1810 Tavern – History

1810 Tavern
234 Bridge Street
Beaver, PA 15009

The most recent incarnation of the bar/restaurant is the 1810 Tavern which opened in early 2020. Prior to the 1810 Tavern, the building housed Plated and Poured, The Copper Dog, and Ella’s Coffee Shop. Not a lot is known outside of that for the building itself, but the area of Bridgewater does have a rich history.




The historic district was originally built between the 1818 and 1918. The biggest increase in construction occurred around the Civil War from 1860-1870. The majority of the buildings are commercial in structure aside from the First Presbyterian Church which lies at the end of the street which was built in 1876. The area thrived based majorly on river trading and small niche industries. Form 1860-1933, the borough constructed the majority of the residential and living structures. By 1832, the town was considered a principal depot for trade in the Beaver Valley and Ohio. At this point, the town had 110 buildings, 4 taverns, 1 church, 5 storefronts, 3 mills, and 1 brewery.




Numerous floods struck the town in 1884, 1898, 1905, 1915, and 1936 all of which caused significant damage to the town and its major bridge. There were multiple drownings which occurred, but the number was truly unknown. This decreased the growth of the town and declined to only 879 residents by 1980. By 1996 the Bridgewater Historic District was named to the National Register of Historic Places.




History is alive in 1810 Tavern. Employees, from bartenders to servers, claim to witness paranormal activity throughout the old building. Phantom footsteps walking along the upper floors and staircase have been heard regularly, chandeliers have been seen swaying with no breeze or scientific reason, doors and cabinets have been heard and seen slamming shut, and cold spots have moved about the building and even pass through the employees. A woman in a long white robe has been spotted on the upper floor and the stairwell. Kitchen utensils have been heard moving and thrown about the room. It is unknown who this apparition may be or what exactly they want but those who experience it have a warm and welcoming feeling, as if the spirit is simply looking for a place to enjoy its’ time in the afterlife. Employees even wish the spirit a goodnight when they are locking up for the night.



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