Mars Halloween Spooktacular 2023 – After Hours Tattoo Studio & Social Club Barbershop Investigations


Halloween Spooktacular –  Pubic Investigation


October 14, 2023

Mars, PA




While we’ve investigated both locations of the After Hours Tattoo Studios and the Social Club Barber Shop multiple times, this was our first attempt at anything like the event following the unbelievably well attended 2023 Mars Halloween Spooktacular. We have both participated and helped run public investigations in the past but never were we at center stage for an event of this magnitude. In fact, we had such an incredible out pour of support that we actually altered our plans mid-event; more on that later.


Both locations where we helped run investigations are situated in prime real estate along the main drag of Grand Ave in the small town of Mars, PA which is exactly where we were located during the road-closing event. Rather than breaking down the histories and past experiences at each location we’d much prefer to focus on those open-minded and, at the very least, curious of the paranormal who not only joined in but more importantly actively participated in these paranormal investigations. For the most part these guests were of limited or minimal experience but there were a select few who were more seasoned and brought some fresh ideals and unbiased opinions into the night. 



Rather than focusing on more of an overall analysis of the properties we decided it best to break it down by location then per hour. This way, if you were involved in one of these in particular you’ll be able to add to these, help us determine what was all experienced (or lack thereof), and the ability to help tell the stories of those who have been long forgotten but have seemingly refused to stay quiet; or worse, those who are unwillingly silenced by others.


If you are genuinely curious about the brief history or either of the previous investigations we’ve attached the links below:




Initial Investigation:


Follow Up Investigation:


The initial idea for these investigations was to limit in size as we have felt that not just the size of the buildings but also those energies left over here have been more likely to speak to us in smaller groups. However, with that aforementioned extreme interest in the investigations we made a quick decision (thanks in no small part to Jon and the incredible volunteers helping him out) to open both locations simultaneously and split our group in half to allow more interested participants to join in with the investigations. We were very happy to do this, it just made things a little chaotic so if you could tell this we do apologize but we wanted to open these opportunities up to as many people as we possibly could within reason.


In both locations we were able to apply previous experiences and evidence as well as pursue new leads with fresh perspectives of those who joined us. All in all, mainly experiences and recordings (minimal video and photography due to the amount of people in each group), we’ve been guided towards believing that the After Hours Tattoo Studios is still home for a young girl who wants to talk but is stifled by some tall unknown entity who tends to lurk in the back hallway and rooms. 



The Social Club Barber Shop seems to hold a variety of energy, much more convoluted than the tattoo shop starting with minimal residual energies on the main floor backed up with banging and knocking noises, as well as setting off one of the Halloween props in the form of a crystal (plastic) ball. In the underground basement there were a few different energies picked up. The most predominant seemed to be a young girl hiding in the back corner too afraid or shy to step forward. There seemed to be a darker and seemingly controlling or over protective energy in the opposite side of the basement where the wooden stairs step up toward the neighboring laundromat. While these were the two more acknowledged presences there seemed to be a few others less likely to step forward hiding up against the stone walls around the perimeter but experienced sporadically. Another which seemed to step forward later in the night did not like men but was partially willing to speak with women; that is until someone quieted them and forced them out of the space.



Much like the investigations spanning throughout the night we’d prefer to jump right into some of the experiences and evidence we personally can validate while others may just be left unexplained. We do hope that others, both unbiased and those who participated in the investigations, can help confirm or deny what we heard during our review and our perception of these moments. If you care to comment please feel free or, if you want to start more anonymous, please be open to emailing us at with your opinion. 


As always, you have been warned that some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


After Hours Tattoo Studios


This small storefront has been said to host something otherworldly and reported not only the owner, Jon, but also other employees and even clients. We were originally invited into the shop a few years ago just to attempt to help determine if Jon was losing his mind or actually experiencing something supernatural. 


With our very first experiences we were blown away by the amount of supernatural anomalies, so much so in fact that we returned with the help of a medium to help dig into these oddities which truly helped guide us to understand that there were two fairly clear energies. While we’ve had differing names and experiences these two energies did seem to push forward. The first was a younger much more timid energy and we determined, thanks to our voice devices, that this was a girl less than 15 years old and perhaps associated with the Underground Railroad movement. To note, this is unconfirmed or documented. The second we initially thought was some type of negativity silencing this girl but the more we prodded and pried, with the help of the medium, we felt as though we encountered what some know as the Hat Man. It’s also very possible that this entity just tried to throw us off and give us a false façade to continue its prowess here.



While we bounced around between groups and investigative leads, these overarching experiences persisted throughout the night. That more negative energy seemed to remain mainly in Eryn’s room while attempting to make its way down the hallway toward the entry area. The K2 meter, flashlights, and Spirit Light helped determine this energy’s location for the most part while a few guests noted seeing a dark figure moving in the rear of the hallway closer to Jon’s room. To add to this notion, a tall figure was spotted through the SLS camera in Eryn’s Room as our medium entered and remained in her room alone. Later in the night the name of Greg seemed to be associated with this darkness.


As these oddities occurred, we also (simultaneously to add to that) encountered a younger girl up front of the shop. This girl seemed to like the lights and simply like to be acknowledged. She told us on a few occasions that she was lonely and enjoyed the company. At first we seemed to tie the name Rebecca to this young girl but our perception was altered as the name Rachel came through to us on multiple occasions as she seemed to respond to this name the rest of the night as if confirming this. 


9:00 PM – 10:00 PM





  • There was a moment captured here when a tall figure was seen standing over the chair in Eryn’s Room.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:


  • These clips were unrecoverable as nothing was heard from this time frame.


10:00 PM – 11:00 PM





  • There was nothing captured out of the ordinary here.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:


  • These files were corrupted and completely unreadable – these types of things have never occurred for us in the past – ever.


11:00 PM – 12:00 AM





  • There was nothing captured here.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:


  • This recorder was seemingly never started as no clips were ever found.


12:00 AM – 1:00 AM





  • There was that similar tall figure seen through the SLS camera as our medium sat in the back room on her own.



Recording 1 – Phasma Box 1:



  • Away from the group, in the hallway, the Spirit Light turned on unprompted at :07.
  • As we reacted to this, we were told “Thank you” at :10 as if simply thanking us for acknowledging them.


Recording 2 – Phasma Box 2:



  • As we moved toward the room, this action was seemingly disliked as the Spirit Light and flashlight both lit up simultaneously at :11.
  • We explained that we should leave the room and we received a confirmation of their appreciation toward this but also their impatience with “Any time now” at :23.


Recording 3 – Phasma Box 3:



  • From prior communications from earlier in the night, we asked if Rachel could speak to us and tell us a little bit about them to which we heard what seemed like an age of “Eleven” at :17 just as the Spirit Light and flashlight again lit at :33.


Recording 4 – Phasma Box 4:



  • Music was seemingly heard at :02 so we asked if they wanted us to play some music.
  • At :07 we heard more music as if in response to this followed by the flashlight turning on at :14.


Recording 5 – Phasma Box 5:



  • There was a knocking noise heard at :02 then the word “Behind” was captured at :25.
  • After we asked if they meant that they were standing behind us the flashlight turned on at :31 as if confirming this.


Recording 6 – Phasma Box 6:



  • Incredibly, as heard “Jon” at :01 and “Say hi” at :03. As if someone was telling us to extend their greetings to him.
  • Followed by that, we recorded sobbing at :11 then a phrase of “Away from him” at :13.


Recording 7 – Phasma Box 7:



  • After we began playing music for them, they seemed thrilled and exclaimed “Dance with us” at :02 then a plea of “Just once” at :07.
  • There was a clear guitar chord strummed at :16.


Recording 8 – Phasma Box 8:



  • We discussed the back room and potentially going back there and heard a welcoming of “Join me” at :03 then a greeting and a name of “I’m Isaac” at :20.
  • With this a part of the group headed toward the back and heard “Go in” at :37.


Recording 9 – Phasma Box 9:



  • We attempted to ask Rachel directly who was in the rear room and heard “What man?” at :07 then a different voice apologizing with “I’m sorry” at :48.
  • While the group in the back got settled in we went to turn off the lights and heard “Wait” at 1:16.


Recording 10 – Phasma Box 10:



  • Prior to us shutting the lights out there was a thud and we heard “That was me” at :04.
  • As the darkness once again overtook the room we heard “It’s surrounding” at :15 as if referencing the darkness once more.


Recording 11 – Phasma Box 11:



  • The SLS camera picked up a tall figure standing next to our medium in the back room and we heard “She’s sitting alone” at :05 as if discussing her by herself.


Recording 12 – Phasma Box 12:



  • Silence again persisted until we heard a simple and friendly greeting of “Hello” at :04. This was unprompted.


Recording 13 – Phasma Box 13:



  • We seemed to touch a nerve and were told to “Go” at :06.
  • As we continued to ask them to speak we heard “Can’t make me” at :08.
  • Finally, even though we weren’t physically able to access the basement here, we were told to “Go downstairs” at :09.


Recording 14 – Phasma Box 14:



  • As more silence followed this, we asked if Rachel was still with us or where she went and heard “People don’t expect” at :05.
  • After we asked them what people didn’t expect we heard “Him” at :11.


Recording 15 – Phasma Box 15:



  • Unprompted, we seemingly heard a command of “Pull him” at :04 followed by an almost gloating of “You’re damn right” at :09.
  • At :14 we were then asked “What, her?” after we asked for their name followed by a certainty of “I don’t know” at :17.
  • We were all perplexed then captured “Find me” at :20 then “Go on out” at :24 as if they were out of this area.


Recording 16 – Phasma Box 16:



  • As we went to move the K2 meter we were told “Don’t” at :10 then to “Wait, wait, wait” at :15.
  • We paused as we realized what they were saying and then heard “Did you get that?” at :24 just as the K2 meter again lit up at :33.
  • After questioning if this was Rachel we recorded “Not here yet” at :53.


Recording 17 – Phasma Box 17:



  • We continued to attempt to gain more evidence of who this Rachel was and we discussed that she told us that she had family with her. As if overhearing us we heard a simple question of “Did she?” at :04.
  • With some silence and unsure where to continue, we heard “Ask us some more” at :28 as if they were excited that we’re acknowledging them.
  • So we asked quite bluntly if this was her father and heard a brisk answer, almost condescending, “Yeah, I’m him” at :56.


Recording 18 – Phasma Box 19:



  • As if hearing some type of residual confirmation of “Dark” at :01, “Freezer” at :02, and “Food” at :03.


Recording 19 – Spirit Box 1:



  • While we heard a clear name here of “Chris” at :07 and we do know for a fact that one of the guests here was named Chris.


Recording 20 – Spirit Box 2:



  • Even though some silence and time had passed we heard “Thinking of you” at :02 perhaps someone telling the aforementioned Chris that someone was thinking of him.


Recording 21 – Spirit Box 3:



  • We began to talk about what we heard and that it was about time to move on. The voice coming through starting at :05 seemed to not understand this as they asked “What?”
  • After we explained that we could come back or they could come with us next door we heard an agreed upon “Go” at :16 then, as if agreeing, we heard “Barber shop” at :53.


1:00 AM – 2:00 AM





  • There was nothing out of the ordinary photographed here.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:


  • This final clip was not readable as nothing was heard coming through even though we know plenty occurred as this group clearly made contact with someone slightly more negative here.


Social Club Barber Shop


This extremely active (by the living) barber shop is nicely arranged and beautifully decorated seasonally, at least on the first floor. However, as many of the employees have explained to us, the downstairs basement has a completely different sensation. The feelings are sometimes so intense that they refuse to venture down there alone or sometimes not at all. While our first investigation of the tattoo shop kept us mainly located in that building, our follow-up investigation really allowed us to explore this unsettling dirt floor and stone walled basement. 


Our return investigation of the tattoo shop also took us two doors down to the barber shop. During this time we experienced a whole array of activity stretching from visual oddities captured in our handheld cameras and thermal imaging cameras to noises and verbal communication captured through our voice recorder. Based on these pieces of evidence, as well as our own experiences, we managed to conclude that there was a younger girl down here who was very shy and even possibly controlled by another specter. This girl was heard in the recorder and visually seen through the thermal camera only after we got low on her level.  This other entity was seen in the corner near the doorway which opens to the laundromat next door. Here, a taller figure was heard and seemed to try to distract us at every turn with bangs upstairs and even a clear whistling which were ultimately chased outside the building but could not track down. We also spotted a blur of a figure move past us only to stand tall on the other side and seemed to glare at us with a pair of red eyes.


As we continued to bounce between the tattoo shop and the barber shop we began to realize that the energy from all of the guests, not just the investigations but the entire event, may have helped add to the activity we experienced under the shop in the darkness of the basement. At first things started off a little slow but did in fact pick up with bangs and knocks. The first two groups having children included with them may have helped draw out the young girl from the corner making her feel more comfortable. There certainly was a plethora of flashlight activity and, even though we thought these were responses in the moment, these activities seemed to be more sporadic as if someone was just simply playing with the light. Through the duration of the night we do believe that this was attributed to the young girl who, eventually told us her name was Isabelle, seemingly was afraid of the dark and alone down here. 



As our attempts to gain a name persisted we seemed to reveal a different entity in this area. This one seemed to just watch from afar and was overly protective of the young Isabelle. We gathered the name Christine and that she stood back and watched all visitors who entered this area. Whether she is there to keep Isabelle quiet and keep her from saying something too revealing for her own benefit or if she’s truly there to protect her is still to be determined.


While we felt confident in these two energies, we felt that there was one last being lurking down in this basement. This was that of the tall and lurking figure we experienced during our previous investigation. Eventually, after showing some anger and resentment in the form of negativity, this force revealed its name to be Jack. Even though there was no further proof of this name or who this could have been in a past life this shadowy lurking figure seemed to be watching from a distance until visitors got too close. Many of the knocks and bangs seemed to be associated with this Jack character as he/it used these distraction techniques to draw guests away from his area near the partial staircase near the laundromat. There was an overwhelming sensation that this darkness was after Isabelle and only held at bay by her protector, Christine, and she was safe online if she hid cowering in the far corner.


9:00 PM – 10:00 PM





  • There was nothing captured here noteworthy.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:


  • There was one minimal recording here before it died and the batteries were completely drained, unknown to the group.


10:00 PM – 11:00 PM





  • There was a moment captured via photograph of the flashlight turning on as we were asking questions.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:


  • This recording, even though it was running and the file is there, it was unable to be heard as it was simply dead silence instead of the investigation. This alone was unexplainable.


11:00 PM – 12:00 AM





  • This moment was captured as the flashlights turned on once again.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • During this first session, the majority of our communication was visual so rather than breaking this section down we felt it best to share the transcription of this timeframe.
  • The flashlight flickered on and off twice here to begin this conversation at 1:12 and 1:42.
  • Following this, the Ovilus produced ‘Disregard’ at 1:48 and ‘Money’ at 2:08.
  • Once again the flashlight turned on at 3:00, but this time bright, and stayed on until 3:57 when it shut off after we asked them to turn the light out.
  • We explained the rules and how the flashlight could be used to answer us and that a yes response would be determined with the flashlight turning on and at 4:59 it turned on (and stayed on) as if acknowledging this.
  • From the corner, where we felt that young girl situated herself, the Rempod turned on lightly at 5:10.
  • After we asked if they were afraid of the dark, the flashlight turned on even brighter at 5:42 only to turn back off at 5:55 after we asked them to do so.
  • We proceeded to ask if they were the same energy as which we were speaking to previously and the flashlight flickered on and off for a yes response at 6:10.
  • The Ovilus was able to show us a few different words here with ‘History’ and ‘Sunset’ at 6:16 while the Rempod once again was alerted at 6:28.
  • As the flashlight remained on, we asked them directly if they could turn the light off and at 7:27 it did in fact shut off.
  • At 8:05, the Ovilus produced the word ‘Cow’ as the K2 meter spiked at the same time.
  • On two separate K2 meters, a high energy reading was shown at 10:10 after some silence.
  • Once again the flashlight flickered on and off at 10:37.
  • Another minute of nothing passed only to be broken by the K2 meter spiking again at 11:42.
  • We decided to turn the room lights on after assuming they did not like the darkness and at 11:57 the flashlight blinked on and off as if confirming this is what they wanted.
  • While we followed this discussing the flashlight activity, it once again turned on then back off at 12:16 as if trying to get our attention back. This occurred again at 12:53.
  • At 13:30 the flashlight turned on again, bright, and stayed on.
  • As we removed that flashlight in hopes of drawing their attention to a different device, the K2 meter lit up to yellow at 14:50.
  • The Ovilus then jumped in after some silence with ‘Tried’ and ‘Music’ at 16:10.
  • At 16:40 the Ovilus produced the word ‘Win.’
  • The cat ball lit up as if it was moved at 17:30 which prompted us to attempt a different type of communication.


Recording 2 – Phasma Box 1:



  • There was nothing captured out of the ordinary here but as we got settled in one guest noted that they saw a red-tinted light anomaly just as we discussed the pair of red eyes we captured during a previous investigation.


Recording 3 – Phasma Box 2:



  • Out of nowhere, as if a wall busted wide open we began to hear some communication through the Phasma Box starting with a warning of “Watch it!” at :11 after we asked what they would like to tell us.
  • As if surprised that we were acknowledging and speaking with them we captured a question of “Who would do that?” at :13.


Recording 4 – Phasma Box 3:



  • Right after the flashlight lit around :02, we heard “Pretty” at :15. 
  • This was followed by another answer to a question of “Please” :38 after we asked if they would like us to put the (previously removed) flashlight back.
  • Another plea of “Please” was again heard at 1:04.
  • Clear laughter was then recorded at 1:15.


Recording 5 – Phasma Box 4:



  • We asked if they could tell us what year they were born and we received some indecisive voices coming through to either answer or confuse us. At :09 we heard “No” followed by a “Yes” at :10 and again at :14.
  • After a slight pause we heard a question of “You happy?” at :21 as if they were asking us if we were happy that they answered our question.


Recording 6 – Phasma Box 5:



  • While we asked what their name was, there seemed to be questions asked of us in return starting with “These things?” at :06 as if referring to our devices we had scattered about.
  • We were then asked to “Please step back” at :21 as if we were being asked to step away from the recorder so they could speak.
  • At :52, we recorded a curious question of “Can we try?” if they wanted to step forward and speak into the recorder.


Recording 7 – Phasma Box 6:



  • The previous questions seemed to then open them up a little as we began to record answers to our questions starting with a blunt question of us asking if they were Christine. We were then told that this was “Not me” at :02.
  • As if telling us what they were doing we heard “Watching” at :16 and “We’re listening” at :25.
  • We attempted to ask for further intelligence here with help from a guest, Katie of the Beaver County Paranormal Society, as she asked how many of us there were in this area to which we heard a number of “Six” at :36 which was the correct count of us standing around in the minimal light of the Phasma Box.
  • A questioning voice stating simply “Umm…” was heard at :57 after we told them good job for speaking to us.
  • The Ovilus then produced the name of ‘Johnny’ at 1:16 followed by, at 1:26, an amazing event of the dowsing rods pushing outward and lighting the cat ball as if the energy jostled it after we asked if they could cross the rods if they were Christine. So to us a resounding ‘No.’


Recording 8 – Phasma Box 7:



  • Following a clear train whistle, heard at :08, we asked if they thought this was amusing. We heard an almost sarcastic “This is something” at :12.


Recording 9 – Phasma Box 8:



  • After we heard an array of voices we asked if one could step forward at a time to speak with us. At :05 we heard a confirmation of “For sure.”
  • We asked directly what their name was and only heard a condescending term of “Sheep” at :16 followed by laughter at :33.
  • As Derrick introduced himself and at :53 more laughter could be heard at this just as the cat ball moved again.
  • Another horn was recorded at 1:06 then an almost mocking “Help find me” at 1:12.


Recording 10 – Phasma Box 9:



  • As if confirming their presence in this area we heard “Down here” at :04 just as the K2 meter spiked at :07.
  • After explaining that we did not mean anyone harm or disrespect we captured another mocking and even cocky question of “Why?” at :33.
  • We explained that we simply wanted to speak with them and heard a low, almost depressed “Sorry” at :41.


Recording 11 – Phasma Box 10:



  • As we asked if they lived down here they responded that they’re a “Regular” at :09.
  • To this, we asked if they were maybe a customer and we heard a response of “No” repeated at :20 and again at :22.


Recording 12 – Phasma Box 11:



  • We asked them if they could move close to the box (Rempod) nearby and heard a response of “The stairs” at :04 as if they were referencing their location.
  • After we moved the Rempod to the staircase we asked if they could touch the box on the stairs and heard another question in return of “Touch that?” at :13 as if they were unsure of this action.
  • “We’re looking” was recorded at :16 followed by laughter at :19 as if they were not interested in touching anything but rather just standing back to watch us.


Recording 13 – Phasma Box 12:



  • As we referenced that there seemed to be three of these energies with us, we heard what sounded like “Collection” at :10 so instead of asking them more questions we explained that they, in turn, could ask us questions instead to which we heard “Like what?” at :45.
  • We gave an example of a question asking what year they were born and heard an odd phrase of “Find out” at 1:01 followed by “They can’t talk” at 1:11 again giving us a feeling that someone was not allowing others to speak.


Recording 14 – Phasma Box 13:



  • After we brought the Ovilus closer to attempt a different type of communication we heard a curious question of “What’s this?” at :06.


12:00 AM – 1:00 AM





  • There was nothing abnormal recorded here.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:


  • The recording during this time was strangely corrupted and was unable to be recovered. This has never occurred in the past.


1:00 AM – 2:00 AM





  • There was a moment here where a cold spot moved close to us as we reached out towards it.



Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • There was nothing significant or out of the ordinary during this timeframe.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • Even though there were a few moments of K2 meter activity and figures captured in the SLS camera, none of these particular experiences were documented. What was documented was a pair of knocking noises from the staircase outside the laundromat at :04 and :09.


Recording 3 – Phasma Box 1:



  • Prior to this recording a flashlight was clearly knocked off a nearby bucket which was situated behind the group, near the corner where the young girl seemed to hide. This flashlight was sitting here for nearly 15 minutes before this occurred and no one was near it to bump it.
  • Following this oddity, at :05, as we began to speak, we heard a tapping noise echoing from the staircase.
  • As the energy seemed to shift and surround our medium she felt overwhelmed and potentially leaving the area. As we discussed this the flashlight jumped on at :21 and the K2 meter spiked at :25.
  • While she gathered herself to leave we heard “Please don’t” at :32.


Recording 4 – Phasma Box 2:



  • The flashlight came to life and bright at about :05 followed by someone claiming that they were responsible for this at :07 with “I did that.”


Recording 5 – Phasma Box 3:



  • After some silence, the flashlight shot back on here at :05 as if trying to alert us that they were still here.
  • At :18, shuffling footsteps were heard in the corner where Isabelle was seemingly located.
  • We asked if they could turn the flashlight back off and at :43 it did shut off.


Recording 6 – Phasma Box 4:



  • More silence ensued and we asked if the man by the stairs was bothering them and, at :03, we heard “He’s strong” followed by more descriptors of “He’s big” at :14 and “Really tall” at :17.


Recording 7 – Phasma Box 5:



  • We were then told almost overlapping conversations. At :05 we were told “Basement” followed by “Get out” at :27 as if these two communications went together.
  • However, at :20, we overheard “Gabe” and “Pay attention” at :34.


Recording 8 – Phasma Box 6:



  • There was further quiet until we heard more knocking at :02, unprompted.


Recording 9 – Phasma Box 7:



  • After the men were kicked out and only women remained, continued communication, the group was anxious and was initially told “Be quiet” at :01.
  • They asked if whoever was down here could speak to them and heard a response of “Talk to me” at :28 followed by “Please” at :29.


Recording 10 – Phasma Box 8:



  • After more silence, they asked if there were any guys here to which the flashlight turned on at :04 to which the group told all the guys to leave and the flashlight shut off at :13.
  • The group was then told to “Get down” at :26.


Recording 11 – Phasma Box 9:



  • As the group asked if they liked it down here we were informed “Not particularly” at :08 just as the light flickered and there were shuffling footsteps heard at :15.
  • The group asked who was by the light, a name of “Cynthia” was recorded at :24.


Recording 12 – Phasma Box 10:



  • Many voices came through so we mentioned that they were all speaking at the same time and then a response of “Individually” was captured at :10.
  • The group discussed giving into fear and heard another name of “Anne” at :44 described with “Blonde girl” at :58.


While we had tremendous experiences and evidence captured from our first two investigations we were extremely excited to share these with the public during and following the first annual Mars Halloween Spooktacular. Even though we were unable to utilize our full arsenal of tools and recording devices, we felt as though we had further paranormal experiences, including sharing some with guests, which helped us gather some answers we’d previously been searching for in the form of names and purposes of these energies which remained in both locations. With this, we have confidence in our claims that both the After Hours Tattoo Studio and the Social Club Barber Shop are ethereal homes to intelligent energies which have claimed these locations as their residences in the afterlife, whether by choice or force.


Both buildings seemed to hold intelligent presences but each told a different story regarding who remains in each building to this day. With these energies, there tended to be a separation between the aura of each.



In the tattoo shop we encountered a young girl who stayed to the front of the store she was somewhat interested in communicated but seemed to be very cognizant about how much she was saying and how much information she was sharing. It’s possible she was frightened of another controlling energy or simply outmatched by a heaviness and overpowering of another. This other seemingly refused to come too far down the hallway and mainly stuck in the back to the tattooing rooms. He seemed to be physically halted at the hall entry point and whether this is attributed to a brief saging prior to the investigation, a fear of people, or even being too far from a power source in the back rooms is unknown. What is known is that the young girl, claimed to be named Rachel and is eleven years old, is not hindered by any physical trait, as she was able to run down the hallway, but rather started her distance from this entity.


A similar sensation was felt in the basement of the barber shop: fear. This fear resonated from the young girl trapped down here and was directed toward not just one but two separate energies. Before driving too far down this rabbit hole, this girl’s name was apparently Isabelle and she was fifteen. She told us on numerous occasions that she was lonely down here and she liked having the light on as we assumed that she was afraid of the dark. While timid, this girl was still able to speak through lights, Rempod, and even verbally with help from the Phasma Box. 



Much like Rachel from the tattoo shop, Isabelle seemed as though she was being held back by someone or, in this case, by multiple others. As we continued communication we eventually uncovered two more energies residing down here. The first was a much more negative, dark energy which seemed to stay in the corner of the room. More particularly in the stairwell between the barber shop and the laundromat. This negativity seemed to be a controlling force while keeping its distance in this corner. The name Jack came to the forefront when attempting to communicate with this energy and the random noises like bangs, knocks and even footsteps were attributed to this darker energy. The second somewhat controlling entity responded to the name Christine and we believe that this original feeling of her being negative was inaccurate and misinterpreted. Rather than any type of animosity or hostility this sensation the energy known as Christine was keeping Isabelle silent for her own protection. We’re unsure whether this woman is a family member or just an overprotective spirit, she does not want Isabelle to speak too much and also used distraction techniques to draw guests attention away from her protectee.


While the majority of our conclusions are based on verbal interactions and visual evidence there were a few physical experiences which occurred in both buildings. In the tattoo shop a few guests felt drawn to the back area but the most intriguing moment was when droplets of water dropped on one of our heads while we stood in the hallway under the light fixture. Luckily as this occurred Jon was with us and we were able to utilize his knowledge of the building to help us realize that there were no pipes or any types of water outlets in that area. The barber shop produced some physical altercations, in particular toward our medium who felt physically tugged and pulled which was followed by an overwhelming emotional response forcing her to vacate the property temporarily. 


Our verbal communication was significant and helped guide our answers and the overall investigation but the most helpful type of communication was the energy altering tools which gave us responses of yes/no to our questions. These were predominantly thanks to our flashlights and Rempod and occurred frequently throughout both buildings. To add to these instances, one particular moment occurred in the barber shop basement when a pair of dowsing rods responded and answered the question if they were Christine. We asked them to cross the rods if that was their name but they shot open quickly and with force as if a very demanding answer of no. As this occurred, the light up cat ball also turned on as if picking up the reverberation of the dowsing rods movement.



After this third investigation, and very first open to the public, of both the After Hours Tattoo Studio and the Social Club Barbershop we can confidently announce that we once again encountered a varying level of consistent and intelligent energy. Our unique combination of evidence, our personal experiences, and even our guests’ experiences have helped us confirm previous claims as well as gather further answers to our questions and even gained names for the first time ever! Because of this we’ve been able to identify multiple friendly and positive energies in both buildings while discovering the more negative, controlling energies that seem to be paired up with each.


As it is with every investigation at these locations, our hope is to continue the documentation of the unexplained phenomena that occurs in both the tattoo shop and barber shop. However, with this particular investigation being open to the public we hope that others, believers and skeptics alike, could experience these otherworldly events allowing themselves to open up to these oddities for their own personal benefit. Both locations continue to build and grow in the paranormal community and with the openness of the owners, employees, and clients of these storefronts in the historic Mars, PA these tales and documentation will continue to flourish and expand. Ideally,, eventually, these energies may feel comfortable enough to come forward to communicate even further and allow their untold stories to finally be revealed to all.


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