Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum – The Investigation


Weston, WV

 October 9, 2017


Since this was more of a public investigation, the evening began with an overview and a large group meeting.  We were then broken up into smaller groups in order to have more individual time away from one another.  Upon entering, the staff actually gave each of us an envelope giving us a designation for our “entry” into the asylum.  We received symptoms of lunacy and schizophrenia to dissipation of nerves and chronic masturbation. 

 This was a fun and simple way to lighten the mood before the groups split up and headed to different floors.  For our toolbox that evening, we had our EMF reader, recorder, night vision camera, a motion activated light up ball, and spirit box. We had quite a few intelligent responses but also ran into what we think is some sort of dark presence that hissed at us and banged on the walls.  We later found out that the very area we heard these noises in is actually considered one of the darker areas of the complex, where no mediums or physics can ever venture to.

 Following are our recordings, which we captured throughout the evening.  We marked the locations where we feel we received some kind of communication from the other side – voices, noises, anything and everything that we captured.  Don’t take our word for it though, please interpret as you wish.  As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Kitchen – Jack / Sarge’s Room – 1st Floor


  • This was our first stop of the evening, and we tried to start some conversations or get some kind of feedback. The first recording, we could not get any responses.
  • During the second recording here, the only response we got from this area was one of our investigators names of “Scott” at 2:31 into the recording.

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Jacob’s Hallway – 1st Floor


  •  Without using the spirit box, we tried to listen for any sounds, like footsteps or doors banging, but to our surprise, we actually heard a response on our playback.  Scott asked “Is anyone here?” and, even though we did not hear a response at first on site, we recorded a “Yes, I am” at :20 into the recording.

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 Hallway / Latticed Area – 1st Floor


  •  This area was to be one of the more dark and dangerous areas of the buildings, as a spirit not of this world was to be experienced here.  We got our first taste of this with an odd noise sounding something like a crying at 1:11.
  • More noises continued throughout in the form of cries and moans.
  • We recorded a “No help” at 3:30 in response to no particular question.
  • We all heard a loud hiss at 6:49 as we were trying to provoke a response of some kind to whatever entity was lingering here.
  • A loud distinguishable bang can be heard at 8:09 on the recording as we all reacted to it right after.
  • There were plenty of noises and response but no intelligent conversation, however, we could all feel a darkness and heaviness of sorts in that area.

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  • We can hear the hiss at 3:29 on the video while provoking the spirit.
  • The bang can be heard at the 4:52 mark.


 Old Ruth’s Hallway – 1st Floor


  • When we were in this area, we did not feel like we got too many responses, but upon playback of these recordings, we could hear that we got much more than we first thought. They tended to be intelligent replies, and conversations starting with the spirits calling out to one of our investigators by name at :31 in, “Dan.”
  • We had asked if anyone was here with us and we got a “yes” at :53.
  • “Scott” was also heard being called out to at 1:09.
  • We could make out the spirit questioning their company starting at 2:35, asking “Who’s here?” followed by “Leave” at 4:40 and “Get out” at 4:50.
  • Seemingly inciting some kind of emotional response, we could make out “Help” at 5:44 and the spirit asking for their “Family” at 6:46.
  • At 7:06, we could make out a noise sounding like a crying.
  • Trying to get the spirit to move a checker piece, we asked if this was their favorite game to play. We received a response of “Sure is” at 7:38 and “Fun” at 7:58.

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Lilly’s Room – 1st Floor


  • We started by playing a music box to attempt to get the spirit of the young spirit Lilly to come out and give us some response.  It worked but not how we expected.  She asked us to shut it at :58 by saying “Shut.”
  • When asked if she liked Scott, we could make out a clear reply of “Don’t like Scott” at 1:12 into the recording.
  • He asked her why and followed by asking if she didn’t like us provoking her neighbor down the hall. She replied simply “No” at 1:51.
  • The room could be felt getting colder, and we heard a comment of “Freezing” at 3:04.

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Boy’s Bathroom: Benjamin’s Room – 2nd Floor


  • Quite possibly the most active room the entire night, we received so many intelligent responses, physical touches, and the feeling of raw emotion here.  We started simple, and Scott asked if someone is hanging out here as we got a response of “yes” at 1:26.
  •  We followed by asking the spirit of an older man what he’s doing in the boy’s bathroom. We got a reply of “That’s a good question” at 2:09, quickly followed by “Next one” at 2:15 most likely asking for the next question.
  • Scott began provoking the spirit in hopes of more activity when he asked if they were mad that he’s provoking them. We received a response of “No” at 2:25.
  • As risqué and offending as it may be, we could make out “I touch the boy” at 3:02 followed by “Anger” at 3:11 and “Call” at 3:17, all of which were recorded as Scott began provoking once again.
  • When asked how many people were in the room, we received a response at 5:08 of “5 and counting,” which would make sense, as there were five of us in the room with the spirit. 
  • We can be heard struggling to hear the response and could make out a “Turn it up” at 5:17 as the spirit could tell we had issues.
  • Again we asked who was in the room, and we could make out “Benjamin” at 6:10 followed by (again controversial) “I like boys” at 6:18.
  • We could make out a “Stop” at 7:13 right as Scott was tugged on and got cold.  We could also hear “So what?” at 7:22 in a direct response to the tug as Scott felt another touch.
  • Scott then asked if they touched him, to which we recorded “Wasn’t me” at 9:20 and “F**k you” at 9:27.
  • We continued to provoke the spirit and asked what they liked about the bathroom to which we received “The child” at 10:21.
  • Seemingly having enough, we could hear “Get out” at 11:50 just as we heard a sound across the room and a loud bang at 12:00.
  • With one last attempt, we asked what the spirit did in the bathroom, and we got a reply of “Nothing” at 12:26.
  • Finally, we asked if they wanted us to leave and we could hear a clear “Yes” at 13:27.

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 Boy’s Bathroom: Stabbing Room – 2nd Floor No Spirit Box


  • We used the recorder here and no spirit box. We did get some noises on the playback but no conversation.
  • We asked what their name was. We received a response but could not make out exactly what they said at :37.
  • We could make out a banging noise at :41 followed by a moaning or crying at 1:15.
  • When asked if their friend hurt them, we could hear a “Yes” at 1:28.
  • At 3:17, there was a tap-tap on the wall in the area that the boy was supposedly stabbed after we asked if there was anyone else that wants to talk.

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 Boy’s Bathroom: Stabbing Room – 2nd Floor With Spirit Box


  • After playing back and hearing those noises without the spirit box, we decided to try again with the spirit box.  When we told them to talk through the box, we could hear the spirit questioning by asking “The box?” at :28.
  • We asked if their friend hurt them, and we could make out “Not sure” at 1:30.
  • Asking if anyone used to smoke in the bathroom, we received “Couple” at 2:33.
  • When asked if they want us to leave, we heard “Leave” at 4:39.
  • We got a response of “Either” at 6:44 when asked if they prefer talking to women or men.
  • The last response we received here was when asked if they liked any sports, we could make out either “Basketball” or “Tee-Ball.”

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Women’s Ward Common Area – 2nd Floor


  • We did not receive any responses or feedback in this area.

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 Cage Room – 3rd Floor


  • We did not receive any responses or feedback in this area. 

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  • Walking toward the cage room from the women’s ward, we did not receive any responses or feedback in this area.


 Hallway – 3rd Floor


  • After a few locations of no responses, we decided to kill the spirit box and just focus on noises and utilizing our light up ball in hopes that a spirit could move it and light it up.
  • At :59 and 1:09 of the recording there are scratching or dragging noises that can be heard.
  • Even though it can’t be heard, there were a few cold spots that we could feel down the hallway.
  • The ball could be seen rocking back and forth once in this area as well.

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  • We left the video camera in the hallway as we went to the opposite side of the hallway to record.  When we reviewed the videotape, we heard two loud bangs that were not picked up on the recording nor that we heard on our end of the hallway, they occurred at 4:06 and 4:40 on the video.


 Seclusion Room – 3rd Floor


  • After some tinkering with the spirit box, it seemed as though something was throwing off the frequencies. We finally received a response of “In trouble” at 2:22 to our question of what did you do to get locked in here.
  • There was a faint voice at 4:37 that we debated whether they said, “Help me” or “Leave.”
  • When asked if they wanted us to leave we made out “You’re the experts” at 4:59.

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 Back Room S Ward – 4th Floor


  • We received an “18” response when we asked how old the spirit is at 2:05.
  • “Questions” could be heard at 4:43 when we were getting ready to move on to the next room.
  • When we told them we’d like to get to know them we made out “Okay” at 5:42 followed by “Potential” at 6:01.

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 James & Jesse Room T Ward – 4th Floor


  • We did not receive any responses or feedback in this area.

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 Hallway T Ward – 4th Floor


  • As one of our investigators was whistling, we recorded a “Stop” at :44.
  • When we asked what their name is, we could make out “Leighton” or “Nathan” at 2:02.
  • Seeing chocolate bars lying around (as if people left them in respect to a certain spirit,) we asked if it’s true that they like chocolate.  We received “Yeah” at 3:02.
  • We continued and asked what type of chocolate is their favorite, and we heard “Almond” at 3:21.
  • When asked how old they are we heard “83” at 6:11.
  • As we were getting up to leave, we could make out “Treats?” at 6:59.


  • We left the video camera close to the light up ball down the hall from where we were sitting.
  • We can hear “Stop” at :58 much like that on the recorder.
  • Unlike on the recorder, you cannot hear any name when we asked what their name is.
  • We could still hear both “Yeah” at 3:16 and “Almond” at 3:35, much like that on the recorder.
  • Again, we made out “83” at the 6:25 mark in response to how old the spirit was just like in the recording.
  • We could not make out the word “Treats” like we heard on the recorder.
  • The ball never moved when the camera was placed on it.


 Frank & Larry Room T Ward – 4th Floor


  • We did not receive any responses or feedback in this area.  Beware the ending, we were all very tired and the worst came out…

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