” at 25:35.
  • We asked if this was Maxwell and again heard a clear “Nope” response at 26:05.
  • We seemed to be just as confused as they were so we asked if they wanted us to stay here and recorded “No” at 27:36 so we asked where we should go. At 28:11 we heard the response of “My room.”
  • “Get him” was then captured at 28:29.
  • We asked if there was a trunk in their room and at 29:40 we heard, instead, “Bed.”
  • We asked them if they wanted us to go to their room and heard “Please” at 30:15 so we invited them along with us then heard “Go” at 30:37.
  • “I’m gonna go” was recorded at 30:48 as if confirming this invitation.
  • We asked if they could tell us their name and heard “Scott” at 31:52 so we asked what he wanted from us to which we captured “Now” at 32:38 as if they wanted us to go now.  


2nd Floor – Restaurant Wing (Dark Wing)


This corridor, just around the corner of the stairwell on the second floor opens to more former bedrooms and a staff area. This portion of the hotel was utilized during COVID as a way to spread customers out away from one another but has not really been used since then, aside from the random storage or stacking of spare chairs. This area is another one which has provided odd and unsettling feelings to guests and employees of the Sugar N’ Spice restaurant. Whispers and footsteps have also been noted here although never thoroughly examined.


We did get that unsettling feeling during the walk through but this did not exactly carry over into the investigation although at first, when only two of us were present we definitely experienced a sensation of being watched from afar. As more investigators entered, that feeling seemed to dissipate quickly. At first, we thought there was more residual energy here lighting flashlights as they passed by and even overheating conversations but as we opened the communication to the Phasma Box and continued utilizing the flashlights to verify these responses we began to believe that whoever was here was more intelligent and controlling. There were even moments where they told two of the investigators to leave the area. This new group was warmly welcomed with formal greetings and their names being repeated. The most interesting of this time though is that this led to answers of their age, being in their mid-20’s, and their ethnicity of being American. Outside of these more specific moments we also captured some responses regarding their like of the flashlights and their interest in our light up and color changing tools.





  • This moment where the flashlight turned on helping give us yes/no responses was captured here through video and was the initial placement of the flashlight.



  • After moving the flashlight down to a chair, it still turned on and off helping provide us with yes and no responses.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • As we just wanted to set a baseline here and see if we could get a feel for this space we set up the Ovilus and flashlight and just minimally attempted communication.
  • At :37, the Ovilus produced the word “Motion.”
  • After we asked if there was anyone with us, at 2:47, the flashlight turned on as if signifying their presence.


Recording 2 – Phasma Box 1:



  • As we opted to use a more verbal type of tool, we introduced ourselves once more and explained that we were using a new tool. At :11, we heard a response of “Hi.”
  • We asked if it was okay if we spent some time back here with them and recorded a mixed emotion of “Indifferent” at :23.


Recording 3 – Phasma Box 2:



  • Right at the onset of this clip, unprompted, we recorded a cry for “Help.”
  • While we continued to just listen during this time we heard a gruff voice tell us that “I’m leaving” at :09.


Recording 4 – Phasma Box 3:



  • Even though they weren’t giving us much to go off, we explained that they liked to play with the flashlight before and we heard a questioning “Huh?” at :03.
  • The flashlight flickered on then back off at :15 then we heard the name “Marshall” at :29.


Recording 5 – EVP 2:



  • We took a step back here and removed the Phasma Box and reverted to just the Ovilus and flashlight to help answer questions.
  • As we felt that they were acting a little timid we asked them if they did not like having so many people in this area, and if so, to light the flashlight. At :36 the light jumped to life then shut off at :46 after we asked if they could do so.
  • Derrick temporarily left to gather more tools and the light turned on at :55.
  • We asked if they could turn the light back off to continue answering more questions and it shut off at 1:20.
  • After asking if they were a man and to turn the light on for a yes answer and it turned on at 2:14.
  • As we asked if they could turn the light back off, the flashlight turned off at 2:26.
  • Trying to decipher their age, we asked if they’d turn the light on if they’re in their 20’s and at 2:51 the light turned on then shut off.
  • We then asked them if they were from the United States and the light turned on at 3:23.
  • As we discussed the flashlight answering the questions, the light stayed on and even got brighter at 4:00 until it finally shut off at 4:03.
  • While we asked them to keep the light off for twenty seconds, starting at 4:03 until 4:48 the light did stay off until Scott spoke at that time when the light flickered.
  • We proceeded with the questioning and asked if there were two of them with us and at 6:20 the light turned on then back off.
  • As the activity began to pick up we asked if they’d like to use a different tool to speak with us (IE the Phasma Box again) and at 7:45 the light turned on signifying a yes.


Recording 6 – Phasma Box 4:



  • We explained that we were going to take the flashlight away so they could focus their energy on the Phasma Box and heard “No” at :06 then a plea of “Please don’t” at :10.
  • With these responses we asked if they wanted us to keep the flashlight out and it turned on at :24.
  • After asking for them to tell us their name, we heard “Everly” at :37.


Recording 7 – Phasma Box 5:



  • We then heard a slew of unprompted phrases at this point and heard “South Carolina” at :01 then “Home” at :02.
  • “Did you get that?” was heard questioning at :04 as if confirming that we could in fact hear them.
  • After this, we heard “Home sweetheart” at :10 so we asked if this was their home and the flashlight turned on at :36.
  • Following this moment, the light stayed on and we heard “Something happening” at :43 then the name “PJ” at 1:04.


Recording 8 – Phasma Box 6:



  • The word “Volunteer” was captured at :05 so we asked if they might have been a soldier on the property and heard “Better use it” at :43.
  • At this point we believe we began to capture some residual activity with another odd phrase of “Put it on the ground” at :52 then “Drop it” at :54.
  • A question of “Did we make it?” was heard at 1:08 then “He lied” at 1:16.
  • This made us think we had experienced some type of stick up or confrontation in one of the forts.


Recording 9 – Phasma Box 7:



  • This residual type of communication seemed to continue here right away with “What is that?” then, after brief silence, “Welcome home” at :35.
  • An odd question of “Want to hear a secret?” was recorded at :39 then a sombering phrase of “I just miss you” at :57 followed by “The other” at 1:14.


Recording 10 – Phasma Box 8:



  • We dug around looking for more tools to utilize and the phrase “You’re getting closer” was heard at :01 followed by an almost condescending warning of “Don’t touch anything” at :18.


Recording 11 – Phasma Box 9:



  • This clip began  with a strange phrase at :01 of “Thank you Steve, have a good weekend” which definitely seemed to be much more residual than anything intelligent.
  • As we laughed at this very strange conversation piece, we were questioned with “You laughing?” at :14.
  • We answered this question simply with a yes, and that we were laughing, and we heard a brusk and clear phrase of “That was rude” at :17.
  • With a rebuttal here we explained that we’re just having a good time but recorded another, more controlling word of “Don’t” at :30.


Recording 12 – Phasma Box 10:



  • We were then told to “Please go” at :01 as if we exhausted them with all of our questions.
  • “Off the second floor” was captured at :06 then, thinking they wanted one of us to leave, we asked them who they wanted to leave this area. A response of “We don’t” was heard after the fact and not during our conversation at :19.
  • Thinking that maybe they wanted multiple people to leave, we directly asked the question if they wanted two people to leave. We heard a sarcastic “Uh, yes” at 1:18.


Recording 13 – Phasma Box 11:



  • We furthered this communication and asked them who they wanted to leave and we heard “You and me” at :09 then a calming voice of “I like you” at :28.
  • After making our way around the room, we asked if they wanted Derrick to leave at which his last name of “Smith” was captured at 1:00.


Recording 14 – Phasma Box 12:



  • As Scott asked a question here, we heard a simple welcoming of “Hey, Scott” at :01.


Recording 15 – Phasma Box 13:



  • At :04, we heard an uncomfortable word of “Hurt” followed by “Everything” at :10.


Recording 16 – Phasma Box 14:



  • After attempting to get some more responses out of them, we explained that the year is 2023 and heard a question of “Why is that relevant?” at :08 then “It’s dark” at :14.


Recording 17 – Phasma Box 15:



  • While we attempted to pursue these, we were really led to dead ends but right away in this clip we heard “Ground” so naturally we asked if they were buried here. We got a strange response of “Not particularly” at :31.
  • We followed this and asked if they were buried on the grounds here and recorded “In the church” at :48.


Recording 18 – Phasma Box 16:



  • Changing gears, we asked who killed then to which we were surprised to hear the response of “A woman” at :07.


Recording 19 – Phasma Box 17:



  • With a seemingly genuine question we heard “How are you?” at :02. 
  • We responded with an appropriate response of fine and asked how they were. To this, we heard our response seemingly repeated, then the same question asked at :06 with “Fine, and you?”
  • After some silence, unsure how to proceed, we were then asked simply “Who are you?” at :20.


Recording 20 – Phasma Box 18:



  • Right away, at :02 we heard “Amen” as if someone were praying in this area followed by a cry for help at :06 with “Help me.”
  • A full phrase of “Dear God, I hate that” was heard at :08 as if replying to us asking them to let us know they are with us by knocking or banging on something.
  • At :11, another strange phrase was heard, this time placing blame on someone with “It was Hershel.”


Recording 21 – Phasma Box 19:



  • We thought we heard the name Michael earlier in the night so we asked plainly if we were talking with Michael. At :04 we captured a clear “Yes” then “Present” at :12 as if reconfirming that this was in fact Michael.
  • As we continued this line of questioning we said simply ‘Hello Michael’ to which we received a response of “Hello darling” at :15.


Recording 22 – Phasma Box 20:



  • An almost annoyed sounding voice was heard at :02 saying “Honest to God” as we attempted to determine who was with us.
  • Silence ensued here but we heard another question at :19 of “Are you gonna speak?”


Recording 23 – Phasma Box 21:



  • We threatened to pack up and move on but suddenly heard “Wait!” at :01.
  • After questioning this, asking what we were waiting for, we heard a confusing response of “You” at :14 then “Second” at :18.


Recording 24 – Phasma Box 22:



  • We collected ourselves and planned out a new strategy to determine who they were. We asked them if they had family here to which we heard “Sister” at :14.
  • As we asked what their sister’s name was, we heard what we believe is the name “Madison” at :30 then, as if continuing on, at 1:16 we heard “My sister.”
  • This seemed to continue on slowly with “Sad” at 1:20 then an entire phrase (which we’ve never heard like this before) in “Did they mention if they’re ever getting out?” at 1:41.
  • Continuing on this path we then recorded “Betrayed” at 1:45.


Recording 25 – Phasma Box 23:



  • We pursued a different identification path here and asked if they were in the military to which we heard “No” at :04 then a clear phrase telling us their name at :17 with “My name is PJ.”
  • The energy seemed to change at that moment and we were suddenly told to “Get out” at :29 and called “Asshole” at :35.


Recording 26 – Phasma Box 24:



  • After hearing this name we tried to further this identification and were told “House is in Bedford” at :02.
  • The flashlight then flickered on and back off just as we heard “I just like looking,” as if relating to the light, at :36 followed by what sounded like laughter at :45.
  • An odd phrase of “That wasn’t nice” was recorded at 1:08 paired up with the flashlight once again turning on then back off.


Recording 27 – Phasma Box 25:



  • “Derrick” was heard right away here at:01, so clear that the other investigators began to question whether he was nearby.
  • We discussed hearing Derrick’s name and uncomfortably heard “Hurts right now” at :11.
  • Thinking that they didn’t like Derrick for some reason, we simply asked why this was and at :32 we recorded “I don’t know.”
  • A phrase then began but trailed off with “Derrick is…” at :36. While we tried to decipher this, we asked what Derrick is and heard again “I don’t know” at :43.
  • As we posed this question again, we heard an odd response of “Part American” at 1:05.


Recording 28 – Phasma Box 26:



  • As we felt that we were getting nowhere else here with questions, we asked where we should go next and simply heard “Down” at :08 then strangely recorded “You can see him” at :13.


Recording 29 – Phasma Box 27:



  • We packed up and prepared to move on but at :05 we heard “I wanna say something” so we asked what they would like to say. At :18 we recorded “Let’s be done.”


Video 1 – Cell Camera 1:



  • At :40, seemingly unprompted, the flashlight turned on. then back off at 1:06 after we asked them to turn it off to continue speaking with us.
  • We asked them to turn the light back on if they were interested and able to speak with us and at 1:48 the flashlight could be seen turning on.


Video 2 – Cell Camera 2:



  • During this time we were working on pinpointing the individual’s identity and asked if they were a female. At :33 the flashlight turned on signifying a yes answer.


Video 3 – Handheld Camera 1:



  • As we felt that they were acting a little timid we asked them if they did not like having so many people in this area, and if so, to light the flashlight. At 2:43 the light jumped to life then shut off at 2:53 after we asked if they could do so.
  • Derrick left to gather more tools and the light turned on at 3:02.
  • We asked if they could turn the light off to answer questions and it shut off at 3:27.
  • We asked if they were a man and to turn the light on for yes and it turned on at 4:21.
  • As we asked if they could turn the light off, it turned off at 4:33.
  • We asked if they’d turn the light on if they’re in their 20’s and at 4:58 the light flashed on and off.
  • We asked them if they were from the United States and the light turned on at 5:30.
  • As we discussed the flashlight answering the questions, the light stayed on and even got brighter at 6:07 until it shut off at 6:10.
  • We asked them to keep the light off for twenty seconds and it did so starting at 6:10 and this lasted until 6:55 until Scott spoke at that time when the light flickered.
  • We asked if there were two of them here and at 8:27 the light turned on then back off.
  • As we asked if they’d like to use a different tool to speak with us, at 9:42 the light turned on signifying a yes.
  • We explained that we were going to take the flashlight away so they could focus their energy on the Phasma Box and heard “No” at 11:16 then a plea of “Please don’t” at 11:20.
  • We asked if they wanted us to keep the flashlight out and it turned on at 11:34.
  • After asking for them to tell us their name, we heard “Everly” at 11:50.
  • There was then a slew of unprompted phrases at this point with “South Carolina” at 12:08 then “Home” at 12:10.
  • “Did you get that?” was heard at 12:12 as if confirming that we could hear them.
  • We heard “Home sweetheart” at 12:18 so we asked if this was their home and the flashlight turned on at 12:44.
  • Following this, the light stayed on and we heard “Something happening” at 12:51 then the name “PJ” at 13:12.
  • The word “Volunteer” was captured at 13:53 so we asked if they were a soldier on the property and heard “Better use it” at 14:31.
  • We believe we began to capture some residual activity with another odd phrase of “Put it on the ground” at 14:40 then “Drop it” at 14:42.
  • A question of “Did we make it?” was heard at 14:56 then “He lied” at 15:04.
  • This residual type of communication seemed to continue here with “What is that?” at 18:08, after brief silence, “Welcome home” at 18:43.
  • A question of “Want to hear a secret?” was recorded at 18:47 then a sobering phrase of “I just miss you” at 19:05 followed by “The other” at 19:22.
  • We looked for more tools to utilize and the phrase “You’re getting closer” was heard at 20:41 followed by a condescending warning of “Don’t touch anything” at 20:43.
  • A strange phrase was heard at 21:02 of “Thank you Steve, have a good weekend.”
  • We laughed at this conversation and were questioned with “You laughing?” at 21:42.
  • We answered this question with a yes, and explained that we were laughing. We heard a brisk and clear phrase of “That was rude” at 22:50.
  • We explained that we’re having a good time but recorded “Don’t” at 23:07.
  • As if we exhausted them with all of our questions we were told to “Please go” at 24:39.
  • “Off the second floor” was captured at 24:44 then, thinking they wanted one of us to leave, we asked them who they wanted to leave this area. A response of “We don’t” was heard after the fact and not during our conversation at 24:57.
  • Thinking that maybe they wanted multiple people to leave, we asked the question if they wanted two people to leave. We heard a sarcastic “Uh, yes” at 25:56.
  • We asked them who they wanted to leave and heard “You and me” at 26:07 then a calming voice of “I like you” at 26:26.
  • After making our way around the room, we asked if they wanted Derrick to leave, at which his last name of “Smith” was captured at 26:58.
  • As Scott asked a question, we heard a simple greeting of “Hey, Scott” at 27:23.
  • At 31:32, we heard “Hurt” followed by “Everything” at 31:38.
  • We explained that the year is 2023 and heard “Why is that relevant?” at 34:26 then “It’s dark” at 34:32.
  • We heard “Ground” at 35:48 so we asked if they were buried here. We got a strange response of “Not particularly” at 36:19.
  • We asked if they were buried on the grounds and recorded “In the church” at 36:36.
  • After asking who killed them we heard a response of “A woman” at 37:25.


Video 4 – Handheld Camera 2:



  • With a genuine question we heard “How are you?” at 1:27. 
  • We responded with an appropriate response of fine and asked how they were. To this we heard the same question asked at 1:31 with “Fine, and you?”
  • After some silence, unsure how to proceed, we were then asked simply “Who are you?” at 1:45.
  • At 3:15 we heard “Amen” as if someone were praying followed by “Help me” at 3:19.
  • A phrase of “Dear God, I hate that” was heard at 3:21.
  • At 3:24, a strange phrase was heard, as if placing blame on someone with “It was Hershel.”
  • We thought we heard the name Michael earlier in the night so we asked plainly if we were talking with Michael. At 4:53 we captured “Yes” then “Present” at 4:51.
  • We said ‘Hello Michael’ to which we received a response of “Hello darling” at 5:04.
  • An annoyed sounding voice was heard at 5:07 saying “Honest to God.”
  • Silence was broken with another question at 6:24 of “Are you gonna speak?”
  • With even more silence we threatened to move on but heard “Wait!” at 9:46.
  • After asking what we were waiting for, we heard a response of “You” at 9:59 then “Second” at 10:03.
  • We asked them if they had family here to which we heard “Sister” at 12:19.
  • After asking what their sister’s name was, we heard the name “Madison” at 12:35 then, as if continuing, at 13:21 we heard “My sister.”
  • This continued on with “Sad” at 13:25 then an entire phrase of “Did they mention if they’re ever getting out?” at 13:46.
  • Continuing on this communication we recorded “Betrayed” at 13:50.
  • We asked if they were in the military and heard “No” at 15:59 then a phrase telling us their name at 16:12 with “My name is PJ.”
  • The energy altered and we were told to “Get out” at 16:24 and called “Asshole” at 16:30.
  • After hearing this name we tried to further this identification and were told “House is in Bedford” at 20:31.
  • The flashlight flickered on and off as we heard “I just like looking,” as if relating to the light, at 21:05 followed by what sounded like laughter at 21:14.
  • “That wasn’t nice” was heard at 21:47 just as the flashlight again turned on then off.
  • “Derrick” was heard at 22:47, so clear that the other investigators began to question whether he was nearby.
  • We discussed hearing Derrick’s name and heard “Hurts right now” at 22:57.
  • Thinking that they didn’t like Derrick for some reason, we asked why this was and at 23:18 we recorded “I don’t know.”
  • A phrase began but trailed off with “Derrick is…” at 23:22. 
  • We tried to decipher this, and asked what Derrick is and heard “I don’t know” at 23:29.
  • As we posed this question again, we heard a response of “Part American” at 23:51.
  • We asked where we should go next and heard “Down” at 25:03 then “You can see him” at 25:08.
  • We prepared to move on but at 34:05 we heard “I wanna say something” so we asked what they would like to say. At 34:18 we recorded “Let’s be done.”


Video 5 – Handheld Camera 3:



  • There was nothing out of the ordinary during this timeframe. 


Video 6 – Handheld Camera 4:



  • Once again, there was nothing captured here which would be considered supernatural or paranormal.


2nd Floor – Room 4


One of the former hotel rooms which is currently under minor construction, similar to a few others, is in the process of renaming, decorating, and including historical artifacts behind glass displays. These items are all local and time period based to help visitors understand and get a true feel for how our ancestors lived. While there is nothing otherworldly necessarily documented and linked to this room directly there have been very similar, if not the exact same, experiences and evidence captured here. On two separate occasions, very clearly and obvious, a piano has been heard playing a song. This could have been echoing from another room or area but it seems to be no coincidence that this distinct sound was captured here, twice.



We spent some time in this room both attempting to communicate and simply leaving a recorder alone as we moved about the hotel. Neither of these accounted too much nor did anything feel out of the ordinary personally by the investigators.




  • There was nothing notable captured here.


Recording 1 – Static 1:



  • Even though we never recorded anything abnormal here previously, we left a recorder sitting here as we explored the remaining second floor rooms.
  • There was a voice that sounded like it said “Scott” here at :08 very similar to early in the night but we did not have any device running at this point.


Recording 2 – Static 2:



  • A banging sound was heard in this area at :04.


Video 1 – Handheld 1:



  • We did not capture anything unusual at this time.


2nd Floor – Room 1863: Strong Vincent Room


Another former hotel room under a redesign phase , this room is named after the fabled colonel Strong Vincent, Warerford native, who died from his mortal wounds at the Battle of Gettysburg (the date of which is the room’s namesake). This room is on the far end of the second floor and opposite end of the former restaurant overflow (Dark Wing) area. This room is furnished with a period dated bed frame but more recently an old chest has been dedicated by the Erie Historical Society and displayed in this room. Not much is known about this artifact aside from the date of construction, not even its purpose.



With our recent success with the ESTES method throughout the rest of this investigation, we opted to jump right into that in this area and amazingly heard the name Strong spoken to us along with other intelligent-type communication as in locations of the room, the flashlight inside the room, and an explanation of a changing energy inside the room. We tried to pinpoint their identity and after asking if they were part of the band which used to play above here and not only did they tell us they were a part of that music but we also heard clear trumpets as if reconfirming this. Eventually they told us bye and everything got silent. Whether this was us wearing out our time here or them simply utilizing all of their energy, we may never know.




  • There was nothing abnormal that was noticeable here visually.


Recording 1 – ESTES 1:



  • With the luck we previously had in the Basement and the Ballroom, we continued this ESTES method and pursued this location as we were given hints as to the location they wanted us to go next.
  • We began simply and asked if they could let us know that they were here and at :12 we heard a sarcastic “Maybe.”
  • After we repeated this and asked if there was anyone back in this area we recorded “There is” at 1:02.
  • We pursued this open communication and attempted to pull their name to which we heard another defensive word of “Screwed” at 1:10.
  • “Had it coming” was uncountably heard at 1:15 then “It’s back here” at 1:17. Both of these were unprompted.


Recording 2 – ESTES 2:



  • We explained that we placed a flashlight on the trunk and we heard “I don’t mind” at :11 then “You” at :15.
  • After asking if they like any of us we heard “Me” at :29 as if they didn’t actually like any of us and chose themselves instead.
  • At :49 the flashlight turned on then the room’s namesake of “Strong” was heard simultaneously.
  • We then asked if they could turn the light back off and at 1:14 the light shut off but we heard a confusing word of “Never” at the same time.
  • After we asked if there was only one person with us we heard a response of “Coming” at 1:32 as if someone else was also on their way.
  • Naturally, we followed this and asked who was coming to which we heard, strangely put, “Sorry that happened” at 1:42 as if relating to whoever else was coming.


Recording 3 – ESTES 3:



  • After the Ovilus previously produced the name ‘Sebastian’ we asked if this Sebastian was here and we heard, in confusion, “Umm” at :04.
  • “Snuck” was recorded at :36 followed by an unprompted “No” at :38 and “Alright” at :42 as if they had given up on us communicating.


Recording 4 – ESTES 4:



  • Even though we thought we heard trumpets, the recorder did not pick this up but we still asked if they were in a band and heard a response of “Part of” at :05 as if confirming this then a phrase of “All day long: as if they played there for long hours.
  • The words “Local” and “House” were recorded at :15 and :22 also possibly referring to playing music locally and possibly part of a house band.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:



  • We asked if they could let us know that they were here and at 3:24 we heard “Maybe.”
  • After repeating this we asked if there was anyone here and we heard “There is” at 4:14.
  • We attempted to pull their name and heard a defensive word of “Screwed” at 4:22.
  • “Had it coming” was heard at 4:27 then “It’s back here” at 4:29.
  • We explained that we placed a flashlight on the trunk and we heard “I don’t mind” at 4:58 then “You” at 5:02.
  • We asked if they like us and heard “Me” at 5:26.
  • At 5:36 the flashlight turned on then “Strong” was heard simultaneously.
  • We asked if they could turn the light off and at 6:01 the light shut off but we heard “Never” at the same time.
  • After we asked if there was only one person with us we heard a response of “Coming” at 6:19 as if someone else was also on their way.
  • Naturally, we followed this and asked who was coming to which we heard, strangely put, “Sorry that happened” at 6:29 as if relating to whoever else was coming.
  • After the Ovilus previously produced the name ‘Sebastian’ earlier in the night we asked if Sebastian was here and we heard, in confusion, “Umm” at 8:08.
  • “Snuck” was recorded at 8:38 followed by an unprompted “No” at 8:40 and “Alright” at 8:44 as if they had given up on us communicating.
  • Even though we thought we heard trumpets, the recorder did not pick this up but we still asked if they were in a band and heard a response of “Part of” at 9:27 as if confirming this then a phrase of “All day long” at 9:34 as if they played there for long hours.
  • The words “Local” and “House” were recorded at 9:37 and 9:44 also possibly referring to playing music locally and possibly part of a house band.


2nd Floor – Room 1862: Belles’ Room


The final hotel room we spent any time in was just across the hallway from our last location in Room 1863. This room is furnished with two original wooden bed frames, other artifacts and relics salvaged and donated from the area, and a mannequin of a bride in the corner of the room. This area is currently being redesigned to showcase the Belle family who made significant contributions to the area. This is another less documented paranormal location and not much has been reported from here although there are the odd sensations of being watched.



While not much was experienced here throughout our evening, we were drawn here following our time in the Strong Vincent Room. Throughout our communication here, all captured through the ESTES method, we captured greetings and managed to figure out that they were hiding here. We also believe that this is a jokester, so to speak, and perhaps the same one who was in the basement and even, at a stretch, following us around the building all night. We captured sayings like “Sucker” and “You got me” to back these claims up. As we heard more music, we tried to find out if this was associated with them and they basically told us that they were listening to the same “Piano playing” as we were, just as we heard that music again.




  • There was nothing noteworthy, paranormally speaking, in this room.


Recording 1 – ESTES 1:



  • As we seemed to wear out our time in the previous room, we moved across the hall and attempted to pursue some communication here with the same tactic of the ESTES method.
  • Similar to the last room, we started more open and vague asking if there’s anyone here with us and we heard simply put “I am” at :03.
  • We proceeded to attempt their identity and asked directly if this was Maxwell and recorded “I am” once again at :15.
  • After attempting some flashlight communication, we asked if they could simply touch the light and we heard “I want” at :44.


Recording 2 – ESTES 2:



  • We heard the word “Piano” at :02 so naturally we discussed this word and heard “Playing” at :16 followed by “Don’t” at :26 as if they were someone else and that they did not play the piano.


Recording 3 – ESTES 3:



  • Referring back to a phrase earlier in the night combined with the mannequin dressed in a white period accurate wedding dress, we asked if they were staying here with a beautiful girl to which we heard “Not” at :05 then “Me” at :27 but then we were greeted with a simple “Hi” at :36.


Recording 4 – ESTES 4:



  • We captured an indecipherable whispering at :02 after we asked if they’re hiding from someone.
  • Hearing that oddity, we asked who they were hiding from and we were seemingly told “King” at :17.
  • With this confusion we asked if they are still hiding and we recorded “No” at :22.


Recording 5 – ESTES 5:



  • After we asked if they could step forward and turn the light on, we heard “Soooo” dragging out at :09 then, to complete this thought, “I’m lying” at :12.
  • We asked if they were the ones we spoke with in the Ballroom and the flashlight turned on and back off at :37.
  • “You aware?” was recorded at :52 as the rest of us attempted to tie this room to the Ballroom followed by “You’re right” at :54 as if confirming that there was a relationship.
  • Hearing that last phrase, we asked if we’re in the right room and the flashlight jumped to life at 1:10 just as we recorded “Right” at 1:14.
  • Trying to pinpoint this person’s name again we asked if they were in any of the pictures in the room and we captured “Broken” at 1:21 as if explaining the picture they were in.


Recording 6 – ESTES 6:



  • We circled back here asking if they could play music and at :08 we heard a piano playing so we asked them if they could tell us their name and heard “We” at :34 as if telling us there was more than one of them.
  • Knowing the name Maxwell got responses earlier in the night we asked if this was once again Maxwell and at 1:07 we recorded “No.”
  • Violins were heard playing then at 1:10.


Recording 7 – ESTES 7:



  • As the light remained on, we directed our attention here and asked if they could turn the light off if they want us to stay and speak with them and at :03 we heard “Careful” then “Yeah” at :07 finally answering our question.
  • For our final communication, and perhaps giving us more of their past, we recorded “I” at :15 then “Fought” at :17.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:



  • At first, we asked if they’d let us know that they’re here and the light turned on at 1:20 then back off at 1:52 after we asked them to do so.
  • We started by asking if there’s anyone here with us and we heard “I am” at 2:16.
  • We attempted to find their identity and asked if this was Maxwell and recorded “I am” at 2:28.
  • After asking if they could touch the light we heard “I want” at 2:56.
  • We heard the word “Piano” at 3:04 so we discussed this and heard “Playing” at 3:18 followed by “Don’t” at 3:28 as if they were someone else and did not play the piano.
  • Referring back to a phrase earlier in the night combined with the mannequin dressed in a white period accurate wedding dress, we asked if they were staying here with a beautiful girl to which we heard “Not” at 4:02 then “Me” at 4:24 but then we were greeted with a simple “Hi” at 4:33.
  • We captured an indecipherable whispering at 7:14 after we asked if they’re hiding.
  • Hearing that, we asked who they were hiding from and we were told “King” at 7:29.
  • With this we asked if they are still hiding and we recorded “No” at 7:34.
  • After we asked if they could step forward and turn the light on, we heard “Soooo” dragging out at 8:32 then, to complete this thought, “I’m lying” at 8:36.
  • We asked if they were in the Ballroom and the flashlight turned on and off at 9:01.
  • “You aware?” was recorded at 9:17.
  • As we attempted to tie this room to the Ballroom we heard “You’re right” at 9:21 as if confirming that there was a relationship.
  • We asked if we’re in the right room and the flashlight jumped to life at 9:32 just as we recorded “Right” at 9:40.
  • Trying to pinpoint a name we asked if they were in any of the pictures in the room and we captured “Broken” at 9:49 as if explaining the picture they were in.
  • We asked if they could play music and at 13:30 we heard a piano playing.
  • With this, we asked if they could tell us their name and heard “We” at 14:00 as if telling us there was more than one of them.
  • We asked if this was once again Maxwell and at 14:31 we recorded “No.”
  • Violins were heard playing then at 14:36.
  • The light remained on so we directed our attention there and asked if they could turn the light off if they wanted us to stay and speak with them and at 14:46 we heard “Careful” then “Yeah” at 14:54 finally answering our question.
  • For our final communication, and perhaps giving us more of their past, we recorded “I” at 14:58 then “Fought” at 15:01.


After an analysis of our evidence and  documentation of personal experience, we believe we gathered a slew of unexplained, supernatural experiences to deem this former hotel in Waterford, PA a hot spot for paranormal activity and an everlasting home to quite a few lost souls. With the eclectic evidence and experiences, we can place a claim that the Eagle Hotel and its property holds both intelligent and residual energies which have helped us pinpoint some of the names here, some of their intentions, and others just their strong energies left on repeat forever.


Even though the energy inside the Eagle Hotel was strong and pronounced throughout, there were a few locations inside the building that seemed to be more active and open than others. It’s unknown whether these areas just had so much built up energy over the years since the hotel’s construction or if some of these spirits are trapped in certain areas for yet to be identified reasons like tragedy or possible punishment. These locations which seemed to be more active, for us at least, were the Basement, the 2nd floor restaurant wing (we called it the dark wing out of visual representation alone), and the Ballroom in the attic.


As the sole location that seemed to draw us in off the bat, we opted to begin in the underground. basement labyrinth. The majority of our initial communication was due to the flashlights yes/no answers and the Ovilus reinforcing these responses. We were guided to the conclusion there were two separate entities in this area; one male and one female as well as being provided with answers to simple questions and names like that of “Samuel” and “PJ.” Whoever this Samuel was, we believe was simply being discussed rather than present with us as we heard words like “Mean” and “Rude” and the word “Scared” was heard almost like someone else who was speaking with us was hiding from Samuel. The person referred to as “PJ” and telling us “My name is PJ” may in fact be a tenant of the French Jon’s over the old fort as Captain Pierre Joseph de Céleron once commanded and oversaw a crucial project of a roadway connecting Franklin, PA to Waterford, PA. Eventually, later in the night, we were told to return here and performed multiple ESTES sessions ultimately being led back to the Ballroom as we were told we were wanted in that attic location.



Even before we were able to open up any lines of communication up here in the ballroom, the Rempod was alerted just as we were setting up our cameras and energy changing devices. Even though we spent ample time attempting to debunk this with electrical or wires running through the vicinity, nothing could ever be distinguished as debunkable. While we returned to this area on more than one occasion, we did capture a couple of names associated with this location; “Arthur” and “Jesus.” As we attempted further communication we managed to gain flashlight yes/no answers. This was another area where we returned later in the night as we were told to do so through our ESTES communication which we continued to utilize during this second attempt. During this time, we once again recorded the name Samuel but also overheard some more residual conversations and activity. This was further explored, successfully so, via a static recorder left just capturing everything that occurred in an empty room. During this time, and furthering our residual energy ideals, we recorded footsteps and knocks sporadically as if the dance floor was still being used in the afterlife.


While a few of us did feel as though we were being watched in this former restaurant wing and dark corridor early on, later in the night as we attempted to investigate this atmosphere changed time and time again. As there were only two of us who began the investigation here we felt unnatural sensations of being watched but this changed as more investigators funneled into this dark corridor. Our initial instincts told us that there were residual energies lingering here, light flashlights as they moved past them and being a fly on the wall for supernatural conversations on repeat. Our minds were eventually swayed though as our Phasma Box helped us understand some of these spirits and even gave credence to the flashlight activations. We were unable to find out exactly who we pulled back here but the overwhelming feeling was that this former person was still controlling and demanding in the afterlife, enough so to force a pair of investigators out of the hallway. After this occurrence, the smaller group of only three people remained but were welcome rather than shunned. We did manage to capture an age range of these energies who believe they were in their mid-20’s and that they were American.



As our investigation produced an incredible amount of evidence and experiences, the interactions were mainly positively charged and only enhanced by our added energies. There were a few moments where we felt a little on edge like in the 2nd Floor a Restaurant Wing as we felt watched then spoken down to by someone who was rather controlling but not necessarily negative. We believe we encountered both residual energies and intelligent spirits and thanks to our speaking devices and flashlights, we managed to record some names, age ranges, and even some stories like the one we were told, amazingly, about robbing a bank, a noose, and a sheriff. The unbelievable intelligence and increased energy sensations ultimately guided us through the hotel and allowed us to capture further proof of the afterlife and a glimpse into the other side. Most of the residual energy here mainly helped solidify old tales of phantom footsteps and possible dancing along to music. We also felt that we overheard some profound and possibly important conversations that came through as if listening to a pair of people talking right behind you.


With our return to Waterford, PA, our mission is to continue exploring the unknown and gather as much information about the past as possible, especially that which has been lost to history or simply just misinformed throughout generations. The ground, in this particular area with the history of the forts, but also the entire town of Waterford seems to be a hub for the paranormal and holds an ethereal energy. No matter what street you turn down, no matter what allowed ground you may wander, no matter what historical location you explore, the entirety of the rotten sense to be able to pull visitors back in time to experience a specific era or a moment frozen in time. This can be no more evident than just glimpsing through the eyeglass of the Eagle Hotel and after just spending one single night here, we’ve come away with so much more information, experiences. and an ongoing and every building appreciation for our ancestors and the past which has brought us to this very moment in time.



Our true goal and purpose is to help preserve history, stories, and share tales whether they be documented or newly discovered. As we share our entire story and evidence with future investigators, we hope that they can continue our journey and uncover even more secrets, gain more answers, and help tell the stories of those who lost the ability to do so long ago.

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