Greene County Historical Society Museum – Investigation


Greene County Historical Society –  Investigation


October 21, 2023

Waynesburg, PA




Just south of Pittsburgh, PA the town of Waynesburg, PA is the home of an old mansion turned poor farm eventually becoming the permanent residence of the Greene County Historical Society and the museum they have created and currently curate. The building, surrounding facilities, and property as a whole have seen reconstructions and rehabilitation efforts which still continue through its current iteration. With tireless efforts the historical society truly saved a gem of a beautiful building nearly lost to the sands of time and pulled out of the abyss to help tell these stories, hidden behind these walls, live on forever.



We were lucky enough to get in touch with this property after we were told about the growing paranormal phenomena reported on a more regular basis. Following this phenomenal experience, both paranormally speaking as well as the hospitality and respect shown to us by Janis of the Greene County Historical Society, we spent hours reviewing and analyzing our videos, recordings, and photographs. In addition to this, we documented our personal experiences throughout the night and any and all ways we attempted to debunk any strange occurrences. With this gathered evidence, a compilation of stories, and even attempts at disproving some of the aforementioned phenomena, we can positively conclude that we experienced some supernatural forces, in particular unexplained paranormal phenomena. The majority of these otherworldly energies tend to move freely in certain areas but others seem to be bound to a particular room or wing. For the most part these remnant energies and spirits are much more positively charged and simply curious of their visitors. Others, not necessarily negative or dark, have a more protective and almost defensive posture in certain locations. We actually altered our perception of these more private spirits as we first thought they just were shy until the atmosphere physically changed and we were told to leave them alone.



Our goal by sharing our entire experience at the Greene County Historical Society Museum is to hope that viewers can step in and add their input whether it be based on their own experiences, listening and watching our evidence, and even giving feedback or explanation of some moments we deemed unexplained. After reviewing the evidence, listening to the recordings, and watching the videos, please feel confident in commenting or email us to let us know what you think to help add this unbiased opinion to this analysis.



As always, you have been warned that some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Pre Investigation / Walkthrough


As our group arrived in waves, some of us had ample time to get acclimated to the building beforehand but the entire walkthrough was completed by Janis and with a full group. We did run recorders and video during this time but aside from some odd building sounds not too much occurred out of the ordinary. The second floor with the Master Suite and the Mourning Art Room were the two locations where we felt a little uneasy as if the atmosphere was different. This again was noted in the basement area but for different, unknown reasons. Perhaps this was simply our heads playing tricks on us but we felt like someone was watching us down in that area during this time period.


After a review of our footage, this timeframe also matches up with some flashing lights and a dark figure in the end of the hallway. This could not be duplicated and everyone was accounted for at this time.




  • There was nothing out of the ordinary from this timeframe but we did attach a screen capture of the figure spotted in the museum area.



Video 1 – Trail Camera:


  • This footage was taken as we were on the tour with Janis and a dark figure could be seen in a reflection right away at :01. No one strayed that far from the group at any point nor did anyone touch any of these switches when this occurred.


Video 2 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • In case you’re interested in the wonderful tour given by Janis, or the building itself, feel free to check it out below. There was nothing abnormal or paranormal to speak of during this time.



Mourning Art Room


On the second floor, situated inside the Master Suite where the steward would have been stationed, this sitting room has been transformed into what we dubbed the Mourning Art Room. These items, donated by locals or simply left behind by those of the poor farm who did not have family, show the old macabre form of artwork where deceased hair or clothing would be displayed in a fashion which allowed their loved ones to mourn in a rather unorthodox way. All of these pieces of artwork are from a deceased loved one at one time or another and this certainly piqued our interest during the walkthrough, not to mention our sixth sense which is exactly what drew us to begin here. In the past, phantom footsteps have been recorded here and these footsteps echoed out of the room and into the hallway with heavy footfalls as if this unseen force was wearing some type of work boot. 



A small group of us ventured up here as we felt pulled this direction during the walkthrough. There were four of us located here during the first attempt but as numbers dwindled the unexplained activity seemed to increase. During the first interactions, we captured a cat ball moving and lighting up on multiple occasions while capturing a squeaking noise and even perhaps a cat’s meow! This continued with the Ovilus, K2 meter, and flashlight activity as we attempted to decipher whether this was residual or intelligent energy. A cold handprint was seen through the thermal camera as well as felt in person at the time but this chill and the visual evidence disappeared almost in an instant. We never got any true clear answer here but as the investigative group swapped out and only three were left in this room, the flashlight began to answer more yes/no questions but more than this heard knocks and almost a crying noise coming from a different room. Following this moment, clear footsteps could be heard walking around outside here. The group was confident it was another investigator but everyone else was accounted for in different areas of the building. The group attempted to trace this sound but no one was found. This prompted only two of the investigators to follow these noises where they ultimately heard more footsteps and even heavy breathing.




  • We took a screen capture of a moment where the flashlight had gone off just as a reference.



  • There were a few moments where a cold spot appeared on the neck of one of our investigators.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • At about :02, it sounded like there was a cat’s meow here. This followed the cat ball being lit as if it was moved.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • We noticed a squeaking sound here early on at :07. This was heard at the time and really unable to be cleaned up any further.


Recording 3 – EVP 3:



  • During this time period, there were more visual anomalies and Ovilus production rather than any verbal communication so felt it best to simply transcribe this section rather than pull it apart at all.
  • At :33, the Ovilus showed us the word ‘Power’ unprompted.
  • We asked who came in the room with us and the Ovilus produced ‘Set’ at :52 as if commanding us all to take a seat.
  • After we apologized for possibly scaring them, the Ovilus showed ‘Soon’ at 1:41.
  • The Ovilus followed this with an odd combination of words with ‘Easy’ at 1:54, ‘Call’ at 1:57, and finally ‘Nice’ at 2:01 followed by some sheer uncomfortable silence.
  • As if out of nowhere, one of the investigators began to feel cold on the base of her neck and upper back right around 4:40. At this point we captured thermal images and videos of this cold spot.
  • This coldness then moved toward the corner of the room where the artwork was mainly hung and another investigator, who was standing near this, felt this shift right at 4:58 then a K2 meter spike followed this at 5:27.
  • Silence followed here once again until the flashlight jumped on and shut off at 7:00.
  • We asked if they could turn it back on to which the light again flickered at 7:33 then once more at 8:05 when it stayed on.
  • After we asked if they could turn the light back off it shut off at 9:40, more than a minute of being activated.
  • Before we attempted a more verbal communication with the Spirit Box, the K2 meter spiked again at 11:12.


Recording 4 – Spirit Box 1:



  • There was nothing significant or noteworthy during this timeframe.


Recording 5 – EVP 4:



  • After our group shrank, we attempted another quiet session and heard a strange crying or whining sound on multiple occasions at :02, :36, then finally at :41.


Recording 6 – EVP 5:



  • This same duo then captured a slew of unexplainable noises starting with footsteps at :02 then again at :07.
  • One of the investigators coughed but more footsteps could be heard right after this at :20 then these footsteps occurred again at :29.
  • A knocking was then heard at 1:00 after a pause.


Recording 7 – Roaming EVP 1:



  • As the pair of investigators moved on, they opted to do a moving EVP which took them from the Mourning Room around the second floor. The footsteps were heard again at :04 as if it followed them out of the room.


Recording 8 – Roaming EVP 2:



  • After some time roaming, there were three different moments when a heavy breathing was heard starting at :05 then continuing to :16 and lastly at :20.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • At :03, the flashlight could be seen turning on here.



Hallway – Outside of Barbershop


On the second floor, down the end of a darkened hallway before the newest area of the West Wing was constructed was once a lively social meetup area for the elderly when they visited the in house barbershop of the facility. This area is decorated in an old time feel with leather pump up barber chairs and even the age old candy striped barber pole symbol. This area doesn’t have too much notation as far as any tragedies or unfortunate deaths or violence but the area was considered an area where males and females (ordinarily separated by gender) would meet up, some even resulting in the sparks of relationships which would then spur on unwanted and illegitimate births. Some of these are actually rumored and said to be undocumented.



Resulting in what seemed to be a crossroads in our investigation, our group began to peel off here in pairs as the majority of us felt that whoever was in the building with us was a little timid and did not like larger groups. This was an area that only two of us felt pulled toward during the walkthrough so these two investigators decided to head this direction. Even during that walkthrough, one of them heard a whisper even though this did not seem to get captured in the video footage. Our time here started off quiet, so quiet in fact that we heard soft whispering around us that was not heard in person. This whispering was unfortunately indecipherable and distorted any time we attempted to apply a post review clean up to it. We followed these moments up by attempting to gather any potential intelligence and to our surprise we clearly heard knocks, thuds, and even a shuffling of feet. With that, we opened up some verbal communication with the Phasma Box to some astounding answers to questions as there was only one of them here and we captured the name “Elizabeth.” It’s possible this was their name but it’s also possible that they were close to some with this name. We were there welcomed into the Barbershop Room itself, even called by name and summoned with “Come in.” We noted a pair of footprints sitting next to one of the investigators through the thermal camera but as we tried to gently move closer, even getting initial permission with “Do it slow”, we were told to “Stop” twice. After we took a few still photographs, again with permission of “I guess” and “Yea” responses, we were told “No, don’t do that.” After we opted to leave this first time, we offered to return and were asked to bring “Music.”


Our return, with music, seemed to bring out someone else or at least someone who had referenced a different name; this time it was “George.” At first, we played some random barbershop quartet music, however, this was not to their liking as we were told “Not quite” after we asked if they liked this song. Oddly enough the Ovilus produced some random words which we took as perhaps a song and in fact ‘Class Happens Along’ was a song. After we asked if that was the song they wanted we heard a confirmation of “Yes, that’ll work.” Finally, as this was our last session of the night we explained that it was late and that we were tired and planning on leaving soon. To this, someone agreed with us with “It’s late” followed by a question (as if why are we leaving?) with a “But why?” We cordially asked them if there was anything else that they wanted to tell us and received a final gruff “No” to end our night.




  • Included here are moments visually noted through the FLIR thermal camera of a pair of very hot footprints standing next to the investigators.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • There was an indecipherable whispering at :02.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • This whispering returned at :03 but once again was indecipherable.


Recording 3 – EVP 3:



  • We began to capture some more intelligent seeming conversation beginning here as we asked them to make a noise if they could step forward to speak with us and at :11 we heard a knock..


Recording 4 – EVP 4:



  • Similar knocking noises were then captured at :35 and 1:01 after we asked if they could make another noise for us to confirm that this was them.
  • Following those sounds, a shuffling of footsteps could be heard at 1:39 as if they were moving closer to us.


Recording 5 – EVP 5:



  • We attempted to track down these noises to ensure that it wasn’t another investigator or something explainable and three more thud noises were then captured at :03, :06, and :08.
  • This was followed by a knocking sound again at :58


Recording 6 – Phasma Box 1:



  • Our first attempt at communication may have actually picked up some residual energies as we heard “Wasn’t ready” at :08 then “Wait here” at :10.


Recording 7 – Phasma Box 2:



  • While we thought we heard a threat of “Retreat” we do believe we misheard this in the moment reviewing this after the fact but still we asked why we should retreat. We did hear an almost confused comment of “Good question” at :06.
  • The male investigator was struggling to get responses so we asked if they preferred women and heard “No, people” at :42 as if they didn’t like anyone; male or female.
  • We attempted to confirm this thought and heard a knock at :46 as if someone were trying to distract us.
  • At 1:28 we were given a command of “Pay attention” as if we were missing something, perhaps in relation to that prior knock.


Recording 8 – Phasma Box 3:



  • Prior to this recording, the Ovilus produced the word ‘Know’ so we asked them what they didn’t know and we heard a response, as if correcting us. with a direct “No” at :22.
  • While we seemed to miss something or didn’t respond the way they wanted and heard a full phrase of “I’ll say again” at :25 followed by another curious command of “Look up” at :27.
  • We tried to take this conversation in a different direction and asked if there were two of them here and heard a correction of “One” at :38.
  • After we asked directly what their name is we heard the name of “Elizabeth” at 1:02 then perhaps a nickname to that of “Lisbeth” at 1:08.


Recording 9 – Phasma Box 4:



  • With another space of silence here we began to get frustrated and explained that we’d have to leave. At :12, we were mocked with a “We’ll see.”
  • At that moment we also noted a pair of footsteps behind us so naturally we asked if they were standing behind us and heard instead a general idea of where they were with “In the room” at :25.
  • Shockingly at this point one of the investigator’s names was repeated with “Derrick” at :28.


Recording 10 – Phasma Box 5:



  • Our attention was redirected toward the Barbershop rather than just the direct area as we thought we noticed shadows moving inside. We asked if we could come in and join them and heard “Come in” at :10.
  • We asked them to repeat this as we simply asked ‘what was that?’ and heard the same welcoming repeated “Come in” at :18.
  • Just as we saw a black shadow move inside the room once more we heard a knock coming from the same area at :42.


Recording 11 – Phasma Box 6:



  • We further discussed the thermal images of footprints and heard a surprised question of “Was it mine?” at :04 as if in direct reference of these footprints.
  • To this we asked if we could come close to them and heard an almost timid “Do it slow” at :53.
  • As we slowed and asked if we could get even closer we heard a shocked “Stop!” at 1:35 and repeated at 1:44.


Recording 12 – Phasma Box 7:



  • After we moved into the Barbershop we asked if it was okay to be inside this room. We heard a very stoic command of “Out” at :05.
  • As if giving us a reason for this prior command we heard “They’ve been bad” at :58.


Recording 13 – Phasma Box 8:



  • Once we saw some dark movement again we asked if we could take their picture to which we heard a question of “What do you want it for?” at :10.
  • We replied to this with a plea of our own claiming ‘last picture, okay?’ and heard a denial with “No, don’t do that” at :23.
  • As we promised this would truly be the last picture we heard a voice giving way to our request at :47 with “I guess.”
  • After we took that picture we asked if we’d simply taken too many pictures and heard “Yeah” at 1:21.


Recording 14 – Phasma Box 9:



  • After wrapping up for the first session, we asked them if they would like us to come back and heard “Sorry” at :28 as if they were unsure.
  • We repeated this question after some silence. We heard “Music” at :49 prompting us to return later on with music.


Recording 15 – Return Phasma Box 1:



  • We returned here with double the size of our previous group but we came back to follow up on our promise with some music. WIth this, we also opted to jump straight into the Phasma Box since we knew we had already contacted someone here.
  • We immediately heard “I’m gonna tell them” at :03 as if someone was waiting for us to come back to tell us something.
  • The Rempod could be heard alerting at :18 to break up the silence.


Recording 16 – Return Phasma Box 2:



  • As we began to play some old barbershop music we heard a not-so-appreciative voice giving us their honest opinion with “Not quite” at :08.
  • The Ovilus then produced three different words at :30 after we explained that we didn’t know what to play: ‘Class’ and ‘Happens’ and finally ‘Along.’
  • We decided to take that as a sign and simply typed those words into one of the investigator’s Spotify accounts. As we were doing these we heard “No people” at 1:12 followed by “That’s better” at 1:36 once the music began


Recording 17 – Return Phasma Box 3:



  • We allowed the music to play a bit and after we gave them some time we asked if this is more of what they wanted us to play. A clear response of Yes, that’ll work was heard at :03.
  • After we all reacted to us a voice came through whispering a surprised “This isn’t calm” at :38.
  • The Ovilus then produced ‘Cell’ at :40, unprompted.


Recording 18 – Return Phasma Box 4:



  • There was some further silence when finally we asked directly if they could give us their name. At :14, we heard a name: “George.”
  • We thanked them for this then heard a formal “Likewise” at :24.
  • After asking if they could give us more information about them, we heard a confirmation of “Absolutely” at :47.
  • The Ovilus then produced ‘Kill’ at :51 as if giving us that information we asked for.
  • As if following this, we heard “What it looks like” at 1:09 telling us not to overthink that and perhaps there was some type of documentation of someone dying in this area.
  • Lastly during this timeframe we recorded “Really interesting” at 1:12.


Recording 19 – Return Phasma Box 5:



  • We asked for confirmation of their name once more and heard an exasperated question of “Again?” at :07.
  • After we explained that we’re exhausted and couldn’t last much longer we heard “Right now” at 1:03 followed by “It’s late” at 1:07 as confirmation to our fatigue.


Recording 20 – Return Phasma Box 6:



  • The final moment spent in the entire building was here during this timeframe and, as we explained that we’d be calling it a night very soon, we heard “You should be” at :07 and right after this a quick question was captured of “But why?” at :09.
  • We finally asked if there was anything else at all they wanted to tell us and heard a simple “No” at :21 to complete this investigation.


Video 1 – FLIR Camera 1:


  • There were a pair of hot footprints spotted throughout this clip.



Video 2 – FLIR Camera 2:


  • After we circled the area and attempted to debunk these prints, they could be spotted again at :12 after we moved back towards them.



Video 3 – FLIR Camera 3:


  • Once again, the footprints remained predominant and unexplainable in this footage.



Video 4 – FLIR Camera 4:


  • After we moved closer to them, the footprints again stayed strongly evident throughout.



West Wing – 1st Floor Green Hallway


On the first floor, down a narrow entry corridor, this two story wing was added to help increase the total number of living quarters for the patients housed here. Unfortunately, over time, this was one of those areas which was most overcrowded. Down this hallway, mostly painted in a dark green hue, there are multiple times currently decorated to portray life in the early 1900’s in Green County featuring everything from a dining room to chapel. This is one of those locations where volunteers do not like to enter on their own and are constantly feeling as though they are being watched from afar. Many that have unexplainable experiences here claim to feel cold as if someone is close to them almost watching over their shoulder. 



As we had passed through a dozen times by the time we actually sat down and attempted to investigate, we weren’t caught off guard by the darkened doorway openings or unsettling echoes of our own footsteps. At first we experienced a fully charged flashlight battery completely drained and even though we were prepared for something big with this sudden energy drain but for the most part this area was quiet; that is until we focused in on the Chapel. We were drawn to this area and opted to utilize the flashlights to attempt communication. After simply explaining our tools and the rules of the yes/no game the flashlight helped give us yes responses. We did gather responses that they were a boy and that they lived here at some point in the past but the communication ultimately was cut short as one of the investigators was thrown off balance near the oven in the room forcing us onward.




  • We included a screen capture of the trail camera where an odd figure could be seen in the room at the end of the hallway.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • This first moment was as we were headed to the location one of the fully charged flashlights completely died which was previously fully charged. We could be heard reacting to this at about :30.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • Even though there were a few anomalies here we didn’t truly get started. It was just an interlude here as the flashlight turned on at :26 and the Ovilus randomly produced “Both” at 3:50.


Recording 3 – EVP 3:



  • This entire recording was more beneficial to review the visual evidence rather than breaking down any significant verbal clips here.
  • We began to utilize more tools like the flashlights, Rempod, and Ovilus so we explained what each tool does just as the Ovilus produced ‘Finish’ at :27.
  • Reacting to this, we asked if they did not want us to speak and the flashlight turned on and flickered out at :38.
  • Following this sporadic moment, we explained the rules of the flashlight; light on equates to yes and remaining off would be a no response. The flashlight then turned on at 1:18 after we asked if they understood this.
  • We explained that they were just lights and it would light up once more if they moved close to it at which point the flashlight did turn on at 1:25.
  • After reiterating that if they would move away from it that the light would shut off and, at 1:49, it did turn off.
  • We began asking yes/no questions here questioning if they were a girl to which there was no response. We waited and then asked if they were a boy and the flashlight turned on at 2:28.
  • After we asked if they could turn it off, the light shut off at 2:52.
  • We followed this asking if they lived here in the past and the flashlight turned on at 3:01 for a yes response.
  • The light stayed off and there was silence to follow and the Ovilus finally resulted in some words starting with ‘Hobble’ at 6:39 and ‘Divided’ at 7:20. Neither of these seemed to mean all that much to us.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • While we opened up some communication, we utilized the flashlight and, after we asked if they were a boy, the flashlight turned on at :40 signifying a yes response.
  • The flashlight shut back off at 1:03.
  • We then asked if they lived here to which the flashlight turned on at 1:14.



Video 2 – Trail Camera 1:


  • Right away, at the end of this hallway inside the far room, a dark figure could be seen almost peering out at us. 
  • Throughout this duration, the lights seemed to flicker as well with no explanation.



Dungeon / Basement


The entry to this area is through the Green Hallway down a flight of wooden stairs which opens into a very old stone wall foundation exterior. This area was one of the original construction phases with the original mansion and ever expanded upon with each renovation. This led to the basement area being split into two different areas with a demising wall separating them and helping to support the construction. While the area isn’t too well documented, some of these closed off spaces acted as workshops while others have quite literally always been simply storage. Other areas like the punishment / dungeon area have been partially documented as any inmates who participated in violence upstairs would have been shackled down here for days on end, sometimes without nourishment of any sort. This is notated currently by a pair of faux handcuffs to give visitors an idea of what these inmates may have gone through in the past. This is another one of those areas where some volunteers do not like to venture off on their own for the fear of someone lurking around the corner; even though no one else is ever in the building for lock ups and maintenance. Many claim to experience crying and painful moans as if perhaps hearing residual pain left remnants in these block walls while others believe they are watched and even hear footsteps following them as if someone was trailing close behind. More recently, other paranormal groups have received K2 meter and Rempod activity when attempting to communicate down here.



We had a revolving door here it seemed as we started with a small group of only two people but added more and more ultimately resulting in less and less activity. At first, whoever was down here with the original pair of investigators was actively using the K2 meters and Rempod to help answer yes/no questions including telling us that they were by themselves down here, that they did not like it here, and that they were always down here. Cold spots on the investigators coincided with the K2 meter activation as well which told us they were moving close to the first duo. This led to the entire team coming down in an effort to make further contact and open up more communication lines. Even though the atmosphere has seemingly changed we continued with an attempt of the ESTES method which did result in some verbal communication pointing us in the direction of more intelligence telling us that we were crowding them with “Move over” and after a noise was heard, and we reacted to it, more intelligence was heard after we asked if this was them but heard “No” and “You” as if perhaps someone accidentally made the noise and they realized that when we did not. We were told that there was a “Man” here and that they seemed to like to speak to one of the women in the group in particular as we made our way around the room attempting to speak to them but heard “No, you” when discussing his attraction to this investigator. This time frame was cut short as our first investigator was touched and he even thought it was one of the group telling him to be done but no one had moved. Astoundingly right before this the word “Touch” was heard through the Spirit Box. After a break, nothing was heard once we switched listeners so the initial listener went back into sense deprivation only to hear an apology to the former listener with a simple “Sorry.” Finally, as we lacked much more communication, we were told to be “Done” and “Go.” Naturally, we obliged.




  • We attached a few screen captures of the K2 meter alerting and the flashlight turning on by itself.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • During this first time span there were only two investigators here. Most of the communication was with the K2 meter and some flashlight activity. Being that these are more visual than verbal we decided this would be another simple documentation rather than broken out recording.
  • As we simply asked if anyone was here with us, at :40 the K2 meter spiked. This scenario was repeated with the K2 meter flashing on at :54.
  • With some silence ensuing, a shuffling of feet was heard and we reacted to this at the time at 1:23.
  • We discussed that they probably didn’t like it down here to which the K2 meter spiked at 3:03.
  • As we followed this asking if they were down here all the time the K2 meter again jumped at 3:13.
  • While one of the investigators grew cold, we traced this cold spot with the K2 meter and starting at 3:32 the meter spiked when moving close to this cold spot. This continued until about 4:15.
  • This cold spot seemed to temporarily disappear then reappeared at the investigator’s back where the K2 meter spiked at 4:35.
  • Once again this cold spot moved, this time to the investigator’s right side. When the K2 meter was brought to this location it spiked at 4:55.
  • This cold spot moved behind the opposite investigator’s and as we traced this with the K2 meter once again it lit up at 5:10.
  • We went on to explain how horrible it was what happened down here and the K2 meter again jumped at 5:42 just then the flashlight turned on at 5:53.
  • As we felt that there was one person down here moving around rather than multiple, we did ask if there was only one person here to which the K2 meter spiked just as the cold returned at 6:20.
  • This flickered on again, as we were just in awe, at 6:44.
  • We felt they may be a little timid, stepping forward then back rather quickly, so we asked if they were afraid of us and at 7:16 the K2 meter spiked as if in answering a ‘yes.’
  • Between the two investigators, we discussed being down here by ourselves and how it would not be enjoyable to which the K2 meter seconded that as it jumped on at 7:59.
  • As we began to move down the hallway towards the far side, the K2 meter spiked at 8:24 as if not wanting anyone nearby.
  • After some silence, we began to attempt to figure out who they were so we started simple and asked if they were an adult. At 10:53, the K2 meter spiked as if answering a yes response to this.
  • We reconfirmed this by asking the same question and the K2 meter lit again as if solidifying this response at 11:00.
  • As we continued down this path, we asked if they were an adult man and the K2 meter again blinked on at 11:14.
  • Pausing as we passed the chain room the K2 meter lit up just as we asked if they were back here. This occurred at 11:31.
  • With this, we walked back toward the chains and, as we moved closer to those chains, the K2 meter again lit at 13:01 and the sensation we got (6th sense as it were) was that we were drawn back to this area for some reason.
  • As we paused here, one of the investigator’s necks was pinched at about 13:18.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • After we returned here with a full group, we started simple with another quiet, EVP session and captured similar instances of the K2 flickering on at just :32.
  • We asked if they were still down here and willing to speak to us when the K2 meter turned on at 1:00.
  • After confirming this by asking this question again, the K2 meter spiked at 1:19.


Recording 3 – Phasma Box 1:



  • As we previously felt that they were interested in speaking to us, we utilized the Phasma Box but unfortunately they did not seem interested in using it to speak with us.


Recording 4 – ESTES 1 (Derrick Listening):



  • Even though we previously did not hear much through verbal devices, we had a change in strategy. We felt that perhaps there were too many people down here (which they previously did tell us, just at different locations throughout the night) so we felt that maybe this loud noise was adding to that uncomfortable level. We then turned to the Spirit Box but under much quieter circumstances while we had Derrick go into sense deprivation and listen into the Spirit Box while wearing noise canceling headphones and a black out eye covering.
  • This attempt began with another flashlight battery draining and we could be heard discussing this at :02 just as we captured “Hold please” at :13.


Recording 5 – ESTES 2  (Derrick Listening):



  • As we discussed the theory that there were too many people here we began to think that they but instead of agreeing with this, they requested that we “Move over” at :15.
  • We attempted to speak directly to them and asked what happened down here and we were simply told to “Listen” at 1:18.


Recording 6 – ESTES 3  (Derrick Listening):



  • One of the investigators heard something from down the hallway at about :09 and walked toward it but this was not heard on the recordings but we can be heard reacting to it. 
  • Strangely enough, we captured “I think it was Dan” at :16 as if perhaps Dan moved and made the noise and this entity down here with us was helping us out. 
  • There was a rather indecipherable voice heard at 1:46 not coming from the Spirit Box.
  • We discussed that noise and asked what it was and heard simply a “No” at 1:56.


Recording 7 – ESTES 4  (Derrick Listening):



  • While some of the group began to see some dark shadows moving at the end of the hallway, we recorded a broken up communication starting with “You” at :08 then “Not looking” at :16 followed by footsteps at :28. Perhaps they were trying to tell us we were focusing our attention in the wrong location and they tried to correct this by walking leaving those footsteps.


Recording 8 – ESTES 5  (Derrick Listening):



  • After we asked if they liked their time down here and a general question of who they were we captured “Man” at :06 followed by a whistling sound at :20.


Recording 9 – ESTES 6  (Derrick Listening):



  • We followed those previous moments attempting to get confirmation so we asked them again, after some silence, if they were a man.We heard “Her” at :34. 
  • Even though this seemed to answer the question, it is firmly believed that this was more in reference to speaking to one of the former investigators who was down there previously. This thought process was mainly due to her getting cold again much like earlier in the night. As we openly discussed them perhaps wanting to speak to her we heard a clear cut response of “Hi” at :50.
  • We responded to this, thinking it was an open greeting, asking if they could talk to us. At 1:35 the almost demand of “No, you” was recorded as if they did not want to speak to all of us, rather just that one investigator from earlier in the night.


Recording 10 – ESTES 7  (Derrick Listening):



  • Extremely interesting here, the word “Touch” was captured at :08 but the most intriguing moment here was when Derrick took the headphones off after feeling a touch on his shoulder. This could be heard as he reacted to no one standing next to him as he took the blindfold off at about :25.


Recording 11 – ESTES 8  (Dan Listening):



  • As Derrick was slightly shaken up from feeling this touch, we swapped out listeners as Dan stepped in dawning the noise canceling headphones and blackout blindfold.
  • During this time, it seemed as though no one wanted to step forward and speak to him but there were some visual captures as well as physical sensations during this timeframe starting with Dan feeling very cold on his right side while another investigator felt cold on his left side. Both of these moments could be heard at :05.
  • The K2 meter spiked at 1:40 and 1:55, both of which were unprompted.
  • An odd scent of freshly cut wood was discussed at 2:35.
  • The Ovilus then began to produce some words starting with ‘Ambition’ at 3:20 and ‘Pulled’ at 3:51.
  • We picked up this last word and asked if they were pulled down here to which the Ovilus then produced ‘Set’ at 4:18 then ‘Vowel’ at 4:40.
  • After we asked them if they liked smaller groups better, the Ovilus then picked up the word ‘Pace’ at 5:30 just as more footstep shuffling could be heard at 5:58.
  • Finally, before taking a breather, the last thing heard during this time was when the Ovilus produced the words ‘Eleven’ and ‘Win’ both at 7:07.


Recording 12 – ESTES 9  (Derrick Listening):



  • After Dan wanted to pull out of the sense deprivation experiment, who could blame him as no one wanted to step forward and speak to him. Derrick opted to go back under here in hopes of making some type of further contact.
  • Following us asking if they liked speaking to Derrick better and that they didn’t seem to want to speak with him, “Sorry” was heard at :26 if they were in fact apologizing.
  • The Ovilus then began to produce a few more words although we’re unsure of how they fit together here. The three words were all produced at the same time, 1:28, including ‘32,’ ‘Lisa,’ and finally ‘Table.’


Recording 13 – ESTES 10  (Derrick Listening):



  • As we began to close out here we asked simply if there was anything else that they wanted us to know and we recorded a response of “No” at :05.
  • We’re unsure what the next saying meant but we recorded “Close one” at :52. Whether this was them excited that we were wrapping up or that there was something in the past that occurred here that they nearly avoided, we may never know.
  • Once again we asked if they wanted to talk to the investigator from earlier in the night that they seemed to be drawn towards and we heard “Who?” at 1:38.


Recording 14 – ESTES 11  (Derrick Listening):



  • As silence ensured, and with our last moments spent here, we did ask if they wanted us to move onto a different part of the building. Derrick heard a sound of agreement with “Mhm” but after reviewing we actually heard a more definite “Yes” at :10.
  • At :38, we were simply told to “Stop.”
  • We followed this asking if they wanted us to leave them alone and heard “Go” at :53 as if confirming this.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • The K2 meter was seen spiking at :06 and :11 as we attempted communication.



Video 2 – Handheld Camera 2:


  • This period there were two investigators and, even though it was previously spelled out with the recording, this documentation can be seen visually throughout this clip.
  • Right off the bat, the K2 meter could be seen lighting up.
  • After we asked if they liked the investigators being here the K2 meter jumped at :18.
  • This cold spot moved, this time to the investigator’s right side. When the K2 meter was brought to this location it spiked at :20.
  • This cold spot moved behind the opposite investigator’s and as we traced this with the K2 meter once again it lit up at :35.
  • We went on to explain how horrible it was what happened down here and the K2 meter again jumped at :43.
  • As we felt that there was one person down here moving around rather than multiple, we did ask if there was only one person here to which the K2 meter spiked just as the cold returned at :55.
  • This flickered on again, as we were just in awe, at 1:18.
  • We asked if they were afraid of us and at 1:55 and 2:01 the K2 meter spiked as if in a ‘yes’ response. 
  • As we discussed being down here by ourselves and how it would not be enjoyable to which the K2 meter seconded that as it jumped on at 2:32.
  • As we began to move down the hallway towards the far side, the K2 meter spiked at 4:39 as if not wanting anyone nearby.
  • We began to attempt to figure out who they were so we started simple and asked if they were an adult. At 7:07, the K2 meter spiked as if answering a yes response to this.
  • We reconfirmed this by asking the same question and the K2 meter lit again as if solidifying this response at 7:12.
  • As we continued down this path, we asked if they were an adult man and the K2 meter again blinked on at 7:26.
  • Pausing as we passed the chain room the K2 meter lit up just as we asked if they were back here. This occurred at 7:48.
  • With this, we walked back toward the chains and, as we moved closer to those chains, the K2 meter again lit at 9:21 and the sensation we got (6th sense as it were) was that we were drawn back to this area for some reason.
  • As we paused here, one of the investigator’s necks was pinched at about 9:32.



Video 3 – Handheld Camera 3:


  • After the investigators swapped out, another two spent some time down here.
  • At :11, the flashlight flickered on and off as if signifying their presence.
  • As if something was passing in front of the laser grid, the green lights went dark with the outline of a figure at 1:48.



Video 4 – Handheld Camera 4:


  • During these clips we captured the first ESTES session with Derrick in sense deprivation.
  • Most of the communication heard here was Derrick relaying the Spirit Box messages to the group starting with Derrick hearing “Man” at 1:28.
  • Derrick could then be heard reciting a few different words here which did coincide with the recording of the Spirit Box. This began with “Her” at 2:26 and continued with “Hi” at 2:44, “No, you” at 3:34, and finally “Touch” at 4:38.
  • Intriguingly, as he heard this, Derrick could be heard reacting to a physical touch which followed this around 4:50.



Video 5 – Handheld Camera 5:


  • This next video shows when Dan swapped out and went into sense deprivation as he attempted to listen in to the Spirit Box. Rather than hearing anything verbatim from Dan, the K2 meter could be seen lighting up at 1:00.
  • The Ovilus then began to produce some oddities with ‘Condition’ at 1:10, ‘Set’ at 2:12, ‘Vowel’ at 2:27, and ‘Pace’ at 3:18. All of these were unprompted and did not seem to tie in with anything we were discussing.



Video 6 – Trail Camera 1:


  • Just as the investigator passed in front of the camera, essentially activating it, the K2 lit up at about :08 but only the tail end of this could be seen.



Kitchen – Sarah’s Room


A simple, and pretty typical, time period Kitchen sits off the storefront and just outside the main museum area. Aside from the commercial size (obviously big enough to feed residents multiple times a day) there are no real outstanding features, that is until you look inside the pizza oven. The wall just seems to stretch on and on to a deceivingly large open space. Maybe this was the reason, maybe she was truly insane, but regardless of the reason the fact remains that a former inmate named Sarah tried to warm up another inmate’s illegitimate baby in that very pizza oven! Even though there is no documentation to back this up this is one of the more well known passed down tales of the horror of the old poor farm. Many of the fellow paranormal enthusiasts who spend time here have reported smells coming from here as if something is freshly baking, creaking footsteps have been heard pacing back and forth, but most recently a full shadow has been seen almost peaking around the corner and actually captured via the reflection in the glass window.



While we did spend some time here, nothing was really captured in one particular timeframe. Rather many of the investigators were drawn to this area on multiple occasions but simply chased phantom noises whether it be knocks or footsteps. As we left up a trail camera in this area we did capture a similar dark figure moving in the reflection of the window. Outside of these fleeting moments there was nothing intelligent or, at the least, there was no one willing to communicate with us.




  • Attached here is a screen capture of the dark figure seen in a reflection of the window.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • A first, quick session  produced plenty of silence but one moment which stuck out to us here was shuffling feet at :07..


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • Even though we had a full intention of spending more time here, there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary which seemed to occur here while we were actually inside the room.


Video 1 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • As one of the investigators went back into the main area to get new batteries and additional equipment, he was pulled away by some strange phantom creaks and footsteps. This drew him toward the Kitchen where we captured creaks at :22 and :35.
  • Seemingly someone was following him and the footsteps could be heard as if approaching from behind at :58.



Video 2 – Trail Camera 1:


  • A reflection of a dark figure could be seen in the window at :01.
  • This figure disappears and reappears :04.
  • Finally, as if taking one last glance, this figure pokes its head back in the room at :07 then disappears again.



After a seemingly successful paranormal investigation of the Greene County Historical Society Museum in Waynesburg, PA and a review of everything we captured from that night, whether it be evidence or personal experiences, we have the utmost confidence in claiming that we encountered multiple high levels of energy in the form of both intelligent and residual paranormal entities. With this conglomerate we have been able to positively conclude that paranormal phenomena exist here in the former poor farm.


Our communication here was able to help us determine that there are quite a few remnant energies left over from either the former poor farm or tied to the artifacts inside the museum; which ones in particular are still unknown. The Mourning Room was the best example of this. The energy here seemed to come from, or at the very least, be drawn to the artifacts in this area. With some of more visual manifestations here such as the cat ball moving and the creaking floorboards it definitely felt as though someone was moving about the room. On top of that, the flashlight activity picked up sporadically as if someone were a little timid to come speak with us. One particular moment occurred as a cold spot was felt (and seen through the thermal camera!) on the back of one of the investigator’s necks. After reviewing this, and accounting for the communication at the time, we believe that there was someone directing us toward that corner of the room where the mourning art was hung on the wall. In the moment we pushed for answers but were only left with distraction-type responses as knocks and even a crying was heard out in the hallway culminating in footsteps so clear that the trio in the room thought one of the other investigators was out in the hallway walking about.



The other energies seemed to pull us strongly were near the Barbershop, and the corridor just outside of it, where we believe we communicated verbally to two separate entities here, both of which seemed to ask for music. As we began to attempt to open communication, we were surprised by indecipherable whispers followed by knocking sounds, thudding noises, and feet shuffling around us. After we began to open up communication lines we recorded the name of “Elizabeth” explaining that she was the only one here although we can’t truly confirm this. During this time period we were called upon into one of the rooms, we believe the actual Barbershop, but we also noted a pair of footprints next to the investigators (again captured through thermal imagery) and even though we asked politely if we could come closer to them we were eventually told in a not-so-nice tone of voice to “Stop” not just once but twice. We prepared to move on and promised we’d come back and heard the aforementioned plea of “Music” upon our return. This return started with our promise of music but obviously our first choice was not sufficient as we were told “Not quite” but we were told “Yes, that’ll work” after we changed songs. This energy felt different to us for some reason and this notion seemed to be correct as we recorded a man’s name this time with “George.” Before we moved on, ending our time here, we captured even more intelligence to this area as we discussed the time and we were told that “It’s late” and almost disappointed “But, why?” after we explained that we were leaving. Before we moved on we asked if there was anything else they wanted to tell us and heard a simple “No.”


The Dungeon provided us with seemingly another energy, different from the rest we encountered in this building. At first we believed this to be a child’s energy, seemingly tied to the building in some fashion. This conclusion was originally made due to the fact that they seemed playful yet timid. They’d come close and almost touch or brush past an investigator, enough so to set off K2 meters and Rempod. Eventually, they seemed to draw close and perhaps comfortable with the female investigator here and were even convinced to use these lights to answer questions. From this we discovered that they were stuck in this area and that they clearly did not like being here alone. With the introduction of the ESTES Method, we seemed to alter the atmospheres and pre-existing energies. We almost seemed to overcrowd them while hearing things like “Move over” all the while determining that they were a man by a simple word of “Man.” While this man told us he’d only speak with that same woman from earlier with a “No, you.” Activity increased to such an extent that we were about to break through and perhaps gather a name but all this ceased as one of the investigator’s was physically touched after he was verbally warned with “Touched.” While we attempted further communication we did not get anywhere and were even told that whoever was down here was “Done” with us and for us to “Go.”



There was never any negativity felt, at least not in any dark demeaner. Most, if not all of the energy was positive albeit emotionally charged with the likes of curiosity, fear, and loneliness. The loneliness was strongly felt in the dungeon and partially in the Mourning Room while the fear seemed to emanate between the two as well. The more curious sensations stemmed out of the Barbershop Hallway. Regardless of the types, we do believe these three locations’ energies were also intelligent as they were able to communicate with yes/no answers, verbal communication and conversation, as well as providing us names like “Elizabeth” and “George.” Some others, though, did show some residual activity like the Kitchen and the Green Hallway.


From the uneasy sensations on the second floor during the walkthrough to the loneliness shared in the Dungeon and everything in between, these changing energies were certainly felt by the group emotionally. But on a more physical level there were a few unexplained moments. The first occurred early on in the evening when an energy manifested on one of the investigator’s, on her hair/neck as if directing her attention to the artwork in the Mourning Room. One other interesting thermal moment was outside the Barbershop where a pair of footprints was captured, clearly a different heat signature than the rest of the area. Another physical touch occurred when one of the investigators felt a tap on the shoulder in the Dungeon. This took place right after he was verbally warned signifying an intelligence down there. In this same area, back in the room where the handcuffs are located, a different investigator actually got pinched after being drawn back here.


Visually speaking, thermal images of cold touches and hot footprints aside, there were a few video moments which showed peculiar, unexplained events starting with the Kitchen where we spotted a dark figure in the window’s reflection very similar to previous groups’ experiences. Another moment, perhaps a captured distraction, was as a shadowy figure moved in the main museum area where we had our equipment set up. We had been in the middle of our tour during this time before we were even able to set the camera in the correct direction. The last piece of more visual evidence occurred in the West Wing when the lights around the hallway flickered spontaneously and there was a figure at the end of the hallway peering in and out of a room.


The evidence paired up with our own personal involvements and communication have led us to our conclusion where we can state that there were definitive high levels of energy throughout particular areas of the Greene County Historical Society Museum. Between the recorded evidence and the personal experiences, we believe there are a few different energies drawn to particular areas of the old poor farm. Possibly a male energy tied to one of the Mortuary artworks inside that very room or the neighboring bedroom. Another child-like energy seems to turn up in the basement but he may just be of the mentally handicapped and be more of a grown man who simply has the mind of a child. He comes across as lonely and unhappy down here. Outside the Barbershop and all around that main corridor seem to be two energies more predominant than others. Whoever is here also seems to be curious of visitors and go by the names, if we interpret our findings correctly, of “Elizabeth” and “George.”



Our intention investigating this former poor farm turned museum is to simply document our experiences and findings in order to help others continue down these paths and utilize any of our information as a reference for future investigations or even to help validate any past experiences in the Greene County Historical Society Museum. Hopefully, others who have similar open mindsets can pick up some of these trails and continue to dig for answers and continue to grow the legacy of this ever expanding county museum. With in mind, the most important aspect of this property is to continue to tell the stories of the past to respect and honor those who have lived with hopes of never repeating some of the unfortunate events which occurred in this former poor farm in Waynesburg, PA.

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