Prospect Place – Follow Up Investigation

Ext 08

Prospect Place – Follow Up Investigation


June 23, 2023

Trinway, OH




The little known mansion, formerly known as Trinway Mansion, holds such a full history and significance not only to the small town in central Ohio but also the entire country. Prospect Place, now an educational center and living history museum, once acted as a major stop for the Underground Railway and an important location for events for fellow abolitionists, politicians, and business owners across the eastern United States. It’s unknown how many African Americans passed through these tunnels and the safety of the Adams family during the time of slavery in the southern states but it’s well documented and realized that there were countless runaway slaves who used this mansion for shelter from bounty hunters and slave catchers.


Originally built for the George Willison Adams family, Prospect Place was constructed in 1856 during the lead up to the Civil War. Before the construction, George had inherited a plot of land from his father who moved the entire family up to Ohio from Virginia due to his strong morals and stance of anti-slavery. Prior to moving the family north, the Adams family freed their slaves and sold their plantation. These deep-seeded traits followed through into George, the 13th child of the family. During his early life, George wanted to make a name for himself and not simply live off the wealth of his family. He bonded closely with one of his brothers, Edward, and the duo ventured out to open and operate flouring mills in the nearby town of Dresdon.



With their new found business, supplying nearly the entire state with their flour and grains, the brothers formed major stops along the Underground Railroad based around the nearby Ohio and Erie Canals where they constructed warehouses and shanties with the sole purpose of housing runaway slaves. By the 1840’s their operations were in full swing and also received support from the local community. They set up a plan to haul flour down south to New Orleans, pick up runaway slaves with hopes of freedom, and unload them in this area but not before sup[plying them with food and money for their continued pursuit of freedom and ultimately new lives. With these rumors of the amount of freed slaves and their unexpected major role in this movement, this brought in even more business from fellow abolitionists.


As their business grew, the brothers stepped away from the normal operations and began to invest in the thriving stock market. They allowed themselves time to grow their families and, even though they were in separate towns, they built identical mansions. Edward wanted to stay close to the operations of the mills and built his mansion nearby leading to the new town’s namesake of Adam’s Mills. Not far away, slightly north, George had his duplicate mansion built in Trinway and named it after the town; Trinway Mansion. Individually, their mansion totaled $40,000 each, nearly $1.2 million in today’s monetary value. Each home was completed with 29 rooms and included high end and advanced furnishings and technology. 



The brothers ventured outside the stocks and their mill business and constructed the state’s first suspension bridge spanning the Muskingum River. The bridge was in operation for numerous years and acted as a toll bridge, growing their wealth even further until they sold it to the county. 


Along with his Success, George raised four children alongside his wife Clarissa but in 1850 she contracted an illness and died. George was so distraught he mourned heavily for years forcing himself into seclusion in the mansion. He gave up his share of the businesses to his brother and forced his servants to raise his children. Perhaps due to this, he eventually fell in love with the head nanny, Mary. Even though she was twenty years his younger the couple married and had six more children of their own totalling ten children in Trinway Mansion, Even though the family was happy here, Mary began to feel extremely uncomfortable and felt as though unnatural events began to occur leading to her visions of Clarissa. Throughout the mansion she would feel watched and even sick and claimed that Clarissa may still reside in the house watching over her children and former husband, Due to this, and the fear of her being seen as crazy and taken from him, he built a new mansion, in this very location and named it Prospect Place.


While the mansion was nearly finalized, a fire ripped through it, reducing it to rubble and turning it to a large heap of ash. Even though no one was ever officially charged for this unfortunate event, it was deemed arson and was rumored to be started by a Native American woman who was forced off this land which was said to be ancient burial grounds and was known to threaten the family on multiple occasions. The second was said to be a mason who actually helped construct the mansion but felt he was due further compensation. Following an unrelated arrest, he did admit to this crime to fellow prisoners. He later escaped prison and was shot dead while attempting to rob a store in Columbus.


While these events all caused a delay on the Adams family moving into their new home, a new mansion was built right atop the former foundation and could have been seen as a Godsend as the new mansion was built featuring cutting edge fire prevention techniques. The second, and current, Prospect Place was completed in 1857 with advanced features including indoor plumbing, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems in the basement.



George’s former responsibilities once again surfaced and his mansion allowed for perfect cover for runaway slaves. Some of the construction techniques were actually designed specifically for this mission and to separate this obligation from his family knowing how dangerous this venture was that he spearheaded. Looming above the house was, and still is, a beautiful Belfry which acted as a lookout tower which helped the abolitionists signal for safe passage timing versus unsafe travel conditions. Not only here but also hung from multiple windows throughout the mansion were mounts for lanterns and other signaling devices like flags. Inside the basement there were multiple false walls which could be closed up even with a secondary well included inside so the runaways would not perish due to thirst when locked inside for days during unsafe conditions. An additional portion of a tunnel, about ten feet deep, was dug as a last ditch hiding spot for these fleeing slaves.


With this grew a rather unsettling local legend, not documented and simply passed down verbally, claiming that a bounty hunter who showed up on the property multiple times had enough and stationed himself outside the property lines just waiting out these suspected runaways. Eventually, some of the hidden slaves alongside the African American servants of the house tied up the bounty hunter, tortured him, and eventually hung him from the rafters inside the barn across the property. There is nothing to confirm nor deny this tale.



As the Civil War truly began, to most locals’ dismay and disbelief, the Adams family opened up their doors to any Union soldiers passing through. Eventually this mansion was considered an unofficial headquarters for the Union army in the area even though there was no fighting which occurred here. Following the devastation of the Civil War the Adams were able to live in peace and happiness but in 1879 George passed away from natural causes at the age of 79. Mary moved out of the mansion leaving the property to her daughter Anna and her husband William Cox.


Over time William squandered the inheritance left to he and Anna and disappeared. Rumors abound that he ran away across the country with his bisexual lover when he was said to be seen in California. Anna opened the mansion to abused and homeless women and volunteered home to take in survivors from a train accident in the nearby town. Anna remained at the mansion until she passed the property along to her son George Cox who lived at the mansion until 1969 when he sold it to his cousin Eugene Cox. Eugene operated his gravel mining company out of Protect Place up until his death in 1990.


With no further family to inherit the mansion it was scheduled for a full demolition by the township due to neglect and disrepair. As he heard about this unfortunate turn, local businessman David Longaberger purchased the property with an intent to restore the mansion. As the 1990’s showed a serious downturn in his funding David was unable to fulfill this goal. Cancer unexpectedly claimed David’s life in 1998 once more leaving the property abandoned.



The great-great-grandson of GW Adams, George J. Adams bought the mansion in 2001 for pennies on the dollar and planned on opening a restaurant but the timing was extremely unlucky and the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 occurred and placed a sudden halt to his and all local funding. His backup plan of opening an educational center did come to fruition in 2003 when the building, appropriately named the GW Adams Education Center, opened and acted as a history preservation and resource center for the Underground Railroad. As George J. Adams retired as chairman of the center in 2017 his wishes remained clear that he wanted the center to continue on operational and thriving. Unfortunately, the man who stepped in for him took the opportunity to live in the mansion and truly just let it go and took all the money from the educational center and pocketed it without investing any money into maintenance or repairs. He allowed disinformation to be spread and even played into the falsification of some stories.


This period of time did not last long as the GW Adams Education Center board took back over the ownership and has since  gained grants and turned over all monies to save the mansion. Since their reinstatement of the ownership, they have been able to uncover additional facts like the train accident never occurred in the town itself as the previous owner implied nor did the mansion act as a morgue as well as finding documentation of five family deaths which occurred inside the mansion. This ownership currently has the mansion and property in good hands and hopefully will continue to preserve it as it holds quite the historical and important significance.


With the lengthy history and no doubt excessive expounded emotions by those who lived and worked here, combined with the tragic Civil War and heroic efforts of the Underground Railroad there could be minimal doubt that some type of energy left here far beyond the ownership of the Adams. As those interested in the true events of the property have dug into documentation and others have spent countless hours in libraries, they are also open to tales of the other side perhaps even leading to answers to some elusive questions and missing historic documentation. 


Even dating back to the original mansion and Mary’s experience with the apparition of Clarissa, there can be avoiding some of the otherworldly phenomena that has been noted across this property. The almost cliché and sometimes easily explainable events such as footsteps, creaking doors and windows, and even a low whisper have been discussed and shared here. Laughter has also been mentioned and experienced as perhaps the laughter of the Adams children linger to this day.



This is our second full night stay and investigation of Prospect Place and had a few opportunities to debunk our first investigation as well as use this to help guide us what areas and who to attempt communication with during this follow up paranormal investigation. Our initial investigation we did not experience a large majority of activity and or discover our findings until after the night and our review. Mary’s Room gave us warm and welcoming communication while the Chapel provided visual, photographic evidence of a shadow in the mirror paired up with intelligent communication. The Servants Quarters gave us similar warm and welcoming feelings as well as matching intelligent communication describing how they were willing to help us. Opposite sensations were residual conversation and communication as if stepping foot into a party taking place in the Attic Ballroom. While we did not actually investigate the Gentlemen’s Parlor we slept here and recorded what sounded like footsteps, whistles, and even a gunshot; none of which disturbed any of three of our slumber.


Learning from our previous visit, we once again waited to eat as we ordered pizza from Creno’s once again outdoing expectations and again leading to the story of the delivery driver refusing to even enter the driveway showing the type of superstition the locals have regarding this property. Aside from adding in a live stream podcast thanks to Behind the Fiends, we followed a similar path from our last visit. Not only did we confirm our previous paranormal claims but also built upon those with new experiences, perhaps some answers to our previous unanswered questions, and even growing some new tales of the unknown.


We set up motion activated trail cameras throughout the mansion and paired each up with a light up environmental device like a shadow box or K2 meter. We planned on moving around quite a bit through the evening so we decided to pack up a backpack with some of our most used gear. Luckily, we’ve become quite proficient with this technique but we also recruited another set of hands in our guest, Branden. Branden operated the handheld camera the majority of the night, like a professional might we add, which certainly helped add to the documentation in such an active environment. In the end, our pack included two recorders, two K2 meters, our FLIR thermal imaging device, two Rempods, one ParaLight, a Laser Grid, five LED flashlights, our Spirit Box, one Phasma Box, EVP notifier, one SLS camera, and a handful of pendulums.


With the completion of our review, the most active locations throughout Prospect Place occurred in the Servants Quarters, the Second Floor Stairwell and the Belfry combination, and the Chapel. We always look forward to another perspective on this awe-inspiring evidence so following a read through, please feel free to let us know your own opinions or ideals. 


As always, you have been warned that some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Pre Investigation / Walkthrough


Rather than attending the walkthrough as a large group, we split in half. Since Derrick and Dan previously experienced the walkthrough, history, and paranormal tales they opted to jump on the pre-investigation call with Behind the Fiends prior to the live stream later that night. Jim and Branden walked through with Amy and heard the true history which the education center has been able to document and confirm while debunking paranormal tales of the past and passing along those which have existed here years prior.


During our podcast there was nothing abnormal as we both prepared Behind the Fiends for the investigation and gave a brief history of the building. While we set up video cameras, there were strange altering atmospheres throughout the building between the Second Floor Hallway and the Servants Quarters. Here, there was a complete alteration and sudden change. The sense of vertigo was also experienced in this back area of the Servants Quarters.




  •  There was nothing apparent or out of the ordinary captured here.


Attic – Ballroom


Our first stop of the night was the large open space where a few of us felt drawn toward and one spot we wanted to spend ample time. During its heyday and the mansion drew the most influential people of the area this area would regularly be transformed into a ballroom hosting parties and playing its role as an open ballroom floor. This was just an additional way of covering the slave movements and any commotion they may make while on the move. This was the area where a rumored Satanic ritual occurred and opened a portal where the cross was drawn but this has since been denied. Footsteps are heard regularly and heavy footfalls moving quickly side to side as if dancing is still occurring. Mist-like and shadow figures have been visually spotted here as if tying in to these footsteps as well as the apparent appearance of GW Adams.


During our first investigation we played some old music, Pennsylvania  6-5000 to be exact. Rather than hearing or seeing any partying, we hear some residual communication as if overhearing simple and formal conversations. Follow this song, the rest of the building started to pick up in regards to activity as if it woke some others up throughout the mansion.


While we set up two separate trail cameras here, we also wanted to start our investigation in this open space. It gave us a good feel for the mansion and its size, starting on the top floor but it was also big enough to fit all four of us more than comfortably. We did not play any music like we did last time but we also were unable to record anything paranormal during our time there. Perhaps we did not yet stir up the mansion but this time this area felt different just not as energized. We did not capture any recording anomalies but through our trail cameras, we did capture one moment of an odd light moving across the screen sporadically as if moving across a dance floor.






  • There was a light anomaly captured by a trail camera which is shared as a screen capture here.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • We did not capture anything, nor did we feel anything out of the ordinary during this time.


Video 1 – Trail Camera 1:



  • We noted a light anomaly moving sporadically at :07.


Servants Quarters


In the rear of the mansion, stretching through multiple rooms (a Laundry Area, the Nanny’s Room, the Sick Room, and a simple Bedroom) the Servants Quarters holds lost spirits of children and their laughter and sobs. This could be related to the Adams children or servant children. The cries have been related to a crying woman who has been mourning the death of a young girl who fell from the upper railing and passed away after suffering in the early 1860’s. During this rumored time period, the ground was frozen so solid that they could not break ground to bury her. The family was said to keep her in the house until the ground was thawed to host her funeral. Both that girl and her mother have been seen in front of the fireplace pacing side to side as well as playing  hopscotch, dice, and cards in these back rooms. The Nanny has also been discovered remaining in this area, surrounded by now wood clad décor, and is keeping a vigilant eye on anyone spending time in this area. Footsteps have been experienced here paired up with humming and singing which have all been attributed to this high spirited, positive woman. To add to these paranormal descriptions, she was documented as the Adams family’s first and longest tenured servant who was a freed slave who moved north with the family. Unfortunately her name has been lost to time but it was well spoken that she was the head of the servants who watched over anyone sick or injured and situated semi-permanently in this area. The bed, an original time period accurate antique, has been said to move up and down as if the Nanny is sitting, and finally resting in it on occasion.


Our first night here turned up quite fruitless in this area, although we did have sensations that someone did not want us in the back bedroom. Nothing was ever recorded or experienced here which felt out of the ordinary and no evidence captured which led to us believing anything further occurred here during our time.


With our previous investigation coming up empty, we wanted to focus more time and energy here, particularly that back room where we felt unwanted but watched from afar. During our walk throughs and device placement, this area gave off a clear and consistent pull and changes in energy. We are still unsure why but the sensation of vertigo was also experienced here by multiple investigators. To begin our sessions here, we split up throughout different areas of the Servants Quarters all the while spreading some of the LED flashlights up around the rooms. Between the flashlights, the Rempod, and the K2 meter, we received a plethora of conversation and communication thanks to yes/no questions. As if that was not enough, we also captured verbal, spoken communication through the Phasma Box. We do believe that we captured some residual communication in the form of an entire conversation as if someone was concerned with another as if reporting a problem and asking for help. During this time, we captured the names ‘Jonathon’ and ‘Nick’ after being told that there was a male servant back in this area. All of the information here can be boiled down to a combination of residual communication paired up with a scared male servant, perhaps that goes by the name of ‘Jonathon’ or ‘Nick’. As we attempted to move on, the flashlight remaining behind in the Laundry Room practically summoned us to join and even before that there was some prior communication gathering the name of George and through flashlight (yes/no) conversation as well as the name of Anna via the flashlights once more. These flashlights led to some other types of communication sounding as if they were excited to speak with us asking us not to leave. Before we moved on, we heard someone breathing heavily following the Rempod out from the top of the stairwell as if summoning us to move out there.






  • We have a screen capture of a moment when both lights turned on just as the SLS captured an object on the screen.



  • This is a simple image taken of a moment when both flashlights turned on simultaneously.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • Prior to these few captures, the flashlights could be seen going on and off randomly as if someone just recently found them and began to get used to them.
  • After we asked if there were any former servants here, there was a dragging noise heard at :20 as if replaying their past.


Recording 2 – EVP 2:



  • There was a voice captured here at :08 sounding like “Adam” after we asked them their name.


Recording 3 – Phasma Box 1:



  • At the beginning of this moment, the word “Decent” was heard at :06 after we introduced ourselves.
  • At about :16, and unprompted, the flashlight turned on then after Derrick explained that the light was on, it increased in brightness and we captured “Bright” as if someone was confirming this at :29.
  • It shut off at :37.
  • An odd phrase of “I see my sister” was heard at :40 followed by a continuation of “Right here” at :45.
  • We asked who we were speaking with and heard a possible name of “Brad” at :59 then a mournful plea of “Stay with me” at 1:06.


Recording 4 – Phasma Box 2:



  • We explained that we simply wanted to talk with them and recorded “For your information” at :01 as if they were about to give us something to talk about.
  • At this point, we believe we recorded some residual communication and almost an entire conversation starting with “His problem” at :08.
  • A voice questioning this was heard at :12 with “Him or…?” with a definitive confirmation of “Umm, it’s him” :17.
  • “Get in here” was then heard as if commanding someone at :27 followed by a clear denial of “No” at :33.
  • Further conversation was then heard with “Help” at :36 then “Don’t leave me” at :46.
  • A final crying plea of “Help this slave” was then recorded at :51.


Recording 5 – Phasma Box 3:



  • We apologized for not paying attention to them momentarily and heard a very understanding comment of “No problem” at :03.
  • Amongst ourselves we discussed that devices were being set off all about the Servant Quarters and, at :23, we heard “Electric” as a reference to those various devices.
  • After we expressed our hope that we weren’t scaring them or overwhelming them, we captured “That’s pretty” at :28 just as another flashlight turned on.


Recording 6 – Phasma Box 4:



  • We began to feel pulled apart and stretched thin starting with “Come to me” at :03.
  • After we asked where they wanted us to go, we heard “Up the big thing” at :09 which we now believe was a reference to the tower.
  • Following us repeating the question, we then heard “The closet” at :19 then “In there” at :21 as if referring to the Laundry Closet which we were drawn to following this area.


Recording 7 – Phasma Box 5:



  • As we discussed the activity happening all over the place we captured “Impressive” at :08 followed by the name “Jonathon” at :28 and “Nick” at :38.


Recording 8 – Phasma Box 6:



  • We moved the flashlights and struggled to set them up but once we did we commended each other on the slight accomplishment, but we weren’t the only ones as we heard “Great job” at :04.


Recording 9 – Phasma Box 7:



  • With the lights beginning to once again flash on and off sporadically we attempted to set an even keel and asked them to turn the light on if they’d like their answer to be yes. At :08, we actually heard the phrase “Press the light.”
  • There was a creaking noise as if someone was walking nearby on a creaky floorboard at :28.


Recording 10 – Phasma Box 8:



  • With the flashlights seemingly at an even level, we explained that we would ask some questions now. At :12, we recorded “I’m so excited”.
  • As we moved the recorder closer to the Phasma Box, the flashlight jumped to life at :26 followed by an exclamation of “Pretty” at :54 as if in relation to the light.
  • The light shut back off at :58.
  • After we asked directly if they were a servant, we captured a phrase of “Pulled to people” at 1:22 as if they were drawn to helping those in need.


Recording 11 – Phasma Box 9:



  • We believe that we, once again, overheard a residual conversation here beginning with an odd phrase of “I’ll admit” at :02 then a long “Shh” at :06.
  • As if someone were questioning that noise, we heard “Why’d you shush me?” at :08.
  • After hearing in person the sounds of crying (not captured on recorder) the word “Cried” was heard at 1:09.


Recording 12 – Phasma Box 10:



  • Following these residual moments, we asked directly if they were a family member to which we heard a clear “No” at :04.
  • We did proceed with this and asked if their name was George and in fact the flashlight turned on at :22.
  • At :32, we were asked the question of “Do people leave here?” followed by an interesting continuation of “Driving drunk” at :34.
  • We were told we were “In a mansion” at :50, which obviously we were, followed by “Foundation at 1:00, then another strange but clear phrase of “US government” at 1:12.


Recording 13 – Phasma Box 11:



  • As we discussed the fact that the historical society is doing a nice job to preserve the mansion, we captured “Hard work” at :19, which we have no doubt it was/is.
  • After we asked them to turn the light on if they were starting to trust us and it did not turn on, we sarcastically told them that they were hurting our feelings. At 1:25, we heard “I’m done” as if they were done talking with us.


Recording 14 – Phasma Box 12:



  • We attempted to get confirmation of this last comment and asked if they truly wanted us to leave and heard “Go” at :06.
  • Just a second later, at :07, the flashlight flickered on and off and we heard “Can’t hear.”
  • We were then asked once again to “Please leave” at :17.
  • Even though we did not capture it in any recording, or video for that matter, we noted a bell sounding here during this moment so as we outwardly discussed this, at ;23, we heard “It was me” as if someone were taking responsibility.
  • There were a pair of footsteps heard cracking at :48 then again at :51.
  • Once again as we discussed this potential for hearing footsteps we heard a similar voice take responsibility for these at :58 with “It was me.”
  • As we still didn’t heed their warnings and pleas and leave, we heard “Hey, Dan” at 1:11 as if someone were trying to get our attention once more.
  • Another cry out of “Need help” was then recorded at 1:17.


Recording 15 – Phasma Box 13:



  • Right away the sound of a boat horn was heard and repeated twice at :09 and :17.
  • This was possibly the start of further residual energies as we heard a trailing off phase of “Did somebody…” at :19 as if they also were trying to find the culprit of that horn.
  • We were not saying much at this point and this have been misconstrued as ignoring them until the flashlight jumped to life at :47 as if a reminder that they were still here.
  • At :54, perhaps continuing the residual conversation, we heard an odd question of “Are more coming?” This could be in reference to more slaves coming or even more bounty hunters, that was unclear.
  • We explained that we were going to set up another light for further communication purposes and the intelligent response of “The light” was surprisingly heard at 1:02.
  • With the light finally set up, we heard an almost mocking phrase, again this would be considered intelligent, of “Thanks, servant” at 1:11.
  • “I speak” was then recorded with a confident tone at 1:18.


Recording 16 – Phasma Box 14:



  • We reset ourselves a little here and sat in some silence to try to level ourselves. As we did this, we recorded a greeting of “Hey” at :03 as if someone tried to get our attention.
  • At :15, the flashlight in the opposite room turned on after we re-introduced ourselves.
  • After we asked if they could turn the light off we heard a question of “That for me?” at :35.


Recording 17 – Phasma Box 15:



  • At this point, with the flashlights going off sporadically, we heard some laughter as if directed toward us at :20.


Recording 18 – Phasma Box 16:



  • After we reset, we asked if they could turn the flashlight on if they were a male. From here, we got a slew of responses starting with a question of “All the way?” at :08, then “Yes” at :14, and finally “No” at :22.


Recording 19 – Phasma Box 17:



  • Amongst ourselves we were discussing that there may be more than just one spirit with us to which we heard an all too familiar laugh at :12 then a simple phrase of “Cold in here” at :17 while we could be heard discussing the temperature change previously.


Recording 20 – Phasma Box 18:



  • As we received flashlight communication that they were a male servant we thanked them for confirming to which we heard a very formal “Of course” at :10.
  • We then asked them to turn the flashlights back off so we could continue to ask questions. At :19, the first flashlight shut off so we asked if they could continue and turn the second light off. They obliged, turning the second flashlight back off at :29.
  • After we addressed specifically the male servant, we were asked (with some attitude we might add) “Which?” at :42 just as the first light turned back on.


Recording 21 – Phasma Box 19:



  • We were quiet after a discussion of who exactly we were speaking with and, as if they realized we were  a little out of sorts, we heard “Anything else?” at :08.
  • At this moment, at approximately :10, Dan clearly saw a white shadow moving in the opposite room through the hallway.
  • Interestingly enough we heard “How’d he see me?” at :26 as if directly referencing this moment.
  • As we discussed what Dan saw and he referenced a tall, white figure in the room through the hallway. At :32, “The light” was heard followed by “Stairway” at :36 as if notating where the figure moved toward.
  • We heard that previous comment and asked if that was correct and heard “That way” at :41.


Recording 22 – Phasma Box 20:



  • We heard “In search of” at :09 then “The basement” at :16.


Recording 23 – Phasma Box 21:



  • “I said stop” was heard at :08.


Recording 24 – Phasma Box 22:



  • We heard “Wait” at :02 as Derrick went to look in the hall followed by “Keep looking” at :21.
  • Derrick looked up and heard “Who’s out there?” at :28.
  • Dan accidentally dropped the recorder and we heard “Dan, keep calm” at 1:04.


Recording 25 – Phasma Box 23:



  • We asked if they could turn the light on and it did at :02.
  • Dan mentioned seeing something in the previous room and we heard “You caught me” at :45.


Recording 26 – Phasma Box 24:



  • After asking if they could turn the light off, we heard “Investigate” at :08 followed by the light turning off at :17.
  • There was a breath heard at :19 then heard “It wasn’t me” at :35 after mentioning this sound.
  • We directly asked who they were and heard “Are you kidding?” sarcastically at :42.


Recording 27 – Phasma Box 25:



  • We asked what would happen if we took the lights away and heard “That’ll annoy me” at :07.
  • After we thought they said hello that we heard what sounded like “Behave” at :19.


Recording 28 – Phasma Box 26:



  • We discussed the amount of people in the room following the K2 meter spiking and heard “There’s four others” at :03 directly chiming into the discussion.
  • Outside, in the stairwell, the Rempod went off and this was heard at :15.
  • To follow that Rempod, a faint bell could be heard at :31.


Recording 29 – Phasma Box 27:



  • From the hallway once more, the Rempod was heard at :02.
  • We split up and went to check on the Rempod and heard “Is it you?” at :08 followed by a simple yet effective command of “Touch it” at :45.
  • An almost frightened or surprised shout of “They can see me?!” was heard at :48 but as this voice attempted to continue, instead what we heard was quite astounding. The noise made to cease this communication to us sounded as if someone just took a punch to the gut and let out an “Oooffff” – type sound at :50.
  • Two further words were captured here before we opted to head off to follow the Rempod. “Upsetting” at :59 and “Interesting” at 1:07.


Video 1 – Cell Phone 1:



  • During this quickly captured video, the flashlight turned on and off sporadically at :30 and :35 then finally stayed on until :44 when it shut off.
  • It jumped back to life at 1:03 then shut off at 1:40.


Video 2 – Cell Phone 2:



  • After we discussed if this was multiple spirits, the flashlights turned on for yes at :03.
  • The first light shut off as the second light turned on at :05 as if they were moving across the room which the SLS may have captured at :23.


Video 3 – Cell Phone 3:



  • Right off the bat here, the figure could again be seen in the SLS camera just as the flashlights jumped to life as it moved closer to them.
  • At :18, the flashlight shut off.


Video 4 – Cell Phone 4:



  • There was nothing abnormal captured here.


Video 5 – Cell Phone 5:



  • The flashlight in the Laundry Room could be seen turning on at about :50 then back off at 1:14.


2nd Floor Stairwell and Belfry


Near the center of the mansion but situated close to the Servants Quarters is the open stairway that leads all the way from the first floor up to the Attic and Ballroom. From here, the staircase branches off to the side to lead up to the Belfry, or Lookout Tower as it was once used during the Underground Railroad. At its current time, there are string lights which accent the base of each step and give off a nice ambiance showcasing the beautiful woodworking at the baseboard. At the top of the tower there are two simply fold out chairs, used for visitors no doubt, but a bright blue-hued light which gives off an unsettling color which could definitely be seen as similar to an older lantern which could have wanted slaves to stay away or welcome them into the home as a safe haven. A common sighting is that of a tall, misty, shadow figure that has been said to stand atop the main staircase and recent visitors and investigators have even captured this shadow descending the staircase. In the past, this man has been described as wearing period appropriate attire, dating  to the late 1800’s, and described with a thick, long beard. This has been discussed as being the shadow of George Willison Adams himself perhaps as simply looking over his home from beyond. It’s also said that this may be William Cox who has been stuck here in the afterlife staring from afar all alone as an almost punishment of sorts. In the main mansion, on the second floor hallway two apparent apparitions discussed: Anna Adams who died from pneumonia has been seen in a white nightgown and GW Adams simply heard mourning the loss of his second wife, Mary. In the Belfry area the lookout has been said to keep a diligent watch over the mansion and his footsteps can be heard pacing from side to side as if in a panic.


During our initial investigation we did not spend much time in either location in particular although we did notate hearing footsteps in both areas but neither could be proven or debunked. This did not lead us to any intelligent conversations or interactions.


These moments all began for us during our second investigation as we were pulled out of the Servants Quarters by a loud and recurring Rempod activity that was situated on the top staircase landing. After some further Rempod communication we were led up the stairs toward the large landing and Belfry above it. While spending some time here and attempting further communication we gathered answers through the Rempod, utilizing yes/no questions, that this lookout was indeed still here keeping watch over the house and the safety of the slaves. He, however, did not want himself to be known via name or anything that could give away his identification. We opted to move on following some voices telling us that there was a ‘threat’ and to move into the ‘basement’ but without knowing if this was residual or intelligent is truly unknown. Either the lookout was watching out for us and told us to hide in the basement from some threat or that he was still warning the runaways to get in the basement with an impending threat.






  • This is a moment when the Rempod went off on the top of the second floor which seemed to be drawing us upward.



  • Attached here is a screen capture of the Rempod being alerted in the Belfry.


Recording 1 – 2nd Floor Stairwell EVP 1:



  • During this point, our communication was in the form of Rempod activity, both intelligent and simply sporadic and attention-grabbing. Rather than pulling clips, this is best experienced by listening through the entire clip as we’ll treat this more as a direct transcription of the entire time frame.
  • Before this recording, we were hearing the Rempod being alerted heavily and constantly as well as footsteps pacing back and forth.
  • After a bit of silence, and a pause to grab some food, the Rempod was alerted at 2:41.
  • It jumped on once again at 2:43 then once more at 2:45 after we jokingly offered them some pizza.
  • We got into a debate over pizza and, even though there was about a two minute gap of no Rempod activity prior, the Rempod went off once more at 4:04 as if reacting to this energy. Right after this, we noted that there was a bright blue light flickering from above in the Belfry; this was noted at 4:24.
  • After we discussed the lights, again drawing attention to them, the Rempod alerted ar 4:30 followed by it jumping to life with even more energy at 4:38.
  • Returning to a question mindset, we discussed the male servant from the Servants Quarters and the Rempod turned on at 5:35.
  • After we asked them if they wanted us to join them upstairs the Rempod was alerted at 5:55.
  • We asked why they wanted us, and if they truly wanted us or were warning us, and at 6:10 and 6:16, the Rempod could be heard going off, ultimately drawing us up to the Belfry.


Recording 2 – 2nd Floor Stairwell EVP 2:



  • Before venturing on, we asked if there was anything at all they wanted to tell us and heard a simple welcoming of “Hey” at :20.


Recording 3 – Belfry EVP 1:



  • This same manner of reporting and analysis is duplicated here during our time spent in the Belfry. Once more, the Rempod was utilized as the main tool for discussion and communication so these moments are all best relayed in real time simply documenting the interactions.
  • We initially discussed the sensation that we were drawn up here by following the Rempod notifications and the Rempod once again turned on at :29.
  • Seeing how we may have temporarily ignored them, the Rempod again went off at :42 and :48 as if to draw our attention back to them once more.
  • We thanked them for letting us know that they are still with us and the Rempod was alerted as if to accept this gratitude at about 1:01.
  • Strangely enough, only the light on the Rempod then lit without the sound at 1:30.
  • After we explained that we were impressed with their ingenuity, we heard footsteps downstairs right below us at 2:30.
  • We explained to them that if they wanted to speak to us that they needed to light the Rempod up once more and at 3:40 only the Rempod lights turned on followed by the Rempod fully activating at 3:43.
  • As we thanked them, the Rempod again turned on as if acknowledging us at 3:52.
  • After this moment, we leveled ourselves and asked directly if they were a lookout and the Rempod immediately jolted to life at 3:58.
  • We followed this line of questioning and asked if they were still trying to help the slaves escape from their shackles in the south to which the Rempod turned on at 4:09.
  • Trying to dig further we asked if they knew George Adams and the word ‘Brave’ was shown on the Ovilus right after at 4:30.
  • We followed this and asked if they knew Mary to which the Ovilus provided the word ‘None’ at 5:01.
  • After a short period of silence, we asked if they were female to which the Rempod light only turned on at 6:28.
  • We then asked them if they came up to join us and at 6:53, the light on the Rempod lit up followed by the Rempod fully alerting at 7:00.
  • Quite directly as if guided toward the question, we asked if they do not want their identity known to which the Rempod light turned on at 7:25.
  • We continued along this thought process out loud asking if they are afraid of people knowing their name and identity and the Rempod turned on, both sound and light, at 7:36 and only three seconds later at 7:39, the Rempod was alerted even stronger and intensely as if reiterating this point.
  • On the side, we discussed being a lookout back then combined with leading the Underground Railroad, having countless lives depend on you. Following these comments both the Rempod and K2 meter were activated at 7:53.
  • As we attempted to tie this all together, we asked if we were correct and if they were afraid to let us know their names and the Rempod light turned on at 8:34. 
  • We tried to comfort them and explained that they did not need to be afraid and at 8:55, the Rempod light turned on.
  • After asking if the Civil War occurred already in their time period, the Ovilus produced ‘Gag’ at 10:28 as if relating to the death and suffering of that great war.
  • With some silence and nor responses we asked if they were still with us and at 11:00 the Rempod light only turned on and following this we decided that we only wanted to speak with them to which the Rempod light again turned on at 12:06.
  • As we talked about turning the main room light off we asked them directly if we should proceed here and the Rempod light turned on at 12:25 followed by the Ovilus activating and providing us with the words ‘Threat’ and ‘Basement’ at 12:38 as if following right along with the lookout’s job: to warn runaways of threats of danger and to hide in the basement.
  • The Ovilus then produced ‘Creek’ at 12:47 and ‘Before time’ at 12:49.
  • We directly asked them if we should turn the light back on and at 13:56, just as Derrick reached for the light, the Rempod light turned on. We are still unsure if they were trying to stop us from turning it on or if they truly wanted it back on.


Video 1 – Trail Camera 1:



  • There were some minor noises and footsteps here as peer reviewed via YouTuber “@zacktimmons2886” but this was simply us off camera.


Video 2 – Cell Phone 1:



  • Right away, the Rempod could be seen going off and this lasted until :08.
  • The Rempod was activated at :16 then shut off at :22 but then only the Rempod light was seen turning on at :47 then back off at :51.
  • There were footsteps heard echoing from downstairs at 1:46.


Video 3 – Cell Phone 2:



  • We asked if they were a lookout and, at :06, the Rempod turned on then back off at :10.
  • After we asked if they were trying to help slaves escape, the Rempod was activated at :18 then turned off at :21.
  • As we had asked them if they knew George the Ovilus produced ‘Brave’ at :40.
  • We then asked if they knew Mary and the Ovilus showed ‘None’ at 1:10.
  • The Rempod lights then blinked at 3:07 and 3:32.
  • At 3:40 the entire Rempod was alerted and stayed on until 3:43.


Video 4 – Cell Phone 3:



  • After we explained that we were impressed with them, we heard footsteps downstairs at :40.
  • We explained that if they wanted to speak to us that they needed to light the Rempod and at 1:50 only the Rempod lights turned on followed by the Rempod fully at 1:53.
  • We thanked them and the Rempod turned on as if acknowledging us at 2:02.
  • After this, we leveled ourselves and asked if they were a lookout and the Rempod immediately came to life at 2:08.
  • We asked if they were trying to help the slaves escape from the south to which the Rempod turned on at 2:19.
  • We asked if they knew George Adams and ‘Brave’ was shown on the Ovilus at 2:40.
  • We asked if they knew Mary to which the Ovilus provided ‘None’ at 3:21.
  • After some silence, we asked if they were female and the Rempod light turned on at 5:38 so we asked if they came to join us and at 6:03, the light on the Rempod lit up followed by the Rempod alerting at 6:15.
  • As if guided toward the question, we asked if they do not want their identity known to which the Rempod light turned on at 6:35.
  • We continued along this thought process asking if they are afraid of people knowing their identity and the Rempod turned on at 6:46 and only three seconds later at 6:49, the Rempod was alerted even stronger and intensely as if reiterating this point.
  • We discussed being a lookout back then combined with leading the Underground Railroad, having countless lives depend on you. Following these comments both the Rempod and K2 meter were activated at 7:03.
  • As we attempted to tie this all together, we asked if we were correct and if they were afraid to let us know their names and the Rempod light turned on at 7:44. 
  • We explained that they did not need to be afraid and at 8:05, the Rempod light turned on.
  • After asking if the Civil War occurred in their time period, the Ovilus produced ‘Gag’ at 9:38 as if relating to the death and suffering of that great war.
  • We asked if they were still with us and at 10:10 the Rempod light turned on so we decided that we only wanted to speak with them to which the Rempod light again turned on at 10:56.
  • We asked them if we should turn the light off and the Rempod light turned on at 11:35 followed by the Ovilus activating and providing us with the words ‘Threat’ and ‘Basement’ at 11:48 as if following right along with the lookout’s job: to warn runaways of threats of danger and to hide in the basement.
  • The Ovilus then produced ‘Creek’ at 11:57 and ‘Before time’ at 11:59.
  • We directly asked them if we should turn the light back on and at 13:06, just as Derrick reached for the light, the Rempod light turned on. 


Video 4 – Cell Phone 4:



  • At :46, the Rempod could be seen turning on then off at :52.
  • The Rempod once again turned on at :58 then off once more at 1:00.
  • There was the sound of a bell heard at 1:24 followed by the Rempod at 1:28 then back off at 1:35.
  • After some silence, the Rempod was alerted at 2:41.
  • It jumped on at 2:43 then once more at 2:45 after we offered them some pizza.
  • Following a debate over pizza, the Rempod went off at 4:04 as if reacting to this energy. Right after this, we noted that there was a bright blue light flickering from above in the Belfry at 4:24.
  • After we discussed the lights, the Rempod alerted at 4:30 followed by even more energy at 4:38.
  • We discussed the male servant from the Servants Quarters and the Rempod turned on at 5:35.
  • We asked if they wanted us to join them upstairs. The Rempod was alerted at 5:55.
  • After we asked why they wanted us at 6:10 and 6:16, the Rempod could be heard going off, ultimately drawing us up to the Belfry.


Basement – Refugee Rooms and Center Hallway


Under the mansion, and with an entrance/exit only accessible from the exterior of the building, a dirt floor pads this unfinished space surrounded by large foundation blocks typical of the area and timeframe. What’s not typical is the labyrinth of hallways and rooms, some even leading to dead ends and further unfinished spaces. This would have been the perfect area to hide those slaves on the run from the south and was designed to allow those hidden to stay that way, and very much alive, from lengthy periods of time. A fully functional well was located here so these slaves could access fresh water at any point and some of the partially dug tunnels and easily concealed rooms were perfectly designed to allow these slaves to hide at a moments notice. Down under ground in the Basement, there have been a few different stories all of which relating to the Underground Railroad and hiding slaves. This may be one of the more regular spots where apparitions and unnatural anomalies are reported. Many of the volunteers feel uneasy here and do not like to enter this area by themselves. There is a strong shared sensation of slaves hiding in corners and huddled together throughout this area. More particularly there have been sightings of a young, black woman, currently unidentified, who has been seen as a full body dressed in rags and a bandage wrapped around her head. She has been only spotted in flashes and out of the corners of eyes but every time she is spotted the description is the same. With this, it was rumored that some runaways ultimately perished under the mansion and, in order to keep the Underground Railroad operating in secrecy, they were unceremoniously buried in this basement dirt floor. Shuffling of feet and cries of pain have been tied to these lost souls who unfortunately met their demise on the last leg of their escape to freedom.


Our first investigation did not lead to much communication or activity in this area. For the most part we felt unwanted and untrustworthy, eventually being told to “Stop” and “Leave” through the Spirit Box.


These previous lack of clear success did not deter us from making another attempt here, especially since we were told to come down here by the lookout up in the Belfry. While we came up rather empty handed once more, we did record some Rempod activity and those feelings shared by many previous visitors claiming that there were groups of hiding slaves gathered in areas here in fear, mainly out in the main hallway area. Some of our minor interactions simply gave us answers that they knew the lookout and that he was the reason they were hiding down here. One of the more captivating moments was when we asked if we should leave them be and a flashlight, sitting completely idle and unused, turned on extremely bright as if confirming this question. We respected this decision and moved on at that point but before we could, we noted what appeared to be a tic-tac-toe board drawn in the dirt floor as if someone was trying to play a game with us.






  • This was a screen capture of the partial view of the video showing the flashlight turning on the only time that it did in this entire area until we asked if they wanted us to leave.


  • This is a pair of the photographs taken of the dirt floor and the tic-tac-toe board which was drawn onto it.


Recording 1 – EVP Refugee Room 1:



  • During this full clip, there was nothing paranormal or evidence-wise that occurred but Jim felt cold on and off while down here.


Recording 2 – EVP Center Hallway 1:



  • After we moved the session out into the hallway where we felt a sensation of a group of slaves huddling together in fear out here, we explained how we were warned by the lookout in the Belfry of the words we notated in ‘Threat’ and ‘Basement.’ At 1:46, following this comment, the Rempod was alerted.
  • We then asked if that was the reason they were down here as well and the Rempod went off at 2:06.
  • Without much more activity, we asked if they knew the lookout upstairs in the Belfry and the Rempod light went off at 4:29.
  • We discussed how quiet it was and suddenly the Rempod jumped to life at 5:51.
  • As we wanted further confirmation that they were with us, we asked them to move close to the light to let us know and at 6:20, they lit the Rempod light.
  • In our final moments here we asked if they wanted us to leave and, if so, that we would respect their decision. To our pure astonishment, the flashlight back in the Refugee Room jumped on at 10:05 just following that question.


Video 1 – Handheld 1:



  • At first, for a large chunk of the time here, there was nothing occurring.
  • It was not until 24:15 that the Rempod could be heard from the hall.
  • This occurred again at 24:20, 24:32, and 24:40.
  • We asked if they were told to come down here to the basement and the Rempod turned on at 26:18.
  • We attempted to get this repeated and succeeded at 26:42 with the Rempod activating after we asked if this is why they are down here.
  • After asking if they personally knew the lookout, the Rempod light only turned on at 29:08.
  • We then asked if they could tell us if they are still here with us and the Rempod light alone turned on at 30:57.
  • With a final effort, we asked if they wanted us to leave and the flashlight inside the Refugee Room turned on at 34:43.


Barn – Exterior


Outside the mansion and about 100 yards away, the old Barn sits decaying and in some disrepair but still very much used. The first floor is utilized as overflow storage and for exterior equipment but the upper floors are inaccessible and unsafe so naturally and understandably they are off limits to the public. With the majority of the funds going to preserve the mansion it’s doubtful this Barn will receive any upgrades or updates any time soon. This is the area that has been the rumored location of where the bounty hunter was tortured and hung by a combination of slaves and servants. Once again, this is undocumented and simply passed down legends from the late 1800’s. This doesn’t stop these legends from continuing and spreading into modern times with the visions of a dark shadow who does not like pictures being taken of him and visitors feeling uneasy and even touched on occasion. It’s rumored that this is the bounty hunter who is still mad in the afterlife with the harsh way he died and shows his dislike of guests with tools being thrown about and the random slamming of doors.


Much like the Basement, our first investigation didn’t amount to much here but it did give us a very strange image of the outside of the mansion on our venture back from the Barn following our attempt to gather some activity. This gave us something to retry and recreate with the mindset of debunking this oddity.


We spent two separate time frames here. The first with only two investigators which produced a very strange sound of a grunting, reminiscent of a horse’s neigh. Strange yet, but tying into the legends of this area, every time a flash photograph was taken the gimbal that our livestream was being recorded with would throw itself out of position. This was attempted to be debunked as a malfunction or even little known feature of the gimbal but this was to no avail. Before returning a second time, we ran a static recorder in this area which provided us with some strange sounds which were similar to footsteps and tools being used or moved. Our second attempt here was with all four investigators but ultimately didn’t provide us with any activity whatsoever. What we did try on the walk back to the mansion was similar pictures to the oddities captured at our last investigation. Instead of being able to debunk this due to lighting or something else explainable, we actually added to this with a capture of three images showing a white mist rushing past us, settling in front of us, then looking as if some type of figure. All of this was unknown and unseen at the time of taking these images.





  • We attempted to debunk prior pictures taken of the exterior but instead we were able to capture yet another anomaly here, this time captured in a series of four images.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • There was not much experienced during this time until we heard a whinnying type grunt of a horse around :15.


Recording 2 – Static 1:



  • After we left the recorder out in the Barn as we investigated elsewhere, we picked up a clicking noise at :06 then the sound of a bucket moving at about :44.
  • This sound was repeated at :48..


Recording 3 – Static 2:



  • There were similar clicking noises then heard at :05.


Recording 4 – Static 3:



  • A pair of clicking noises were then captured at :07 and :59.


Video 1 – Handheld 1:



  • At about 2:00, the odd sound of a horse whinnying could be heard from the back corner.
  • During this time, the phone attached to the gimbal would rotate after taking flash photography..


Dining Room – GW Adams Bedroom


On the first floor, the Dining Room is situated across from GW Adams bedroom. These areas were intentionally located atop the basement for communication with the slaves below the mansion. It’s said that George would knock on the floor as a way to warn the slaves to remain quiet and hide. Responses could have been return knocks or whistles telling him that the runaways received the message. Currently both rooms are decorated and fully furnished from the original time period of the mansion’s construction to give visitors an idea of how the family would have lived. Both of these rooms have been said to still act as a main location for the patriarch of Prospect Place, none other than GW Adams. Quick footsteps as if someone is pacing has been heard here and a dark silhouette peering out of the window has also been spotted here in the past. There are some further indications of George’s presence though, some which harken back directly to the years of the Underground Railroad. Whistles and knocks has been said to echo about through both of these areas as if GW Adams is warning runaways to stay quiet below him and those slaves whistling back to acknowledge him. It’s popular belief that these are residual hauntings which are linked to the heavy and intense energies left behind from this time period.


We did not spend much time in either location during our first go round here but we did in fact have a strange experience on our way out the door. As two out of three of us were outside packing up the car, the third member needed a restroom break. During his time there, a loud knocking was heard just outside the door and echoing from the wall of the GW Adams Bedroom. Thinking it was one of us wanting in the restroom he came outside and was startled to see both of the remainder of the group mid-conversation loading up the final pieces of our equipment. Unfortunately this was not recorded as those were packed up but we surely made good on documenting this and recording it as a personal experience.


While we split up fitting this time period, only two investigators began an attempt at conversation in the Dining Room. This did not lead to anything paranormal but we did hear a a whistle coming from the GW Adams Bedroom. Naturally, the pair followed this oddity into that bedroom but aside from a few further moments of more than likely residual activity there was not much more experienced here.




  • We did not photograph anything here.


Recording 1 – EVP:



  • We had a full duration of the recorder running throughout our time in both rooms and around 6:20, the Rempod could be heard going off.
  • Later in the clip, we could be heard discussing a whistling noise as if repeating the old motions of GW Adams and the runaway slaves below. However, this can only be chalked up to an experience as the recorder did not capture this as a piece of evidence.


Video 1 – Handheld 1:



  • Prior to this video, the flashlight began in an on position.
  • At 3:10, we heard “Yes” after asking if we could take their picture.
  • The flashlight shut off at 5:00.
  • We asked if they could turn it back on if this was a child and at 5:28 the light turned on.




With the appearance of a simple bedroom, this area acted as a very specific location for praise and prayer. Small masses would be held here under poor weather conditions or at any risk of bounty hunters. The minister during these masses would have been GW Adams himself but following his death, the Chapel was converted into a fully functional bedroom. It’s apparent that this room remained a safe space for worship far beyond its life span as it’s said that chanting and hymnals have been heard here as if lost souls returned here to continue their hopes for salvation. There is no one in particular that has been reported or documented here but rather the sensation that there may be a small congregation which still attends mass regularly even after their death.


The initial investigation provided a lot of activity here in regards to GW Adams and we were told that he was on his way. Before we recorded moments like that, before we even stepped foot in the room, we captured a shadow in the mirror. We were sure no one was in that room at that point and that there was not even any shadow on the wall at that point. This image is one that we hoped to attempt to prove or debunk by recreating it.


Unfortunately for us and our purposes, the mirror had previously been removed and set on the floor on the opposite side of the room. With that, we were unable to attempt to either prove or debunk the former image we captured. We did have some notes to go off from our last investigation but this ultimately never tied together and the names we previously received never came to fruition this go round. We seemed to receive more area-based energy with Rempod and flashlight activity. We never seemed to gain much advancement or answers here but instead opened more possibilities through these means but we did capture what sounded like a name of “Adam” through simple EVP. We hoped to bring out some type of emotion or response with the singing of ‘Amazing Grace’ but this never amounted to much further communication.





  • The screen capture of a flashlight on the mantle was seen here turning on in a moment recorded on video.


Recording 1 – EVP 1:



  • Much like the Rempod communication earlier in the night, the majority of our communication here was in the form of flashlights turning on and off and similar Rempod activity. This session will once again read similarly as a transcript rather than any type of actual evidence clips.
  • Even before we started the recorder, the Rempod was heard going off to which we were in the process of discussing as the flashlight on the mantle turned on as if confirming this at :33.
  • We were discussing wrapping up our night and said we’re ready to go to which the Rempod twas alerted at 1:08 followed by just the Rempod light at 1:53.
  • As we started up the Spirit Box, just for a short period of time, the Ovilus produced the word ‘Radio’ at 2:03 as if noticing this was in fact a radio.
  • After introducing ourselves – again – the Ovilus produced ‘Awful’ at 2:28.
  • The Ovilus then showed the word ‘Wound’ unprompted at 2:40 just before we heard a creaking noise from the hall at 2:58.
  • We asked directly who we were speaking with and heard a voice, it’s very low and quiet, perhaps saying “Adam” at 3:39.
  • Just following the possibility of a name, the Rempod was alerted at 3:43.
  • We then asked them to again tell us their name and the Ovilus produced ‘Wed’ at 4:44.

Recording 2 – EVP 1.1:



  • Here, we did some a little different. We pulled out two separate notations to further analyze without detracting from the entirety of the conversation. This clip occurred at 2:58 of the previous recording but here the creaking sound from the hallway is heard at about :03.


Recording 3 – EVP 1.2:



  • This too was pulled apart from Recording 1, this moment where we heard the name “Adam” occurred at 3:39 but pulled apart here for further analysis, this occurred at :14.


Recording 4 – EVP Singing 1:



  • Just after Jim’s singing, we could be heard reacting to a moment where the flashlight on the mantle turned on at 1:35.
  • We asked if this meant that Jim did a good job but at 1:45 the flashlight turned off.

Video 1 – Cell Phone 1:



  • The flashlight could be seen turning on at :18 then back off at :24.


Video 2 – Handheld 1:



  • We asked if they wanted us to sing and at :20 the flashlight on the mantle turned on.
  • It went back off at :40.
  • Once more, it jumped on at 1:35 then off at 1:48.
  • Following Jim’s singing, the flashlight jumped to life at 4:25.
  • We asked if he did a good job and the flashlight immediately shut off at 4:35.
  • Once more the flashlight flickered on at 6:17 then back off at 6:31.


Video 3 – Handheld 2:



  • We discussed the Rempod as the flashlight on the mantle turned on as if confirming this at :32.
  • We discussed wrapping up our night and said we’re ready to go to which the Rempod was alerted at 1:07 followed by just the Rempod light at 1:52.
  • As we started up the Spirit Box the Ovilus produced the word ‘Radio’ at 2:02.
  • After introducing ourselves the Ovilus produced ‘Awful’ at 2:27.
  • The Ovilus showed the word ‘Wound’ at 2:39 just before we heard a creaking noise from the hall at 2:57.
  • We asked who we were speaking with and heard a voice saying “Adam” at 3:38.
  • Following the possibility of a name, the Rempod was alerted at 3:42.
  • We asked them to again tell us their name and the Ovilus produced ‘Wed’ at 4:43.


Gentleman’s Parlor (Sleeping Quarters)


This open floor is the easiest location to set up our equipment and lay out cots to spend the night. The fireplace and GW Adams picture reaches from the floor to the ceiling and accentuates the room.


During our last stay here, a very intriguing video was captured which sounded like footsteps and whistling moving down the hallway toward us. This occurred again as if moving away from us but this following time ended prematurely with what sounded like a gunshot. None of the three of us were even remotely disturbed by any of these noises.


This time around, we simply set up a cell phone which needed to be restarted a few times. But here, there was a similar clicking or footsteps sound that we could not debunk.


Video 1 – Cell Phone Video 1:



  • Nothing was heard out of the ordinary here.


Video 2 – Cell Phone Video 2:



  • There were some clicking noises heard first at about 31:49 then again much later at about 1:06:43.


Video 3 – Cell Phone Video 3:



  • These clicking and footstep noises were much more predominant during this video. It occurred numerous times starting with 5:04 then continued sporadically at 7:52, 13:00, 20:16, 21:44, 23:51, and ended at 24:48.
  • The footsteps were much clearer at about 28:43 and 33:00 not ending until 33:30.
  • An odd pairing of both clicks and footsteps was heard at 44:20 then translating to just footsteps at 44:50 and 47:50.
  • A popping sound, perhaps of a champagne bottle, was heard at 48:40.
  • Footsteps were then heard once more at 1:03:55.
  • Another weird combination of clicking and cracking sounds were then captured at 1:26:57 and lasted until 1:27:10.


Following our breakdowns of our personal experiences and reviewing and analyzing our captured paranormal evidence we have gained enough unique unexplained occurrences from this follow up investigation as well as confirmed our previous investigation of Prospect Place in Trinway, Ohio.  With this combination of repeated oddities and additional anomalies we can confidently claim that this former mansion and preserved property holds an intriguing amount of unnatural energy which can be considered not just intelligent spirits but also a fascinating amount of residual or repeating hauntings. 


During this follow up investigation we applied the activity from these previous active locations plus pursued others which we did not investigate much during the first time around. Unfortunately we were unable to attempt to debunk the picture in the Chapel as the mirror was removed but the picture of the exterior of the building was attempted to be debunked but instead we received further verification that there is some strange anomaly outside the mansion. The entire mansion and even outside of it seemed to hold some otherworldly energies and strange, abnormal sensations. We received a slew of activity and even more communication throughout the entire building but there were a few specific spots inside Prospect Place that drew our attention and peaked our interest slightly more than others. 


The Servants Quarters backed up our sensation of feeling unwelcome in the back bedroom from the previous investigation but in addition to that the area altered our state of mind both emotionally and physically. Our communication during this second investigation was through yes/no questions and answers were mostly provided through flashlights. There were a few intriguing moments via the Phasma Box, mainly a residual conversation and the names  ‘Jonathon’ and ‘Nick’ even though it was unknown if any of these names were truly that male servant we believe we spoke with during our time here. Around the corner in the Laundry Room we were drawn in with a flashing flashlight which proceeded to be used to communicate with us helping us gain names of George and Anna. A heavy breath was also captured here which paired up with the activating Rempod from up the stairwell.



Following that moment, we were seemingly pulled   Into the Second Floor Stairwell and ultimately the Belfry. The Rempod was alerted constantly and definitely grabbed our attention located on the landing above. This occurred so much and to no intelligent responses that we were practically forced to follow this all the way up to the Belfry which communication here gave us a clear description of an unknown lookout who was still keeping watch over the mansion and the former runaway slaves. He was very adamant on being left unidentified but did share with us that there was a “threat” in the “basement.” There were ultimately two theories here regarding this location and communication. The first was that this lookout began to trust us and was looking out for us and warning us of an impending threat and wanted us to hide in the basement. On a different note, this could have been a more residual type of energy warning the runaway slaves in the past of incoming bounty hunters and telling them to hide in the basement to survive the potential danger.



On the second floor, inside the Chapel we were unable to attempt to debunk the photograph from our previous investigation due to it being moved temporarily although we certainly did receive communication through the flashlight and Rempod. These provided us with answers that the area was still used to celebrate life but ultimately these answers only led to more questions than answers. The best piece of paranormal communication we received here was the name “Adam” as if in reference to one of these former slaves.



For the vast majority of our interactions they were more positive from our perspective and provided us with a wide array of information gathered between both intelligent conversations and residual energies. Even though much of the intelligent conversations were minimal and seemingly timid and untrusting, we did receive other pieces of information here that were simply mind-blowing like names and past actions and activities. The only location that any type of negativity was experienced was in the Barn but ultimately nothing came of this aside from a fleeting momentary sensation. These intelligent responses helped guide us to some answers and furthering some pieces of these haunting tales. Everything residual in nature ultimately helped back up past stories and tales of how the former servants and family truly lived during the trying times of the past.


With this secondary investigation, our hope is to continue to grow the true history of this gorgeous and historic property and also help to build on the tales and differentiate the true and simply the legends and myths. If our evidence can be shared with the next groups, our hope is to allow others to pick up where we left off, continue asking the hard questions and digging deep to find out the truth and tell the stories of those who can no longer speak or share their stories.

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