Blennerhassett Hotel – Follow Up Investigation


Blennerhassett Hotel – Follow Up Investigation

April 20, 2024

Parkersburg, WV




The small and historical town of Parkersburg, WV has much more in store than just meets the eye. This blue collar town was once the pinnacle for economic growth and led the way in culture for the state, all while growing from its past digressions which plagued the entire country. This occurred in the form of the prohibition with a hidden speakeasy and brothels tucked away in the seedy underbelly of Parkersburg with its main hub encapsulated by the Blennerhassett Hotel. Since these low points which included fires, tragedies, and deaths, to no one’s surprise with those types of business ventures, the hotel changed ownership and undertook major renovations and constructions. This included the incorporation of neighboring properties and structures to utilize the limited space but ensure an improved growth both financially and economically. The hotel showcases its high class status in everything from its veneer to the handcrafted finishes all throughout the building. 


While it dates back to an initial construction period in 1883, the Blennerhassett Hotel encapsulates a beauty and grandeur from its time period as well as its location in West Virginia. The hotel seems to be in constant additions including the restaurant, bar, ballroom, an exterior lounging space, and (most recently) the Speakeasy in the Basement. With guests and employees both being drawn to this historic landmark due to its combination of historic value, high class features, and exceptional hospitality, there can be no doubt of the energies which transcend generations and even bring back some of those who are no longer of this earthly plane. As of only about two years ago, the hotel’s management began to allow more of the paranormal events and discussions to really occur with their blessing. Employees have seemingly always had experiences, they’ve just typically kept these tales to themselves. With the recent acceptance of the otherworldly it seems as though it’s allowing more employees to open up and share their own experiences with anyone willing to listen. Adra Johnson was an integral part of bringing the 1st and 2nd annual event of the Appalachian ParaCon to the Blennerhassett Hotel, all events culminating in a public paranormal investigation. Between this, the recent renovations, and simply a new, open mindset, the paranormal activity appears to be at an all time high which has allowed guests, employees, and even the random paranormal enthusiast to continue telling the hotel’s stories whether it be historical or paranormal. This is where we fit into this crazy fold.



In 2023, we entertained a table during the paranormal convention which allowed us to speak directly to guests and employees which definitely helped steer our investigation later in the night. The stories are minimal and not very well documented, however, they all did tend to tie together and be similar to one another without these guests speaking to one another regarding them. The most predominant stories explain the appearance of a woman in blue dress (identification unknown), a shadowy man wearing a bowler hat (perhaps the serial killer Joseph Eisele), a child (perhaps a paperboy), 1800’s time period specific specters (vaudevillians, children riding bicycles, and other fleeting apparitions in time period based clothing), and even the original owner of William Chancellor himself. 


After documenting the aforementioned stories, we wanted to use these items to guide us through the majorly un-investigated hotel. Our experiences began off very quiet and practically non-existent. We can directly relate this silence to the overwhelmingly large groups attempting to communicate with the other side and, as the night wore on and visitors broke off into smaller groups throughout the building, our experiences and even communication began to increase ten fold. 


There were mainly four areas which saw the most paranormal activity; some led to communication and documentation, some simply led to personal and ultimately undocumented sensations. These locations included Room 409, Room 428, two rooms on the fourth floor, and the Basement area, specifically the Dry Storage Room and the Employee Lounge (now the Speakeasy). The evidence we captured during our first paranormal investigation in the hotel was documented with recorders in the form of verbal communication, thanks mainly to our Spirit Box and Phasma Box, and visual affirmations through the SLS camera and simple videos capturing specific unexplained moments. 


Inside Room 409, we seemed to come across a more gruff and irritated voice echoing through the Phasma Box. This appeared to be intelligent and annoyed that there were so many people in their space. 


A similar intelligence was heard just down the hallway in Room 428 but this had a different overall atmosphere. In this room our communication was through the Spirit Box and Phasma Box but the energies here came across much more timid and almost afraid to speak with us. The more time we spent here the more we gathered enough information to believe that there were up to three separate energies exuded here. The first was that of a young child, particularly a young girl. The second was an overprotective parent or guardian simply watching over this child and possibly preventing them from speaking too much. But it seemed as though they were more than likely just there watching on to ensure this child’s safety. The third energy here came across as controlling and made numerous attempts to stop the child from speaking. This same energy did not like the flashing of lights in this room when we took photos and even seemed to attempt to make one of us so uncomfortable and tried to get us to leave the room by touching us and remaining close by the rest of the time here. We eventually took a stand and exclaimed that they were not wanted here. This helped open the child up a little bit more allowing us to continue speaking with her. We also captured what appeared to be a figure sitting on the bed next to our recorder.



In the Dry Storage Area we captured some whispers reminiscent of the man in Room 409 where he was gruff and unwelcoming. This took a turn though when we disregarded him and focused on what seemed to be a young boy who played with the pendulum. During this time, a figure was spotted peeking out from behind the storage shelves. 



While this occurred, there was a little girl who was sad and just liked to play with our devices in the Administrative Office (currently the Speakeasy). These moments were captured on video showing the Rempod and K2 meter being alerted. This did not occur the second time through this area during this investigation. 



The Laundry Room did not provide too much in the form of experience or evidence but seemed to hold odd and shy energies. These were evident with corroborating past employees stories of distracting noises echoing from behind them as this exact scenario played out for us; twice!


During the second annual Appalachian ParaCon, April 19-20 2024, we were lucky enough to spend two full days speaking with employees and visitors while presenting our previous findings from the prior year. With these documentation and our personal experiences, we managed to create a better plan and guide for ourselves during this return paranormal investigation. Following the second full day of hosting our booth, we took some time to gather ourselves and prepare our equipment. We never planned on fully utilizing some of it but when we were given the go-ahead to use some trail cameras and the ability to venture to some additional areas we slightly transitioned our plans. Regardless, following a quick gathering at the Charleston Ballroom, we set our gear in some of the more notable locations for stationary cameras and packed our mobile bag as we prepared to be on the move most of the night. Right around 9:00 PM we ventured out to begin our return investigation of the Blennerhassett Hotel which lasted until approximately 4:00 AM the next morning.



Our team included four investigators total including our frequent medium Emma and her father Cliff. Our entire equipment cache was optimized and separated between each investigator. The entirety of our equipment list included one laser grid, four motion activated trail cameras, one stationary camera, two handheld cameras, six K2 meters, one SB7 Spirit Box, one Phasma Box, one Ovilus, one Rempod, one Spirit Light, two recorders, one FLIR thermal imaging camera, one EM Pump, two light up cat balls, three LED flashlights, and one SLS camera.


Throughout the building and all throughout our time here, including our time spent in the open area of the ballroom during the paranormal convention, there were alternating energies and atmospheres. This could be felt from the sensation of being watched early on in the ballroom to the intelligence experienced in Room 409. The heavy or thick of the areas seemed to be mostly attributed to the differing moments of communication as if we could physically sense a change to the unseen energy’s mood or mindset. These unique emotional ties could be felt in both the Room 409 and the Speakeasy as our emotions stretched from an instant startle and momentary fear to a light and intriguing sense of intelligent communication.



With nothing more than our prior investigation experiences and fleeting moments as a guide, we followed a similar path from our visit a year ago. Limited numbers did help our cause this go-round but being that the main hotspots were still highly sought after we opted to begin in one of the locations we had special access to; Room 428. In this area we previously spent time in we thought that we experienced three different energies, possibly a family. Our attempts to identify who these people may have been were fruitless but with this disappointment came a new experience of another energy roaming throughout the room. This was definitely a singular force centralized in this room. This energy was felt, and we believe heard, but ultimately scared or very timid as we seemingly chased them into the shower which was the furthest spot inside this room away from us. 


Without much communication we moved on to the next spot; the second and fifth floor hallways. We were drawn to the area just outside the Parker Ballroom on the second floor where employees have seen a woman in a blue dress standing here, appearing and disappearing on a whim. With our time here we received some minimal flashlight communication but more so the sensation that they simply wanted to play with our tools rather than speak to us. A thermal image taken just down this hallway seemed to produce a pair of figures and, amazingly, appeared just as the stories tell: that of a woman in a dress and a man in a bowler hat. From the second floor we felt a pull to the fifth floor after having a current employee rush past us telling us ‘Go to the fifth floor, like now!” As we took some pictures and attempted to open up communication, our tools all began to fail us at the same time. The Spirit Box refused to change volume levels and this could only be solved by shutting it off completely. The EM Pump still produced power and a charge even after removing the batteries as if something was making it power still without any earthly means. The thermal imaging camera would not power on and focus properly, the program freezing and crashes all simultaneously. As we wandered about the hallways we regained control of these tools just as the atmosphere lightened up.



Our attention was drawn toward the basement as we encountered some other investigative groups getting quite a bit of activity earlier in the night. We started in the open room around the table. We noted this as an Employee Lounge where the extent of our communication was via the Ovilus but did not give us anything productive. What we did gather here was the pins and needles running down our backs and a sensation of being touched so we pursued the ESTES Method for the simple fact of noise pollution and just a general overall difficulty of hearing in this area. Even though there was not a lot captured here, there was a name of ‘Julia’ produced followed by recurring pleas of “Help” and cries out of “Burning!” This ended with a cloudy sensation amongst half the team forcing us to move along. After spending some time in the Speakeasy, we gained some Spirit Light activity as we played some piano music and seemingly angered whoever was with us with some horribly played piano music. A startling moment following this which shocked us all was when a loud bang was heard echoing from the corner of the room behind the bar. This coincided with the moment when an investigator played the piano and nothing was ever found out of place to create this commotion. Our last venture in the basement was to set up a laser grid in the laundry area. There were captivating moments which we could not duplicate and clearly experienced. The first was something we noticed in person; a loud knocking. This was clear and concise as if someone were interrupting but there was no one else in the entire underground with us. The second came upon a review where we noticed a shadow moving in the left hand corner as if simply passing through.


After a pause and pizza break, all thanks to Adra and the ParaCon staff, we ventured up to the (FINALLY) unoccupied notorious Room 409. This is where the near infamous serial killer Joseph Eisele once lived, right on this very property. We believe we experienced him and his attitude the last time we were here and wanted to pick up where we left off. Aside from a few German words and other phrases telling us to “Eff off!” and “Stop!” we did gather something even more incredible: a flashlight was knocked over once then seen rocking back and forth numerous times following that stunning moment. Even though not much more conversation was heard, nor information provided to us to continue to pry, just this extreme energy produced for us to show that Joseph (we now know he prefers John) is still very predominantly still active in this room.



Our final stop for the evening was to explore the Dry Storage area once more in hopes of speaking with this child who opted to show himself to us during our last visit. The communication here was minimal but was active via the K2 meter. We could barely gather a baseline here and rather realized whoever was with us simply liked to play with our device. There was no way we could recreate these moments and they occurred in a spot where there could be no interference.


Below are recordings, videos, and pictures from our follow up paranormal investigation of the Blennerhassett Hotel. We noted moments from each recording and video which includes communication, conversation, or some type of paranormal evidence we believe we captured or simply experienced for ourselves through our feelings and sensations. After listening and watching, feel free to reach out and let us know your thoughts.


As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Room 428


Right in the center of the fourth floor hallway, this single bedded, stereotypical look of a hotel room is said to house some type of unnatural energy. Similar occurrences stretch across the entire fourth floor including footsteps, shadows, and knocking sounds. Many noises are difficult to track down due to the size of the hotel and it can be tough to differentiate paranormal activity with the regular noise from guests. This room in particular has no identification associated with it and aside from some of this almost cliché activity, there does not seem to be much intelligence attached to the room itself – at least not according to stories.


Our previous investigation allowed for physical touches and visuals thanks to the Rempod. We captured some intelligent communication, which we concluded was a combination of a child and a parent or guardian or protector of some sort. It may have been a combination of a child and a parent with one other who controlled the duo. We noted that there were three separate voices and received the word “Three” at one point. Any time we attempted to take a flash photograph we were given a perturbed response as we were told “Don’t” or “Leave.” It seemed as though one spirit was trying to protect another, or perhaps hide something they did not want found. Any opportunity we got when we received a welcoming response of “Hello” or “Hi” was almost always followed by a gruff voice distracting us, drawing our attention, or silencing the other energy we were attempting to contact. As we were asked for “Help” multiple times we attempted to ‘kick out’ whoever else was with us at which point the room atmosphere altered and became much lighter. This is when more conversation occurred seemingly between a parent and child with some gentle conversation.



We opted to begin in this room since we had sole access. Our group was split off the bat as half of them went to set up trail cameras and the other two settled into this room and got a good sense for it. As we tried to get a sense for whose energy was in the room with us, we attempted to touch back on the trio who was felt here in the past but instead received more of a sensation of a single energy. This was felt in the form of a man hiding in the corner of the room and, as Dan felt suddenly dizzy, this man seemed to move toward the bathroom. As he sensed a figure moving in front of the door trim, almost blurring the vision in front of it, there was a clicking sound as if to let us know there was indeed someone there. There were further knocks and shuffling toward the corner of the bathroom as we attempted to focus in on these energies. As the group discussed these shared feelings as if someone had retreated to the shower, a pounding was heard coming right from this spot. We placed a Rempod just outside the shower then ventured in here in an attempt to speak with them. The Rempod was definitely set off as we moved close followed by a familiar knocking noise as we asked if they could speak with us.


These aforementioned noises gave us enough to want to proceed with another attempt at communication, through the K2 meter. Following us setting a baseline they seemed to tell us they only wanted to play with the light as they clearly answered our yes/no questions but told us they simply wanted to light up our tools rather than answer questions. After the group heard what sounded like running water (not picked up on recordings but clearly affected the group while live) the K2 meter spiked and held at its strongest point of red momentarily leading to the atmosphere changing, as if all energy was suddenly zapped from the room. The feeling of cloudiness or haziness was experienced by the group really pushing us along.




  • We’ve attached a few video stills showing the K2 meter jump here answering yes/no questions.




Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • During this moment, we believed we witnessed a blur out of the corner of our eye passing in front of the bathroom door as it moved toward it. During this time, we also heard a knocking at :04.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • A similar knocking noise could be heard here at :09 as we moved over toward the desk and the bathroom.


Recording 3 – EVP 3:



  • As we documented the sensation of someone moving inside the bathroom corner, as if they were hiding from us we heard shuffling footsteps from this area at :04.
  • Directly from this same area we heard a knocking noise at :15.


Recording 4 – EVP 4:



  • We discussed the noises coming from the bathroom area and recorded further shuffling of feet at :02 and :06.


Recording 5 – EVP 5:



  • While the group collectively felt like that energy was still emanating from the shower there was a loud pounding at :06 as if to confirm this sentiment.


Recording 6 – EVP 6:



  • After the team convened here there was some indecipherable whispering captured at :07. Even though we attempted to clean this up to make out the whispering sounds, we had no luck as the further we distorted this the more inaudible it became.


Recording 7 – EVP 7:



  • Similar to the first whisper which we could not make out, there was another moment of whispering that we could not clean up appropriately. This was heard at :02.


Recording 8 – EVP 8:



  • We pursued the noises from the basement and, as we moved into the area, we explained that we hoped they didn’t mind us encroaching on their space. To our amazement, the Rempod which was placed just outside the shower was alerted loudly at :07.


Recording 9 – EVP 9:



  • After we explained that they had no reason to hide and that we simply wanted to speak with them we heard a knocking as if in response, or at least acknowledgement, to this at :13.


Recording 10 – Transcription 1:



  • The majority of this timeframe relied on K2 meter activity as the lights turning on related to a yes response to yes/no questions we asked them. Being these were visual and not necessarily paranormal evidence, these moments are best transcribed to detail the responses with the meter.
  • As we first opened things up and attempted to use the meter, we explained that they could touch the light to which the Ovilus picked up ‘Learn’ at 1:25.
  • We repeated this explanation and asked if they could touch the light and at 2:20, the K2 meter spiked.
  • As we had our baseline set, we explained the rules and that if they understood that if they light the K2 meter up that it would count as a ‘Yes’ response. Almost immediately, at 2:25, the K2 meter jumped to yellow.
  • The Ovilus once again produced some responses at 3:18 with ‘Purple’ and ‘Joke.’
  • While we felt as though we heard the sound of running water around 4:28, the recording never picked this up for us to be able to listen closer.
  • There were not many further responses and the group was quite distracted from the running water but the K2 meter once again spiked at 6:00 as if they were letting us know they were still with us.


Recording 11 – Transcription 2:



  • The K2 meter activity continued during this timeframe as well so we wanted to document those moments rather than classify them as evidence.
  • Early on, we can be heard describing the change in atmosphere and describing that odd cloudy sensation.
  • We discussed these feelings and alterations in the air and, at 1:10 as if once again acknowledging this and us, the K2 meter spiked.


Video 1 – Stationary Camera 1:


  • As one investigator moved into the bathroom, the Rempod could be heard going off at 1:40 as the K2 meter turned on but off screen at 2:50.
  • A knocking noise could be heard at 3:11 and a scratching at 3:24.



Video 2 – Stationary Camera 2:


  • Once again, minimal activity occurred at the start but at 5:04 the Ovilus produced ‘Learn.’
  • The K2 meter could be seen flickering numerous times here starting with 5:56 and just flashing away until about 6:57 as the Ovilus produced ‘People’ and ‘Joke.’
  • Once again, the K2 meter began to flash rapidly starting at 7:45 lasting until 8:10 when the sounds of running water was discussed as the investigators felt they heard that in person but those noises were never actually wicked up on any device.
  • Finally, the K2 meter spiked and held at red from 8:20 – 8:30 when suddenly all activity just stopped, draining the camera’s battery, ending it abruptly.



Second and Fifth Floor Hallway


These upstairs hallways circle all the way around and tie both wings together as if in a figure 8 design. On each floor there is a unique feature singular per floor. The second floor has a large ballroom in its center whereas the fifth floor hosts the spa area, solitary from other guests and rooms. Both of these floors overlook the floor below in the center lounge area. The more paranormally charged tales discuss a woman in blue appearing in front of the double doors of the Parker Ballroom on the second floor. She has been said to appear and disappear in the flash of a moment. Employees have relayed these stories and most of them have occurred in the last six months or so showing herself to long time employees with over a decade working in the hotel with absolutely no paranormal experiences until this point. The bowler hat man has also been seen strolling these hallways but in particular overlooking the atrium on the fifth floor peering down to the lounge below it.


During our previous investigation we did not experience anything out of the ordinary in the hallways aside from the fleeting sensations of someone watching from afar or walking at a distance behind us. No time was specifically set aside for time here nor were any cameras previously used here.


While we didn’t set out to investigate in these areas, we did set up motion activated trail cameras which provided us with some light anomalies that could not be explained away. We were drawn to the area just outside the Parker Ballroom and we were lucky enough to attempt communication with someone here utilizing flashlights. Rather than any true communication via the flashlights or K2 meters we simply gathered that whoever was here in this area preferred to simply play with our tools and did not want to converse with any of us. While venturing through this hallway, we did attempt to map the area with the FLIR thermal imaging camera. While peering down the hall, we did capture what appeared as though a woman in a dress and a man next to her in a bowler hat.



Following our time on the second floor, we ventured up above to the fifth floor after we were alerted by an exasperated employee telling us to ‘Go to the fifth floor, like now!” Our attempts to communicate here were unsuccessful but what we did capture were moments of our electronic devices going completely haywire starting with the Spirit Box’s volume shooting up and down with no control. These odd scenarios continued to play out as our EM Pump continued to produce energy even though the batteries had been completely removed, not to mention the thermal camera losing focus, freezing up, and eventually losing power. While this occurred on the near side of the hallway by the elevator, as soon as we walked toward the opposite wing we regained control and composure.




  • The thermal camera captured a man in a bowler hat on the left and a woman in a dress in the center of the hallway.




  • We included a few screen captures here of the trail camera as we managed to capture some light anomalies when no one else was around, the first pictured below was outside the Parker Ballroom.



  • This second light anomaly pictured below was peering down hallway looking toward Room 409.



Recording 1 – Transcription 1 – Parker Ballroom:



  • The flashlights played a predominant role as we started at the Parker Ballroom so a full transcription rather than any breakdowns would benefit these experiences and moments.
  • While nothing had occurred for the first few minutes, we finally gained our baseline at 1:45 as the flashlight was used appropriately and turned on after we explained that they could use the flashlight to answer our questions.
  • After we regained our composure and settled in we asked if they could turn the light back off to which it shut off at 2:03.
  • As the light flickered after this moment, we asked if they liked playing with the light to which it jumped on and bright at 3:36.
  • We asked directly if they could turn the light off and it did so at 3:57.
  • With limited responses at this point we asked if they were still with us to which the flashlight turned on for a yes response at 4:46 then suddenly linked off.
  • This occurred once more a few minutes later as we asked the same question if they were still with us and, at 6:47 as the light shone brightly.
  • We asked them if they could turn the light off if they wanted to speak to us more and it shut off at 7:14.


Recording 2 – Spirit Box 1 – Fifth Floor Hallway:



  • After we wandered upstairs, our equipment began to just go crazy; turning on and off, volume up, freezing, anything you could imagine. At this same point we felt that sensation of being stabbed in the back.
  • We continued to wander about the hall running the Spirit Box and asked if there was anyone in the hallway and heard a curious “Hello?” at :10.


Recording 3 – Spirit Box 2 – Fifth Floor Hallway:



  • Without much luck or communication we heard “Hey!” at :09 after we asked if there was anyone still with us.


Recording 4 – Spirit Box 3 – Fifth Floor Hallway:



  • We asked if they’d be willing and able to come say hi to us and we captured “Hi, Dan” at :05.
  • As we explained they could take their time we heard another “Hey!” at :14.


Video 1 – Trail Camera 1 – Second Floor Outside Parker Ballroom:


  • A light anomaly could be seen coming out of the door toward the camera in the hallway at :06.



Video 2 – Trail Camera 2 – Second Floor Outside Parker Ballroom:


  • A similar light could be seen coming out the center of the door, moving to the right down the hallway. This occurred right away at :01.



Video 3 – Trail Camera 3 – Second Floor Outside Parker Ballroom:


  • Toward the right side of the door, a light anomaly was spotted at :08.



Video 4 – Trail Camera 4 – Second Floor Outside Parker Ballroom:


  • Right at the start of this clip, a shadow could be seen with no one creating it.



Video 5 – Trail Camera 5 – Fourth Floor Hallway Toward Room 409:


  • A light could be seen moving down the hallway and toward the room at the end of the hallway at :04.
  • A separate light anomaly was seen at :06 moving across the hallway toward Room 409, disappearing into the door.



Video 6 – Trail Camera 6 – Fourth Floor Hallway Toward Room 409:


  • At :05, a light anomaly could be seen moving away from the door, then a separate light moving out of the room and down the hallway toward the camera at :08.



Video 7 – Stationary Camera 1 – Parker Ballroom:


  • As we started with minimal occurring, the flashlight be seen turning on at 4:56 then back off at 5:10.
  • Once again, at 6:46, the flashlight turned on then back off at 7:07.
  • We asked if they could turn the flashlight on, it could be seen turning on at 8:04 then back off at 8:15.
  • With minimum further communication, at 9:57 the flashlight turned on after we asked if they were still with us.
  • Finally, at 10:22 the flashlight shut off.



Video 6 – Handheld Camera – Fifth Floor Hallway:


  • We could be seen explaining some of the mechanical issues that were occurring to us as we attempted to communicate with these energies here.



Employee Lounge


This area in the center of the basement, a midpoint if you will for all of the activity, paranormal or everyday life, a large round table is situated surrounded by chairs and vending machines lining the hallway. There are the same random experiences claimed to occur here in the likes of phantom footsteps and shadows down hallways in every direction, including from above. A young boy, best described as a paperboy, has been spotted here running up and down the hallways as if in an eternal race against the clock.



Our previous investigation never really gave us the proper time or noise levels for conducting any type of investigation into this area. Instead, during our last investigation, this table acted more as a home base for us and a lay table for our equipment.


Earlier in the evening other groups seemed to have some luck chasing a child around, perhaps with the name of “Jim,” but the true identity or purpose was genuinely unknown. Regardless, this was part of the reason we were initially drawn to this specific spot. While the Ovilus produced the most communication here but not really leading us to any answers or further discussion here, the more predominant sensations were the strong and unsettling feeling of pins and needles coursing across our backs and a physical touch occurring. The ESTES method helped us gather the name “Julia” followed by cries out for “Help” and frightening descriptors of “Burning!” Similar to the final moments in Room 428, this area began to feel quite blurry or cloudy and ultimately ended our time here.




  • Nothing to note was recorded in any image here.


 Recording 1 – Transcription 1:



  • As we sat here and gained our bearings, our Ovilus was productive yet did not help us communicate very well as nothing tended to make much sense; to us at least.
  • At :44 the Ovilus produced ‘File’ then a combination of ‘American’ and ‘Abort’ at :53 as we discussed these responses.
  • The Ovilus showed ‘Ahead’ at 1:10 and ‘Living’ at 1:17 unprompted but we felt that foggy and cloudy sensation taking over us once again.
  • After we struggled peaking anything together the Ovilus gave us ‘Dress’ at 2:10 and ‘Sign’ at 2:14.


Recording 2 – ESTES 1:



  • As we discussed Dan currently wearing the headphones and that he could listen in to anything they may be saying, we recorded some laughter at :07.


Recording 3 – ESTES 2:



  • While we explained that we simply wanted to speak with them we heard a question-type greeting of “Hello?” at :13.
  • We did apologize for intruding in their home and heard a not-so-welcoming response of “Go away” at :31 even though neither of these were heard at the time.


Recording 4 – ESTES 3:



  • We explained that we came quite a distance and wanted to speak with them and heard another timid question of “Hello?” at :09 but not heard at the moment.


Recording 5 – ESTES 4:



  • Once more, we explained that that was Dan listening in and heard an attention seeking “Hey!” at :06. This too was not heard at that moment so we did not pursue it.


Recording 6 – ESTES 5:



  • As we began to feel physically touched on the back we were told to “Go” at :08 but by that point the listener had removed the headphones.


Recording 7 – ESTES 6:



  • As we switched out listeners here we heard a greeting of “Hey, Dan” at :02 even though we had already swapped Dan out as the listener.
  • “Hi” was again repeated here at :23.
  • After asking what their name was, we heard the name of “Julie” but after a review this sounded more like “Julia.” This occurred here at :34.
  • While asking where she was staying, and trying to pinpoint which room, we heard laughter at :48.


Recording 8 – ESTES 7:



  • We asked why they were touching us and heard another simple greeting of “Hello” at :07 and repeated at :33 following our questioning them if they were trying to tell us something.
  • After asking who was making us disoriented we heard a plea for “Help.” This was only heard twice by the listener but after a review this could be heard three times: at :54, 1:01, and 1:05.


Recording 9 – ESTES 8:



  • We discussed this and asked what they needed help with to which we heard “Burn” at :09.
  • While we asked them politely if they were in the fire, the listener here heard the word “Burning” and after the review this was confirmed but sounded more along the lines of “Burn” similar to the previously shared word at :48.


Recording 10 – ESTES 9:



  • We repeated our question asking if they were in the fire and heard “Out there” at :14 followed by what sounded like a slang term for all of you with “You’s” at :21.


Recording 11 – ESTES 10:



  • Our group had discussed this meaning but was greeted with a “Hey!” at :15 as if we were no longer paying attention to them.


Recording 12 – ESTES 11:



  • We were unsure where to take this as the listener began to feel tears fill his eyes for some unknown reason and heard “Just stop” at :24 as if in reference to our next move. They obviously preferred nothing coming next.


Video 1 – Stationary Camera 1:


  • After some time of no activity, we began to feel physically touched right around 6:46.
  • Following that moment we started the ESTES Method for the second time as the listener could be heard saying that he heard “Dan” at 7:58 then “Hi” at 8:17 and finally “Julie” at 8:27.
  • At 8:48, the physical touches returned.
  • The listener heard “Help” repeated at 9:58 then “Burn” or “Burning” at 10:44 and finally “Out there” at 12:11.
  • After this, he could be heard explaining that he felt like his eyes were watering heavily.



Speakeasy (FKA Administrative Office)


This area, stretching about a half the length of the entire building all across its basement, is situated behind a keypad locked door. Upon entering here, a simple and underground feel is truly reimagined as if guests are hiding their alcoholic beverages away from the police. Being that the hotel did in fact host an old speakeasy, along with some other illegal business ventures, this area is perfectly fitted and truly gives guests a sensation of traveling back in time and what this would have once felt like to live in this era. The space is split up into a few different seating areas, all of which are separated by a long bar top area with some entertainment features including a dart board and still functioning piano. This space is newly renovated and the construction of this old space may have stirred something unnatural up into the atmosphere. During tours of this new space, guests have seen a full shadow at the bar, disappearing into nothingness. In the past, prior to the construction, employees avoided this area as they would simply pass through the area and experienced differing paranormal stories ranging from hearing phantom footsteps to whispers to seeing full body shadows. While the old space was once open to tours, and still to this day, tour guide’s sometimes bring K2 meters and Rempods here and they have been said to be alerted on regular occurrences.


Our previous investigation explored this space on two separate occasions. During the first timeframe, both the Rempod and the K2 meter were very active. These helped us answer yes/no questions, guiding us to believe that this was a young girl who was scared of being alone in that basement area. She seemed to like attention and enjoyed playing with those light up devices, more than likely seen simply as toys to her. With our second stop down here we did not seem to get much, if any, interaction. If nothing else, that lends to more credence of something truly paranormal occurring here during the first time around.



After spending a little bit time in the Speakeasy, just quietly getting a true feel for the space, we captured Spirit Light activity which provided us with yes/no responses including what kind of music they enjoyed listening to (Beethoven, Bach, 1850’s piano). We transitioned from old piano music professionally played via our phone to very poorly played piano on the actual piano situated in the room across from the bar top which alerted the Spirit Light too as if they were excited, at first. With the horrendous playing music, we were startled with a loud bang echoing from the back corner of the room near the bar. This timeframe is significant as we believe that there is no such thing as coincidences and these energies were showing their disappointment, perhaps anger, with this noise pollution. We did capture some additional flashlight activity here but as we got a little too comfortable in the central lounge we seemed to lose them and the focus as these energies seemed to dissipate, or hide in some of the deeper and darker places inside the Speakeasy.




  • We opted to pull a few video captures here of the Spirit Light and flashlight alerting here helping answer yes and no questions.




Recorder 1 – Transcription 1:



  • With the majority of the communication here was either through the Spirit Light on the bar or the flashlight on the barrel, we seemed to capture yes/no responses with these two devices. 
  • We attempted to set up the piano music and the Ovilus produced the word ‘Slower’ at 4:50 and this moment seemed to perfectly represent the energy down here with us, as we would find out later on, that they were definitely impatient.
  • After some of the piano music was played the flashlight, set out in the middle of the open space on top of a barrel, flashed on at 6:25.
  • The Ovilus then again produced another word of ‘Angle’ at 6:37.
  • We focused back on the light and asked if they could turn it back off to which they did at 6:47.
  • After we discussed playing more music for them we directly asked them to turn the light back on if they wanted more music. Instead of the flashlight turning on, the Spirit Light flickered at 7:42.
  • We struggled getting the piano music to play through the phone and, instead, an investigator pressed down on a few keys on the piano set inside the bar area. At 7:50, coinciding with this moment the Spirit Light jumped on.
  • Finally, the piano music played through the phone just as we asked for them to light the light if they liked Beethoven and the Spirit Light jumped at this at 8:07.
  • As we moved some tools out of the way to focus on the Spirit Light, that tool again spiked at 8:40.
  • We then followed the previous train of thought and asked if they liked Bach and, if so, if they could turn the light on to which the Spirit Light jumped at 8:49.
  • The music shut off and, as we struggled playing the piano music once more, the Spirit Light spiked at 8:59 as we asked if they could be patient.
  • Once the piano music played again the Spirit Light jumped at 9:12.
  • With that, we told them we’d keep the music playing. As if in response to that, the Spirit Light spiked at 9:21.
  • Again, the music cut out and the Spirit Light jumped at 9:25.
  • We apologized for this mishap once more and the Spirit Light jumped at 9:35 then again at 9:40.
  • As we continued to struggle, it seemed as though they were growing impatient once again as the Spirit Light flickered sporadically at 10:07, 10:13, and 10:17.
  • An investigator asked if they wanted him to play the piano instead and the Spirit Light jumped on at 10:20.
  • The keys began to hit horribly just as the Spirit Light jumped at 10:25.


Recorder 2 – EVP 1:



  • As this initial Spirit Light communication came to an end, the piano was played but these energies didn’t seem to like it very much as there was a loud bang which had startled everyone in the room and could be heard at :29. We could not track down what caused this unsettling noise.


Recorder 3 – Transcription 2:



  • The banging noise riled us all up and we attempted to revert back to the Spirit Light for further communication, once more leading more towards another transcription rather than any particular evidence captured here.
  • Early on, at about :38 we felt physical touches while sitting in the open area.
  • With minimal communication here we instructed them to turn the light back on if they wanted us to stay. This Spirit Light did jump to life at 2:27. Unfortunately, this was the last moment of communication down here in this Speakeasy.


Video 1 – Stationary Camera 1:


  • The Ovilus could be heard producing the word ‘Slower’ at 3:13.
  • At 4:45 the flashlight could be seen turning on.
  • The Ovilus once again produced another word of ‘Angle’ at 5:00.
  • At 5:04, the flashlight could be seen turning off.
  • The Spirit Light could first be heard going off around 6:05 and 6:13.
  • After we asked if they wanted more music, the Spirit Light turned on at 6:16.
  • We discussed that we were trying to play music when the Spirit Light flashed at 6:19 and 6:30.
  • As we asked if they liked Beethoven and the Spirit Light turned on at 6:32.
  • We moved some things away from the Spirit Light and this camera ultimately was one of those items and the Spirit Light could be heard turning on at 7:02 right before shutting the camera down.



Video 2 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • As we started playing piano music, we asked if this is what they liked and if so, if they could turn the light on. At :05 the Spirit Light did turn on as a yes response.
  • At about :08 the Spirit Light jumped on as the music shut off.
  • We explained and even apologized that we were trying to get the music to play and they showed their displeasure through the Spirit Light flashing it on and off from :11 to :31.



Video 3 – Handheld Camera 2:


  • The Spirit Light could be seen going off at :01 as the music began to play.
  • Following our movement of some equipment, the Spirit Light could be seen lighting up again at :30.
  • We asked if they liked Bach, and to light the light again if they did. At :41, the Spirit Light shot on.
  • Once more as we attempted, and struggled, to get some piano music playing, the Spirit Light impatiently flickered at :50 and once more at :55 as the music finally began to play.



Laundry Room


Backtracking to the centralized Employee Lounge Area and down a weaving, dark corridor lies an entire hallway packed to the ceiling with washers and dryers; enough to clean the entire hotel seemingly all at once. Numerous employees have reported feeling as though they’re being watched accompanied by footsteps with no one to account for them. Upon any inspection of the area in question, noises occurred in different locations as if distracting the unsuspecting employee. This has occurred so many times, that many employees opt to continue on with their business as if this is nothing out of the ordinary.



During our first investigative time, here we began with a small group and did not seem to experience much communication or activity aside from a moment early on in this attempt. As we began to set out our gear, a banging noise as if a latch was being opened then closed was experienced. We could not make out what this was aside from its approximate location toward the rear of the room opposite the washers and dryers. We did some comparison of similar noises and nothing matched up with this sound but it’s more likely that we experienced a distraction noise that we were told about during the convention. Our group grew to a dozen guests and we seemed to scare off whoever was down here with us. We did gather pendulum communication but heard yet another noise from an adjacent room. This noise was tracked but there was no one else in the area to have caused this noise.


With a little guidance from our last investigation we attempted to sit in silence and allow for the room to tell its own story. Once again, we did set up a laser grid in the washer and dryer area. There were a few captivating moments which we could not duplicate and clearly experienced. The first was something we noticed in person; a loud knocking as if someone were interrupting but there was no one else in the entire basement with us. This seemed to replicate what occurred in our last investigation with further distraction techniques. The second moment occurred upon our review rather than in person, although we were told that another group experienced a shadow moving up the back wall. We noticed a shadow moving in the left hand corner as if simply passing through and attempting to avoid us. While furthering our review, we noted even more noises that we did not note in person. There seemed to be someone slaving away with their work as we heard an upbeat whistling, a tapping as if striking their fingers along  table (or washing machine?), and even the shuffling of footsteps. To top all this off, we heard an incredible EVP of a voice telling us to “Leave.” Even though we didn’t hear this at the time, we must have known deep down that our time here grew thin and the energies weary with us so we did in fact “Leave.”




  • We opted to gather a screen capture of a moment where the shadow could be seen cutting through the laser grid.



Recorder 1 – EVP 1:



  • As we sat in some silence just getting a sense for the room and the energies we heard a loud knocking noise at :11. This was very much akin to someone apologetically interrupting with a knock on a door.


Recorder 2 – EVP 2:



  • With not so much communication here, we did listen in and captured what sounded like a breath at :01 following us feeling physically touched in this area.


Recorder 3 – EVP 3:



  • We tried to figure out a good way to communicate and with so many odd noises we thought we could utilize that so we asked if they could make some noise to let us know they’re with us. At :15, there was a tapping as if responding to our request.


Recorder 4 – EVP 4:



  • As we explained that it’s quieter now that less people are down here we believe we heard a voice command us to “Leave” at :11 and out of nowhere.


Recorder 5 – EVP 5:



  • We asked if they could knock again but instead heard a steady whistling at :27.


Recorder 6 – EVP 6:



  • Following some further silence we heard another heavy breathing at :05.


Recorder 7 – EVP 7:



  • Even though it was unprompted, a tapping was recorded at :21 but not heard in person.


Video 1 – Stationary Camera 1:


  • As not much was occurring for us, we focused on the area and our surroundings. While the shadows moving through the green laser grid were noted here, they were not experienced at the time but during our review this shadow was seen three times: at 1:14, 1:17, and 1:22.
  • This followed by the laser grid dimming as if it was losing energy. This was seen at 1:31 and was noticed at that moment.
  • A loud knocking, well two knocks, was recorded here at 1:40 with no one else in the area. This was followed by physical tugs on our shirts at about 1:52.
  • Off screen, next to the laser grid, the K2 could be discussed spiking at 4:40.
  • With limited activity at this point we remained quiet but at 6:43, another knocking was captured.
  • Again, off screen, the K2 meter jumped at 7:54 as we could be heard discussing this.



Room 409


In this beautifully furnished two story suite something not so friendly, a little uncomfortable, and quite a bit grumpy has been experienced here. This area is known to produce shadows, typically in the form of a dark figure wearing a bowler hat. This man has been linked to the former Kaltenecker Building, the connecting neighboring building. This expansion was included in the renovations of 1985 spurring on activity ever since. The identity of this man is truly unknown but theories have been brought about including those of a disgruntled former employee as well as a simple former guest who has been drawn back to its beauty, however, the name of Joseph Eisele has been linked to this shadowy figure through former and very recent paranormal investigations. Other activity has been linked to this room with impossible movement of furniture and loud sounds as if someone is having a party. Any time these noises are attempted to be traced, nothing is ever out of place nor are the lights even turned on in the room. One of the more frightening occurrences told of this area is a guest being held down and strangled! This abusive nature has also been said to be captured verbally as some who visit are told to “Leave” and “Get out” as well as profanities yelled allowed as if an attempt to make visitors feel extremely uncomfortable.



While we investigated this area, we went in nearly blind as the only information gathered was pieced together from former write ups and minimal online documentation. We had Ovilus communication but this could be debunked by the simple amount of electricity pulsing through the room from active electrical to guests’ cell phones. We experienced the flickering of lights but this coincided with other mechanical features of the room such as the heat turning on creating this illusion. What we can claim here is that we experienced intelligent communication and conversation through our Phasma Box. We were given some commands, as if we were unwanted here but also given some welcoming phrases and words with “Hi” and “Hey.” We believe we experienced the more malevolent presence here as we overcrowded them but we also feel like there was a softer voiced and welcoming presence here as if some woman was trying to reach out for attention.


After allowing other guests and investigators to stir some things up in this room, and before we got too tired, we pushed on during this return investigation to the unoccupied two story room. This was quite the change from the first investigation but we attempted to communicate just the same. While we did pursue some of the energy we recorded last time with the gruff, anxious, and even angry personality we believe we picked up some German words (Joseph Eisele did speak German) as well as more commands as we tried to gain a name but in response told to “Eff off!” and “Stop!” Suddenly, and without much warning, the flashlight began lighting up after we referred to him as John instead of Joseph. Thanks to some of this yes/no communication we found out that was the name he responds to rather than his birth name. To further this, an intense moment occurred as the flashlight on the table was pushed, nearly thrown, over. While we did not capture this on video, we attempted to get him to repeat this incredible feat. It did not seem like he had enough energy to knock this over once more but the flashlight could clearly be both seen and heard shaking as if he tried to duplicate this. From all of the experiences and discussion here, we learned that Joseph prefers the name John and does not wish to communicate but rather just wants his presence to be known and for him to be remembered.




  • There was a video still of the flashlight turning on while on the  end table.



  • This next video still is of the flashlight on the center table turning on while it was being visibility pushed, swaying side to side.




Recorder 1 – Spirit Box 1:



  • While we felt that there was someone with us we immediately opted to run the Spirit Box and certainly did feel as though we captured some communication thanks to this tool. 
  • We initially asked if there was anyone in the room with us and heard “Me” repeated anxiously at :03 and :15.
  • An almost irritated voice could then be heard asking, practically commanding, “What now!?” at :44.


Recorder 2 – Spirit Box 2:



  • Knowing who’s been said to still be in this room we asked if Joseph was with us and what sounded like a gruff German sounding word of “Tichoff” at :08.
  • At the time we thought this was some type of German sounding word and heard a simple command of “Listen” at :22.


Recorder 3 –  Spirit Box 3:



  • We were greeted after we formally introduced ourselves and heard “Hi” at :04 and, as we joked a bit, we heard “Hope you’re having fun” at :06.


Recorder 4 – Spirit Box 4:



  • More German was heard at this point starting with “Gut” at :19, equal to “Good” in English.
  • Further German was captured with “Abend” at :22, equivalent to “Evening” in English.
  • Put the two German words together and we were given another greeting of “Gut abend” or “Good evening.”
  • This was followed by another two words which did tie together “Country” at :29 and “Home” at :32.


Recorder 5 – Spirit Box 5:



  • While we weren’t receiving much verbal communication we asked bluntly if they wanted us to leave and we heard a demanding “Yes” at :11. We did not hear this at the moment or we would have more than likely left.
  • As we sat and awaited a response, we were asked who was asking with a “Who’s that?” at :14.
  • Being that we did not follow up after we asked if we should leave, we were told to leave once more with “Go home” at :16.
  • As we still did not leave like they wanted, we were then told “Eff you!” at :19 then an almost challenging question of “What?!” at :21.


Recorder 6 – Spirit Box 6:



  • We jokingly spoke German, the last time any of us even knew a miniscule of what we were saying in German was almost twenty years ago in high school, and were clearly told to “Stop!” at :06.


Recorder 7 – Transcription 1:



  • The majority of our next communication period was thanks to our LED flashlights and requesting them to turn the light on for a ‘yes’ response and stay off for a ‘no’ response.
  • Once again, these answers and responses are best recorded through a transcription of the entirety of this timeframe.
  • This all began after we asked if there was someone here and the flashlight located across the room on the side table turned on then quickly went off at 3:34.
  • We asked them to turn the flashlight on if they were in the room with us and, at 4:58, the flashlight jumped to life and stayed on.
  • After asking if they could turn the light back off, it shut off at 5:16.
  • We asked if this was Joseph and all flashlights stayed off as in a ‘no’ response around 6:00 mark.
  • Following that train of thought we asked if this was someone else and the flashlight flickered on and off at 6:37.
  • At this point, we heard footsteps up above us, even though there was no one else in this two story room. We heard this at 8:16 and we pulled it out and cleaned it up slightly below in Recorder 8 – EVP 1.
  • Two of the investigators felt just odd followed by a cold around 8:30.
  • We discussed the sensations felt here and the flashlight jumped on at 8:35.
  • The light had stayed on so we had to ask them to shut it off and it did so at 8:55.
  • We asked if it was difficult to turn the light on and the Ovilus produced ‘Strong’ and ‘Necessary’ at 9:59.
  • Unprompted, following some silence, the flashlight flickered a few times and stayed on and strong as if trying to get our attention. This occurred at 10:00 followed by ‘Text’ on the Ovilus at 10:40.
  • We had made some noise as we moved equipment around on the table and the Ovilus produced ‘Holy’ at 10:48.
  • At this point we explained that we’re looking for Joseph and the flashlight on the side table turned off then the flashlight on the center table turned on. This occurred at 11:18.
  • There was a strange shuffling noise heard here at 11:20 and separated out in Recorder 9 – EVP 2.
  • As if they were on the move, the flashlight on the center table turned off and the side table’s flashlight jumped on at 11:41. Perhaps they were trying to show that there was only one of them here with us at this point.
  • The Ovilus produced ‘Cause’ at 11:52 just as the flashlights swapped power again as the flashlight on the side table shut off and the center light turned on at 12:57.
  • After we asked them to shut off all the lights, the flashlight on the center table finally turned off at 13:22.
  • We followed this, asking if they were a man and the flashlight turned on at 14:15.
  • We explained that we weren’t too excited that it was a man and the flashlight shut off at 14:30.
  • As we tried to guess their identity, we asked if this was Joseph to which nothing turned on at all around the 15:00 mark.
  • Following this, we asked if they preferred to be called John instead and the flashlight on the side table flickered on then off at 15:24.
  • To further this confirmation, we re-phrased this and asked directly if their name was John and at 16:00 the light on the center table flickered on and off.
  • We asked if he used to live here and the flashlight on the side table flickered on and off at 16:28.
  • After asking John if he killed anyone the flashlight at the center table jumped on bright then shut back off at 16:49.
  • Our next question seemed to be on the more controversial side of how many people Joseph Eisele killed. We asked directly how many people he killed and not only did the flashlight turn on, but it was quite forcibly knocked over at 17:18. This was pulled out separately in Recorder 10 – EVP 3.
  • At roughly 18:07, we spotted movement in the laser grid.
  • We focused back on the flashlight and asked if he could knock it over again. At 18:31, the flashlight could be heard shaking loudly as if John was trying to build up enough energy to knock it down once more.
  • Following the shaking, the flashlight turned on at 18:33.
  • We asked, once again, if he could knock over the flashlight and the flashlight could be seen and heard moving on the table at about 19:16 just as the K2 meter, situated on the stairwell, flashed on at 19:30.
  • As we repeated our question if he could knock over the flashlight, it was once again heard and seen moving at 20:07.
  • We turned the EM Pump on and explained that they could move close to that to gather energy just as the flashlight on the end table turned on and off at 20:47.
  • While we continued to ask if John could knock the flashlight over, it again shook violently without falling over and could be heard shaking at 20:53.
  • We pushed him, almost encouragingly, to knock over the flashlight and it turned on then off at 21:28.
  • Multiple investigators, watching the green laser grid, saw a shadow moving in front of it at 21:48 just as the flashlight on the center table turned on then flickered off at 21:58.
  • There was a strange tapping sound we captured here at 22:15 and 22:27 followed by a thudding noise at 23:03. The tapping was once again heard at 23:12. This entire segment is also set aside at Recorder 11 – EVP 4.
  • We returned to the flashlight and asked them to knock it over and instead the flashlight on the end table lit up at 23:20 then shut off at 23:34.
  • After we explained that we would leave him alone if he would just knock the flashlight over, the flashlight could be heard and witnessed at 24:18 and as we repeated this request, the flashlight once again shook rapidly. This was pulled and cleaned up at Recorder 12 – EVP 5.
  • The Ovilus then gave the names of ‘Joe’ and ‘Jack’ at 24:40 but this did not seem to relate to anything or anyone.
  • At 24:50, the flashlight turned on then switched off.
  • The opposite flashlight, on the side table, turned on and off at 25:48.
  • The flashlight at the center table jumped to life at 26:30 then back off at 26:47 just as the flashlight on the side table turned on and off.
  • At about 26:46, there was a knocking noise heard from up above us, perhaps footsteps once again. This was cleaned and set aside at Recorder 13 – EVP: 6.
  • The flashlight on the side table once again flickered on and off at 27:30.
  • We simply asked if he was still here with us and, rather than using the flashlight, we heard a phantom knocking at 28:02 and cleaned up slightly at Recorder 14 – EVP: 7.
  • The centralized flashlight turned on then off at 28:12 then again at 28:20 after asking if we should bring the box (EM Pump) over toward them. 
  • Activity just ceased at this point. No noises, no lights, nothing. And to add to that, the atmosphere seemed to clearly change.


Recorder 8 – EVP 1:



  • At :06, the footsteps could be heard coming from above us with no one else in the area.


Recorder 9 – EVP 2:



  • At approximately :18, there was a very strange shuffling type noise captured here.


Recorder 10 – EVP 3:



  • We asked how many people John killed and the flashlight was shoved over and this can be heard at :24.


Recorder 11 – EVP 4:



  • An odd tapping sound was heard at :05 and :17.
  • A thud noise was recorded at :53.
  • At 1:02, the tapping was heard once more.


Recorder 12 – EVP 5:



  • We explained that we would leave John alone if he would knock the flashlight over and the flashlight could be heard shaking at :03.
  • After repeating this request of knocking the flashlight over, the flashlight shook rapidly at :19.


Recorder 13 – EVP: 6:



  • There was a loud knocking noise heard above us at:10 as if we were again hearing those footfalls upstairs.


Recorder 14 – EVP: 7:



  • We asked if John was still with us and, instead of utilizing the flashlight, we heard a knocking at :07.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • This moment was the aftermath of the flashlight on the center table being knocked over with force. We captured the tail end of this action but unfortunately did not record this physically falling over.



Video 2 – Handheld Camera 2:


  • After we asked if they preferred to go by John, the flashlight on the end table was seen lighting up at :17 then shutting off at :33.



Video 3 – Handheld Camera 3:


  • While we attempted to get John to repeat the flashlight being knocked over, the flashlight on the end table turned on once again. This was seen at :08.



Video 4 – Handheld Camera 4:


  • At about :17, the flashlight on the center table could be seen shaking and the flashlight on the end table was turned on at :24 and stayed on until :27.



Video 5 – Handheld Camera 5:


  • On the center table, the flashlight positioned here could once again be witnessed shaking at :04 just as the flashlight on the end table turned on and off at :09.
  • The flashlight situated on the center table could once more be seen shaking at :48.
  • At 1:30, the flashlight on the end table was spotted turning on then off.
  • In the center table, the flashlight moved once more at 1:33 as we pursued the request to knock it over.
  • The end table’s flashlight jumped on at 2:02.



Video 6 – Handheld Camera 6:


  • As we continued on here, the activity continued starting with the flashlight on the center table turned on at :14 then off at :23.
  • This occurred once more to the flashlight at the center table at :30 as it turned on while it shut off at :33.
  • At :43, an odd, unsettling tapping noise could be heard echoing in the room.



Video 7 – Handheld Camera 7:


  • The flashlight on the center table could be seen turning on at :08 then back off at :15.
  • Once again, this center flashlight turned on at :17 then off at :25.
  • Switching locations, the end table showed its flashlight turning on at :26 just as a knocking was heard at :39 seemingly from upstairs in the second floor with no one up there in that area.



Video 8 – Handheld Camera 8:


  • At :36, the flashing on the center table physically moved once again at :36 lasting until :46.
  • At this point, this flashlight in the center turned on and off at :47 then again at 1:22.
  • The flashlight in the center again turned on, this time staying on, at 1:56.



Dry Storage Area


This location houses the restaurant’s dried goods and the bar’s preserved drink selection. It is a simplistic and ordinary block basement room. Directly above this spot (four floors up) is where Room 409 is situated and in the back corner, a young boy dressed in an older garb of a paper boy has been witnessed here disappearing. This boy has been followed from the main basement area and adjoining hallways ending in this spot. The bowler hat man, probably Joseph Eisele, has been noted here and in the dark hallway just on the other side of this wall. Visible oddities are documented here with a lack of communication so their identities are still unspoken.



During our first investigation here, we were initially drawn in by a strange sensation of being watched. Our pendulum helped us communicate with someone who we felt was much younger, suspected based on stories of the paper boy. We didn’t hear anything during our verbal communication attempts but following our review we heard an all too familiar gruff voice whispering in the open to “Leave” and “Go back.” Unfortunately we did not hear these at the time so we had no time to attempt to debunk, trace, or even continue questioning this energy. After further pendulum activity, it ceased completely followed only by more whispers telling us to “Say goodbye” and “Get out” by that gruff voice that was again unheard at the time.


Our return investigation here we wanted to attempt to reconvene with this energy and attempt to further some communication and perhaps gather a name. To our disappointment, and more than likely due to our extremely tired and drained emotional state, the verbal communication was nonexistent but the K2 meter was providing responses. Unfortunately, we were barely even able to get this energy situated and settled as we gathered enough to tell us that they only wanted to toy with the light up device rather than communication of any type. While this was not the response we were hoping for, it does help solidify our theory that we did in fact communicate with someone during our last stay in the hotel and that it wasn’t just some type of electrical interference.




  • We attached a screen capture of the K2 meter spiking to red as we asked if they just wanted to play with our tools.



Recorder 1 – Transcript 1:



  • The primary form of communication during this time period was the K2 meter so the best way to relay the conversation was just a separate transcript broken out.
  • It was very quiet at first but as we slowly introduced ourselves the K2 meter, placed halfway down the block wall, turned on jumping to red.
  • The Ovilus produced an odd word of ‘Gateway’ at 2:16 but this would tie into the tales of the underground passageway passing through this area.
  • The K2 meter flickered constantly at 4:00 and lasted until 4:45 as we asked if they could step away from it to which they did,
  • We asked if that was them who lit up the tool and if so, if they could do it again. The K2 meter jumped up to red at 4:56.
  • After asking if that back area was truly used as a gateway of some sort, the K2 meter stayed off around 5:30 as if a ‘no’ response.
  • We then asked if they were simply using the lights to get our attention to which the K2 meter spiked to red at 5:53
  • As we inferred that this was not the bowler hat man, we did ask them if this man comes back here at times and the K2 meter spiked again at 9:18.
  • Without any further spikes or any interest in this tool nor speaking with us, we called it a night at this point as we were completely exhausted.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • The K2 meter, placed in the center of the wall, could be seen spiking here at :02, :13, and :22 only to remain on and constant.
  • We asked them to step away from the meter to reset it which would allow us to ask more questions and at :53, the K2 meter did stop flashing.
  • After questioning if it was them lighting up the meter, the lights spiked all the way up to red at 1:05 then stopped at 1:15 as we had to once again ask them to step away from it.
  • At 2:03 and 2:12, unprompted, the K2 meter once again spiked.
  • While it finally died down, we asked if they were the same energies in this location from the last time we visited. Around 2:40, as if a no response, the K2 meter remained off.



Following an intensive analysis and structured review, we managed to pull our personal paranormal experiences and pair them up with the evidence we captured through our recorders, videos, and photographs from our return paranormal investigation of the Blennerhassett Hotel. Combine both investigations, the information we gathered, and otherworldly experiences we documented we have every reason to believe that this historic hotel in downtown Parkersburg, WV is an eternal home to unexplainable phenomena and unnatural energies stemming from the property’s past and the spirits outlasting their earthly lives. Aside from just adding to the paranormal lore, we were able to confirm our initial findings of the hotel through both verification means as well as the ability to attempt to duplicate past experiences.


With the second paranormal investigation complete, and our third night spent in the hotel, we have the utmost confidence that we experienced multiple intelligent energies and even some of the more intense residual remains playing on loop through some phantom, unnatural record player. The energy of the more intelligent variety led to verbal and physical communications helping us dictate names, greetings, and even their emotional states. The more residual sounding energies seemed to come from a seemingly endless supply of hotel guests who have each left an imprint and turned the hotel into a living and breathing lifeforce playing back events which unfolded throughout the Blennerhassett Hotel’s different lifespans. 



The communication did take quite some time to open up, the other paranormal activity as well, but it seemed as though at first they were unsure of or even startled by the intrusive investigators. Most energies seemed to be slightly shy at first but eventually, after introductions and greetings, these energies appeared to be more and more comfortable as the night wore thin. This wasn’t so much the case for the remnant energy of Joseph “John” Eisele who we clearly made contact with in his domain, Room 409. While he did not necessarily hide from us, he was just disinterested in our questions but did absolutely want his presence to be known. This included enough energy to physically knock over a flashlight and even follow that up with the pushing of it and as if he utilized all his energy and couldn’t quite build up enough to repeat that as we requested.


We were lucky enough to gather the name of “Julia” and the descriptions of “Burn” and “Help” all tying into this woman. She was not experienced anywhere aside from the large open space in the Basement, we considered it the Employee Lounge, but she did also create a very strange aurora as we felt cloudy and almost a drowning sensation of being under water. Downstairs in the Speakeasy, these intelligent energies were able to tell us that they liked Beethoven and Bach through the use of our Spirit Light. Even though this energy’s identification is unknown, they were still certainly able to show their emotions with frustration and possible anger with a loud crashing noise as we changed from good piano music to absolutely horrendous piano playing. 


While there were similar unexplained phenomena which were experienced in the Laundry area they did not necessarily act intelligent. We felt as though we captured residual paranormal activity in the form of clear knocks as if someone was repeating this motion from the past as well as shadows which passed right in front of our laser grid with no rhyme or reason. These actions occurred as if we were not even in the vicinity of them. We were able to gather further seemingly residual activity in the fifth floor hallway as we heard simple greetings of “Hello” and “Hey.” This all occurred after our devices all went chaotic and out of control as if energy was just being zapped from them and occurring in old energies trapped in these hallways. This timeframe also produced a thermal image of a couple standing at the end of the hallway as if they were just there in their own realm and were not even known to them.



Aside from the gathered evidence and quantifiable experiences, we personally experienced some strange sensations all throughout our evening. Some seemed to coincide with some unseen entity being in the area with us while others seemed random, as if they were either always there or occurred at just certain timeframes. This was first experienced in Room 428 as we had the overarching feeling of being watched and that there was someone standing in the corner of the room. Similar feelings occurred during our time here all leading to a feeling of being cloudy or foggy and the inability to focus. While walking about the fifth floor an uncomfortable feeling of being poked in the back was felt but this seemed to just be a telling sign that there was unnatural energy nearby, not necessarily that someone was trying to poke or harm him. A similar feeling was experienced in the Basement in that Employee Lounge area when we felt that all too familiar sensation of pins and needles running up our backs, once again, being a telling sign that some unseen force was with us.


While our previous experiences and new information regarding the paranormal activity rumored to occur here both helped guide our night, we were pulled in some directions of the historic hotel. These led to moments of clarity and answers to our existing and burning questions but other experiences led to even more questions, some of which were never known to exist. We did allow the energies throughout the night to guide us and the evidence and experiences to build and tell their own stories which helped us gather our belief that the historic Blennerhassett Hotel remains the permanent, and perhaps eternal, home to multiple unseen entities. Some of these included the infamous serial killer of Joseph Eisele in Room 409 but we were made aware that he prefers to be known as John. There were clearly separate entities in the Basement, one who believes that the Speakeasy is their home and personal territory and likes to have things done their specific way and on their timeframe. The other seems to be desperate to speak and tell their story and that stems from the open Employee Lounge area where we believe we were being told that they needed “Help” and perhaps a reference to the hotel’s fire as we heard “Burning.” While we did hear the name “Julia” during this timeframe, we cannot say whether this was her name or just someone they knew or even lost in the fires. Room 428 seems to also hold interchanging energies and even atmospheres. As we were expecting a family, some of whom may be willing to speak, we instead encountered a single individual who was scared and attempted to get as far away from us as possible. Regardless of interpretations of the evidence and the data gathered, we can say without a doubt in our minds that we experienced a slew of different activities stretching from underground in the Basement all the way up to the top floor.



With the opportunity to act as a vendor (to speak to people), a speaker to present our evidence, and once again investigate the historic hotel we cannot express our gratitude enough to the Appalachian ParaCon, the Blennerhassett Hotel and its employees, and Adra Johnson who puts of her own time, expenses, and energy into this wonderful event! We are extremely grateful for everyone who came out to interact with us in some fashion and the ownership for keeping this historic location alive and thriving. Our experience here was very humbling and we can only hope to help tell the ongoing and everlasting stories of not just the hotel but all of the tales of emotion, tragedy, and individuals who still call this beautiful building home. Our goal is to keep the history alive and eternal, even if that is just sharing our experiences along the way for the next investigative group, employees, or even just the everyday hotel guest.

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