The Castle at Mount Savage – Investigation

The Castle at Mount Savage

November 14, 2020

Mount Savage, MD



Situated amidst the rolling hills and wooded thicket of Maryland, just over the border between Pennsylvania, the Castle at Mount Savage holds more than just gorgeous views; the mansion turned bed and breakfast is steeped in history. The brick and stone clad structure overlooks the town of Mount Savage and the valleys beyond.



Originally, the structure was home to a booming mining town and held the doctor of the local Union Mining Company and was renovated into what it is today by a young masonry entrepreneur whose beautiful Galloway Brick products can be spotted throughout the house and the guest house to this day. Even though the building was once a glowing beacon of beauty and wealth, it has always seemed to attract a lower class and reckless type of crowd. Dating back when the building was under the mining company’s ownership, the house also doubled as a brothel, naturally attracting a less sophisticated clientele. After Mr. Ramsay had lost his fortune and the building was turned over to new ownership, it was transitioned into a low-level casino and ballroom on the upper floor. These businesses ultimately failed but while in service did not tend to attract a new, fresh customer base. Instead those same ill-mannered customers brought with them a depressing and disparaging sense of life style, sometimes culminating in fights and drunken tirades which created a stereotype and carried local tales of violence and anger.

Eventually, the building was split up and turned into an apartment building but fell into its’ darkest hour by the mid 1980’s. Luckily, a new ownership group purchased the property and restored it to its’ former glory and began running a quiet, peaceful bed and breakfast which still successfully operates to this day.



With its’ extended line of purposes and endless list of visitors, it’s no wonder that the Castle at Mount Savage has seen its’ fair share of tales of the afterlife and unexplained activity. The energy inside the gorgeous building tends to tale all of its own. Many guests immediately feel an odd but welcoming presence when they visit. It’s a sense that someone is watching you, but almost as if to make sure the guest is comfortable. Aside from the cliché doors and windows opening and closing on their own, guests have heard odd noises like scratching or banging. This is even more intriguing as couples sometimes notice these on their own only to share their experiences with one another after the fact and are shocked that they experienced similar activity.

Shadowy type figures have been seen in locations, mainly on the second floor. These anomalies have been attributed to none other than Mr. Ramsey himself. Footsteps, seemingly pacing back and forth, have also been heard mainly in the Library but also have been heard on the third floor where the Ballroom was once located. Perhaps this is a sign that some guests have come back and are still enjoying their time here even after their deaths. Strange voices, low and quiet, as if coming from a television or radio in a neighboring room have been heard on multiple occasions. These voices have never been traced to a source. If these spirits truly are returning or have left their energy in the bed and breakfast, they have definitely chosen a beautiful and peaceful location to spend eternity – some of us can only be that lucky.



This investigation was a great experience, largely thanks to our hosts Tish, Pauline, Trudy, and Paul. They fed us very well and ensured we were comfortable throughout our stay. They even joined us during our investigation, pitching in just as much as the rest of our group.  We arrived at the Castle around 6:00 PM and were given a tour of both the castle and the property. Once we were comfortably set up in our rooms where we were staying for the night, we began setting up our equipment, starting with four hardwired cameras scattered throughout the building and property. We also had two handheld cameras, one recorder, one K2 meter, one SB7 Spirit Box, one Phasma Box, one Rempod, one Ovilus, one FLIR thermal image camera, two IR lights, one EMF pump, one laser grid pen, and our pack of light up balloons. We began our investigation roughly around 9:00 PM and actively investigated until about 3:00 AM. We did spend the evening in two separate rooms and managed to keep cameras rolling as we slept.



Throughout our evening in the Castle at Mount Savage, we felt as though we experienced paranormal phenomenon in multiple ways. This activity would be classified as having no scientific basis. While we didn’t manage to experience some of the more storied tales, we definitely heard multiple noises such as footsteps, knocks, and scratches. Our flash photography did catch an odd light moving as we felt something behind us. The FLIR thermal imaging camera also managed to capture some oddities throughout the building. The bulk of our evidence was captured on our recorder and handheld camera, most of it stemming from the Phasma Box.

There were quite a few compelling moments we personally experienced throughout our night at the castle and upon reviewing our evidence gathered, we confidently believe that there were multiple active entities and locations inside the bed and breakfast. The most notably active locations were the Carriage House, the Ballroom, and the Monday Room which appeared to be the most active of all. At each location we managed to record voices and a few intriguing photographs, namely utilizing the FLIR thermal imaging camera. Our recordings seemed to capture names relevant to the old mansion such as Ramsey and Thompson. Other conversations revealed names like Jordan and Agatha as well as alluding to servants who may have once resided on the property. Our thermal imaging captured data which appeared as though a pair of feet and legs in the Carriage House, a dog or other four legged animal (hopefully) in Annie’s Room, what appeared to be some cold spot outside the Attic, the same location we also took a photo of what looked like someone or something sitting at the top of the stairs.



After our thorough analysis including recordings, photographs (thermal and flash), and video from our paranormal investigation of the Castle at Mount Savage, we recorded the moments below where we feel we captured some form of paranormal evidence or experience and labeled them appropriately. Once you listen to the recordings, look through our pictures, and watch some of the videos, feel free to let us know your thoughts and opinions!

As always, you have been warned, some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:



Between the mansion and the Carriage House, a large green space spans end to end and once housed tennis courts. This open plot of land is surrounded by old stone and has a nice calming presence to it. Before we arrived on the property, we thought we heard all of the stories from the location. Much to our surprise, this area added to that list. Some of the volunteers and employees have claimed to see a young boy running from the Carriage House, across the green lawn, toward the mansion only to disappear. In order to put this to the test, we set up a stationary camera here and recorded during our investigation of other areas. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much going on here as we attempted an EVP session and did not capture much on our videos aside from a stray light every once in a while.




  • There wasn’t much out of the ordinary captured here.
  • We thought we managed to capture a FLIR thermal image but successfully debunked this as a shadow reflecting off the Carriage House windows.



Recording 1 – EVP:

  • We didn’t capture anything paranormal here.



Handheld Video 1:

  • Much like the recorder, we didn’t experience anything paranormal here.



Handheld Video 2:

  • We didn’t experience anything paranormal here.



Carriage House

Currently used as a storage area, the Carriage House was once a busy and bustling environment. Guests and servants alike would be moving in and out, keeping it tidy and properly kept. The area doesn’t hold many particular tales of other worldly activity, but for some reason a few of us were drawn to the area; perhaps simply to get out of the cold evening air.



It didn’t take long for us to experience some activity ourselves here as the K2 meter was very active jumping up sporadically and as if answering our questions. We utilized the Phasma Box here and even managed to record the name of Ramsey. One moment that stuck out was when Julia thought Derrick was walking toward her and even stopped right behind her, he was actually on the other side of the room. We snapped a photo of this moment and captured what appeared to be a white light moving behind her. With some of the intelligent responses we received, we felt like we heard from both Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey as they explained that they were still present and even spoke about their children.



  • We captured a few moments of the K2 meter jumping, one of which is pictured below.



  • The moment where Julia felt a presence behind her, we captured this photograph of what appeared to be something moving behind her.


  • In the FLIR thermal imaging camera, we noticed what appeared to be a pair of legs standing next to Dan after he moved closer to Julia.



Recording 1 – EVP:

  • During our EVP session, the K2 meter spiked on a few occasions which lead to us activating the Phasma Box in hopes of some verbal communication.



Recording 2 – Phasma Box:

  • We began by asking if whoever is with us could step forward, and at :08 we heard “On my own now.”
  • At :17 we recorded “Go next” followed by “Leave” at :18.



Recording 3 – Phasma Box:

  • After a few moments, we asked if they could give us a name. At :11 we recorded “Angry servant.”
  • “He’s at the gate” was heard at :52 and “You show her” at :56.



Recording 4 – Phasma Box:

  • We asked if Mr. Ramsey was here with us, and at :07, we heard “I am.”
  • After acknowledging this, we asked if he would like to say anything to us, to which we heard “No” at :26.
  • As we continued to listen for Mr. Ramsey, there was a shuffling noise next to Dan right around :50.
  • We asked if Mr. Ramsey minded us staying at his house, and at 1:04, we heard “As a guest.”



Recording 5 – Phasma Box:

  • Trudy stepped forward and introduced herself, and at :04, we heard “Trudy” repeated back to her.
  • We mentioned the Galloway Brick that Mr. Ramsey was known for, then asked if there’s any reason he didn’t share his secret with anyone. At 1:43, we heard “Death.”
  • As we followed up, we asked if he was afraid that someone might make money off of his formula and captured “Stubborn” at 2:04.



Recording 6 – Phasma Box:

  • After some quiet, we heard “Alone” at :02.
  • As we asked if Mrs. Ramsey was here and died alone after her husband passed away, we heard “I’m still here” at :20.



Recording 7 – Phasma Box:

  • After we continued pushing for a name, we heard “Ramsey” at :03.



Recording 8 – Phasma Box:

  • Upon asking where the Ramsey’s children are, we heard “Dead” at :08 followed by “Four kids” at :11.
  • We then pursued this and asked if their kids are here now, to which we recorded “No” at :16.
  • After asking if just their one son was here instead of all four kids, we captured “That’s the son” at :30.



Recording 9 – Phasma Box:

  • Julia felt like someone walked up and stood behind her, so she directly asked if someone was behind her, to which we heard “Go away” at :10 and what originally sounded like “Maria” at :18 but the more we listen to it, it sounds like “Julia.”



Recording 10 – Phasma Box:

  • We asked if Mr. Ramsey is glad that there is someone here to talk to, and at :17 we heard “Yes.”
  • After asking how many spirits were with us, we heard “Volunteer” at :52.
  • Upon repeating the question, we then captured the number “Nine” at 1:43.
  • We mentioned that there are six of us here, we heard “Three of us” at 1:53.



Recording 11 – Phasma Box:

  • At :06, we heard an unprompted phrase of “Way to go” and “Wait” at :13.
  • The phrase of “I’m still” was heard trailing off at the end at :26.
  • Derrick began to snap some photographs with a flash, and we heard “Stop it” at :31.
  • We asked if there is anything else they’d like to tell us and heard “Twelve years” at :40 followed by “I’ll be going now” at :48.



Recording 12 – Phasma Box:

  • As if continuing from the previous question, we recorded “Caught on fire” at :05 and “Blocking their way” at :13.



Recording 13 – Phasma Box:

  • After some silence, we asked if they wanted us to leave them alone, and at :08 we heard an odd phrase of “Black magic” followed by “The castle” at :24.



Recording 14 – Phasma Box:

  • As we began to wrap up, we asked if Mr. Ramsey had anything that he wanted to say, and we heard “Nothing” at :18.
  • We followed that up by asking if Mrs. Ramsey is still with us. We captured “We” at :45.
  • Another odd phrase of “Hide the evidence” was heard at 1:16.



Recording 15 – Phasma Box:

  • We made our way back to our equipment to pack up and heard “They were warned” at :05.
  • After thanking them for their time, we captured “Thank you” at :30.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • After Dan asked if anyone was with us, the K2 meter jumped at 1:30.
  • At 2:10, the K2 meter jumped again as Dan asked if someone was close to him.
  • To double check it, Dan asked if they could touch the light again, and at 2:20, the K2 meter jumped.
  • After Dan asked if they’re willing to speak with us, the K2 meter jumped at 3:17.
  • There was some silence, then Dan asked if they are a member of the Ramsey family, to which the K2 meter jumped at 6:05.
  • The K2 meter jumped once more after Dan asked if they designed the brick which made up these buildings.
  • At about 9:17, there was an odd noise coming from the corner behind Dan.



Handheld Camera 2 – Phasma Box:

  • We asked if whoever is with us could step forward, and at 1:27 we heard “On my own now” and “Go next” at 1:36.
  • “Leave” was captured at 1:37.
  • We asked if they could give us a name, at 2:00 we recorded “Angry servant.”
  • “He’s at the gate” was heard at 2:41 and “You show her” at 2:45.
  • We asked if Mr. Ramsey was here, and at 3:26, we heard “I am.”
  • We asked if he would like to say anything to us, to which we heard “No” at 3:45 followed by a shuffling noise next to Dan right around 4:09.
  • We asked if Mr. Ramsey minded us staying at his house, and at 4:23, we heard “As a guest.”
  • Trudy introduced herself, and at 4:48, we heard “Trudy.”
  • We asked if there’s any reason he didn’t share his brick secret with anyone and at 6:27, we heard “Death.”
  • We then asked if he was afraid that someone might make money off of his formula and captured “Stubborn” at 6:48.
  • We then heard “Alone” at 7:56 so we asked if Mrs. Ramsey was here and died alone, and captured “I’m still here” at 8:14.
  • After we continued pushing for a name, we heard “Ramsey” at 8:42.
  • We then asked where the Ramsey’s children are, and heard “Dead” at 8:57 followed by “Four kids” at 9:00.
  • We then asked if their kids are here now, to which we recorded “No” at 9:05.
  • After asking if just one son was here, we captured “That’s the son” at 9:19.
  • At 9:34, Julia felt like someone walked up and stood behind her. She asked if someone was behind her, to which we heard “Go away” at 9:49.



Handheld Camera 3 – Phasma Box:

  • We heard what sounded like “Julia” at :07.
  • We asked if Mr. Ramsey is glad that there is someone here to talk to, and at :56 we heard “Yes.”
  • We asked how many spirits were with us, and heard “Volunteer” at 1:31.
  • We repeated the question, then captured “Nine” at 2:22.
  • We mentioned there are six of us here, and heard “Three of us” at 2:32.
  • At 2:55, we heard “Way to go” and “Wait” at 3:02.
  • “I’m still” was heard trailing off at 3:15 just as Derrick began to snap some photographs then we heard “Stop it” at 3:20.
  • We asked if there is anything else they’d like to tell us and heard “Twelve years” at 3:29 and “I’ll be going now” at 3:37.
  • We recorded “Caught on fire” at 4:59 and “Blocking their way” at 5:07.
  • We asked if they wanted us to leave, and at 6:07 we heard “Black magic” and “The castle” at 6:23.
  • We asked if Mr. Ramsey had anything he wanted to say, and heard “Nothing” at 7:17 so we asked if Mrs. Ramsey is still with us and captured “We” at 7:44.
  • “Hide the evidence” was heard at 8:15 and heard “They were warned” at 9:04.
  • We thanked them for their time, and captured “Thank you” at 9:29.




 This area has been said to be one of the more predominant areas of paranormal activity. Mr. Ramsey himself is said to pace back and forth, and right outside the doorway there have been strange light phenomena. The room is large and open, and the ceiling is painted a gorgeous blue with a few cherubs to decorate it. One of those cherubs has what appears to be a deceitful and evil look from its eyes to its grin.



Past stories aside, our experiences in this room were anything but paranormal. There was a FLIR thermal image we captured which we thought looked like a person sitting next to the couch but that was debunked. Upon reviewing the stationary cameras, there were a few moments of light activity but outside of that, the room was dead (pun intended).



  • We didn’t capture anything out of the ordinary here and debunked what appeared to be a body sitting next to the couch where it was an odd array of magazine racks and other furniture.



Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • There was nothing out of the ordinary here.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • Just like the recorder, there was nothing abnormal captured here.



Handheld Camera 2 – EVP:

  • There was nothing abnormal captured here.



Handheld Camera 3 – EVP:

  • Again, there was nothing paranormal here.




 The small stand up Attic stretches from the rear to the front of the house and holds remnants of the past including an old-fashioned claw foot tub most likely taken from an old bathroom iteration. Stories from here claim of noises of phantom scratching and knocking. It’s very possible, and more than likely, that these noises have been animals pawing at the floorboards, especially since the area has seen past bat infestations (which have since been remedied, to Derrick’s delight).

We didn’t spend a ton of time here but ran a simple EVP session. While here, we didn’t hear many voices or communication, however, we did experience what those past stories have claimed. We recorded scratching noises and strange knocks from the outer side of the wall. We attempted to debunk these but there was not much room for animals to get in, nor would they have stayed in that same location as we were in there and would have scared them off easily.



  • There was nothing out of the ordinary captured here in our photographs inside the room, however, looking up the stairway toward the Attic, we captured a cold spot which appeared to be something sitting or standing outside the door.



Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • We did not hear any words or communication here but did record an odd scraping noise at about :49 and a knocking at 5:03.



Handheld Video 1:

  • There was a scraping noise recorded at :31 and the knocking sound around 4:45.




Ever since the onset of the pandemic, the caretakers Tish and Paul have moved into the upstairs third floor and turned it into a cozy living space. Back when the building was in a transition phase, this area was turned into a ballroom which would host parties and gatherings. The business venture did not last long but it has been said that the area tends to hold remnants of the past with footsteps and other odd noises which would relate to this time period.

The current caretakers have not heard or seen anything in this area, but we still felt obliged to investigate the area; lucky for us, we found reason to spend some time here. Our K2 meter was very active here, mostly in the entry to the Ballroom. As Dan had his back toward the entryway, he heard knocking noises. As he heard this, we snapped a few FLIR thermal pictures and saw a cold spot right outside the doorway. These noises were also heard coming up the stairs and creaking with ever step. As we activated the Spirit Box, we heard music possibly in reference to the Ballroom and brief intelligent answers. As we finished our time in this area, we felt a cold breeze and even a woman’s voice, very quiet and coming from the opposite end of the room, not through any device.



  • The FLIR thermal image shows a cold spot outside the doorway, behind Dan right after he heard a knocking noise coming from behind him.



Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • All throughout our EVP session, we continued to hear knocking noises out in the hallway, close to the entryway. The K2 also was alerted sporadically during this session, closely coinciding with the knocks or the creaking of the stairs.
  • Knocks began to be heard around 4:13 and again at 5:02.
  • The K2 was then alerted at 5:30 then the stairs began creaking at 6:34 as if someone was ascending them.
  • After some silence, we asked if they could touch the light. At 10:42, the K2 went off then again at 11:26.
  • With this activity, we began the Spirit Box.



Recorder 2 – Spirit Box:

  • The K2 meter went off a few more times followed by a breeze felt by Julia and Trudy. We then asked if Mr. Ramsey was with us and heard the sounds of music at :06.



Recorder 3 – Spirit Box:

  • Footsteps, the K2 meter, and knocking noises continued, and we heard “I tried” at :06.



Recorder 4 – EVP:

  • With the quiet noises and K2 activity continuing, we decided to quiet the Spirit Box and simply revert back to an EVP session.
  • We asked if they prefer to just make noise instead of talk to us, just then we heard knocking on the stairs three times at :02, :14, and :39.
  • There was then an odd noise almost like a moaning at 2:11.
  • Beginning around 3:50, there was an odd low sound of a woman’s voice. This is strange, however, as you CANNOT hear it here in the recording, but it CAN be heard in the video.
  • Finally, as we began to call it quits, there was a bark heard at 4:44. One of the caretakers’ dogs were with us but she was asleep. This was verified in the video.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • Knocks were heard at 4:09 and 4:58 just as the K2 meter was alerted at 5:26.
  • The stairs creak at 6:30 as if someone was ascending them.



Handheld Camera 2 – EVP & Spirit Box:

  • At :43, the K2 went off and again at 1:27.
  • We began the Spirit Box at this time just as the K2 meter went off at 3:50.
  • We asked if they do not like having people around and the K2 meter went off at 4:28.
  • A breeze was felt by Julia and Trudy around 5:11.
  • We asked if Mr. Ramsey was with us and heard music at 5:32.
  • Footsteps were heard at 6:51 and the K2 meter went off at 7:29.
  • Knocking noises were heard at 7:38 and we heard “I tried” at 7:52.
  • With the softer noises and K2 activity continuing, we decided to quiet the Spirit Box and just use our EVP at this point.
  • We then asked if they prefer to just make noise instead of talk, just as we heard knocking on the stairs three times at 8:33, 8:45, and finally 9:30.



Handheld Camera 3 – EVP:

  • There was an odd noise at :52.
  • Beginning around 2:31, there was an odd low sound of a woman’s voice. This is strange, however, as you CANNOT hear it in the recording, but it CAN be heard here in the video.
  • There was a bark heard at 3:25. This was not the caretakers’ dog who was with us at the time, she was sleeping.



Monday Room

 This room holds a certain feel to it that resonates differently from the rest of the house. It’s possible it’s from the lower ceiling, the separated rooms in the suite, or that the area used to be utilized by the servants via their stairway that’s connected directly to the room. Local rumor has it that the renowned FDR used this room to stay with his mistress when in the area, which was quite often. This is another area that has been said to hold remnants of the past with the sounds of footsteps creaking and phantom voices.



We were immediately drawn to this room and Dan felt a little sick entering the room and had a feeling that he wasn’t welcome. Our K2 meter lit here sporadically, and footsteps were heard coming from the adjacent bedroom in the suite. After we booted up the Phasma Box, we heard phrases and names such as Jordan and Agatha which were not known to us, and even Thompson which is the name of the doctor who took residence here back in the mining days. During our time in the room, our camera equipment acted up numerous times turning the screen green and crashing the camera completely. At one point during our Phasma Box session, Dan was asked politely to leave, and after he complied, we heard that same voice mention that he was out in the hallway and on the bench. This was one of the most active locations in the building and we received communication in both intelligent and residual form.



  • Even though there was plenty of communication here, there really was minimal visual evidence.


Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • During our EVP session, we didn’t capture any voices but the K2 meter was jumping which lead us to our Phasma Box session which gave us plenty of evidence.
  • The K2 meter jumped at :54 so we asked if that’s them making us feel uneasy to which the K2 meter again jumped at 1:22 and again at 1:31.
  • Footsteps could be heard from the bedroom of the suite behind us at 2:40.
  • As Dan mentioned he didn’t feel well, the K2 meter again went off at 3:10.



Recorder 2 – Phasma Box:

  • We began by asking if there was a member of the Ramsey family in this room. At :31, we heard “Unfortunately.”
  • At :41, we were asked “What are you doing?”
  • We then asked what their name is, and we heard “Their son” at 1:15.
  • The K2 meter jumped and we captured “Oh no” at 1:22 followed by a question of “Don’t you recognize?”



Recorder 3 – Phasma Box:

  • We heard “Loud” at :02 and “Engine 49” at :23; both were unprompted.



Recorder 4 – Phasma Box:

  • After we asked how many spirits were in the room, we recorded “Unnaturally” at :04 and finally a name of “This is Jordan” at :15.
  • As Derrick came back into the room, we captured “Make him” at :36.



Recorder 5 – Phasma Box:

  • There was an odd sound of kids laughing at :04 and a strange phrase of “I suspected him” at :10.



Recorder 6 – Phasma Box:

  • The camera we had in the room began to act up, and at about :03, we heard “We killed it.”
  • Julia began messing with it trying to quickly fix it, and at :20, we heard “You better not.”



Recorder 7 – Phasma Box:

  • As the camera kicked back on, we heard “Digitally” at :04.
  • Dan mentioned he felt the need to leave, just after that we captured “Leave this room” at :12.
  • “Recording device” was heard at :30 followed by “Aggressive” at :56.



Recorder 8 – Phasma Box:

  • Dan looked down the hallway after he thought he saw a shadow moving, following that we captured “Person in the hallway” at :09.



Recorder 9 – Phasma Box:

  • We began talking about the house and recorded “Pretty” at :05.
  • “This house, not welcome” was heard at :07.
  • As we continued to pry for a name, we recorded “Tell me” at :32.
  • Again we asked if a member of the Ramsey family was with us, we heard “There’s a lot more” at 1:14 and “I like it” at 1:16.



Recorder 10 – Phasma Box:

  • We mentioned that the K2 meter hadn’t lit up it a while and motioned toward the area it sat in. At :05, we heard “Pointing to it” and “Matching” at :11.
  • The camera once again malfunctioned and shut off.
  • At :39, we heard a very disturbing phrase of “The baby bled.”



Recorder 11 – Phasma Box:

  • As we felt as though someone was again in the hallway, we blatantly asked if there was someone out there. We recorded “What person?” at :15 and laughter at :20.
  • Dan’s name was heard at :31 in the form of “Daniel.”
  • We asked if Dan would go into the hallway, and at :43, we captured “Please.”
  • After Dan made his way out to the hall, we heard “Mom” at 1:10.



Recorder 12 – Phasma Box:

  • Dan sat in the hallway on a bench, and at :05, we heard “Bench in the hallway” followed by “Dan” at :58.



Recorder 13 – Phasma Box:

  • As Pauline made her way up the steps out in the hallway, in the room, we heard “Steps” at :05.
  • Pauline sat down next to Dan and we commented that there are now two people on the bench. We recorded “Thank you” at :48 and “Out there” at :54.
  • “Talking to me?” was then captured at 1:02 and “Stairwell” at 1:08.
  • We asked which stairwell they were referencing, and at 1:18, we heard “Bench.”



Recorder 14 – Phasma Box:

  • The Ovilus spelled out “No camera” so we explained that we’d turn off the camera. At :12, we heard “Makes sense.”



Recorder 15 – Phasma Box:

  • Once more, we asked for their name. At :08, we heard “Not mine.”
  • We asked for their name again, this time, at :16, we recorded “Agatha.”
  • At :24, we then captured “Thompson.”



Recorder 16 – Phasma Box:

  • Dan and Pauline were talking quietly in the hallway, and at :06, we heard “Whispering.”
  • Just then, the camera once again turned an odd green color and shut off.
  • At 1:03, we heard “Just wait.”



Recorder 17 – Phasma Box:

  • At :04, we heard “He was my brother” followed by “He’s dead to us” at :24.



Recorder 18 – Phasma Box:

  • “More information” was captured at :02.
  • We followed up by asking for more information in the form of their name, and at :36 we heard “House servant.”
  • At 1:13, we recorded “Places.”
Recorder 19 – Phasma Box:

  • The camera malfunctioned once more. We began to feel like they were pulling us out of the mansion toward the Cottage, and at 1:03, we heard “Cottage.”
  • We mentioned the incinerator out back of the mansion, and we captured “Shared” at 1:45 followed by the name “Charlie” at 1:52.
  • The phrase “It’s starting” was then recorded at 1:57.



Recorder 20 – Phasma Box:

  • We were questioned “Find it yet?” at :02.
  • After we asked what we’re supposed to be finding, we heard “Tools” at :07.



Recorder 21 – Phasma Box:

  • As we discussed that something is wrong with the camera, we heard “Pretty accurate” at :05.
  • We said that the camera turned off for no reason, and at :27, we captured “It’s not true.”
  • “Motion on the right” was heard at :41 followed by “Under cover” at :50.
  • The Ovilus produced the words “Under table” and we heard “It’s impossible” at :57.



Recorder 22 – Phasma Box:

  • As we moved the recorder to make sure it was still working, we recorded “Why the recorder?” at :05.
  • At :16, we heard “I told you” and then the command of “Go downstairs and pray” at :23.



Recorder 23 – Phasma Box:

  • With the camera still malfunctioning, we asked why they didn’t want any pictures of themselves. At :07, we heard “Mysterious” just as the camera’s battery died, followed by “You’ll have to end it” at :25.
  • “Of course” was quickly heard at :27 followed by the plea of “Always remember me” at :54.



Recorder 24 – Phasma Box:

  • As we discussed to ourselves if that was possibly a Ramsey, we heard “She scolded me” at :08.
  • After we heard that in real time, we asked who was there with us to which we heard a response of “Come say hi” at :56.
  • An odd call out of “Hand lotion” was then heard at 1:31 followed by another strange phrase of “Call me Frank” at 2:14.



Recorder 25 – Phasma Box:

  • With Tish making her way up to the room, we heard “She’s back” at :04.
  • Tish took out a picture of Mr. Ramsey and showed us. Just then, the K2 meter jumped high on the scale followed by the phrase of “It’s just a machine” at :47.
  • “I felt it” was then heard at 1:29.



Recorder 26 – Phasma Box:

  • Tish showed another picture of the Galloway Brick that Mr. Ramsey was known for and we asked if that’s Mr. Ramsey’s brick. At :04, we heard “Mrs.”
  • We then said that he was very talented, and at :18, we heard “Intelligent.”



Recorder 27 – Phasma Box:

  • As if hearing a residual argument, we heard “I’m special” at :01 followed by “Don’t think so” at :04.



Recorder 28 – Phasma Box:

  • We discussed that Mr. Ramsey’s ghost may have taken residence in the aptly named Ramsey Room, just then we heard “Um, why?” at :06.
  • At :26, we captured “I was a child” followed by “It’s starting” at :37.



Recorder 29 – Phasma Box:

  • Following up to their last question, we asked what was starting to which we heard “Anniversary” at :08.
  • At :38, we recorded “You’ve agreed to it.”
  • After we asked if November 15 has any relevance to them, we captured “Day I died” at 1:08.
  • At 1:16, we heard “I can’t avoid” followed by “There is an obstruction” at 1:22.



Recorder 30 – Phasma Box:

  • Just as Tish pulled up another photo, the K2 meter went off right away.
  • At :04, we recorded “I don’t like that” as if in regards to the picture.



Recorder 31 – Phasma Box:

  • We once again asked if today is a special day to which we only heard a questioning response of “Do you think?” at :29.



Recorder 32 – Phasma Box:

  • We began to wrap our very long conversation up, and mentioned that we received a little information here and a little information there. At :03, we heard “A story.”
  • “Content” was then recorded at :56.
  • We received a proper exit as we heard “Goodnight” at 1:05.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • During our EVP session, we didn’t capture any voices but the K2 meter was jumping which lead us to our Phasma Box session which gave us plenty of evidence.
  • The K2 meter jumped at :54 so we asked if that’s them making us feel uneasy to which the K2 meter again jumped at 1:22 and again at 1:31.
  • Footsteps could be heard from the bedroom of the suite behind us at 2:40.
  • As Dan mentioned he didn’t feel well, the K2 meter again went off at 3:10.



Handheld Camera 2 – Phasma Box:

  • We had some issues getting the camera to function properly, but as Julia fixed the camera, at :05, we heard “You better not.”
  • We heard “Digitally” at :59 and as Dan mentioned he felt the need to leave, we captured “Leave this room” at 1:07.
  • “Recording device” was heard at 1:25 and “Aggressive” at 1:51.



Handheld Camera 3 – Phasma Box:

  • The camera flickered off then on again just as Dan looked down the hallway and saw a shadow moving. We captured “Person in the hallway” at :01.



Handheld Camera 4 – Phasma Box:

  • The camera malfunctioned again but once it turned back on we felt that someone was again in the hallway so we asked if there was someone there. We heard “What person?” at :12 and laughter at :17.
  • “Daniel” was heard at :28 so we asked if he would go in the hallway, and at :40, we heard “Please.”
  • Once Dan made his way into the hall, we heard “Mom” at 1:07.
  • Dan sat on a bench in the hallway, and at 1:17, we heard “Bench in the hallway” followed by “Dan” at 2:10.
  • Pauline walked up the steps in the hallway and we heard “Steps” at 2:42.
  • Pauline sat next to Dan and we said there are two people on the bench and recorded “Thank you” at 3:25 and “Out there” at 3:31.
  • “Talking to me?” was then captured at 3:39 and “Stairwell” at 3:45.
  • We asked which stairwell they meant, and at 3:55, we heard “Bench.”
  • The Ovilus said “No camera” at about 4:09 so we said that we’d turn off the camera and at 4:19, we heard “Makes sense.”



Handheld Camera 5 – Phasma Box:

  • We had some serious camera problems at that point, between it dying multiple times and maxing out the space on the memory card, but we finally managed to get it working again a little later beginning with a residual argument, we heard “I’m special” at :48 followed by “Don’t think so” at :51.
  • We discussed Mr. Ramsey may have taken residence in the Ramsey Room, then heard “Um, why?” at 1:08.
  • At 1:28, we captured “I was a child” and “It’s starting” at 1:39.
  • We asked what was starting and heard “Anniversary” at 1:50 and at 2:20, we recorded “You’ve agreed to it.”
  • We asked if November 15 has any relevance to them, we captured “Day I died” at 2:50 and “I can’t avoid” at 2:58 followed by “There is an obstruction” at 3:01.
  • As Tish pulled up another photo, the K2 meter went off at 3:12.
  • At 3:16, we recorded “I don’t like that” in regard to the picture.
  • We asked if today is a special day and heard a question of “Do you think?” at 4:36.
  • We mentioned that we received a little information here and there and at 6:20, we heard “A story.”
  • “Content” was then recorded at 7:13 followed by “Goodnight” at 7:22.



Stationary Overnight Camera 1 – Sleeping:

  • At 14:40 there was an odd banging noise followed by footsteps at 17:18.
  • Another odd banging noise almost like a door closing could be heard at 20:06 and 20:46.
  • More footsteps were captured at 20:55.
  • That same banging noise was repeated at 22:20, 23:43, 24:05, and at 24:30.



Stationary Overnight Camera 2 – Sleeping:

  • The repetitive banging noise picked back up here and could be heard at :35, 2:10, and 2:40.
  • As if someone was pacing back and forth, footsteps were heard from 2:58 until 3:00.
  • A few more banging sounds occurred at 4:35, 5:15., and 5:44.
  • Footsteps then began once more and were heard at 6:38, 6:50, and 6:57.
  • Another bang, this time louder, was heard at 15:38.
  • More footstep sounds were heard at 18:10.



Stationary Overnight Camera 3 – Sleeping:

  • A slew of banging sounds were captured at 1:02, 2:54, 3:52, 4:14, and 4:39.
  • Footsteps occurred once more at 12:00.



Stationary Overnight Camera 4 – Sleeping:

  • Banging sounds picked back up at :39, 1:38, and 1:44.
  • A few occasions of footsteps were heard at 3:02, 3:08, and 3:45.



Burns Room

One of the more well-known paranormal locations in the bed and breakfast, where footsteps and voices have been heard and Mr. Ramsey has been said to be seen here, going in and out of the room on occasion, is situated next to the Monday Room in the second-floor hallway. This room holds a bed dated from the early 1800’s and shows its age with the old pegs for the woven horsehair mattresses. The majority of the history here is unknown, aside for the fact that it existed back in the mining era and was not a part of the addition.



We didn’t spend a lot of time in here but we did perform an EVP session and left a stationary camera in the entryway the duration of our time here. While we didn’t collect any information here during our session, the Rempod, which was situated outside the room in the hallway, did go off as if being alerted.



  • We did not record any paranormal activity here.


Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • We did not hear any voices or activity here, but at about 4:20, the Rempod can be heard alerted from the hallway.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • The Rempod can be heard from the hallway as if alerted at 4:42.



Michael’s Chamber

This is an area that has not been discussed or written about much, but this is another area where the doors has been seen opening and closing on its’ own and footsteps have been heard creaking when no one is walking nearby.

Regardless of the lack of information, we completed an EVP session here with not much findings. The room felt much more comfortable and pleasant than some of the others like the Monday Room. However, we did not find much here during our investigation.



  • There was nothing out of the ordinary in these photographs.


Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • Nothing was captured during our time here.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • Nothing was captured during our time here.



Handheld Camera 2 – EVP:

  • Nothing was captured during our time here.



Handheld Camera 3 – EVP:

  • Nothing was captured during our time here.



Annie’s Room

Another room that has not been discussed much, for good reason it seems as there aren’t really any stories that have ever been shared from here.

We completed an EVP session here, not thinking we would come up with much, and according to the recorder, we did not. However, looking back through some of our photographs, the FLIR thermal images in particular, we noticed what looked like the four legs of a dog!



  • There was nothing out of the ordinary in our regular flash photography, but as we took some FLIR thermal imaging pictures, we captured what appears to be the four legs of a dog.



Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • Nothing much was captured during our time here.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • Nothing was captured during our time here.



Ramsey’s Room

This area has been named after Mr. Ramsey, obviously. It’s not 100% known if this was his bedroom but it has long since been rumored to be, especially given its’ long-standing name sake. Mr. Ramsey himself has been said to lurk in this room, pacing back and forth much like the Library.

While we were running an EVP session in this room we captured two particular moments where the K2 meter shot up. Aside from that, however, there wasn’t much activity. This is another area two of our investigators spent their night so we left a video camera up and run for as long as our batteries would last.



  • There was nothing out of the ordinary in our regular flash photography.


Recorder 1 – EVP:

  • Nothing much was captured during our time here except the K2 meter jumping slightly at 4:10 then later at 11:00 after we mentioned a woman being in the room.



Handheld Camera 1 – EVP:

  • Nothing was captured during our time here.



Stationary Overnight Camera – 12 Total – Sleeping:

  • Oddly enough, the IR light battery was drained right away only leaving the sound truly available for review. Regardless, we never captured anything out of the ordinary here.














Stationary Monitored Cameras

 We placed four stationary cameras to record during our investigation. There was a camera in the Courtyard (Top Left) in hopes of capturing the running boy, one in the Monday Room (Bottom Left), one in the Burns Room (Top Right), and one in the Library (Bottom Right). Our hope was to capture any movement, shadows, or lights that occurred out of the ordinary. Below we attached the video along with a screen capture of any anomalies that we spotted that could not be explained away.


Stationary Monitor 1:

  • There was an odd light seen streaking through the Monday Room (Bottom Left) at 24:27.



  • Another light was seen in the Library (Bottom Right) at about 35:00.




Stationary Monitor 2:

  • The Courtyard (Top Left) produced a light anomaly at :34.



  • A light was then seen in the Library (Bottom Right) at 6:55.



  • The Library (Bottom Right) produced another light at 35:04 followed by another light at 37:40.




Stationary Monitor 3:

  • There was an odd light seen streaking through the Monday Room (Bottom Left) at 17:05.



  • The Library (Bottom Right) showed some light anomalies at 21:19 and 24:15 then again at 36:55 and 37:13.




Stationary Monitor 4:

  • A slow-moving light was spotted in the Library (Bottom Right) at 2:28.



  • This light reappeared in the Library (Bottom Right) at 15:45.



  • In the Courtyard (Top Left) a light could be seen moving right in front of the camera at 18:16.



  • The Monday Room (Bottom Left) showed some light movement at 35:10.



  • A light anomaly seemingly returned to the Library (Bottom Right) at 37:43.




Stationary Monitor 5:

  • We spotted an odd shadow moving through the Burns Room (Top Right) at 4:05.



  • In the Burns Room (Top Right) there seemed to be a light flashing across the screen at 13:53.



  • The Monday Room (Bottom Left) showed a light oddity at 15:41.



  • Two lights strayed across the screen in the Library (Bottom Right) at 18:00 followed by the second at 18:23.




  • The Burns Room (Top Right) showed an odd light passing in front of the camera at 22:07.



  • Another lights again appeared in the Library (Bottom Right) at 25:37.



  • Odd flashing lights appeared in the Library (Bottom Right) at 33:54.




Stationary Monitor 6:

  • The Burns Room (Top Right) showed a light anomaly at 1:33.



  • There was a strange quiet and lack of motion until there were a few flurries of light in the Library (Bottom Right) at 12:17, 12:34, and 13:09.





  • In the Monday Room (Bottom Left) there was a light seen at 13:17.



  • The Library (Bottom Right) once again showed a flurry of light beginning at 28:27.




Stationary Monitor 7:

  • There was a slow-moving light at 3:16 in the Library (Bottom Right).



  • The Burns Room (Top Right) captured a light at 6:35.



  • Again in the Library (Bottom Right) showed a light anomaly at 7:28.



  • Two more lights appeared in the Library (Bottom Right) at 22:10 and 22:43.





Once we thoroughly reviewed the evidence, we gathered from our overnight paranormal investigation of the Castle at Mount Savage, we can confidently conclude that the historic mansion and its’ grounds hold multiple spirits throughout. Both intelligent and residual communication was recorded between the mansion itself and the detached Carriage House. A few oddities including footsteps, knocks, and scratches were heard as well as physical anomalies experienced like a breeze and the feeling as though someone was standing right behind us. We did capture a few names during our time there including the well-known names of Ramsey and Thompson as well as lesser known and even unknown connections such as Agatha and Jordan. Our photographs also revealed some strange abnormalities, particularly when utilizing our thermal imaging device.

While spending the evening exploring the mansion and its’ grounds, there were numerous locations which were intriguing based on past stories and even new stories told by the volunteers to the bed and breakfast. The most active locations during our investigation included the Carriage House, the Ballroom, and the Monday Room which ultimately was the most active area where we received the most communication and felt the most energy and activity. Each spot seemed to hold its’ own particular energy, and most areas felt warm and welcoming. The only spot and moment that felt a little off was in the Monday Room when Dan felt ill and as if he was not wanted in the room. The feeling lifted once he left and, upon his return into the room later on that night, he did not feel that sensation again.

We began with simple and quiet EVP sessions in each location, allowing us to get a feel for each before we began utilizing any of our other devices like the Phasma Box and Spirit Box. Our K2 meter seemed to trigger some things, and even allowed us to get some yes or no responses. This definitely came in handy in the Carriage House where we managed to get responses telling us they were members of the Ramsey family and even Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, and one of their sons. The K2 also helped us feel out the Ballroom and get some responses letting us know they were with us, even drawing us toward the cold spot in the hallway. In the Monday Room, the K2 meter jumped when photos of Mr. Ramsey, his brick, and even a model of the house were shown.



The physical experiences also began in the Carriage House when we heard footsteps and Julia felt like someone was standing right behind her. There were footsteps and the creaking of stairs right outside the Ballroom leading toward the Attic doorway where scratches and knocks have been heard in the past and even earlier in our investigation. The Monday Room showed evidence of someone pacing back and forth thanks to our overnight camera that we ran as we slept.

The Phasma Box gave us verbal communication capabilities and allowed us to speak directly with those who may still be left in the mansion. We managed to capture the names of Ramsey, Thompson, Agatha, and Jordan utilizing this device as well as some residual activity in the form of these spirits possibly fighting for control of the old building.



Our FLIR thermal imaging camera managed to capture cold spots in the Carriage House in what appeared to be a pair of legs as well as at the top of the stairs right outside the Ballroom. There was additional cold spots in front of the Attic door again right outside the Ballroom. Even though we didn’t get much activity in Annie’s Room, the thermal camera showed what appeared to be the four legs of a dog standing in the middle of the room during our investigation.

The energy and activity picked up on the grounds and inside the Castle at Mount Savage dates back to when the town was a growing mining town. The building has seen its fair share of tragedies and even deaths in the past ultimately leaving behind unsettled energies from these events. Some areas of the mansion even seemingly have past events playing on a residual cycle while others may just be special locations that those who lived here cherished, so much so that they were tied here after their passing, possibly not even realizing that they have passed away. Spirits like Mr. Ramsey, Mrs. Ramsey, and even Dr. Thompson appear to have their other worldly energies trapped here based on our communication from that evening. Whatever the reasoning for these spirits still looming here, the Castle at Mount Savage holds an intriguing aura and incredible atmosphere spanning from a relaxing getaway to a night spent with the past.



It was an absolute joy to spend the night at the bed and breakfast and meet the caretakers and volunteers. They treated us like kings (and a queen) from their hospitality to their 5-star food. Their generosity was second to none and the work they have done to restore the building and keep it reflecting the beautiful history of its past is nothing but immaculate.

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