Blennerhassett Hotel – Investigation


Blennerhassett Hotel

March 18, 2023

Parkersburg, WV




Overlooking the old gas and oil town of Parkersburg, WV, this unique and gorgeous historical landmark has been at the forefront of West Virginian culture as well as a spearhead for the valley’s economic growth. The Blennerhassett Hotel was the very first high class hotel in the entire state and has stayed as a top tier resort ever since its inception. With its age, dating back to 1883, there would be less of a chance of complete normalcy and lack of tragedies rather than the reality including fires, renovations, and a re-birth of the hotel. 


Visitors flock to this location for not only its history but the overall experience they receive from the hotel’s services and high respect of its employees. The hotel now boasts a spa in addition to its restaurant, bar, and ballroom. To top this off, the hotel also has added on an exterior space which is always packed and full of enjoyment and happiness. Recently, however, the hotel’s  employees and guests alike have been coming forward with more curious and strange encounters.


The entirety of the 4th floor has seemingly always drawn an odd energy but employees have been pinpointing two locations in particular where unexplained tales have been said to occur: Room 409 and Room 428. Both of these rooms, fully furnished and lavishly decorated, seem to play host to not only hotel guests who come and go but rather ones who may call this hotel an eternal home. Phantom knockings and footsteps have become commonplace in these areas, really engulfing the entire 4th floor. But in those two rooms the activity has really been off the charts recently for different reasons. Room 409 seems to hold a darker, heavy presence. This has been linked to the full shadow of a man wearing a bowler cap who has been rumored to be a former employee, even more so, a direct name of Joseph Eisele has been identified here. Almost the opposite has been felt in Room 428 where a lighter, warm, and almost anxious presence has been felt. There are no names or even much intelligent communication experienced here but the sensations all equate to a young child afraid and lonely but on the reverse spectrum, an older protective spirit has also been encountered here. The true identities of these anomalies are becoming slightly more transparent with the more communication which occurs here but are still unknown. 



The entire hotel seems to just exude a different energy in different locations throughout the aged building. This is no more evident than when you simply enter the front doors and feel a light and welcoming feel, as if the old employees and owners are still at work making their guests comfortable. This sensation extends the length of the first floor and into the Cigar Room and Parlor where the original painting of the first owner of William Chancellor was originally hung. Recently, with the new ownership, Mr. Chancellor’s painting was swapped out to their own and William’s portrait was moved out into the barroom entry. Because of this, it has been said that William is not very happy and comes across rather agitated and grumpy in this area due to this painting movement.


Downstairs in the basement area is separated in a slew of dark corridors stretching out in all directions from a main room acting as a break area which currently houses a table and chairs. Each hallway leads to a separate area and within each area a new tale is told and a new atmosphere can astoundingly be felt. In the Laundry Room, including the hallway leading up to it, employees have claimed that they have heard footsteps following them as they were pushing the laundry cart toward the wall of washers and dryers toward their final location. As these employees turn back toward this noise, other sounds have occurred in different directions all around them. But as they attempted to track these noises down, no explanation was ever determined. This oddity has been experienced numerous times by multiple employees. The hallway opposite of the Laundry Room leads to the Dry Storage Area which is actually situated directly below the highly active Room 409. In this simplistic block walled location surrounded by (go figure) dried goods there have been shadows peeking around corners and whispers and minor communication which has led to some believing that a little boy is cowering in this area. This same young child has been seen in the shadows of the main area and disappearing down hallways. Just outside this main area is a locked room where the Administrative Offices used to be located. Currently this area is just simply used for storage and overflow but this random array of furniture and equipment also seems to be home to a little girl who has been said to be sad but enjoys to play with electrical tools much like those of (once more, go figure) paranormal investigators like Rempods and K2 meters. The communication here has led guests and investigators to believe that this little girl was killed here and seemingly lost her parents and is just generally sad.



This investigation, to us, is one of the ways we can give back. We enjoy events where we can help support not only a historical building but also the community. To top that off, we had the opportunity to meet a TON of people at the Appalachian Paracon prior to the evening public investigation. We were able to discuss everything under the paranormal umbrella from our past experiences to stories about the hotel with employees who have personally encountered odd occurrences to our equipment, hell, we even met a MUFON UFO investigator (well just a trainee but still!). This culminated into our participation in helping lead some groups of investigators throughout the hotel and we even seemed to start with some odd occurrences inside the often active Room 409.


We welcome all thoughts and opinions regarding the entire evening but we would be very interested in hearing about some of the stories and activity (or even may it be lack thereof) of anyone who experienced the public paranormal investigation alongside us. After you explore our findings with us, please email us at or comment with your thoughts!


As always, you have been warned, that some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Pre Investigation / Walkthrough / Convention


The convention itself provided us with some time to walk the property and get acquainted with the ever changing atmosphere. It also gave us the chance to gather even more stories of some of the guests and employees personal experiences inside the Blennerhassett Hotel. Even though we did not get much of an opportunity to sit down and discuss the history and activity of the building, we did get a partial tour. This was a very unique start to our night as we actually began with a blind investigation of Room 409 followed by a tour of the rest of the building. During this time, we could feel a shift in energies and we definitively noted this as more people added to the group. It was as if whatever spirits were nearby were almost avoiding the large groups of people; and we can’t say we blame them! 


Our walk through did not provide us with much activity but rather helped reinforce our research and guide us to more of the currently active locations throughout the historic hotel.




  • There was nothing odd pictured but we did want to share our convention table and set up complete with our brand new banner!



Room 409 (4th Floor)


In this beautifully furnished two story suite something not so friendly or, at the very least, a little uncomfortable and grumpy has been experienced here. This area is known to produce shadows, specifically those shadows of a dark figure wearing a bowler hat. This man has been said to be linked to the former Kaltenecker Building which was the connecting neighboring building. This portion was included in the renovations of 1985 spurring on this activity ever since. The identity of this man is truly unknown but theories have been brought about including those of a former disgruntled employee as well as a simple former guest who has been drawn back to its beauty. The name of Joseph Eisele has been linked to this shadowy figure through former investigations. If that sight of a dark, stalking figure isn’t enough, other activity has been linked to this room including the phantom movement of furniture and loud, obnoxious sounds as if someone is having a humongous party. Any time these noises are heard and attempted to be tracked down, nothing is ever out of place nor are the lights even turned on inside the room. These are more of the residual type hauntings but one of the more frightening occasions told of a guest being held down and strangled! This abusive nature has also been said to spread verbally as some who visit are told to “Leave” and “Get out” as well as other profanities have been strewn about as if an attempt to make visitors feel extremely uncomfortable.


While we investigated this area, we went in nearly blind as the only information gathered was pieced together from former write ups and online documentation. We had plenty of Ovilus communication but this could be debunked by the simple amount of electricity pulsing through the room from active wiring to guests’ cell phones. We also thought we experienced the flickering of lights but this seemed to coincide with some of the other mechanical features of the room such as the heat turning on creating this illusion. What we can confidently claim here is that we experienced some intelligent communication and even conversation thanks in large part to our Phasma Box. Some names were provided in this area such as “Frank” and “Jason.” We were also given some commands, as if unwanted here but, on the other side, we also were given some welcoming phrases and words as if simply just “Hi” and “Hey.” We do believe we experienced the more malevolent presence here as we overcrowded them but we also feel like there was a softer voiced and welcoming presence here as if some woman was trying to reach out for attention. 




  • There was nothing captured here providing any type of paranormal evidence or activity.


Recording 1 – EVP:



  • This first recording was a static recorder we let run upstairs as we set up and welcomed the guests into the room. Nothing was captured out of the ordinary here.


Recording 2 – Phasma Box:



  • As we attempted to communicate, a gentle voice was heard welcoming us with a “Hi” at :11 followed by the name “Jason” heard twice at :27 and :29.
  • We were then given a greeting of “Hey” at :34 after we did not respond.


Recording 3 – Phasma Box:



  • An odd phrase of “Help, I’m human” was heard at :01 and seemed almost like a deceiving plea of something or someone that was trying to appease us but also trick us.
  • As if this same energy was attempting to get us alone or leave someone unprotected, we captured “Leave them” at :18.


Recording 4 – Phasma Box:



  • After we sat and listened closely, we asked if they could speak to us through this tool to which we heard a comment separated by about five seconds starting with “This is” at :05 completed by “Hard” at :10.
  • Another seemingly desperate plea of “Leave here” was recorded at :21 as if there were too many people in this area.
  • Following a little silence the name “Frank” was heard and repeated at :40 and :42.


Recording 5 – Phasma Box:



  • An odd word of “Poverty” was recorded, unprompted, at :10.
  • Just as the lights above us flickered (later found out due to the heating also turning on) we heard “It worked” at :12 and :17. At the time, we thought this was in reference to the lights flickering but later we believed they were just excited to be able to speak as we felt the lights flickering were a normal nuance of the older building.


Recording 6 – Phasma Box:



  • As the Rempod was left on its own in the entry hallway it could be heard going off at :01 followed by “The entrance” at :05 as if in a direct reference to this tool.
  • Being that we were all enthralled by this action, there was a phrase of “Shouldn’t be” heard at :13 as if telling us we shouldn’t be surprised.
  • After a little silence, a simple question of “How?” was recorded at :39.
  • More silence ensued and finally we heard “It’s ready” at :57 then “Go out there” at :59 as if something was being planned that we were unaware of or if they wanted to split us up.
  • We then stood in the entry hallway and asked them if this was the area that they wanted us to be but heard “Out there” at 1:10 as if in response.


Recording 7 – Phasma Box:



  • We inched our way further down the entryway at that point and recorded “Come closer” at :04.


Room 428 (4th Floor)


Just down the hall from the previous Room 409, this single bedded, more typical look of a hotel room is said to house some type of unique, otherworldly energy. Similar occurrences here stretch all across the entirety of the 4th floor like footsteps, shadows, and knocking noises. Many of these noises are difficult to track down due to the sheer size of the hotel but also, with it being actively booked, it can be tough to differentiate paranormal activity with the random noise from guests. This room in particular has no identification associated with it and aside from some of this almost cliché activity, there does not seem to be much intelligence attached to the room itself – at least not according to stories.


While we broke down some of the guests, we had a much smaller number of people investigating here which we feel brought out more activity in the long run. During our time here, we experienced physical touches and visual confirmation thanks to our Rempod. Between a Spirit Box and Phasma Box we captured some communication, mainly intelligent, which we concluded was a combination of a child and a parent or guardian or protector of some sort. Perhaps, it was a combination of a child, parent, and one other who was trying to control the duo. This situation was brought up after the fact as we realized there were three separate voices at times and we even received the word “Three” at one point. Any time we attempted to take a flash photograph we were given a seemingly perturbed response whether we were told “Don’t” or “Leave” it seemed as though one spirit was trying to protect another, or perhaps hide something they did not want found. Any opportunity we got when we received a welcoming response of “Hello” or “Hi” was almost always followed by a gruff voice attempting to distract us, draw our attention, or simply silence the other entity we were attempting to contact. Eventually as we were asked for “Help” multiple times we attempted to ‘kick out’ whoever else was with us to which the room altered and became much lighter and this is when more conversation occurred seemingly between a parent and child with some gentle conversation.




  • We attached a screen capture of the figure on the bed via the SLS camera which is seen in the video below.



Recording 1 – Spirit Box:



  • We simply asked if anyone was willing to speak to us and heard “Not me” at :16.
  • As we began to take some pictures we heard warnings of “Don’t” at :25 but when we continued to snap some more pictures with the flash going off, the word “Don’t” was once again heard at 1:10.
  • After noticing these two occurrences we asked them if our taking of pictures bothered them to which we heard a “Yes” at 1:18.
  • We pause after this out of respect only to hear “Hold on a sec” at 1:22 followed by “Better” at 1:28 as if they were allowing us to continue to take pictures once they were ready.


Recording 2 – Spirit Box:



  • At this point, after we introduced ourselves, we heard greetings returned in the form of “Hello” at :08 and “Hi” at :13.
  • As we began to ask questions, we heard the number “Three” at :16 as if in relation to how many of them were with us.


Recording 3 – Spirit Box:



  • After a little silence we asked if there was anyone still here with us to which we heard “Me” at :07.
  • We then asked if there was anything they’d like to tell us and captured a male voice saying “Leave” at :42.


Recording 4 – Spirit Box:



  • Once we asked them if they could give us a name, we heard two separate responses. The first was a simple “Yes” at :15 followed by a number of “Forty” at :19.


Recording 5 – Spirit Box:



  • We began to sense that someone was keeping another quiet so we bluntly asked if tis was in fact the case to which we captured “It is” at :16.
  • After explaining that they can come and touch us, to reach out to us, and that they could trust us, we heard an untrusting voice say simply “Bullshit” at :46.


Recording 6 – Phasma Box:



  • Once we transitioned to a different tool, we got some science but once they were able to figure out how to manipulate the Phasma Box, we began to hear some anomalies starting with a simple “Hey” at :05.
  • We were seemingly asked for “Help” twice during this timeframe at :13 then “Help us” at :16.
  • After questioning this we heard “Back when” at :42 as if someone was attempting to tell us a story or a date.
  • As we were unsure how to respond, we captured a full phrase of “I don’t have time for that” at :51.


Recording 7 – Phasma Box:



  • We began to think we were dealing with a child giving us fabricated answers, a trickster, or perhaps someone trying to deflect and get us out after we asked how many kids were in this room and we heard “Seven” at :11.
  • Hearing this at the time, we then asked how many of them were with us, leaving out the ‘kids’ specification. We then heard “None” at :22.
  • Followed by some silence we then recorded “Had” at :46.
  • We explained that their child was safe with us and heard a sarcastic sounding “Yeah right” at 1:07.


Recording 8 – Phasma Box:



  • After we were doing all the talking, we heard a question of “Can I talk a little?” at :07.
  • We explained that we’d be happy to let them talk and even apologized for talking too much. At :18 we heard “Thank you all” as if thanking us for giving them the ability and time to speak.
  • Even though they didn’t seem to use this opportunity too much, we heard a phrase (possibly them speaking to one another) of “Goodnight, sweetheart” at :51.


Recording 9 – Phasma Box:



  • We started this clip hearing “Hands up” at :03 as if hearing something residual here.
  • After we simply sat and continued to listen, we heard what sounded like a year: “1934” at :11.
  • As we explained that we just wanted to get to know them we heard an almost sarcastic question of “Who wants to know?” at :26.
  • We were then nicely asked to move away as we heard “Get back, please” at :36 followed by a sombering phrase of “She’s sad here” at :48 as if in reference to someone else who may have been here with us.


Recording 10 – Phasma Box:



  • After we split off, leaving only Jim Jack in this room, he continued to communicate and captured “Everyone” at :09 followed by “Be quiet” at :29.
  • At this point, we were left with a slightly disturbing phrase of “Been warned” at 1:14.


Recording 11 – Phasma Box:



  • Following some silence and really not sure how to proceed after being ‘warned’ we asked if there was anything we could help them with. At :05 “There is” was captured.
  • Without any follow up reply, we attempted to get visual confirmation of their presence asking if they could light up the devices. A simple question of “Say again?” was then recorded at 1:16.
  • At about 1:22, “Leave” was heard followed up by some (what we believe are) residual comments and reflections of “She’s fine” at 1:28, “I’m late” at 1:34, and “Your decision” at 1:39.
  • After hearing all of these comments, and preparing to listen to their initial comment about leaving, we were then asked not to leave with a plea of “Don’t leave” at 1:52 and “We’re not done” at 1:56.


Video 1 – Phasma Box:


  • At about :11, the phrase “Been warned” was recorded through the Phasma Box followed by “There is” at :26.
  • There are then two separate occurrences of a figure sitting on the bed through the SLS camera at :39 and :53.



Dry Storage Area (Basement)


This location, which houses the restaurant’s dried goods and the bar’s preserved drink selection, is a mundane and not-so-out-of-the-ordinary block room. Although with some of the tales from not only this location but all throughout the basement it seems to produce thought provoking theories that are anything but ordinary. To start, directly above this spot (four floors up) is where Room 409 is ironically (or is it?) situated. In this back corner, a young boy dressed in an older garb much like that of a newspaper boy has been followed into and then he disappears as if he’s scared and cornered. This boy has said to start in the main area or other hallways ultimately ending in this spot. In addition to this younger boy, the bowler hat man (most likely the same as contacted above in Room 409) has been spotted here and in the dark hallway just on the other side of this wall. Not much more occurs than a disturbing sight of this man; no communication typically which is not at all the same experienced four stories above.


Our time here our group actually split up and with no guests in the vicinity. With a fan heavily running in the background it was very difficult to track down true sources of some of our unexplained experiences. We were initially drawn in here by a strange sensation of being watched but our pendulum ultimately helped us communicate with someone who we felt was much younger (perhaps that paper boy?). As we attempted verbal communication we didn’t hear anything out right at the time but following our review we heard an all too familiar gruff voice whispering in the open to “Leave” and “Go back.” Unfortunately we did not hear these at the time so we had no time to attempt to debunk, trace, or even continue questioning this energy. Following more pendulum activity, it ceased completely followed only by more whispers telling us to “Say goodbye” and “Get out” by that gruff voice that was again unheard at the time.




  • We attached a screen capture of a figure peering out from the shelving area through the SLS camera, as seen in the video.



Recording 1 – EVP / Pendulum:



  • In this first session we utilized a pendulum during a large portion of it. The only way we could dictate these responses and outcomes to our questions was to simply transcribe it below.
  • Early on in this time frame we accounted for yes responses to be the pendulum moving left to right and no responses front to back.
  • We asked if there was anyone who wanted to speak with us through the pendulum and at 2:16 the pendulum moved left to right as a yes response.
  • As the pendulum slowed quite a bit we asked if they could push it harder and, almost ironically, it moved front to back at 2:40 as if in a no response but in fact it was harder.
  • With a lack of communication we simply asked if they were still with us and the pendulum moved side to side as a yes at 3:29.
  • We asked them if they realized there were lots of people currently in the hotel, the pendulum moved left to right signifying a yes at 3:55.
  • As we tried to ask if they were comfortable speaking with us and us being in their space, the pendulum seemed to spin as if they were undecided around 4:24.
  • We followed this and repeated the question and this time received a no response at 5:00.
  • With this we then asked if we could share this space with them temporarily and were given a yes response at 5:40.
  • We attempted to distinguish who we were speaking with and asked if they were a man. At 6:23 there was a yes response after a slight hesitation.
  • As we followed this asking if they were a boy, under 16 years old, we received a no response at 7:13.
  • Bluntly, we then asked if this was William with us and at 7:52 we were given another no response.
  • Continuing to pry, we asked if this was the man in the bowler hat that has been seen in this area and we again told no at 8:22.


Recording 2 – EVP:



  • During this timeframe, we made out what sounded like some whispers in the form of a gruff voice telling us to “Leave” at :03 and “Go back” at :15. At the time we did not hear these voices.


Recording 3 – EVP / Pendulum:



  • We continued on with our pendulum communication here starting with a question of if they were someone who worked in the hotel. At about :02, the pendulum swayed but not enough to clarify a response.
  • After circling back to ask if they were previously back here when we were down here and separated, the pendulum produced a yes response at :28.
  • We then asked if it was okay that more people joined us to which we received a rather indifferent response at 1:06.
  • After asking if we were speaking to a young boy, perhaps the one some have seen in the past, we received a yes response at 2:20 but this answer did seem to be slightly timid.
  • Following that sensation we asked if they were scared to which we received a no response at 2:42.
  • We once again asked if they were comfortable with us and we noticed a yes response at 3:12.
  • After that, we asked if they felt a little better and easier since they’d been back talking to us and at 3:46 but this response seemed slightly inconclusive.
  • We then asked if they could tell us if there was anything we could do for them and unfortunately received a no at 4:32.
  • After that, we felt a little unwanted so we asked if they wanted us to leave them be and we received three separate no responses at 5:05, 5:10, and 5:17.


Recording 4 – EVP:



  • We began to hear more whispers here beginning with one indecipherable at :09 and again at :22.
  • At :47 we heard “Get out” as if we wore out our welcome.
  • Another indecipherable whisper was heard at 1:00.


Recording 5 – EVP:



  • A thud sound was heard here at :02 as if trying to draw our attention away from communication; and it worked.


Video 1 – Cell:


  • There was a moment where it appeared as though a figure was partially mapped on the SLS camera as if peaking out around the corner. This could be seen at 1:41.



Video 2 – Cell:



  • We set the rules for yes responses on the pendulum to move left to right and no responses front to back.
  • We asked if there was anyone who wanted to speak with us and at :55 the pendulum gave a yes response.
  • We then asked if they could push it harder and it moved in a no response at 1:15 but harder.
  • We asked if they were still with us and the pendulum moved with a yes at 2:04.
  • After that we asked if they realized there were lots of people in the hotel, the pendulum moved left to right signifying a yes at 2:30..
  • As we asked if they were comfortable speaking with us and us being in their space, the pendulum spun as if they were undecided around 2:59.
  • We repeated the question and received a no response at 3:35.
  • After this we asked if we could share this space with them and were told yes at 4:15.
  • We asked if they were a man and at 4:58 there was a yes after a hesitation.
  • We followed this and asked if they were a boy, we received a no response at 5:48.
  • After this we asked if this was William and at 6:27 we were given another no.
  • We asked if this was the man in the bowler hat that has been seen in this area and we were told no at 6:57.
  • At this point, the whispers should have been produced similar to the recorder and, hypothetically speaking, they should have occurred with what sounded like “Leave” at 7:23 then “Go back” at 7:35. Although, here these whispers are not heard as if the speaker was too far away from the recorder and the origin of the whispers themselves.
  • We continued with pendulum communication and asked if they were someone who worked in the hotel. At 7:57, the pendulum swayed but not enough for a response.
  • After asking if they were previously back here when we were here earlier, the pendulum produced a yes at 8:23.
  • We asked if it was okay if more people joined us. We received an indifferent response at 9:01.
  • Asking if we were speaking to a young boy, we received a yes at 10:15 but this seemed slightly timid.
  • We then asked if they were scared and we received a no at 10:37.
  • Once again we asked if they were comfortable with us and we received a yes at 11:07.
  • We asked if they felt better since they’d been talking to us and at 11:41 but this response seemed inconclusive.
  • Then we asked if they could tell us if there was anything we could do for them and received a no answer at 12:27.
  • After that, we felt unwanted so we asked if they wanted us to leave and we received three no responses at 13:00, 13:05, and 13:12.
  • We should have been able to hear more whispers here but, like the scenario previously stated, we were unable to hear them in this clip. These whispers should have occurred at 14:54 and at 15:07. Similarly, at 15:32 we should have heard “Get out” but were unable to do so. An indecipherable whisper should have been heard at 15:45 but once more was not heard.
  • A dull thud-like sound was heard here at 16:07 as if trying to draw our attention away from communication; and it worked.


Former Administrative Office (Basement)


In the open entry area right next to the elevators is a keypad locked door with a single pane of glass embossed with the words “Admin Office.” Inside simply looks like an old, used, and typical storage area. This area holds anything from furniture to skin care devices used for the spa. The room seems to stretch on in all directions once the hallway opens up. It seems to be piled high on all sides with older items, some possibly antiques, more than likely dating back to the hotel’s inception. Recently, ever since the room has been in more operation as the hotel switches seasons, there have been employees in and out of the room. Each one seems to have a new and different story. Employees range from hearing phantom footsteps to hearing whispers to seeing full body shadows. More recently as paranormal walks have been brought near the area, the tour guide’s devices such as K2 meters and Rempods have been said to be alerted on regular occurrences.


We spent time in this location on two separate occasions. During the first, after we split up with half the group in the Dry Storage Area and the other half in this Administrative Office, both the Rempod and the K2 meter were very active. These helped us answer yes/no questions, guiding us to believe that this was a young girl who was scared and all alone in that basement area. She does seem to like attention and enjoyed playing with those light up devices, more than likely seen simply as toys to her. With our second trek down here we did not seem to get much, if any, interaction. If nothing else, that lends to more credence of something truly paranormal occurring here during the first time around.




  • We attached a screen capture of the Rempod lighting up, as seen in the video.



Recording 1 – EVP:



  • Rather than breaking this down, we decided it best to be transcribed as all that can truly be documented are sounds and noises rather than any voice communication.
  • About 1:03 into the recording, the Rempod could be heard turning on as if someone were close by playing with it. This occurred two more times at 1:06 and 1:14.
  • We then asked if they could move close and do that again and at 1:21, it did in fact turn back on.
  • After explaining that this could be a fun game to play, the Rempod once again jumped on at 1:26 then again at 1:34.
  • We followed this by asking if we could change it up and they could tell us their name in the red light (recorder) on the table and at 1:40 the Rempod turned on as we assumed this was a positive response.
  • Unfortunately we never heard any name given but the Rempod did continue to go off at 1:46, 1:59, 2:03, 2:19, 2:26, and finally at 2:31 as if this energy we encountered simply wanted to play with this light up tool/toy.
  • At 2:35, the Ovilus produced its first and only word of this session of “Evening.”
  • The Rempod followed this up and continued to jump on as if it was still being played with at 2:39, 2:47, 2:54, 3:07, 3:16, 3:25, 3:38, and then 3:43.
  • We finally got a chance to ask if they’d like to use the Rempod to play a yes or no game to which it lit again at 4:19 but ultimately and unfortunately it fell silent for a few minutes following this.
  • The Rempod did light up again at 8:03 after we asked if we could take a picture of them which did not lead to any visual evidence.
  • It lit two more times at 9:13 and 9:46 until finally falling silent for the rest of the night.


Recording 2 – EVP:



  • We returned here later on in hopes of trying to communicate once more but unfortunately there was nothing recorded or experienced here. This wasn’t deemed to be a total failure but rather a way to back up the evidence which was captured earlier in the previous communication session.


Video 1 – Cell:


  • The Rempod could be heard and seen going off right off the bat.
  • We then believe someone was playing with it just coming close then moving away again. This occurred at :03 and :05.
  • After we asked them if they could do that again, the Rempod was alerted at :12.
  • We said that moving close and lighting it up was fun and it went off again at :17 and :22.
  • We asked if they could use the recorder to tell us their name and the Rempod could be seen lighting up at :31.



Video 2 – Cell:


  • The Rempod could be seen going off right away then repeated once again at :05, :15, and :22.
  • We then asked if they could push the ball for us and the Rempod surprisingly lit again at :33 and again at :38.



Video 3 – Cell:


  • As we tried another way to communicate, we asked if they simply wanted to play a game and the Rempod once again was activated at :30.



Laundry Room (Basement)


Across from the Dry Storage Area, through  the main break area in the basement, down a dark corridor lies two walls packed to the ceiling with washers and dryers; enough to clean the entire hotel all at once if need be. In this entire area, numerous employees have reported feeling as though they’re being watched accompanied by footsteps with no (living) person to account for them. Upon an inspection of the area in question, noises seemed to occur in different locations as if distracting this unsuspecting employee. This has occurred so many times, as a matter of fact, that the majority of these employees simply continue on with their business as if this is nothing out of the ordinary.


During our time here we began with just our group and did not seem to experience much communication or activity except a moment very early on in this attempt. As we began setting our gear around the room and began starting it up, a banging noise as if a latch was being opened then closed was both heard and captured. We could not make out what this was aside from its location toward the rear of the room opposite the washers and dryers. We also did some comparison of similar noises and nothing matched up with this sound. Is it possible we experienced one of those distracting noises we’ve heard so much about? As our group grew to nearly a dozen guests, we seemed to scare whoever was down here with us off. We did gain some pendulum communication but more so heard another noise echoing from an adjacent room. This noise was also attempted to be tracked but there was no one else in the area to have caused this noise.




  • There was nothing to note from our photographs here.



Recording 1 – EVP:



  • As we just made it down in this area and began to spread our equipment around and prepare ourselves to attempt to communicate, a noise reminiscent of a door being pushed open was captured at :05 but there were no doors or anything around to make this sound. This may have been a prime example of a distraction that has been discussed by employees down here on their own.


Recording 2 – EVP:



  • After guests began to file into the room, we gathered around the laser grid and attempted to utilize the pendulum once again as well as our other tools such as the Ovilus, Rempod, and K2 meter. There was a long silence at first until the Ovilus produced a “No” at 1:03 after we asked if they could let us know if they were here with us.


Recording 3 – EVP:



  • A sound as if something clicked or was knocked in the room across the hall was heard here at :03 and :05. This was heard at the time, and we went to look in the other room with nothing found out of place and no one else around here.


Recording 4 – EVP:



  • Our pendulum began to capture some activity once more after we asked if there was anyone down here with us and we received a yes response at :27.
  • We waited a little longer in hopes that they would verbally respond as well but thanked them for the pendulum response and said that it was okay if they couldn’t speak out loud. The Ovilus then produced the word “What?” at 1:21.
  • As we mentioned that maybe they would like to draw something for us, we then captured “Watching” on the Ovilus at 1:45 as if they simply wanted to watch someone else draw.
  • After hearing this we asked if they would like one of the guests, Aidan, to draw for them. At about 2:16 the [pendulum produced a no.
  • We asked the same question as before if they worked in this laundry area in the hotel. The Ovilus showed the word “Speak” at 2:42 and the pendulum produced a yes response at 2:49.
  • After we asked if they knew anything about the roof, the Ovilus showed “Nein” at 3:13 as if speaking German saying no.
  • Silence followed this but another voice seemed to say “No” at 4:36 as if reiterating this response so we would understand.


Following the first inaugural Appalachian Paracon and a long, enjoyable day full of story swapping, equipment explanations, and simply meeting some of the most entertaining and open minded individuals, our investigation of the Blennerhassett Hotel capped off a successful weekend in Parkersburg, WV. Following our evidence review and analysis of all of our videos, photographs, and recordings, combined with some experiences that wouldn’t necessarily be considered evidence, we were unable to explain or debunk some of the more intriguing paranormal activity we believe we encountered throughout the historic hotel. This evidence paired with these experiences led us to believe that the historic Blennerhassett Hotel located in downtown Parkersburg, WV houses an array of different energies which spans the entirety of the building and stretches across a slew of atmospheres incorporated within it. While this energy can be open to a multitude of interpretations, based on our extensive experience and specific communication points, as well as unexplained phenomena which occurred throughout the evening, this data does lend itself to make us believe that these experiences were indeed paranormal in nature.


The documented stories and ongoing tales of the supernatural have given us a baseline to compare and contrast with our findings. This combination has helped further our analysis and even helped guide us throughout the night. 


We were able to record and video a decent amount of experiences and unexplained phenomena but there were other, more personal experiences we felt compelled to share throughout the investigation. These moments included being touched, sensations of being watched, and times when the air and atmosphere seemingly changed. The touches occurred mainly in broom 428 while the feeling of being watched was felt all through the basement. The changing atmosphere was felt mainly in Room 409.



The most activity we received and recorded was not visual but rather verbal captured on our recorders. Inside Room 409, we seemed to come across a more gruff and irritated voice echoing through the Phasma Box. This appeared to be intelligent and annoyed that there were so many people in their space. 


A similar intelligence was heard just down the hallway in Room 428 but this had a different overall atmosphere. In this room our communication was through the Spirit Box and Phasma Box but the energies here came across much more timid and almost afraid to speak with us. The more time we spent here the more we gathered enough information to believe that there were up to three separate energies exuded here. The first was that of a young child, particularly a young girl. The second was an overprotective parent or guardian simply watching over this child and possibly preventing them from speaking too much. But it seemed as though they were more than likely just there watching on to ensure this child’s safety. The third energy here came across as controlling and made numerous attempts to stop the child from speaking. This same energy did not like the flashing of lights in this room when we took photos and even seemed to attempt to make one of us so uncomfortable and tried to get us to leave the room by touching us and remaining close by the rest of the time here. We eventually took a stand and exclaimed that they were not wanted here. This helped open the child up a little bit more allowing us to continue speaking with her. We also captured what appeared to be a figure sitting on the bed next to our recorder.


From here we spent some time splitting up and covering ground in the basement. In the Dry Storage Area we captured some whispers reminiscent of the man in Room 409 where he was gruff and unwelcoming. This took a turn though when we disregarded him and focused on what seemed to be a young boy who played with the pendulum. During this time, a figure was spotted peeking out from behind the storage shelves. While this occurred, there was a little girl who was sad and just liked to play with our devices in the Administrative Office. These moments were captured on video showing the Rempod and K2 meter being alerted. This did not occur the second time through here. The Laundry Room seemed to hold odd and shy energies. These were evident with corroborating past employees stories of distracting noises echoing from behind them as this exact scenario played out for us; twice!



We can say, without a doubt, that there are certainly different energies throughout the hotel. Our experiences and evidence help back up unexplained tales from employers and guests, proving that they occur and there is no clear reasoning to these phenomena. We’ve been able to pinpoint certain personalities and even record some names repeated to us but we are far from confident in claiming that these names truly match up with these spirits and energies. We believe we are simply scratching the surface of the paranormal activity which occurs here but our hope is that we can help build upon our investigation or, at the very  least, share our evidence with future groups and Investigations in order to conclude who may be lingering in the hotel and for what purpose.




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