Beaver Area High School – Investigation

January 23, 2021

Beaver, PA


Located just blocks from the main street of the quaint and beautiful town of Beaver, PA, sits the Beaver Area High School (attached to the Middle School), atop of the old Indian hunting grounds and the flowing waterway of Breezewood Creek. The former construction of brick and stone can still be seen to this day. Expansions to the building lead to the more modern steel and aluminum construction. The sprawling education complex captures a combination of academia, technology, and athletics. The inside of the building is decorated with the original brick along with students’ artwork and accolades.

The land surrounding the high school holds a significance to the history of the area, not to mention the young country. This previously wooded area acted as a hunting ground for Native American tribes, rival ones in fact which led to a multitude of deaths and even curses on the ground. The Continental Army found easy access to the town of Beaver where they constructed Fort McIntosh – which inevitably held energies from the past between soldiers and natives alike.

As time went on and the town grew, the high school and middle school were eventually constructed. It began as a simple day care, expanding into separate buildings of both the middle school and the high school. Renovations have continued over time allowing the school to stay updated with technology and a steady increase in student populace.



With a constant rotation of students, teachers, and visitors, there would be no surprise that there may be some residual paranormal activity left over from past events. There are also a number of stories associated with both the land and the school alike that may call back some intelligent activity, and perhaps shadow hauntings. When this was brought up to students and staff, there began to be a steady stream of stories and tales that they witnessed or experienced during their time in the school. These things had not been reported to stir up stories amongst the students, as well as these visitors’ fearing that their stories would classify them as “crazy.”

Aside from the stereotypical doors opening and closing, including those in the locker rooms, there have been numerous reports of musical instruments echoing in hallways when no students or bands were present. Some of the stories have been told of students being pushed or pulled in the stairwells, laughter in both the auditorium and band rooms, and the exterior doors would lock and unlock on their own as if someone were protecting the school. Students have felt odd sensations of being watched after hours or simply feelings of dread or unease, as if they were not wanted. Some of these phenomena have been related to the former band teacher. Others have been explained as possibly to be that of a young 6th grader who passed away after an incident on the nearby train tracks. There is no clear reasoning why he would have made his way to the school, but perhaps the exuberant students have drawn him in from his place of death. Another Beaver student was killed in a tragic car accident nearby. He, for some reason, was said to be drawn back here in the afterlife. Following our original post that we would be investigating at the school, we had numerous members of the community reach out to us with potential “leads” as to who/what could be haunting the school. As we have not verified any of the stories with historical record, the names of the individuals were removed.

Even though there has never been a direct correlation to the school with some of these stories and activity, it would make sense as to why those who have passed away far too young and catastrophically would be drawn to a place so full of life and constant activity at the Beaver Area High School.



We were very humbled and gracious for the opportunity to spend some time in the school when no one else was around. This was all thanks to Susan Metelsky, a teacher currently working in the school who has in fact had her own experiences. We arrived at the Beaver Area High School a little bit later than anticipated around 5:15 AM. We were met by Susan and were granted access to look around and begin our set up. Once we got a feel for the areas in question, we set up our equipment throughout the school including the Auditorium, Band Room, Hallway Between the two, and the Locker Rooms by the Pool. We had four wired static cameras set up in these areas, as well as one battery operated camera by the locker rooms. We carried with us one handheld camera and ran live via Facebook the majority of the investigation. Carried with us throughout the evening included our mobile equipment including one recorder, one K2 meter, one Phasma Box, one Rempod, one Ovilus, one FLIR thermal imaging camera, one EMF pump, and finally we introduced two new pieces of equipment with: one Boo Buddy K2 doll and one SLS camera. We began the investigation a little later than anticipated around 6:00 AM.

During the time we spent inside the Beaver Area High School, we feel as though we had experienced some form of paranormal activity in one way or another. We heard phantom footsteps, the banging of drums, and even heard the sound of bells ringing. At one point, we thought we heard a locker slam, but this could not be tracked down, and all of the lockers that we had left open in the locker rooms remained opened as we left them. Our still flash photography didn’t reveal anything out of the ordinary but the FLIR thermal camera showed us a few shadows concealing themselves in plain sight. Our new SLS camera played a large part of our investigation, showing us figures in both the Auditorium and the Band Room. However, the majority of our paranormal evidence was captured with our recorder while utilizing the Phasma Box.



We experienced numerous fascinating and intriguing moments to say the least! After a thorough analysis and review of all the evidence gathered that morning, we do believe that there were multiple entities located in the school. These entities were both in intelligent and residual forms. Notably, the most active locations were the Auditorium and the Stairwell by the Pool. We encountered full bodies utilizing our SLS camera and captured a multitude of voices through our Phasma Box. We recorded formal greetings and particular school-related words such as “Detention” and “Technology.” To add to this, a medium we previously met during our investigation on Blennerhasset Island (see investigation of this location on our webpage and social media accounts) was watching the Facebook Live video and noted that she felt the presence of an older woman, possibly a former teacher who wanted us to “Go back to class.” We also noted the sounds of music like a drum, bell, and even a simple whistling. This could all be related to the well-known band director who is warmly remembered for his love of the jazz band at the high school. Adding to this point, we did capture a FLIR thermal image that showed what appeared to be a figure playing an instrument, possibly a clarinet. After a while in these locations, we heard threats of “Leave” and “Go” repeated to us followed by our names, “Daniel,” “Susan,” and “Metelsky” were all recorded in these areas. It’s not to say that these spirits were malevolent by any means but imagine someone unexpectedly entering your home and just lingering; you’d probably be annoyed as well. We also experienced the drum itself pounding while capturing a figure standing behind it via the SLS camera.

Utilizing our data captured through recordings, photographs (thermal and flash), and video from our paranormal investigation of the Beaver Area High School, we noted the specific moments where we feel we captured some form of paranormal evidence or personally experienced it and labeled them appropriately. After you listen to the recordings, look through the photographs, and watch videos, please feel free to let us know your thoughts and opinions!

As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:

Band Room

A large tiered, open room to the left of our entrance sits the Band Room. This is the location that there have been phantom instruments heard as well as the occasional laughter and footsteps. There has even been a shadow figure reported to be seen here. With all of those anomalies, we decided to begin here, but did feel like we were being pulled out of the room toward the end. We can’t be certain whether this was someone not wanting us here, or an entity beckoning to us from another part of the building, but with all our activity from the Auditorium (where we felt pulled to) we can take an educated guess.

While here, we did have a spike in the MEL meter where there was nothing around which would give off a high reading like that. At the same time, the FLIR thermal camera froze. It’s possible we shook something up here, almost chasing it away as we recorded the Rempod being alerted from the hallway. Upon reviewing our footage and photographs, we did capture an image utilizing the SLS camera. In this moment, it appears as though someone is playing an instrument, perhaps a clarinet.


  • There wasn’t much out of the ordinary captured here, however we did take a picture while we used the SLS camera. In this picture, it appears as though someone is standing straight up, holding an instrument up to their lips.

Recording 1 – EVP:

  • At about 4:35, the MEL meter spiked while the FLIR camera froze up.
  • Right around the 8:50 time stamp, the Rempod can be heard going off from the hallway.

Handheld Video 1:

  • There was nothing significant captured here.



Handheld Video 2:

  • At approximately 1:04, the MEL meter spiked and the FLIR thermal image camera froze.
  • The Rempod could be heard being alerted at about the 5:16 mark.



Stationary Video 1:

  • This camera was actually spun back looking out of the room, toward the Chorus Room.
  • When no one was around, we heard footsteps at 10:43.
  • An odd tapping was then heard at 34:42.
  • Suddenly, a sound reminiscent of a door slamming was recorded at 36:18.
  • More footsteps were then heard at 38:16.




There were quite a few reports of abnormal, otherworldly activity stemming from this Auditorium area. The majority of these stories tend to speak of oddities occurring backstage, behind the curtain. Rumors of footsteps, musical noises like drums and bells, laughter, and even clapping have been reported to us. On occasion, it seems as though there may even be shadow figures lingering in the crowd of seats as well as on the stage itself, perhaps reliving some performances from the past.

This was the location we felt pulled toward, leaving the Band Room behind. As we began with a simple EVP session, we heard a bumping noise from the back corner of the Auditorium stage, followed by footsteps, and even the K2 meter spiking. We immediately started up our Phasma Box and SLS camera feeling as though someone was nearby and was willing to speak with us. 

During our first Phasma Box session, we captured small but intelligent responses such as “Yes” and formalities like “Mister.” As we continued on, we picked up more phrases, names, and even some instructions as if a teacher was giving commands. We picked up names like “Billy,” “Palmer,” and even a phrase of “This is the janitor.” 

We started to pick up a figure in one of the chairs in the corner, almost as if a smaller body much like a child. As we attempted to feel the area for cold spots, the anomaly actually disappeared as we tried to touch the spot where it was sitting. As we mentioned that we can see them via the camera, we began to pick up some intelligent phrases such as “That was me” and a laugh as we told (bad) jokes. At this point, we did begin to hear musical instruments like a bell, whistle, and drums followed by the word “Music.” As we left this area for the first time, we knew we had to return later on after all of that activity, we thanked them (heard a response of “Sure”) and wished them well (heard a response of “See ya”), even inviting them with us to the pool (heard the word “Pool” repeated to us).

After we explored some other areas of the high school, we did return to the Auditorium for over another hour of investigation. Only about two minutes into our return, we began to pick up intelligent phrases of “He’s here” as we asked to speak with the former band director, followed by musical notes which sounded like that of a clarinet. During our second time around, we began to pick up our names repeated back to us in the form of “Dan,” “Susan,” and “Metelsky.” The sounds of a banging drum were heard echoing from the large drum on the far side of the stage. As we attempted to make contact in this area, we began to make out a figure standing behind the drum as if preparing to bang on it once again. We even directly asked who was there, and we heard intelligent phrases of “I did” and “I didn’t hear anything.” 

As we began to wrap up as students began to arrive for extracurricular activities and practices, we made one last attempt in the area we first captured full bodies sitting in the chair. Once again, we seemed to make contact, but this time, there seemed to be two entities. The SLS camera significantly helped us pinpoint this area but as we proceeded to poke and prod trying to get a name, we seemed to wear out our welcome. We captured a few almost irritated phrases of “Whatever,” “Leave,” and “Shut up.” However, as we were ready to pack up, we did hear a few last comments of someone that was stuck in this area as we heard “We’re stuck” and the plea of “Listen.” Unfortunately, at this point, we were already pushing our time frame and had to clean up and make our way out.


  • We captured a few moments of the SLS camera picking up bodies in the chair in the corner as well as another one by the drum.


Recording 1 – EVP:

  • As we sat quietly, we heard a bump from the corner behind us at 3:38 which was repeated at 3:49.
  • There were then footsteps heard walking on the other side of the room at 4:50.
  • Right around the 5:10 mark, the K2 meter spiked.



Recording 2 – Phasma Box:

  • We captured “Mister” at :07.
  • After we asked if they are the ones walking around back here, we heard “Yes, it is” at :40.



Recording 3 – Phasma Box:

  • “Yeah” was simply responded at :01 after we asked if anyone was over here with us.
  • A warning of “Keep away” was recorded at :02.
  • This led us to explain that we’re not here to hurt them, and at :17, we heard “I’m not convinced.”



Recording 4 – Phasma Box:

  • As if they had answered us before we could even ask the question of ‘where are you?’ we recorded “By her” at :02.
  • A loud yawn was captured at :21.
  • “She was” was heard at :37.
  • After we asked for a name, we heard “Telephone number?” as if we were being messed with.
  • We explained that we’ve never seen an apparition’s face in person, and we then heard “I don’t believe you” at :53.



Recording 5 – Phasma Box:

  • After some silence, and their last reply, we told them that it’s fine if they don’t believe us to which we captured “Sometimes” at :05.
  • We did tell them we’d be terrified if we did happen to see a face, and again as if not believing us, we heard “Lies” at :27.
  • Unprompted, we captured “Got potential” at :43 followed by “Password” at :52.



Recording 6 – Phasma Box:

  • Unsure where to take the conversation at that point, we heard a few unsettling phrases of “Burning” at :05 and “Go away” at :20.



Recording 7 – Phasma Box:

  • At this point, we attempted to get them to use the Rempod or K2 meter. We explained that they’ll light up and make noise. We heard “technology” at :25 followed by “It makes noise” at :38.
  • We simply asked if this is where the clarinets have been heard in the past, and at :48, we recorded “Morning.”



Recording 8 – Phasma Box:

  • There was some discrepancy here as we’re unsure if we heard the name of “Billy” or “Bully” at :04.
  • As if picking up some residual activity, we continued to listen and captured “What happened” at :06.
  • We explained that we were running out of time and that we don’t have a ton of time left, to which we heard “We might” at :47.



Recording 9 – Phasma Box:

  • At :03, we recorded an irritated voice asking the question of “What are you looking at?”
  • “Susan,” who was operating the Facebook Live video at the time, was heard at :13 right before Dan was touched around the :26 mark.
  • In turn, he asked who touched his arm to which we recorded “Just wanted to say hi” at :29 followed by a phrase of “This is the janitor” at :47.



Recording 10 – Phasma Box:

  • We joked around saying we’re yelling at them, and at :03, we heard a loud yell followed by a smart-ass phrase of “Just trying to teach you” at :39.



Recording 11 – Phasma Box:

  • An odd and unprompted phrase of “Manhattan Group” was heard at :03. Following this, and Dan getting a strong chill, we opted to move back to a simple EVP session.



Recording 12 – EVP:

  • Around 3:35, there appeared to be a figure in the chair in the corner, seen through the SLS camera.
  • As Dan sat down and attempted to get close to it, placing his hand on that chair, the figure disappeared from the SLS camera at 5:50.
  • The image of that figure returned, but this time seemingly on top of Dan at about 6:15. At this moment, we decided to go back to the Phasma Box in case this entity wanted to communicate.



Recording 13 – Phasma Box:

  • As the figure reappeared in it’s chair, at :06, we heard “That was me.”
  • Dan then apologized for touching them and we heard “I’m investigating them” at :08.



Recording 14 – Phasma Box:

  • After Dan “smelled a demon,” we heard a loud yell at :08.



Recording 15 – Phasma Box:

  • The figure disappeared then reappeared on the opposite side of Dan, who was still seated in the same chair right around :05.
  • Dan told a bad joke and, disappointingly, said that we all missed his joke. At :29, we recorded a laugh, possibly mimicking Dan or actually appreciating the dumb (brilliant) humor.



Recording 16 – Phasma Box:

  • As Susan joked about Dan dancing, she told him ‘don’t do that again.’ As if replying to her, we captured “Why not?” at :07.
  • While we tried to pinpoint who was with us and where they were, we heard “Right there” at :27 followed by Dan’s name being repeated to him at :33.



Recording 17 – Phasma Box:

  • There was a strange knocking noise from the back corner of the Auditorium at about :04.
  • The word “Lights” was heard at :09 followed by the command of “Sit” at :25.
  • We were then told to “Get out of here” at :37.
  • As we went on to explain that we understand that they like to be alone, we heard “Selfishly” at :42.



Recording 18 – Phasma Box:

  • At about :03, we heard a bell and after we asked if they were trying to play some music, we heard “Music” repeated to us at :16.
  • The word “Whistle” was then captured at :19 followed by the sound of a whistle.



Recording 19 – Phasma Box:

  • Dan was once again commanded to “Stand” at :02.
  • A horned instrument, we’re still not sure what kind, was heard at :15.
  • More music was heard in the form of bells at :30 and again at :40.


Recording 20 – Phasma Box:

  • We were then told to “Stand back” at :05.
  • After we questioned what that last voice said, we heard “Answer me” at :10.
  • The name “Harrison” was recorded at :13.
  • We then talked about getting a name, even after they gave one, and we captured “What?” at :23.



Recording 21 – Phasma Box:

  • At :06, we captured “With us” after we asked if they could repeat their name.
  • We then recorded “Can you guys hear me?” at :16.
  • The name “Frank” was heard at :47 then oddly enough the word “Grabbed” at :51.
  • As an image appeared on the SLS, at about :57 we heard “I’m there.”



Recording 22 – Phasma Box:

  • As we questioned why it was there, we heard “Pretty simple” at :05.



Recording 23 – Phasma Box:

  • We went on to ask if it was Josh that was sitting in the chair, to let us know, and at :05, we recorded “Not Josh” then “99” at :19, and we can’t help but wonder if that was a graduating year.



Recording 24 – Phasma Box:

  • At :03 we heard footsteps behind us and an excited phrase of “What’s up man?” at :27.
  • We began to wrap up and move on and thanked them for their time, and at :54, recorded “Sure.”



Recording 25 – Phasma Box:

  • As we packed up, we offered for them to join us at the pool, and we heard “Pool” at :05.
  • Right before we stopped the recorder, we captured “See ya” at :17.



Returned to the Auditorium later in the investigation:


Recording 1 – Phasma Box:

  • Right as we returned to the area, we mentioned that we’re hoping to speak with the former band director, and we heard an intelligent response of “He’s here” at :06 then a clarinet sound right around :14.
  • “He’s here” was then repeated at :38 followed by “Be quiet: at :41.



Recording 2 – Phasma Box:

  • After a little silence, we recorded “I’m tired” at :06 then the word “Audio” at :39.



Recording 3 – Phasma Box:

  • Music was heard at :02 just as “Occupied” was recorded at :20.
  • “Someone’s here” was ominously heard at :25.



Recording 4 – Phasma Box:

  • As Dan sat down on the chair, we heard “Daniel” at :07 and his last name of “Metelsky” at :10.
  • Music was then once again heard at :39.



Recording 5 – Phasma Box:

  • We got a tip from a viewer to ask about the big band sound and if anyone with us knew anything about it. At :08, we heard “Let me out” as if referring to letting them loose to play some music?
  • At :12, we recorded what sounded like “Football team.”



Recording 6 – Phasma Box:

  • Dan’s last name of “Metelsky” was repeated at :05.
  • “It’s my birthday” was then proclaimed at :18.



Recording 7 – Phasma Box:

  • As we played the big band music, Dan made note of how he forgot how much he enjoyed that type of music. At :04 we then heard “Instrument.”
  • After we walked back to the corner with the SLS camera, we heard “Check the chair” at :45 then “Disappeared” at :48.



Recording 8 – Phasma Box:

  • A soft sound of the drum was heard at :04.
  • After we asked if it was them who hit the drum, we recorded “I did” as a clear response at :06 and a follow up of “He’s right” at :13.
  • We asked if there was someone by the drum and heard “I didn’t hear anything” at :27.



Recording 9 – Phasma Box:

  • The drum was once again heard at :02 so we asked if that was the drum making that noise, to which we heard “Right” at :07.



Recording 10 – Phasma Box:

  • Derrick pounded on the drum a few times trying to get them to join in. Dan said that they can tell that he isn’t very good at playing the drums. At :05, we recorded “He needs practice.”
  • Just then, around :15, we spotted a figure by the drums through the SLS camera followed by the word “Toys” at :25.



Recording 11 – Phasma Box:

  • A strange phrase of “I fear I’m losing her” at :02, then “It’s here, isn’t it?” at :14 as if someone was looking for something unknown.
  • “It’s my business” was then overheard at :29.



Recording 12 – Phasma Box:

  • After Dan spotted another figure through the SLS camera, we heard “Went that way” at :08 then the question of “Who’s that?” at :25.



Recording 13 – Phasma Box:

  • A loud moan was captured at :02.
  • As we discussed the figures disappearing quickly, we concluded that they wouldn’t let us see them. At :07, we heard “I’m sensitive.”
  • “Light” was heard at :28 as if they wanted the stage light turned on.



Recording 14 – Phasma Box:

  • “I’m tired” was once again heard at :05.
  • Just then, a figure appeared on the SLS camera, and we captured “Here” at :09 and “Dan” at :14.
  • “Delete that” was recorded at :18.



Recording 15 – Phasma Box:

  • Once we moved close to the group of chairs in the corner, we heard “Have a seat” at :02 then “It’s still here” at :13.
  • We then captured “It is” at :21 as if reiterating the point.
  • At :27, “Just words to me” came through the Phasma Box.



Recording 16 – Phasma Box:

  • “At the table” was heard at :02 then a plea of “Help us” was recorded at :15 followed by “All of us” at :23 as if a continuation of that very call of help.



Recording 17 – Phasma Box:

  • “They’re back again” was heard at :02 as if referring to us returning.
  • Oddly enough, “People died” was captured at :04.
  • After we had discussed the figure standing at the drum, we heard “Enjoyed life” at :41.
  • We asked if they enjoyed music and heard “Music” at :48.



Recording 18 – Phasma Box:

  • We rephrased the question and asked if they enjoy playing music, we heard “I’m not sure” at :23.
  • As that same figure appeared on the SLS camera we mentioned that he keeps popping up. We recorded “See?” followed by music playing at 1:16.



Recording 19 – Phasma Box:

  • “Saved” was heard at :03.
  • Derrick once again banged on the drums, as we all joked that he’s not very good at the drums we heard “Not good” repeated at :58.
  • “Help him” was then heard at 1:24 as if in relation to Derrick playing the drums.



Recording 20 – Phasma Box:

  • While going live via Facebook, a medium we have met previously was watching and felt a younger spirit with chest pains. At :15, we heard “She said that?” followed by “More than one” at :35.
  • “Safety” was recorded at :43.
  • After we asked if this was possibly Jack, we captured “Said that earlier” at :51.



Recording 21 – Phasma Box:

  • “It’s time” was heard at :01 and “It was fun” at :17 almost as if they were beckoning us out.
  • At :23, this thought was verified as we recorded “Just quit, leave.”



Recording 22 – Phasma Box:

  • “Black box” was questionably heard at :03 followed by another plea of “Please go” at :19.



Recording 23 – Phasma Box:

  • Another odd phrase was heard at :02; “I’m in shock.”
  • “Deserve it” was captured at :19 then either “Go” or “Don’t” at :26.



Recording 24 – Phasma Box:

  • As we walked over by the drum, we repeated the question of ‘Is anyone over here?’ twice. At :03, we heard “He is not” and “Musician” at :18.



Recording 25 – Phasma Box:

  • Derrick walked to the front of the stage area, and at :03, we heard “Where’s he going?”
  • At :06, we heard, as if in response. “Anywhere.”
  • “For life” was then recorded at :14 followed by “It’s cold” at :26.



Recording 26 – Phasma Box:

  • Once again, music was heard around :01 followed by another strange phrase of “No witnesses” at :02.



Recording 27 – Phasma Box:

  • “Go” was heard at :03 then “Whatever” at :08 as if they were giving up.
  • We captured “Get the word out” at :18 then Dan’s name was heard again at :37.
  • The ominous recording of “Dying” was heard at :48.



Recording 28 – Phasma Box:

  • As before, we were asked to leave, hearing just that “Leave” at :01.
  • We were asked to “Have some decency” at :13.
  • “Carry out the plan” was recorded at :42 followed by “Investigation” at :48.



Recording 29 – Phasma Box:

  • Since we didn’t leave, we felt as though they began to get irritated. At :05 we heard “Deal with you” then asked “Why did you do this?” at :35.
  • “It’s what I did” was curiously then recorded at :40.



Recording 30 – Phasma Box:

  • “Shut up” was heard at :06.
  • We obliged then recorded “We’ve met” at :21 then “Go” at :34.



Recording 31 – Phasma Box:

  • The word “Possible” was captured at :03.
  • After some silence, we heard “I just like looking” at :36 then “Look through” at :45.
  • At :47, we were asked to “Please stop” then “Just bring it” at  1:10.



Recording 32 – Phasma Box:

  • As we witnessed two figures in the SLS camera, one disappeared and we discussed that we now only see one. At :08, we then heard “Us too.”
  • We asked why they’re here and heard an answer of “Just for research” at :44 then “Not quite” at :55 as if a second voice chimed in.
  • Utilizing our Facebook Live feed again, we pulled the name Palmer from the medium watching. We went on to ask if anyone named Palmer was with us, and heard “Uhuh” at 1:06 then “Never quit” at 1:15.



Recording 33 – Phasma Box:

  • Susan said that she needed to look up the name Palmer and, at :03, we heard “First in the class” then “Palmer” at :33.
  • A plea of “We’re stuck” was recorded at 1:03.



Recording 34 – Phasma Box:

  • At :05, we were told to “Listen.”
  • An exclamation of “I’m on camera” was loudly heard at :20.
  • We discussed this phrase and heard “Camera” repeated at :52.



Recording 35 – Phasma Box:

  • As the figure appeared back on the SLS camera, we heard “You’re scared of me” at :06.



Recording 36 – Phasma Box:

  • As Dan moved closer to the figure seen on the chair, we heard “It’s not funny” at :03 if they were getting uncomfortable with Dan being so close.
  • The two words of “People” and “Palmer” were captured at :17 and :47.



Recording 37 – Phasma Box:

  • The drum was once again heard at :04.
  • As we checked the time and began to hear kids coming into the school, we asked one another if we should call it. As if someone else were answering, we heard “Please” at :20.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • There was a bump heard in the corner at 1:12 and repeated at 1:23.
  • Approaching footsteps we recorded and heard by all of us at 2:24.
  • Not long after, at 2:44, the K2 meter spiked.



Facebook Live Camera 1:

  • We began this stream in the Band Room, picking up the Rempod being alerted at 1:05.
  • We didn’t pick up much here and felt compelled to move into the Auditorium.
  • After some silence, we heard a bump heard in the corner at 9:37 and at 9:48.
  • There were then footsteps heard on the other side of the room at 10:49.
  • Around 11:09, the K2 meter spiked.
  • At this point, we activated the Phasma Box and captured “Mister” at 16:38.
  • We asked if they were walking around back here and heard “Yes, it is” at 17:11.
  • “Yeah” was responded at 17:47 after we asked if anyone was with us.
  • “Keep away” was recorded at 17:48.
  • We explained that we’re not here to hurt them, and at 18:03, we heard “I’m not convinced.”
  • We recorded “By her” at 19:13 and a loud yawn was captured at 19:32.
  • “She was” was heard at 19:48. We asked for a name and heard “Telephone number?” at 19:56 like we were being messed with.
  • We explained that we’ve never seen an apparition’s face and then heard “I don’t believe you” at 20:04.
  • We told them that it’s fine if they don’t believe us and captured “Sometimes” at 20:16.
  • We told them we’d be terrified if we saw a face, and heard “Lies” at 20:38.
  • We captured “Got potential” at 20:54 and “Password” at 21:03.
  • We heard a few phrases of “Burning” at 21:26 and “Go away” at 21:41.
  • We attempted to get them to use the Rempod or K2 meter and explained they’ll light up and make noise. We heard “technology” at 22:51 followed by “It makes noise” at 23:04.
  • We asked if this is where the clarinets have been heard, and at 23:14, we recorded “Morning.”
  • We’re unsure if we heard the name of “Billy” or “Bully” at 24:55.
  • Picking up some residual activity, we captured “What happened” at 24:57.
  • We explained that we were running out of time to which we heard “We might” at 25:38.
  • At 26:14, we recorded the question of “What are you looking at?”
  • “Susan,” who operated the Facebook Live video, was heard at 26:24 right before Dan was touched at 26:37.
  • He asked who touched his arm and we recorded “Just wanted to say hi” at 26:40 followed by “This is the janitor” at 26:58.
  • We joked saying we’re yelling at them, and at 27:29, we heard a yell then a phrase of “Just trying to teach you” at 28:05.
  • A phrase of “Manhattan Group” was heard at 28:14. Following this, and Dan getting a strong chill, we opted to move back to an EVP session.
  • At 34:36, there seemed to be a figure in the chair seen through the SLS camera.
  • Dan sat down and attempted to get close to it, placing his hand on that chair, and the figure disappeared from the SLS camera at 36:51.
  • The image of the figure returned, but this time on top of Dan at about 37:16. We then decided to go back to the Phasma Box.
  • The figure reappeared in it’s chair, at 39:08, we heard “That was me.”
  • Dan apologized for touching them and we heard “I’m investigating them” at 39:10.
  • Dan “heard a demon” and we heard a yell at 39:45.
  • The figure disappeared and reappeared on the opposite chair  around 40:12.
  • Dan told a joke and said we all missed his joke. At 40:36, we recorded a laugh, possibly mocking Dan.
  • As Susan told Dan not to dance again, we captured “Why not?” at 41:44.
  • We tried to pinpoint who was with us and where they were, we heard “Right there” at 42:04 then Dan’s name being repeated to him at 42:10.
  • There was a knocking noise from the corner of the Auditorium at 42:46.
  • The word “Lights” was heard at 42:51 then the command of “Sit” at 43:07.
  • We were told to “Get out of here” at 43:19.
  • We explained that we understand they like to be alone and heard “Selfishly” at 43:24.
  • At 43:50 we heard a bell and asked if they were trying to play some music, and heard “Music” at 44:03.
  • The word “Whistle” was captured at 44:06 then heard the sound of a whistle.
  • Dan was commanded to “Stand” at 44:39.
  • A horned instrument, we’re still not sure which, was heard at 44:52.
  • Bells were heard at 45:07 and again at 45:17.
  • We were told to “Stand back” at 46:02.
  • We questioned what that voice said and heard “Answer me” at 46:07.
  • “Harrison” was recorded at 46:10 then talked about getting a name and we captured “What?” at 46:20.
  • At 46:28 we captured “With us” after we asked if they could repeat their name.
  • We recorded “Can you guys hear me?” at 46:38.
  • “Frank” was heard at 47:09 then the word “Grabbed” at 47:13.
  • An image appeared on the SLS, at 47:19 we heard “I’m there.” 
  • We questioned why it was there and heard “Pretty simple” at 47:57.
  • We asked if Josh was sitting in the chair and at 48:12 we recorded “Not Josh” then “99” at 48:26.
  • At 48:35 we heard footsteps behind us and a phrase of “What’s up man?” at 48:59.
  • We started to finish up and thanked them for their time, and at 49:26 we recorded “Sure.”
  • We offered for them to join us at the pool and heard “Pool” at 50:17.
  • Right before we stopped the recorder, we captured “See ya” at 50:29.
  • Even though we turned off the recorder, the name “Josh” was heard through the video at 50:56.



Women’s Locker Room – Next to Pool

One of the more common stories from this end of the school stems from the locker room area. Sounds of footsteps, the sinks turning on and off, and the locker room doors slamming closed have all been reported here. However, it’s unknown if it comes from the Men’s or Women’s Locker Room. We did explore both areas and even tried an experiment where we opened every locker room door in hopes of capturing evidence of them closing. At one point, while in the Pool area, we thought we heard one slam. However, upon review of this area, we didn’t see anything disturbed. While in this area, we didn’t record or experience anything paranormal but we did note that the sinks were actually stuck on due to a malfunction with the touchless faucets.


  • We didn’t capture anything out of the ordinary here.


Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • There was nothing out of the ordinary here, at one point Derrick heard footsteps in the hallway and left the room.



Facebook Live Camera 1:

  • Just like the recorder, there was nothing abnormal captured here. We ended up moving into the stairwell halfway into this video, seen below.



Stairwell – Next to Pool

In this stairwell next to the Pool and around the corner from the locker rooms, we’ve heard stories of voices and phantom footsteps echoing from here. Some former students have even reported seeing shadows walking around the corner and disappearing. Others have claimed that these shadows have been seen peering around the corner out of this stairwell as if watching those nearby.

As we were exploring the locker rooms, Derrick heard footsteps out in the hallway heading toward this stairwell. As we finished up our session in the locker room area we felt pulled, much like we were earlier in the investigation, toward the stairwell. We utilized our Phasma Box here and, even though we couldn’t tell at the time in the moment, we ultimately recorded a decent amount of intelligent responses while sitting on the stairs. We were given simple but useful responses like that of “Yes” and “There is” after we asked if anyone was with us. We were also apparently being alerted to some kind of action that occurred in that area as we heard “Something happened” repeated followed by “In the pool.” As we lingered and didn’t follow their instruction, we then captured commands of “Go” and “Leave.” We ultimately followed their instruction into the pool area.


  • There was nothing out of the ordinary captured here in our photographs inside the stairwell.


Recorder 1 – Phasma Box:

  • After a little silence, we heard footsteps at about :03.
  • We then asked if there was anyone with us, to which we heard a clear and concise “Yes” at :19 followed by “There is” at :26.



Recording 2 – Phasma Box:

  • An odd phrase of “Something happened” followed directly by “What?” at :02.
  • “Something” was then repeated at :08.
  • After we mentioned we’d go to the pool next, we heard “In the pool” at :23.



Recording 3 – Phasma Box:

  • We asked what they’re doing in this area, and heard “You remember” at :08 as if they just want someone to remember them.
  • As we discussed if they said swim, we captured “Go” at :21.



Recording 4 – Phasma Box:

  • At :03, we heard an ominous warning of “Leave.”



Facebook Live Camera 1:

  • We actually started in the locker room during this feed, but moved into the stairwell after nothing much was happening in the locker room.
  • At about 7:00, Derrick left the locker room to track footsteps he heard from the hallway.
  • Now in the stairwell, we heard footsteps at about 16:39.
  • We asked if anyone with us and heard “Yes” at 16:55 then “There is” at 17:02.
  • An odd phrase of “Something happened” followed directly by “What?” at 17:43.
  • “Something” was repeated at 17:49.
  • We mentioned we’d go to the pool and heard “In the pool” at 18:04.
  • After asking what they’re doing in the area, we heard “You remember” at 19:44 as if they wanted someone to remember them.
  • As we discussed what they said, we captured “Go” at 19:57.
  • At 21:24, we heard a warning of “Leave.”




Rumors have claimed that there have been noises coming from this area that sound almost like some type of event is still occurring here. Squeaking shoes and even phantom splashes have been reported coming from here on top of just an odd sensation of being watched from afar when no one is around.

After we were seemingly summoned to this area from the stairwell, we began our time here with a simple EVP. While we didn’t record anything at first, we were drawn up into the bleacher area where we captured what appeared to be a figure on the SLS camera as well as the FLIR thermal imaging camera. This convinced us to start a Phasma Box session where we recorded some odd voices. We did hear some words and phrases in relation to the pool such as “Platform,” “I’m tired,” and even school terms like “Detention.” On the other hand, we also heard some strange intelligent phrases that didn’t make a lot of sense to us but were slightly disturbing like when we heard “You hurt her” and “Robbed me” as if something more sinister happened in this area in the past. These intelligent responses seemed to flip a switch and answer us in a more friendly and inviting tone like the moment we asked if they’re still with us and we received an answer of “Yes, hello.” They seemed to show their more human side as they attempted to get our attention telling us “I’m down here” and “I’m trying” after we told them they could communicate with us. Much like the other locations inside the school, we were told to “Leave” and that they “Don’t want it” as we offered our help. As we felt unwanted here, we decided to return to the Auditorium to bring our night to an end.


  • We didn’t capture anything with still photographs here, but we did take a FLIR thermal image when up in the bleachers of what appeared to be the outline of a cold figure.


Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • We didn’t record anything out of the ordinary here.



Recorder 2 – Phasma Box:

  • Right off the bat, we captured “Platform” at :01.
  • The phrase “I’m not dead” was heard at :28 and “You heard her” or “You hurt her” at :43.
  • Another phrase of “It’s a chilly wind” was recorded at :52.



Recording 3 – Phasma Box:

  • After we asked if they were still here, we heard “Yes, say hello” at :13.
  • “She was shot” was oddly heard at :32 followed by a command of “Listen” at :53.



Recording 4 – Phasma Box:

  • The word “Question” was recorded at :04.
  • We thought we heard the name “Rodney” at :58, but this has also been heard as “Robbed me.”
  • At 1:02, we were then told to “Listen close.”



Recording 5 – Phasma Box:

  • As Dan headed toward the bleachers, we recorded “Dave” at :07.
  • At :20, we heard “I’m tired.”
  • We asked, once again, for them to give us a name, and we heard “I’m down here” at :45.



Recording 6 – Phasma Box:

  • After we explained how to use the Rempod and K2 meter, we told them they could come close and light up these devices. At :10, we heard “No.”
  • “There’s only one” was recorded at :19.
  • We asked if they could give us a name, to which we heard an odd but relative word of “Detention” at :25.
  • “I’m trying” was then heard as if a follow up at :42.



Recording 7 – Phasma Box:

  • The word “Silent” was captured at :02.
  • As we offered our help, we heard “We don’t want it” at :20.



Recording 8 – Phasma Box:

  • As Dan was attempting to make contact up in the bleachers, we heard “Interesting” at :08 followed by “”Save the band” at :20 with a little music right after.
  • We discussed if we all heard the music, and at :29, we recorded “It’s strong.”



Recording 9 – Phasma Box:

  • While we started to pack up and said that we’re ready to leave, we heard “Go away” at :07.



Facebook Live Camera 1:

  • During our EVP session, we didn’t capture anything, and Dan and Susan ventured out into the hallway to check a noise that sounded like a locker room door slamming closed – but to no avail.
  • As they arrived, the Phasma Box was running and “Question” was recorded at 13:29.
  • We heard either the name “Rodney” or “Robbed me” at 14:23.
  • At 14:27, we were told to “Listen close.”
  • Dan headed toward the bleachers and we recorded “Dave” at 15:22.
  • At 15:35, we heard “I’m tired.”
  • We asked for them to give us a name, and heard “I’m down here” at 16:00.
  • We explained how to use the Rempod and K2 meter and told them they could come close and light them up. At 16:35, we heard “No.”
  • “There’s only one” was recorded at 16:44.
  • We again asked if they could give us a name and heard the word “Detention” at 16:50.
  • “I’m trying” was heard at 17:07.
  • “Silent” was captured at 17:37.
  • As we offered help, we heard “We don’t want it” at 17:55.
  • Dan attempted to make contact in the bleachers and we heard “Interesting” at 19:13 and “”Save the band” at 19:25 with music right after.
  • We discussed the music, and at 19:34, we recorded “It’s strong.”
  • We started to pack up and said we’re ready to leave, and heard “Go away” at 21:27.



Upon a thorough review of the evidence we captured during our overnight / early morning paranormal investigation of the Beaver Area High School, we have come to a concise conclusion that the building hosts multiple spirits inside its walls. We experienced intelligent and residual paranormal activity and communication via our Phasma Box. Some more physical oddities such as footsteps, knocks, and musical sounds were heard in numerous locations inside the high school. We also captured still photographs of the SLS screen as we recorded what appeared to be figures in two separate areas of the Auditorium and another in the Band Room. The FLIR thermal imaging camera also showed us the outlines of heat signatures, in this case cold signatures, in multiple locations as well. We captured a few names during our time at the school such as Palmer, which a medium watching the live stream also felt, Harrison, Frank, and a simple descriptor of the janitor. We also captured our names repeated back to us in the form of Dan, Susan, and Metelsky. 

While spending some time exploring the high school, there were numerous locations which drew us in based solely on past stories and some shared with us via social media followers. The most active locations during our investigation included the Band Room, the Pool, the Stairwell by the Pool, and the Auditorium which, in the end, was the most active area where we received the most communication and felt the most energy and activity. Each of these locations held a unique energy. While most areas felt more welcoming and inviting, and even open to communication, they also had moments which it felt as though we were unwanted and commanded to leave the area.

We began with limited equipment in each spot moving into utilizing more equipment like the Phasma Box and SLS camera. Our MEL meter also came into play as it spiked multiple times in the Band Room and the Auditorium.

We believe we captured an array of activity which could seemingly date back to the time before the school was constructed; while the Native Americans still controlled this land. The evidence also seems to suggest that the timeframe also extends into more modern times as we captured a full body in the SLS camera appearing to play an instrument as well as recordings of a plethora of instruments. The names captured are more modern and seem to be linked to the time after the school was constructed. 



There were a few deaths in the area and relating to former teachers and students which could be the reasoning behind these hauntings. In some locations throughout the school, it seems that there are events playing on a loop classifying these as residual hauntings whereas others appear to be more intelligent conversations with full phrases and names. Spirits such as the former band director, an unnamed child, an older woman by the name of Palmer all seem to be stuck here in the afterlife. Even though their reasonings are unknown to us, the Beaver Area High School unmistakably holds an intriguing atmosphere and different energies spanning throughout the facility.

This investigation was a first for us in many ways. This was our first successful investigation with our new SLS camera, our first legitimate investigation during early morning/daylight hours, and our first investigation of an active school! Running around dark, creepy places is fun, but it’s also nice to be able to see where we are walking sometimes so we don’t run the risk of becoming permanent residents. However, all these experiences were shadowed only by the engagement of our fans/followers during our live streaming and by the members of the community that reached out to us with stories and histories prior to our investigation. This is what keeps us going on all the late nights and hours of talking to empty rooms. We cannot express how heart-warming and encouraging it is to see the engagement of the paranormal community. It’s nice to not be considered weird or crazy, even for just a moment. And finally, a HUGE thank you for the generosity of the staff and board to allow us this opportunity. There is more within the walls of the Beaver High/Middle School than meets the eye. We hope to be welcomed back for further investigation of this great location.

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