Beaver Residence – Investigation


Beaver Residence

September 13, 2024

Beaver, PA




The beautiful small town of Beaver, PA is one of many blue collar towns located just north of Pittsburgh, PA to make a sudden resurgence into the community. The quiet town is home to an interesting mix of culture and history including a re-construction of a historically accurate fort to modern era buildings like churches, storefronts, and homes. 


While the town is a picturesque small town now, originally the land belonged to the Shawnee Indians. Unfortunately, these Beaver natives were forced out of the area with the expansion and destruction of the French and Indian War. Mingoes and Lenape tribes eventually moved in but their villages were uprooted as the town was transformed into the American outpost of Fort McIntosh. Following the Revolutionary War, this remained a home to the First American Regiment until the area was abandoned in 1788 leading the fort to fall into disrepair.


The land where Beaver stands today sat empty and in ruins which ultimately allowed the town to establish itself from scratch rather than having to raze the former installation. In 1792 the town was designed and constructed slowly but by 1800 the town was named the county seat of the new Beaver County. The town showed economic growth both rapidly and steadily but in 1879 Beaver experienced a major growth as the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad was constructed to pass directly through the town. This growth screeched to a halt, though, as a massive flood struck the town in 1884 causing extreme damage to the heart of the town.


As the small town was under an expansion, in 1974 the site of Fort McIntosh was excavated and notated as a historical location. This site has since been under archaeological supervision and the town hopes to continue restoration and unearthing procedures as the location has immense historical value. As of 1996, with the restoration efforts and the historic value of the town itself, the town’s historic district was registered as a nationally historic place. This area consists of 19th century churches, an original courthouse, the fort, and a majority of residential homes. The small town’s growth continued into the 21st century as Beaver is home to over 5,000 residents and nearly 2,500 homes. 



The property we’ve dedicated time to research and investigate on a paranormal level was constructed originally in 1923 during a time of growth in family homes to the area. While we will leave the current owners’ identification confidential there are some specifics we uncovered which are pertinent to tying the facts together with the local legends and myths. 


Originally, the property was purchased by a young couple of Peter and Ann Vukson who were looking to raise a family. They resided here even after raising their children, Geraldine and Ron. Both children have since moved away, not far, to Beaver Falls and Greentree to raise their own families. The home passed hands to another family prior to the current owner purchasing the home and making it her own.



With these facts uncovered, the local story actually tells that the home was constructed identically to its neighbor, just mirrored. This was done intentionally, as the story goes, so that the owners could look in on each other through their kitchen windows. The owners wanted this as the two property owners were sisters and were gifted these homes by their parents. However, as interesting as this tale is, there is no documentation or historical facts to tie these together. Unless something remains undiscovered, we would ultimately leave this as a local myth.


The current owner has been experiencing some oddities in her home on and off for the latter part of ten years! While these occurrences were never disturbing or concerning, she was never even a believer in these supernatural happenings until this past year. Prior to this, she had always found a rational explanation to them or just put the strange occurrences in the back of her mind to eventually forget about them.


Dating all the way back to 2012 and her father’s passing, the owner believes that he made a short return during Thanksgiving of that year shaking pot lids and rattling them to the extent of garnishing attention. This was his favorite holiday and this still occurs every year and has been recently seen as a reminder that the owner’s father is still nearby just watching over her.


Come 2019, the owner has experienced a sensation that someone was watching her from afar. This was seemingly verified by her dog who will growl at an unseen presence. This is not confined to any particular area of the house but has been most recognizable on the first floor in the Living Room and Kitchen.


Late in 2021, unfortunately, the homeowner’s mother passed away. Just around this time, the owner’s dog began acting abnormally once again, chasing shadows and barking at phantoms. She even had a video showing a moment where her dog was actively chasing unexplainable light anomalies. During this time, she also noticed her cordless phone would be blinking as if it was in use as well as a touch lamp flickering on and off which was gifted to the owner from her mother’s funeral. Her belief, at the time, was that her mother was giving her signals and comfort.



This past year, in early 2024, the homeowner began to note loud banging noises echoing up from the basement. These noises, as well as odd and sporadic shuffling noises led her to have a relative visit her and sleep in that very area. While asleep in a blue armchair one evening, her guest experienced this first hand. As she laid in that chair, tired and dozing off, the lid of the garbage can was physically lifted and pushed off its settled position with no one else around. She felt an unsettling cold sensation fall upon her and explained that she felt as though she was being watched by someone that she could not see. The chair itself did not seem to hold any particular significance as it was purchased locally but it was bought when her parents were both still alive. The area itself has seen some changes as new vinyl flooring was laid over existing wooden floor boards but, again, it did not seem as though this held any specific significance.


All of this activity culminated in an increase in the banging sounds as if there was someone pounding on the ductwork and each time this occurred four to five times during each occasion. It recurred so many times that she invited a close friend over who was more sensitive to these otherworldly activities. Leading up to this visit, quite incredibly, the banging sounds stopped completely. The homeowner was afraid she was going to sound completely crazy to this friend but these supernatural energies would not disappoint. During her visit, these loud knocks returned. 



Some other oddities occurred in her home including a jar of Vaseline going missing then showing up in that exact same location weeks later, truly leaving unexplained questions. As the owner was laying on her living room futon, she received a call from her brother claiming that he was calling her back. Not only did she not call him but the call log did appear in the phone even though the phone was simply sitting front of her on the coffee table. The touch lamps went on and off without any correlation to any particular moments, just randomly. She did notice these lights turned on during multiple different occasions, just not coinciding with any particular moments or timeframes. 


All of this curiosity led her to visit a metaphysics shop where she purchased two different crystal bracelets; one green and one black. The green one has been missing. While visiting this shop, she felt uneasy and was fearful that she brought someone back home with her. While we believe this is highly unlikely and that she may just be more open to these unseen sensations, there’s always a chance that this did occur which is one of many reasons we originally suggested a cleansing.


After hearing all of these obscure happenings, Erin met up with the homeowner to get a sense of the space and even tried to open up some minor communication. While she came across some extraordinary sensations like heaviness on her chest and fleeting energies seemingly changing on a whim, she explained that she physically was touched on the back her shoulders. While the atmosphere occasionally felt thick and difficult to breathe, all of these unsettling sensations dissipated rather quickly. Her initial findings made her believe that there was in fact some unseen force still here but that ultimately they were comfortable with the homeowner and, after a little bit of time spent in the home, was also content with visitors; as long as the visitors were welcomed by the owner.



As she utilized a recorder during this time, we were able to get a feel for the sounds and attempted to figure out any scientific and explainable reasonings for all of this. Listening back to these recordings and hearing how the property felt to our own sensitive only made this entire situation that much more convoluted.


Following a video chat to discuss Erin’s shared sensations and some of the noises captured on her recorder we began to dig into some of the history of the building and even the area as we prepared to spend a night in the home to attempt to make contact with these energies and cleanse the house with both sound and sage techniques.


Our goal going into the night was to speak with these unseen forces, figure out why they were still there, and set up boundaries for them keeping them at bay for the homeowner with these cleansings. Our initial plan was to keep the entire investigation discreet so as to not bring up the attention of nosy neighbors. This would mean limited cameras falling only to simple handheld videos and most other stationary equipment like the laser grid and even the SLS camera. Our focus was based more on our sensitives’ sensations and simple equipment like the recorders, flashlights, and cat balls. We had access to speech devices like the Spirit Box and Phasma Box but the investigation did not lead down that path where anyone would want to openly speak to us.


While we were well-fed by the extremely hospitable homeowner, we were a bit delayed to get started (well worth that might we add) we began the investigation around 8:00 PM. The full investigation wrapped up around 11:00 PM. With our gathered information, we avoided proceeding with any form of cleansing which we originally had planned on saving some time to complete.


The vast majority of our experiences occurred through the sensitives’ perspectives and their internal observations depicting some of the energies remaining in the home. The evidence captured here was mainly through visual devices like the flashlights, Spirit Light, and even cat balls. There was minimal voice communication which hindered any hope in deciphering who we were speaking with but what was predominant was the odd noises recorded statically while no one was in those areas of interest.



Our information gathered by the sensitives and their deeply rooted connectivity to these energies was enough to provide us with enough to piece together a visual interpretation of who is lingering here. This was reinforced by the Spirit Light flashing on as if drawing us out of bedrooms while the touch-activated lamps were turned on three different occasions during the few hours we spent here. This was further notated with light-up cat balls turning on in different locations and the most communication we gathered was thanks to LED flashlights turning on and off allowing us to ask yes/no questions to them. While none of these actions were long lasting, they each provided us with different energy-changing moments which helped us deem unexplained, paranormal activity occurring here.


Even though the energy was always in motion and fleeting most of the time, there were a few areas which provided us with more activity but, more importantly, stronger energy than others throughout the home. This was strongest and most prominent in the third floor where we managed to utilize the flashlights and the basement where the provided energy actually altered during our stay. This was never negative but just gave off differing sensations between an unsettling heaviness and a lighter,  but less active, energy which tended to give off the notion the homeowner previously reported of being watched from afar.


To us, it appears as though these energies have always been here, as long if not longer than the homeowner herself. Looking back at her experiences, paired up with what we came across, it seems as though these energies have made themselves known in the past at their own accord. They have been more noticeable as during heartache and moments of instability and unbalanced energies. These moments can be extremes of happiness or sadness. To this homeowner, though, it seems as though they have been in moments of weakness such as the death of her parents and holidays which remind her of them bringing out all sorts of emotions. 


Combine these extreme emotional states with the theory that these energies have been here for the duration of her ownership, they may have grown attached to her, so much so that they are now more or less protective of her and her emotional status. These moments appear any time a visitor even steps foot on the property, they are almost on guard and prepared to show themselves for her whereas once they know that she’s comfortable with the guest they tend to back off. This is also evident when they cause a commotion but stop almost in an entirety as the homeowner enters an area to inspect the chaos.



Even though we were unable to truly identify these guardians, our sensitives were able to gain a visual description of them. The first is an older woman, clad in a white flowing nightgown with grayish-white hair cut at a length just above the shoulders. She was described as an almost “normal” body type; not heavy-set but not skinny and frail. Despite her appearance, her face looked gaunt and emotionless. This woman was described as being curious as she approached us upstairs on the third floor but never fully giving into this curiosity. She remained on the staircase and seemed to come up as we acknowledged her but she never stayed for long periods of time or was ever truly willing to divulge her identity. We were given a name that starts with “M” and perhaps a “Maggie” or “Marge” or “Margaret” but none of these were ever confirmed. Another name of “Saliran” was produced by the Ovilus but aside from its’ Irish roots, there were no further identifiers here. The sensitives were seemingly validated as we heard what sounded like footsteps in our recorder placed on the second floor which paired up with the timeframe when she left the area. We believe she lingered around the door to the third floor and actually activated the Spirit Light, located right next to this door, as we were clustered in a second floor bedroom. 


Following our understanding of this woman, we also encountered a younger teenage boy. This occurred in the second floor bedroom where the touch lamps have been turned on with no one else nearby. This in fact happened to us when we were out of the room, we would come back and they were on. However, there was a moment where one of the lights turned on as we were inside the room itself. With that moment, we began to pick up that this boy was almost a jokester or a trickster. This is not in any negative sense, rather just the actions of a teenage boy who is having fun. He also seemed to turn on some of our other tools and was able to communicate through the flashlight. This boy was described as having a high and tight haircut while wearing gray-ish capris-esque pants, seemingly made of canvas type material. It almost seemed to us that he had a tie or connection to some type of military wing. This was on looks alone and was never confirmed. We were able to get him to tell us that he was here at the house and liked to play tricks. He would not, however, answer us if he was the culprit who likes to move things and take things just to play with the homeowner. Eventually, we were given a sensation that his name was ‘Frankie.’ 



Contained below are our recordings, videos, and pictures from our investigation of the Private Residence in Beaver, PA. We notated the locations we believe that we received some form of communication or unexplained noises. After you listen and watch the evidence, please be open with and share your thoughts and opinions.


Some of this is not for the faint of heart and can be slightly explicit:


Third Floor


All the way upstairs, through a door in the hallway, this beautifully comfortable area was clearly once an office prior to the homeowner retiring. To this point it acts as storage and a spare room for her cats to rest and eat. There was nothing unusual here, nor has there been any unusual activity here reported by the owner. She was very open in telling us she does not spend much time up in that area though, so there’s always a potential that there were oddities occurring here that she was not aware of to tell us.



During the initial walk through, Erin noted that she felt pulled or drawn to this area for some unknown reason. She felt a strong energy right in front of the entry door and ultimately spent a couple minutes trying to communicate here. Her initial instincts were of a heaviness on her chest and she even felt an energy about the room as if she was having a difficult time breathing. Even though she did not receive any communication during this first visit, she did sense that this energy was fleeting and not necessarily attached to this room.


As we set up our recorders in each room and attempted to pump some energy into the home, we felt a similar draw up to this area so without much discussion or delay we started the investigation here. While we didn’t have much luck at first, the sensitives gathered themselves and focused their energy. At this point, we began to sense that there was someone behind our group, just by the staircase which was the only entry point to the room. Once we were able to get a description of this energy, we realized that it was an older woman who appeared healthy and was depicted with a short haircut with a gray-ish white hue. She was wearing a white nightgown and, despite her initial appearance, her face looked lifeless and, pardon the pun, dead. From here, we did speak to her directly and were given the first letter of her name of an “M” which appeared to both sensitives individually only shared with the group after they wrote this letter down. The sensation continued with a feeling that her name was “Maj” or “Marge” and we were even told “Maggie” at one point. The strongest pull, though, was toward the name “Margaret.” There was an additional name of “Saliran” but aside from its’ Irish roots, there were no further identifiers here. This was the extent of her responding to her identity and refusing to provide us with her last name, family heritage, or just simply any reason as to why she was in this house. She was able to tell us that she was here and that she knew exactly who the homeowner was through flashlight on/off and yes/no questions. Aside from this, what we managed to gain from her was in her mannerisms. She kept her distance as she would ascend the steps to get close to us and our tools but then pulled away back down the staircase. Much like the fleeting sensation Erin felt during the initial visit, this woman clearly was much more transient and not tied to this area in particular.


Following the investigation, during our review, phantom footsteps were recorded through our stationary recorder placed in the bedroom which timed our conversation with this woman who descended the staircase in order to avoid us. The door was just outside that bedroom and was even heard creaking open after the doorknob was turned seemingly on its own which we also attribute to this woman. The Spirit Light could also be visually paired up with this feminine energy as it was placed just outside this entry door. Even though we weren’t actively speaking with her, she seemed to pass by the light going back upstairs or was simply avoiding us once more.




  • There was nothing abnormal captured in our photography but we did capture the flashlight lighting up on video and pulled two separate interactions here via screen captures.




  • Much like the flashlights, the K2 meters were very active during our time in the third floor. These moments were captured on video but we also attached a screen capture of the K2 meter activating.



Recording 1 – Erin Walkthrough 1 – Transcription:



  • There was nothing evidentiary during this timeframe but there was an odd noise at 1:00 which we deemed as birds chirping.
  • The most important moments to note here are when Erin sensed the fleeting energies for the first time here just as she felt the air was heavy and harder to breath.


Recording 2 – Static 1:



  • As we left a recorder run as we explored the rest of the house, we noticed a few odd moments that we deemed explainable starting with this banging and clicking heard at :03 and :38.


Recording 3 – Static 2:



  • To us, it sounds like the door is opening at :02 followed by the turning of the door knob heard at :07.


Recording 4 – Static 3:



  • An unexplainable thudding sound was heard here at :03.


Recording 5 – Static 4:



  • A combination of strange sounds were heard in this time period beginning with another thudding noise at :06.
  • This continued with a knocking sound at :11.
  • This was followed by a clicking sound at :42 and footsteps at :46.
  • If you contextually put this together, it would seem like someone was knocking on the door below, turning the doorknob, then ascending the staircase.


Recording 6 – Static 5:



  • The footsteps reoccurred here in a pair captured at :05 and :09.


Recording 7 – Static 6:



  • A lighter footfall was recorded at :05.
  • The knocking returned in a pair at :37 and :49.
  • This clip ends with a loud banging sound at 1:24 but we were not able to pinpoint any explainable reason for it.


Recording 8 – Static 7:



  • This banging noise returned here at :05.


Recording 9 – Static 8:



  • A knock was heard at :03 which led the Ovilus to produce the word ‘Shh’ at :08.


Recording 10 – Transcription 1:



  • While there was no particular evidence to share, instead we felt it important to include this transcription as our sensitives captured some interesting feelings as well as some visually activated devices were set off throughout.
  • Just before we began to record here, we noted the K2 meter spiking. This was placed on the end table where one of the touch lamps was also located.
  • As the group entered the room, the air was definitely heavier and actually resulted in a shortness of breath in the sensitives.
  • At roughly 1:50, one of the sensitives’ left side of her body felt heavy.
  • An image of the woman we believed we were speaking with appeared at about 2:51. Our sensitive could describe her location as she had one foot down a step and one foot up a step as if she was simply listening to what we were saying.
  • At 4:40, this woman’s appearance continued to come through as she was appearing thin and that her hair was shoulder length and a lighter color, albeit it thinning, and this occurred a short time after at 4:55.
  • She was seen wearing an off-white colored nightgown and, as we continue to receive descriptors of her, the K2 meter spiked. Both of these occurred simultaneously at 5:15.
  • This woman was seen to be in her fifties or sixties and came across very timid. This came through at about 7:40.
  • Our sensitives continued to feel physical sensations with a tingling in her back at 8:56 then the tingling sensation moved to her arm at 9:10.
  • This seemed to swap investigators as our other sensitive’s right hand began to tingle at about 9:15, as we discussed how this woman was interested in us and our equipment.
  • Once again, discussing this woman and trying to piece some of the information together, the touch activated lamp turned on.


Recording 11 – Transcription 2 (Flashlight Session):



  • We paused here to change our tactics and once again we did not capture any verbal paranormal evidence but we felt it pertinent to document the activity our sensitives experienced as well as the flashlight communication we encountered.
  • Just before we began, the flashlight actually turned on and remained on so we ended up jumping right into this.
  • Early on, as we were attempting to get an identity, the Ovilus produced the word ‘Saliran’ at :08. This word, we later found out, was a name most associated with Irish lineage.
  • Just as one of our sensitives felt her right arm tingle, the flashlight also turned off, at :37.
  • This phantom woman was again depicted to one of our sensitives at :58. She was spotted standing on the far side of the room behind our group.
  • The flashlight flickered on and off as we acknowledged this woman at about 1:20.
  • As our sensitives continued to feel these tingling sensations, they were both provided with an “M” individually as one wrote the letter down before the other said it out loud. This moment happened at about 1:40.
  • As the sensitives focused, they were pushed toward the name of “Margaret” at about 3:10 which coincided with the owners dog barking in the distance.
  • We asked if this woman went by the name of Mag as the flashlight turned on at 4:20 seemingly giving us a ‘yes’ response.
  • After we asked them to turn it off, the flashlight did shut off at 4:52.
  • At this moment, we discussed that the woman’s face wasn’t necessarily hidden but it was not able to be made out clearly.
  • This woman’s hair style was recognized at 9:20 as a thirties look.
  • She was said to have no emotion either but as we asked for her to give us a last name, the flashlight turned on much stronger than previously. This occurred at 9:28.
  • After some silence and again asking for a last name, we were provided with both a “B” as well as an “L” at about 11:06.
  • This timeframe was ended with both sensitives feeling a sudden onset of a heaviness again felt on their chests at roughly 12:53.


Recording 12 – Transcription 2 (Sense Deprivation Session):



  • While one of our sensitives went under sense deprivation with noise canceling headphones and a blackout blinding mask, the overall feeling here was that the woman had left.
  • We discussed heading down to the second floor and the flashlight turned on at 3:58.
  • At about 4:02, just before leaving this area, the sensitive under the sense deprivation felt water in an ocean going in and out.


Video 1 – Body Camera 1:


  • During this first clip, one of the sensitives could be seen and heard explaining that he was feeling short of breath around :10.
  • The K2 meter could be seen jumping up to a medium reading at :57.



Video 2 – Body Camera 2:


  • The image of a woman came to our sensitive at :27.
  • Following this description, he felt that she had one foot down a step and one foot up, closer to the landing. This was experienced at about :40.
  • Her hair was pictured thinning at 2:30 after a short period of silence.



Video 3 – Body Camera 3:


  • The descriptions of the woman continued here as her timidness was discussed as well as her looks at :15. She was described as dating back to the fifties or sixties.
  • Around 1:25, and stretching through 1:45, our sensitives began to experience tingling sensations on their backs and arms.



Video 4 – Body Camera 4:


  • We pursued device activity in the form of the K2 meter and at :30 the first K2 meter jumped to an orange reading.
  • After we asked them to do this again, the K2 meter flickered quickly at :43.



Video 5 – Body Camera 5:


  • Once again, this energy was transferred to the K2 meter jumped in energy readings at :04.



Video 6 – Body Camera 6:


  • After we took a pause to listen back to the recording we believe we lost touch with this woman but as we discussed reconnecting with her, the cat ball was seen moving and lighting as soon as this clip began then again at :06.
  • The Ovilus produced the word ‘Saliran’ at :09 but we are still unsure how this ties into this woman or the activity here. What we did find out is that this word is actually a name with an Irish heritage.
  • Suddenly, at :12, the flashlight began to flicker on and off.
  • Our sensitives felt a tingling sensation at :38 followed by the woman being pictured once again at 1:08. This time, however, she was standing just behind our group.
  • Off screen, the dimming of the flashlight could be seen turning on at 1:13.
  • This again turned on at 1:45 but this time it was paired up with those returning tingling sensations.



Video 7 – Body Camera 7:


  • As we discussed the Great Depression era, the K2 flickered dramatically from :05 to :40.



Video 8 – Body Camera 8:


  • While the group explained that she looked pale and frail, we explained that she simply looked dead as the simplest way to put this. At :20, the K2 meter spiked then once again at :30.



Video 9 – Body Camera 9:


  • Our sensitives again felt that heaviness on their chests and, simultaneously, the K2 meter flickered on and off from :05 until :15.
  • After a slight pause, the K2 meter again sprang to life at :21.



Guest Bedroom


This bedroom is nicely decorated with simple decor and eye-pleasing colors. In addition to the bed in the center of the room, there is one end table and one dresser. On each table sits a touch activated lamp and some other random decorations. The bed has a window at the foot of the bed with a closet off to one side and a nook on the opposite. This is the bedroom where the homeowner has experienced the touch lamps turning on and off on their own. She also traced some footsteps up to the second floor near this room in particular.



Throughout her first visit to this house, Erin experienced similar heaviness on her chest as she entered this room. The energy seemed to be the same as the third floor as if it was on the move and had free reign throughout the house. While she did not hear this banging sound at the time, there was a knocking noise repeated twice coming from this room that was captured in the recording. Just outside this room, at the top of the stairs, Erin again felt that same pressure on her chest.


Aside from the lamps turning on and off, we did not have too much to pursue. We proceeded to focus on these lights and, early on, our eyes were drawn to the hallway where the Spirit Light activated. We believe this was the woman from upstairs letting us know she was still there. With our attention pulled away, the lamp right in front of us, next to the closet, dimmed. We gave them something a little bit easier to use with the LED flashlight and did receive some yes/no answers. Nothing substantial was offered in regards to this energy’s identity but we were told that this energy liked to joke but refused to own up to stealing the owner’s Vaseline or playing with her lights.. Following this communication, our sensitive was given a visual representation of them. This scenario was reminiscent of the woman appearing to us upstairs but this was not the same energy. Instead, this was a teenage boy, a smirk pursed on his lips. We could be pictured with a military-type hair style wearing gray canvas capris pants. Eventually, we were given a partial identity with a pronounced letter ‘F’ leading us to a belief that his name was ‘Frankie.’ This energy seemed to be done with us as we were told ‘Finish’ clearly through the Ovilus.




  • There was nothing abnormal captured in our photography but we did capture the flashlight lighting up on video and pulled one of these interactions out here via screen capture.


  • A moment captured through the thermal image camera was captured here showing a dark shadow on the right side of the room.


Recording 1 – Erin Walkthrough 1:



  • While she did not hear these noises at the time, there was what sounded like a drawer banging shut heard at 1:09 followed by a knocking sound at 1:18.
  • What was more captivating here was the sensations Erin was experiencing. She felt that same heaviness on her chest but almost lightheaded as she left the room and paused in the hallway as if she was being drawn back into the room by some unseen force.


Recording 2 – Static 1:



  • While we left the recorders run we did hear some odd noises which we time stamped comparatively to other occurrences throughout the night. 
  • In this clip, which occurred while we were upstairs on the third floor speaking with the woman, there was a creaking sound in the hallway as if someone were walking about when no one else was in the area without announcing themselves. This can be heard at about :08 and lasted until roughly :11.


Recording 3 – Static  2:



  • This creaking sound could be heard again at :05 and again at :53. This coincided with the moment we felt that the woman upstairs was walking up and down the staircase.


Recording 4 – Static 3:



  • At :06, phantom footsteps were heard with no one else around. This paired up with the point when we felt the woman upstairs had left the area.


Recording 5 – Static 4:



  • From :05 until :09 there were strange creaks and clicks heard. This occurred much later in the night as we were downstairs in the basement discussing the energy seemingly fleeting.


Recording 6 – Transcription 1:



  • The majority of our incite and communication from this room occurred thanks to our sensitives’ experiences, visions, and the LED flashlight activity turning on and off to answer yes and no questions. With that said, there was nothing paranormal captured on recordings but in order to share and document the time spent here, it was more appropriate to transcribe this timeframe.
  • After we set our equipment down to run, we ventured into the spare bedroom but the sensitive’s feelings were quite clear that there was nothing in that room. Her confidence in this could be heard at :24 just as the flashlight turned on to confirm this.
  • Amazingly, the dimmable light on the dresser was turned on at about :38.
  • Next to that touch-activated light we set a LED flashlight in hopes of easier communication. As we explained this, it turned on and off at 1:52.
  • We sat silently trying to take in the atmosphere in this room and at 2:48, the flashlight turned on then back off at 3:06 after we asked them to do so.
  • After explaining that none of our tools would harm them, our sensitives tingling sensations returned, this time on her left arm, at roughly 4:42.
  • Our other sensitive pictured a younger boy, about 14-15 years old, standing by the dresser at 4:55.
  • As we discussed this boy the Spirit Light, which was placed in the hallway outside the third floor entrance door, turned on at 5:11. It’s our assumption that this was the woman still lingering around that area.
  • The Ovilus produced two words at 5:17: ‘ Aim’ and ‘American’. To us, it seemed to tie into his military garb but this was not conclusive based on any evidence or communication.
  • Following this moment, at 5:35, we pictured this boy’s hair describing it as a buzz cut leading to further detail of it being a military-esque high and tight hair.
  • Both flashlights jumped on, albeit dim, at 6:05 as we talked about the boy.
  • We were discussing him wearing tight capris pants at 7:30, further detailing his attire as canvas material and being a darker tone of gray.
  • His hair color was then recognized as being a dark red or brown hue at 8:25 and further explained as looking Irish at 8:34.
  • This all continued our discussion of this boy and, as if acknowledging this, the flashlight on and off the dresser again turned on at 9:30 just as we sensed this boy standing in the corner.
  • A smirk could be pictured on this boy’s face, at 10:40, as if to say “Yeah, I’m here. I’m playing with these devices. What are you going to do about it?
  • Once more, we continued to discuss this boy and the flashlight turned on at 12:00 then back off at 12:20 after we asked him to do so.
  • Suddenly, we were given the letter “F” at 12:50 followed, at 12:50, by a strong feeling that this name was, or at least similar to, “Frankie.”
  • This boy was depicted standing in the corner staring into the middle of the room at about 14:30. He was described as wearing an off white shirt with frills.
  • The timeframe he was best described being from was the early 1900’s at 15:15.
  • His lineage was said to trace back to Ireland and this was felt at 16:18.
  • The Ovilus then produced the words ‘Stay’ and ‘Mind’ at 16:22.
  • We attempted to figure out his connection and asked who his family was, but our sensitives strongly felt that he had no family. This sensation was felt at about 16:30.
  • Our continued discussion, at about 18:20, led us to believe this young man was not connected to the woman we encountered upstairs.
  • Out of nowhere, at about 19:08, we were informed that this boy was no longer with us.
  • Just as we discussed this further, the owner’s dog barked right at about 19:54.
  • The Ovilus then produced ‘Finish’ at 20:35 as if we were being told to move on.
  • As we mentioned this, the flashlight flickered on and off at 21:02 once again validating this sensation.


Video 1 – Body Camera 1:


  • As we discussed a younger boy whom we sensed in the room, both the touch activated lamp and the flashlight turned on at :36 which stayed on until 1:04 when they shut off. 



Video 2 – Body Camera 2:


  • Our sensitive described the boy standing near the corner of the room and, at :07, the flashlight turned on and stayed lit until it turned off at :41.



Video 3 – Body Camera 3:


  • As this boy was depicted with a smirk across one side of his mouth, the flashlight turned on at :30 then back off at :58 after we explicitly asked them to do so.



Video 4 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • Unprompted, this footage angle is shown from a different perspective of the flashlight turning on at :04.
  • We asked if they could turn the light off to which they did so at :25.



Video 5 – Handheld Camera 2:


  • As our sensitives began to describe this boy, the dimmable touch lamp turned on at :28 paired up with the flashlight turning on at the same time.
  • At :58, the flashlight turned off once again.



Video 6 – Handheld Camera 3:


  • While notating the boy’s smirk, the flashlight turned on at :30 then back off at 1:02 after we asked them to do so.





This nicely finished underground living space is cleverly separated into a nice sitting area paired up with a utility space. The duct work does stretch from end to end and we attempted to recreate the noises the owner was hearing down here but we never truly matched that noise no matter how hard or in which spot we knocked on the exposed metal. The noise has been said to come in duplicates which also does not make any clear sense. The blue chair is situated next to another sofa and is definitely comfortable. At first, we attempted to get the top pop off the garbage can or figure out what could cause a sensation of being touched. No matter how we attempted to debunk these, we could not. 



While spending just a bit of time in this area during her first visit, Erin was drawn to this Basement area. There was nothing necessarily negative by her assessment but there seemed to be something that did not want her in the area; particularly the blue chair. Around the corner, back toward the utility area, she heard something shuffle and move away from her. In addition to sensing this, she also felt physical touches on both her back and her shoulder. After reviewing the recordings, this aforementioned shuffling noise was not heard but what was captured was a knocking noise repeated twice as well as a heavy breathing. None of those sounds were heard by Erin at that moment.


The Basement was our last location to spend a dedicated time to but was one of the first locations we were drawn to during our walkthrough of the home. The top of the staircase provided that all-too-familiar heaviness on the chest but this dissipated quickly as the investigator descended the staircase. There was certainly an energy emanating from this area early on but, like the rest of the home, the energy was rather evanescent. Even though we never truly seemed to contact anyone down here, we did experience a few odd moments with our devices. The cat ball, placed in the center of the living space, was moved as the motion light flashed on two different occasions. Aside from this, we were given flashlight activity supplying us with yes/no responses. Unfortunately, aside from confirming that they were in this basement and that they were comfortable with the homeowner, we were never given any name or identification as to who this could be. With the energy weak and nearly depleted, we called it a night here but not before getting a muffled footstep which helped verify that they were down here. After a review, there were many more creaking footsteps and a muffled shuffling heard as we communicated with these energies.




  • There was a moment captured where the flashlight was seen turning on in the video from the other side of the room and a one of those interactions was pulled here through a screen capture.



  • The cat ball could be seen moving and turning on here on multiple occasions seen through videos and sectioned off here via screen captures.





Recording 1 – Erin Walkthrough 1:



  • The knocking noises that Erin heard during this walkthrough could be heard here at 1:10.
  • A heavy breathing was not heard during the walkthrough but could be heard through the recording at 2:04.
  • Another knocking was captured at 3:08 but was not heard by her at the time.
  • The group heard a shuffling movement around the corner but this was incredibly not heard on the recording.


Recording 2 – Static 1:



  • We ran these static recorders prior to us entering the room to investigate. At that time, we decided to shut it off so we didn’t mis-hear or mis-interpret something.
  • At first, we noticed this creaking noise at :02. While we first thought they were footsteps, it was more reminiscent of someone standing up from sitting in a recliner.
  • This occurred as we were sitting in the kitchen and eating some deliciously, specially prepared food.


Recording 3 – Static 2:



  • At :05, there was a creaking noise paired up with an unsettling static sound which we simply cannot explain.
  • This too was heard again while we were in the kitchen as a whole group.


Recording 4 – Static 3:



  • There was an odd sound of a ball bouncing heard here at :02.
  • A sound of a door opening followed by footsteps was captured at 1:30.
  • This moment was heard while we were all the way upstairs on the third floor.


Recording 5 – Static 4:



  • The strange static-type noise returned here at :06.
  • This too occurred as we were speaking with the woman up on the third floor.


Recording 6 – Static 5:



  • A strong knocking could be heard here, and unexplained to us, at :05.
  • While moving to the second floor, this was heard. It is possible we created this sound by moving our equipment down the staircase but we truthfully cannot remember banging anything like that, especially nothing that would have been that loud.


Recording 7 – Static 6:



  • A variation of the creaking noise was recorded here at :06 and transformed into more of a banging sound.
  • This moment occurred as we were on the second floor discussing moving down to the basement. It seemed as though this energy down here may have been pacing awaiting our arrival.


Recording 8 – Static 7:



  • This final clip gave us a trio of creaking footsteps. The first was heard  at :04 followed by :19 ending at :43.
  • As we were taking a break in the kitchen, grabbing some last minute snack, this combination was heard.


Recording 9 – Transcription 1:



  • This time frame did not lend itself to too much paranormal evidence, aside from one moment, but is better suited to just pinpoint moments of communication through flashlight activity.
  • Early on, at :47, one of the sensitives felt a slight touch on her back.
  • As she mentioned this to the group, the cat ball lit up as if being pushed at :58.
  • The flashlight, set up on the TV stand, turned on after some silence at 3:30. This action was unprompted.
  • There was a creaking sound heard at 3:40 and we separated this moment for a closer look in Recording 10 – Transcription 1a. 
  • Once again, at 4:06, the cat ball again lit up signifying that it was moved.
  • We explained that we could speak to them if they could come close to our devices. At 5:06, as if they were testing this, the flashlight turned on.
  • As the flashlight remained on, we asked if they could turn it off. At 5:38, it shut off.
  • To test this further, we asked if they could do that again (turn the flashlight on). At 6:05, the flashlight flickered on and back off.
  • We discussed this activity and reiterated how to answer us while using the flashlight and at 6:29 the light did turn on. This time, it was much brighter than the last action.
  • While this remained on, and bright, we asked if they could again shut it off. It turned off at 7:16.
  • The sensitives explained that they could not see anyone but they could sense an energy in the area. Rather than hiding, they seemed to be building up energy and waiting for their moment. At 7:45, the flashlight turned on and off as if to confirm this.
  • We asked if they’d be willing to open up to us, the flashlight again turned on at 8:24.
  • The flashlight remained on for quite some time but as the group heard shuffling back around the corner the flashlight turned off. This occurred around 11:16.
  • As we discussed how they did not want to step forward any longer and that they simply wanted us to move along, the flashlight turned on one last time, at 12:35.


Recording 10 – Transcription 1a:



  • The creaking noise was pulled out here and could be heard prominently at :05. 


Video 1 – Body Camera 1:


  • Prior to this clip, we noticed the K2 meter turning on and believed that it was a false reading. As we spoke about this device, the flashlight turned on at :15.
  • We asked if they could shut it back off so we could ask them questions and, at 1:05, it shut off.



Video 2 – Body Camera 2:


  • We explained that these motions and activities would help tell us if it was indeed them answering us. As if to test this, at :12 the flashlight turned on.
  • As we continued to set a baseline, we asked them to shut it back off to which they obliged at :44.



Video 3 – Body Camera 3:


  • We explained the seemingly different strengths that were being shown through flashlight touches and energy fluctuations and the flashlight turned on, and strong, at :15.
  • After thanking them for helping to prove our point but asked them politely to turn it back off to ask them another question it turned off at 1:07.



Video 4 – Body Camera 4:


  • While discussing that this energy felt as though it was a grumpy old man who did not believe that a woman should speak to a man, the flashlight turned on quite bright at :38.



Video 5 – Handheld Camera 1:


  • Immediately as we began this video, the cat ball could be seen moving and lighting up lasting until :06.
  • After a quick pause, the cat ball shifted causing it to light up at :08.



Video 6 – Handheld Camera 2:


  • We asked if they would be willing to open up and speak with us and, if agreeing, the flashlight turned on at :07.
  • At :55, the flashlight shut off.



Video 7 – Handheld Camera 3:


  • While expressing the intent behind the flashlight, as well as its consistent strength, the flashlight turned on at :05 then back off at :07.
  • This scenario repeated itself as the flashlight turned on at :19 then back off at :19.
  • One last moment of flashlight activity occurred at :55 as it flickered on and off as we discussed the possibility of cleansing the home.



After some time reviewing the evidence we captured and discussions and documentation of our experiences which occurred during our paranormal investigation of the private residence in Beaver, PA we have confidence in our belief of the paranormal activity occurring here which supplies validation to the homeowners’ claims of unexplained activity. There were enough personal experiences, mainly directed toward our sensitives, to place the claim of remnant energies spread throughout the house. Those energies we communicated with showed us quite interesting visual forms as well as providing us with some names. These intelligences appear to be drawn to the homeowner herself rather than the house as a whole.


To add to this, it seems as though these energies have been tied to the homeowner and act as a guardian and even just a jokester personality meant to lighten the mood and provide comfort. The guardians can be felt in the attic as a woman who is curious of visitors and anything they may bring. She liked to be acknowledged but only from a distance. Her name came through as definitely beginning with an “M” and our sensitive felt strongly of “Margaret.” The second guardian was unidentified but they were overlooking the homeowner with any guests she may have, almost labeling them as unknown visitors. They approach guests as the homeowner is not around as if getting a feel for them and knowing if they’re welcome in her home and positive reinforcement in the homeowner’s life. Eventually, it seems as though this energy backs off and, if the individual is open and willing, even communicates. The light-hearted jokester was experienced in the second floor bedroom as it’s our belief that we experienced the homeowner’s claims of touch activated lamps turning on. We managed to pinpoint this boy as being a young man, military-type garb and haircut with a name beginning with an “F.” We were strongly drawn to a “Frankie” but were very adamant that it was this informal nickname rather than “Franklin” or even just “Frank.”



We’re unsure how these energies got here but it’s apparent that the homeowner’s bright personality and positive energy force has drawn them here. While it’s only conjecture, it is possible that they crossed through this property or had something happen to them nearby but as they did so, they interacted with the homeowner. They were seemingly drawn here and have even taken so kindly to the owner that they’ve opted to stick with her even placing a protective shield when necessary or making her laugh if that emotion is more appropriate.


While we didn’t cleanse the property, we’re happy to share the information we have in regards to protections and positivity in the home. We were delighted to hear that the homeowner was indeed comfortable with these energies but, if anything does ever change, we will be ready to help cleanse or add protective barriers.



As our goals of helping those in need regarding paranormal activity continues, we are humbled to be given the trust and faith in us as a team to engage in those otherworldly communications and try to open up lines of positivity including further  communication. While we cannot provide all of the answers, we hold a strong belief that no one should ever feel uncomfortable or unsettled in their home. In the same vein, we would never want anyone who is experiencing these very real, very odd occurrences to feel as though they were mad or feeling segregated by these otherworldly actions. We can only hope that our investigation, the findings, the sensations, and the energies all help ease the homeowners’ mind and provide her with the strength and confidence that this is her home and that those energies which remain only have her best interests in mind.

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