Benton Family Farms – The Investigation

histyory 3

May 12, 2018

Walton, KY


Middle of nowhere Kentucky is putting in lightly.  Walton, and Benton Family Farms in particular, is a paradise for anyone who wants to live off the land and stay far from anyone with a heartbeat.  This was one of the most unique areas that we’ve ventured to for the simple fact that we were so far from any other people. 

 We actually passed by the farmhouse at first and came upon the rest of the more modern houses and banquet hall.  As we were preparing to turn around and call our contact, we were tracked down by a woman in a pick up truck.  As intimidating as it was at first, she was very helpful and even sent our contact up to the house to give us a guided tour.

 Once we settled in, we were shown original documents and newspaper clippings from the origination of the house and property.  This was a cool experience, as no other location had kept such records on site. 

 We were informed that we could stay the night all the way up until 8 AM if we wanted, even though we took off around 3 AM that morning. It was still a very nice option for us to have in the backs of our minds. 

 The property was definitely a working farm, and before we began our investigation, we got a feel for the entire property and even made friends with the live animals right outside.

 Included in our equipment that night was our EMF reader, recorder, night vision camera, spirit box, and our new acquisition of a motion activated, night vision wireless security camera, which we set up in the attic. 

 Unlike our prior experiences, this location didn’t seem to have the same ambiance.  Aside from the basement, the mood was very light and energetic rather than dark and heavy.  There were a lot of responses that we did not pick up when we were actually on site. Instead, we heard the majority of them as we analyzed the recordings and videos after the fact.  In many of the recordings, and especially the videos, you can tell we were getting tired and frustrated as we didn’t receive many direct responses.  This just goes to show that not all communication comes through the spirit box and can be picked up with the human ear. 

 Below are our recordings and videos, which we captured throughout the evening.  We marked the locations that we feel we received some kind of communication from the other side – voices, noises, anything and everything we captured.  Let us know your thoughts if you get the chance to listen and watch some of the footage. 

 As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:

 Living Room / Deer Head Room – 1st Floor (No Spirit Box)


  • We did not receive any responses or feedback in this area.

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 Living Room / Deer Head Room – 1st Floor (With Spirit Box)


  • At 1:50 you can hear “Scott” as a response to Scott asking what his name is, followed by the same reply of “Scott” at 2:02 when asked once again.
  • We asked the spirit if we could help them while we spend the night, and we made out “I don’t think” at 2:24.
  • As we continued to try to get some kind of information out of the spirit and attempt to start a conversation, we asked what month it currently is.  At 2:47 we believe you can hear the number “5” in reference to the month of May.
  • “Long story” was responded at 3:30 to us asking why they are in this house.
  • Finally, as we asked what room we were currently in, we could hear “Living” at 4:33. 

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Video 1:

  • When asked “what’s your name”, we heard “Chris” at :15.


 Video 2:

  • We asked the spirit to say my name and heard “Derrick Michael Smith” at :56.
  • At 1:30 after we asked if anyone could give us a sign of their presence, we heard “No.”
  • We asked what state it is that we’re in, and we heard “Kentucky” at 3:30.


 Video 3:

  • The only voice we captured this time around was “Scott” at 2:24 in response to what’s my name?


 Guilty Room – 2nd Floor (With Spirit Box)


  • We did not receive any responses or feedback in this area.

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 Video 1:

  • We did not receive any responses or feedback in this area.


 Video 2:

  • We returned here this time without the recorder and picked up a few voice captures, starting with “We’re done” as a response to “We’re getting nothing.”
  • As Scott sat on the tricycle left in the room, he asked who’d tricycle is this?  At 1:54 we heard “It’s mine.”
  • When asked a second time, in hopes of a repeat of the intelligent answer, we heard “It’s yours” at 2:25.
  • Finally, as Scott asked if the tricycle was now his, we received a “Yes” at 2:46.


 Attic (With Spirit Box)


  • Even though this is supposedly one of the more active locations in the house, we did not receive any responses or feedback in this area when we had the recording running.  We did return a few times with just the camera rolling.

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 Video 1:

  • As odd as it is, we did not hear any responses on the recording, but we did pick up quite a few replies on the videos, starting with “Scott” as a smartass answer to the question “Is there anyone with us?”
  • We were unable to make out the recording of “Bloody” at 1:09 on site, but it can be heard in the video.
  • At 1:31 “Why have you come?” can be heard, as a response to “Is there anyone here with us?”
  • When asked how many people are up here, “6” can be heard as a response at 1:58.
  • “Chris” is repeated at 2:20.
  • “1936” can be heard as a response to “What year is it?” at 3:36 immediately followed by “Woman, Ayla” at 3:40, directly towards one of our investigators.
  • In response, Ayla asked what their name is, to which we heard “Chris Barnes” at 4:22.
  • Another mysterious reply that only came through the video was “Go back.” at 5:20.
  • Finally, when asked how old they are, a “26” or “36” can be heard at 5:32.


 Video 2:

  • We returned to the attic but recorded no responses this time around.


Video 3:

  • We couldn’t resist trying our luck once again. This time, we did get a few, let’s say odd, responses. Granted, we did ask some odd questions.
  • We asked “What is the square root of pi?” to which we got a response of “I don’t know.” at :32.
  • We proceeded to explain that if the spirits speak into the box, we can hear them, but at 3:20 they responded, “They can’t hear.”
  • At 4:18 a “Yes” can be clearly heard to our question of “Are we in the attic?”


 Video 4:

  • Once again, while we were in the room, we could not make out much as far as responses go, but on the video, we did hear quite a few replies.
  • At :55, we recorded “I think” in response to “Is there anyone in here with us?”
  • Right around 3:00, Scott thought he saw a shadow, then we heard the word “Shadow” at 3:45.
  • At 4:07 we heard “Yes” when we asked if there is someone hiding in the shadows.
  • When asked what his name is, we heard “Scott” at 4:46 followed with “Behind you.” at 5:01.
  • When asked what year it is, we heard “1937” at 6:52, we asked the same question and heard the same response of “1937” at 7:37.


 Basement (With Spirit Box)


  • We thought we heard a whisper of the entity telling us their name was Chris, so we tried to use that as fuel to spark more activity.  We asked if this is Chris and received a reply of “Yeah, why?” at 1:03.
  • At 1:11 we could make out the word “Speak.”
  • Our final recording in this area seemed to be slightly irritated with us, as we once again asked what year they came to the house, and we recorded “You’re exhausting” at 1:20.  

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Video 1:

  • Much like that of the recorder, we could hear “Chris” at 1:13 and “speak” at 1:21.


 Video 2:

  • We paused before beginning once more.
  • After Scott tried to provoke the entity, we recorded “Jerk” at :30, followed almost immediately by “Scott” at :43.
  • When we asked where the spirit is, we heard “Over here” at 2:30.
  • We made out “Chris” when we asked who’s down here with us at 3:22.
  • Right around 5:25, the air got cold and heavy.  This is when Scott felt a hand on his neck, and we took a photo.  It can be seen that there is a clear handprint on his neck, including the fingers wrapping around it, and the palm at the base of his neck.
  • Once again, we asked who was down here with us, and we received “No one” at 5:52.


 Basement (With Spirit Box, No Recorder)


  • After our time in the attic thinking that the spirits did not like the recorder, we only used video here and no recorder. However, we did not capture anything this time around.


 Living Room / Fireplace Room (With Spirit Box)


  • After a slight break, we continued our probing and made our way back to the first floor.  In the living room, we got our most active, intelligent conversation of the evening, starting with a simple response of “Us” at :28 when asked who was here with us.
  • We continued and asked who is “us.” We heard our names repeated to us at :49 – “Scott, Andrew, Derrick, Ayla.”
  • We wanted the spirit to repeat our names, so again we asked “Do you know my name?” and received a “Yeah” at 1:34.
  • At 2:00, we could hear “Help me” and “Hate” at 2:11 when listening to the playback, but we could not make either of these out when we were in the house.
  • “Derrick Michael Smith” can be heard at 2:17, obviously the spirit finally answering our question of “Do you know my name?”
  • We asked how many of us are here right now, hoping to capture more than one spirit, and we recorded a “4” in reference to the amount of living people, rather than including the spirits.
  • Another few responses that we could not make out when we were in the house came through clearly on the recorder during our analysis after the fact – “Fear” at 3:10, “Are you listening?” at 3:14, and “Alexa” at 3:30.
  • We sat in silence for a few minutes until we heard “Speak” at 5:30 to which we asked what city we’re in and did in fact hear “Walton” at 5:54.

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  • Without the recorder, we made a second attempt here.
  • We asked where are you to which we heard “Here” at 4:31.
  • When asked what the spirit’s name is, we heard “Tim” at 11:34.
  • “Yes” was recorded at 15:28 as a response to “Is there anyone else here?”


Our last set of videos is the security camera footage.  We left this up in the attic as long as we could (until our batteries died).  There are orbs sporadically throughout the video and there is flickering lights every once in a while.  We had to break this up into 3 videos as the files were way to large to combine into one, but they are basically one continuous loop.

 Security Cam 1:

  • At 1:02 into the security camera footage it appears as though there is an orb floating across the screen.
  • As Scott asked if anyone is there at 4:55 we can make out another passing orb.


Security Cam 2:

  • We spotted something floating or crawling around at 5:00 mark.  We are unsure what this is.


Security Cam 3:

  • We just captured some floating dust particles in this video.


What did you think?

Drop a comment below.